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Merlin DE

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Everything posted by Merlin DE

  1. they also said but dont give a ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ about their states, like so many times. So 16 hours befor patch is more than enough time in advance in your eyes? you realy keep defending everything NC-Soft does, dont you? Yes it was anonced as a temporary feature. Anyway people liked, it it didnt hurt anyone, it wasnt gamebraking, on the contrary it made the game more enjoyable cause you could easiely switch between your elements without grinding like an idiot to get a second gearset for the other element. You could switch between element like you want what was a great advantage i realy enjoyed. Realy funny, thinks people complain about, for example Clan-PVP times during the european DaySaveTime never changed, even it would be quite easy to change a start- / endtime. On the other hand, things people like and aprecciated keep getting removed. Seems like NC-Soft alwasy do the opposite of what the community wants. The playerbase is raging, not only because of this patch, they are raging since weeks, but did you read any official statement from our so called Community Managers / Moderators? I havent, they do what they can do best, hush up and just wait until those threads dissapear at the forum nirvana, like they always do. They only getting fast and answer, when there is a problem with the shop or NCoin/Premium purchase, everything else icy silence. I dont know what they do, but for sure not their job as community manager Deffinition of a Community manager I havent seen much of this ;)
  2. @Youmukon stated So 16 Hours befor the patch is more than enough time in advanced... ... at least for NC-Soft. its not the first and for sure not the last time NC-Soft kick players, who still support their game, in the ass and ill guess support will send you their default message its endgame gear blabla, we cant change it blabla Anyway, good luck, i hope you get a friendly supporter who will change your badge.
  3. Well thats of course a good excuse to reduce droprates any further right? Why they need to reduce the droprate of the Alpha Coin fragments at Boss 1 and 2 at DEN and why strangely 2 weeks before the trove? Was hard enough to farm the neck on my main, now i need twice the time to get it for my alt, thats what i call motivating players... Why you need two Mao-gloves for breakthrough and why you cant buy them at the merchent. They are worth 1 Alphacoin when you salvage them, so make them available at the merchant for 1 Alphacoin. its a freaking Breakthrough assessoir. And dont come its for a legendary item thats BS. Even Breakthrough Ring and Earings for TT assessouirs are dropping in ever freaking run in RT and SST. You think this is ok? Thats how you expell even the most patient player. F2P? Are we still talking about the same game? Oh see you mean this F2P model
  4. Maybe because we are still stupid enough to throw our money down their throat?
  5. Well its a simple calculation. more and more players leave the game so you need something to keep the income up or even better rising, what do you do, push out some new stuff and make it available to the shop while farming this stuff will take a lifetime and no one can do. as i said and as @ItSome1said I think 1 or 2 month after the 4th birthday BnS is history in EU/NA it will come to a fast end with a short time announcement like it happend to MxM
  6. Na ja, das Unity System war von anfang an reines Pay2Win, die Chancen durch Verbesserung einen Lila oder gar Legendären stein zu bekommen sind geringer als die chance das die an einem Freitag dem 13ten um punkt 13:13:13 Uhr eine Boing 737 auf den Kopf fällt. Ist doch das gleiche, wie sie uns damals nach Strich und Faden verarscht haben mit der Strahlenden Energie. Erst großmäulig ankündigen "Wir tauschen euch Strahlende Energie in Juwelenpulver um" und dann keine 24 Stunden vor dem Patch nen rückzieher machen und den Leuten 10 Gold anbieten. Nach dem Shitstorm haben sie dan eingelenkt und den leuten noch mal 5 Gold extra gegeben. Die Begründung war dann die Beste. "Nach sorgfältiger Überlegung kamen wir zu dem Schluß, das ein Umtausch von Strahlender Energie in Juwelenpulver den Markt zu negativ beeinflußen würde" oder so ähnlich. Den einzigen Markt, den das beeinflußt hätte, wäre F10 gewesen, den noch in der Nacht von Mittwoch auf Donnerstag, als der Shop aktualisiert wurde, war Juwelenpulver im Angebot des Tages. Ich meine klar die Developer und der Publisher müssen Leben und sollen auch ihr Geld verdienen. Was NC-Soft jedoch abzieht ist schon richtig dreiste Abzocke vom feinsten. Die Größte Frechheit ist dann noch, das man die Kisten nur für Echtgeld aber nicht mit HM-Coins kaufen kann. P2W vom feinsten. Ich hoffe nur, nachdem der bayrische Landtag nun beschlossen hat zu überprüfen, ob Loot / RNG Boxen als Glücksspiel gelten, das Deutschland den Niederlanden un Belgien folgt und diesen Mist per Gesetz verbietet. Jeder soll seine "Brötchen" Verdienen kein Thema, und natürlich müssen Publisher geschäftlich denken und Vorgehen damit sie nicht Pleite machen, alles kein Thema. Wenn ich dann jedoch sehe, was wir für 3 Sterne Krits in der letzten Trove hatten, grenzt das schon hart an Betrug und ist an Dreistigkeit kaum noch zu überbieten. Zur Erinnerung...
