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Everything posted by Noface007

  1. So what game are you going to next after the mass exodus from this p2w dumpster fire (which has already started), I'd like to know so I don't have to see forum posts from you.
  2. I'm definitely not playing now and I sure as hell not spending another dime. The end is nigh methinks, and with this kind of p2w I'm not at all interested in playing anymore, hard enough keeping up with p2w players now it will be impossible (which is exactly what they want).
  3. Funny, people leaving in droves and they release MORE p2w and talk about the spring trove instead of actually doing something meaningful.
  4. I just have to laugh, mass exodus from the game and they answer by selling $100 bundles and talking about the upcoming spring trove, it's so funny.
  5. No I wouldn't work for free and yes they do have costs. However, I wouldn't be stupid enough to LOSE money selling literally infinite pixel items to players through gambling. They are not taxed like a casino, not regulated like a casino. How do you possibly LOSE money selling people trove keys, treasure keys, RNG boxes and now they're selling straight up POWER. They come up with a dungeon every few months and a raid a year? That's the only content, all the other stuff like new classes and new specs are just a way to milk players re-rolling.
  6. Is that why you haven't updated the cosmetics page in 3 years? Because you're "keeping an eye on it"?
  7. Oh everyone knows that, but this is a whole new level, not only P2W none of it is even a good value. It's good though, can finally call it quits, I'm not even gonna try to keep up with this garbage anymore.
  8. HM master scrolls (can buy up to 5) 1 million xp charms Wonder Ascension Stones 9 oils 9 pet pods Gem Powder pouches "but all these things you can get in the game!"....lul. This is actually a relief, I can finally officially start looking for a new game.
  9. Honestly after seeing the multiple videos I watched today I don't think they're anywhere CLOSE to getting UE4 into the actual client, let alone the western client.
  10. I was relived, not the total disaster I expected but not good at all to be sure, now I can officially start looking for another game UE4 was the only thing keeping me around. Less than 50 fps on the beach with an i9 and 1070ti @ 1080p? Ouch. I play with an i7 and a 1070sc @ 1440p so this isn't looking good...at all. If I go to the bamboo beach right now with my setup on ultra I get 80fps steady....at 1440p.
  11. We put a carrot on a stick so people will grind stuff for 8 hours, oh look it's already working!
  12. I felt satisfied twice, one was an outfit RnG box but the normal outfits from the box were relly good and the hairs you could buy with the breakdown coins were really good. Second was the Gem Powder baggies they just had, even though I despise the gem system I though they were a good enough value to not complain all that much. Really a lot is riding on what we may see tomorrow, because UE4 is the ONLY thing keeping a lot of people here from an already dismal population. If it's buggy crap of worse causes more problems I think the remaining people on the fence (like me) will finally jump ship, not to mention there are A LOT of MMOs coming this year and some actually look decent for a change, no Korean ones, surprise, surprise.
  13. He also said years ago that he got like 4-100 moonstone bundles in a couple days when they used to drop from Mushins, lul.
  14. The way they run this game, only a matter of time now. UE4 delayed AGAIN, lol. Which means seeing the full game in UE4 in the west.....in 2020? I don't think so.... What did this game start out with like 10 NA servers? Down to one in less than 4 years?
  15. Easy there is no break now in F10 crap. We just had a trove, then unity boxes,then rng box, then gem boxes, now an outfit box and treasure draw, not to mention they removed and mat farming from ToI and they're selling large bundles of materials in f10 while at the same time making it so there's less and less materials in-game (while at the same time making upgrades more expensive through their "rebalancing of costs"). Also HR has made the whale elitists rich and given them an over abundance of good mats. The material nerfs in-game have made material prices skyrocket (1.5 gold soulstones for example). Class balance has made a lot of people quit 6v6 bgs so not a lot of Moonstones coming in from that now. All this has made in-game gold worthless. Also very few people actually buy gold from f9.
  16. UE4 won't revitalize anything, people will come back and ohhh and ahhh for a week, realize it's the same trash grind and leave again. Same thing happened with Black Desert with their graphics update.
  17. Ahhhh, only in BnS will you find people that think time is a "free" resource.
  18. Well the mega whales will NEVER stop spending, this game has them all in. I'm not sure if Ncsoft and NCwest has a very clear picture of the MMOs that will be going out this year. MANY are aimed right at the player base BnS attracts. If they don't do something for the middling players soon these games WILL kill BnS. Without middling and new players even the mega whales will quit because they won't have anyone left to impress and beat up on with their p2w accounts.
  19. If there was a way to cut costs server wise they would have done it already.
  20. Easy, he sells things for gold that they sell for Ncoin in the cash shop, this year, that'll be a big no no. NCsoft could care less at this point they're only worried about keeping the mega whales happy (as you can tell from the last HR "event") and the mega whales could care less if the merchant is in the game at all since they buy literally EVERYTHING from the shop. Can't blame them either the mega whales are the ONLY thing keeping this sinking ship afloat a little longer, cause they sure as hell aren't bringing in new players.
  21. I do CS and HM EVERY day usually on multiple characters I haven't seen the Merchant in either since that patch, not one single time.
