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Everything posted by ElectricPotato

  1. Cntrl+H gear advisor, our current max heart and souls aren't good enough for Burning Mausoleum. ET had been released with new badges/(neck many use prophecy over ET), additional tiers of soul/heart, players in KR generally have better ping (infrastructure/geography) when this event was current in the home region? Our stage 4 turtle and Burning Mausoleum have the same hp values/enrage times as the original event? No wonder we feel some frustration.
  2. Did you end up selling your StarCaller coins to the vendor?
  3. I would really like to see the standings at the end of each season, not just for Dungeon Challenge, but across all modes.
  4. Mouse over the dungeon that was deselected in the list. The player(s) that cannot participate names should be listed in red text in the tooltip. Cordially use party chat to inform them that they are locked so that they don't get upset and try to spam rejoin. Kick them from party if they haven't left under their own power.
  5. Its a shame the 1-day weapon(supposed to be a bit more powerful than the 1 hr) isn't available for legendary orbs. Reward structure feels kind of off for the event, if lycan wings were legendary orb, TT slices 1-3 legendary orb (50-60 depending on slice), I don't think I'd mind being too weak/high ping/bad to participate on Longui stage 4 and the harder masoleum.
  6. @DFVWDSCX, sir, based on maths, 1 character can generate 1 orb shard/day, and 3 shards from weekly. 7 shards from daily, 3 from weekly/week. 10/shards per week. Now, if a group of 6 players were collecting orbs together, 60 shards/week. Thats 10 orbs per group. A group can use 2 orbs/day (before resets). 14 Orbs per week desired, 10 Orbs/week generated. So, 6 players efficiently working together can't generate enough orbs to go in each day for both event dynamics. Resets stress orb supplies even more, and many were given out in those f10 packs last week. Without some sort of outside stimulus to the orb supply, don't expect to go in those two every day as more and more players are looking to go in daily using someone elses orb.
  7. 3. Challenge mode rankings are quite limited. The 71st team gets nothing per week, and nothing for the season rewards. Doing 1 phase may not be enough to get your team anything but disappointment. NA has 71 teams ranked currently. 4. Unity Stones: Need more data on fusion rarity up with 8 stones for a better idea on progression on set bonus. 5. @amokk are we doing PvP for the season reward venture tokens for HMC to buy+ transmute petpods, or for bloodstones for the pet pod transmute? Transmute seems a little iffy on returns. (12 full bloodstones is a ton of beans/bp) HMC season rewards highlight the lack of petpod generation outside of f10.
  8. I believe The Blade and Soul Twitter specifically cited that the heart/orb/medallion would NOT be account bound.
  9. Especially Weekly quests, you can wait to turn in after the daily cap reset if you'll play less the following day (Except for Tuesday, weeklies reset wednes)
  10. Shackleford Flaw: Summoner familiar tracking is very poor, with the cat getting stuck on terrain weirdly during the initial glide down, and uncontrallable/unusable/unfindable for the rest of the match. Workaround: carefully watch familiar icon on map/minimap, if it gets stuck on something, land there and make sure it comes with you.
  11. Battle Royale probably needed an article explaining it, the powerups, etc. Team battle royal exists, with its own special red powerups (default 9 key), you queue in pairs of two, I think its under the same ranking, dunno. Duos take longer to fill because of lack of visibility for the mode and little patch explanantion. Rankings for the clan menu list different ranks for players than their personal rankings. ??? Solo Royale is a lot of fun. I wouldn't mind it as a permanent mode (I might want it lowered it to 3 queue windows a day instead of 5 in that case).
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