  22. More p2w More p2w events Zero class balancing Very little actual content UE4...…..meh sometime Zero community communication Zero answers to your questions (unless they're fluff questions about an outfit or something) More monetization, we would like to have an RNG box/Trove/Treasure draw going 100% of the time, making selling gold for HM coin practically impossible More stupidly op classes and 3rd specializations (which won't ever get nerfed) No frontier server we probably wont even let you have the UE4 character creator to play with No catch up events for F2P or new players, in fact through our "rebalancing costs" we'll actually make things MORE expensive. More unwatchable uninformative livestreams More "sudden" changes, spent 90 pet pods last week, now you could have spent 40? Too bad you're out of our ticket thingies, which we obviously implemented because we're too lazy to give you anything but a week notice they are changing, even though we state that this is to "keep players from doing stupid upgrades at the wrong time and bugging our support interns who are busy in the break room playing Final Fantasy Online" More "giveaways" for shoes and such that literally cost us a couple hundred bucks to do No changes to the 3 year old cosmetics page Any good new outfits we'll cram into an RNG box with a stupidly low drop chance Less and less materials in the game, MORE materials in F10 though HM level cap increase to 5000000 although we rarely run any XP events and the ones we do run are insignificant and even our most no-life p2w players are sitting at a max of 27-29 HM level "parts" of raids, this will give the impression we actually make content new accessories and garbage, even though the majority of players are using very low tier Raven accessories More PvP accessories which you'll need to get from doing PvE for some stupid reason New support "dodge" system where support will send you to the forums and the forums will tell you to make a support ticket
  23. Have you SEEN the badge exchange? It's practically worthless.
  24. Don't worry UE4 will be released for the full game sometime in 2020, plans now have it dated for December 31st release which means EU/NA will get it about 9 months later. However remember we are NCsoft if you don't think we're going to completely screw up something as big as an engine change you're very wrong. Also you'll need to consider the next year after release we'll need to spend fixing all the screw ups.
  25. Q: Is there anything you can share about the recently announced Frontier World? How is it going to be different from the current version of the game? A: Well that's the stupidest question I've ever heard considering this is a western video for EU/NA which won't be getting it. Q: Next year, Blade and Soul will celebrate it's 5th anniversary in the west, and 9th anniversary in Korea. Can you tell us briefly about the plans for the future. A: Well as always money and milking our players for every dime they have is our top priority. So you can expect a lot more p2w elements and events that cater specifically to morons who spend $1000+ a month on our low population low content "mmo" (it's actually just a casino we call an MMO). We will also be releasing new tiers of gear, weapons etc, even though the vast majority of the player base is no where near ready for them, however this will push them toward the cash shop which is always good for us. Q: How difficult is it to come up with the 3rd specialization skills for each class? A: Very easy, like I said before money and milking our players is always top priority and of course releasing new classes and specs has a lot to do in that arena. We just make the new classes and specializations hilariously overpowered so people switch to them, this gives us all kinds of income from our players in the form of things like sealing charms, race changes, etc. We also obviously have no intention of balancing the classes as you can clearly see from the Ice Force Master, Warden, and Archers and others like 3rd spec Destroyers that make any other specializations of the class irrelevant practically forcing you to switch. Q: What inspired the design direction behind the Assassin 3rd specialization? A: Money of course, we're also hoping it completely overshadows the other 2 specializations like the other 3rd specializations that have been released. Q: Do you have any plans to add new classes? A: Duh, we don't make ACTUAL content for the game so yes, making new classes is an EASY way to make money for us. It's not like we ever balance or buff the classes and specializations in desperate need of it because we fired the minimum wage "testing" and "balancing" team 8 years ago so we also save some money there. Q: What is the setting for the upcoming Steelbreaker raid? A: Who knows I don't pay attention to that garbage, all I know is that it will require all the garbage we'll be releasing over the next few months driving the players toward the cash shop. Things like new accessories and weapons that aren't actually new or anything they're just some numbers we switched around on the screen, took 5 minutes. We just want to make it a carrot on a stick for the smart players that don't give us all their money every month. It will also remind the trash cans that don't spend $1000+ a month how lowly and insignificant they are in this game, which may motivate some of them to start spending more. Also the raid itself is like our other raids, not actually fun or well designed. Q: Without revealing any spoilers, what will Act 11 be focused on? Will we meet Jinsoyun again? A: Not sure, like I said I don't pay attention to anything that's not going to milk the players, story and content are one of those things. These things COST money to make so we don't do it very often, we do try to keep it to a minimum though as you can see it may take you days to do new content in other MMOs but in our "MMO" you'll blast through it in about half an hour to an hour...if you're going slow. Q: There have been a number of changes to PvP in the last year due to the addition of Shackled Isles. This brought a mix of positive and negative feelings in North America and Europe. Has there been any progress toward resolving these problems? A: Well first I don't remember there being any positive feedback, maybe from that one guy on the NA forums that literally defends everything we do, I also don't know what "number of changes" you're referring to as we have done nothing outside of releasing stupidly overpowered specs and classes. However for us we have made great progress! Through this we have learned that we can make stupid OP classes that people will want to switch too, this gave us great insight for the new classes and specializations. We also don't do balancing anymore and in cases like the Gunslinger and Archer we actually buff them beyond reasonable levels despite us having an easy way with the newly added damage modifiers to do this, we could literally change some numbers around and have the classes pretty well balanced, we won't do that of course because the last thing we want is balance. We'll also be making more Hunters Refuge types of events as we have said. This will force anyone wanting to participate to gear twice and get some PvP gear, and since gearing just one character is hard enough we figure it will be twice the money for us.
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