  7. Kind of reminds me about MxM a few month befor the server have been shut down ;) I start thinking, we wont be able to celebrate the 4th birthday in NA/EU
  8. Calm down, when you got your gear to finaly do endcontent its already outdated an mechs are removed or nerfed to oblivion whil the rush for next endcontend already is running. So no need to learn mech or even your class [/sarcasm] BnS has become a fultime job daily overtime inclusive when you want keep up. Alternatively, if you dont have an unlimited creditcard, you are free to sell your kidney and/or firstborn to the russian/chineese mafia and just buy your stuff in F10. Thats why so many already left the game and more will follow. My motivation is gone after 3.5 years and i realy loved the game, but now i just dont want to even log in. Premium will run another 2 or 3 weeks, then it will be cancled. Maybe i will go and rent a comfortable nice little ark survival server for the money a save for premium on an publisher who does everything to kick their custumers backpart...
  9. Da zitiere ich doch immer wieder gerne die dreisteste Lüge die ich jemals von einem Punlisher gelesen habe xD https://www.bladeandsoul.com/de/news/business-model-revealed/ Kann man NC-Soft eigentlich nicht oft genug unter die Nase reiben ;)
  10. Seriously? Dude are we talking about the same game anymore? When it is so easy to get oils, why are so less people having a True Tiger soul or Higher, why so less people dont have a high heart / Amulett and why are so less people having upgraded badges? The only way to get oils quikly is swiping your creditcard, a friend always had max soul after trove but spend a few 100- 1000 keys. It took me three goddamned years to get an awakend tiger soul stage 1 doing every event on 2-4 chars to get the neede oils and you tell me is easy to get oils? What fantasyworld you are living in?
  11. Oh rly? you know you need freaking Oils to upgrad that damn Badge, dont you? Not able to change the badge would mean you need a second one and you need to upgrade it and again you need oils. So money is a damn good reason to remove a very much liked feature wich most players wanted be permanent. But NC-Soft did what they always do, Removing the good thinks while keeping the bad ones. Sometimes i ask myself if you are a secret employe and getting paid for defending every crap, or you just hoping to get a job as forum moderator?
  12. Ich bin zwar nicht direkt betroffen, aber war schon ganz angenehm ab und zu mal mit meinem twink sum zwischen Schwarm und Dornen zu wechseln. Irendwie frustriert das Spiel nurnoch, ständige Ninjanerfs diverser dropraten, z.B. Vermächtnis der Bestien, anfang juni rechtzeitig zur Trove mal eben die Droprate der Münzfragmente bei Boss 1 und 2 um locker 50% reduziert. Mein Twink müsste jetzt also locker doppelt so viele runs als mein Main für die Kette machen. Positive Dinge werden entfernt, weil alles was kritisiert wird auf taube Ohren stößt. ich wollte mein Twink eigentlich auf TT Gear ziehen, den Ohrring hab ich auf 10, der ring liegt im Lager, aber mir ist die Motivation abhanden gekommen. Nach diesen Patchnotes noch mehr. Premium ist gekündigt, wenns ausläuft werd ich ne auszeit nehmen und ich weiss nicht ob ich wieder zurück komme. Hatte ich schon im Dezember 2018 getan und bin nur aufgrund des Drängens eines Kumpels zum Awakening-Patch zurückgekommen. Und unsere Moderatoren scheren sich nen Dreck um die Community,im englischen Forum gibt es einige Threads, wie z.B. diesen Da kommt nicht ein Kommentar von useren Moderatoren, die ja eigentlich für die Kommunikation zwischen der Community und dem Publisher zuständig sind. Na ja, von Kommunikation kann man hier eh nicht reden, da ist es Sinvoller mit der Wand hinter meinem Monitor zu reden, von der wird man vermutlich eher eine Antwort bekommen als hier von ofizieller Seite (zuminest wenn es nicht um Probleme mit dem Kauf von NCoins oder dem HM-Shop geht, denn da sind die richtig schnell)
  13. 1. https://forums.bladeandsoul.com/topic/243646-information-regarding-the-future-of-mysticsoul-badges-accessories-and-new-tower-of-infinity-badges/ 2. https://forums.bladeandsoul.com/topic/243646-information-regarding-the-future-of-mysticsoul-badges-accessories-and-new-tower-of-infinity-badges/?page=3&tab=comments#comment-2052415 Well i dont consider 16 hours enough time in advanced. The patchnotes where released when most EU-Players already went to bed. Anyway, yes it was announced as a temporary feature, but it was one of the best features they ever added cause you could switch between elements without any problems. It was one of the very rare features that got positive feedback and people always say they want to keep it. Who should take NC-Soft seriously when they tell "We take your feedback seriously" but than do exact the opposite of the players feedback? Things with bad feedback wont change at all, thinks with good feedback get removed. This feature wasnt gamebraking, it didnt harm anyone, in converse it made it much more easy for people to try new things and switch between elements. Do you realy think i now would change my element and maybe upgrade another badge? i'd rather quit the game. There is only on damn reason why it make sense to remove this feature. MONEY and nothing else. now people have to grind their asses of again to get another badge and upgrade it cause they cant change anymore. And you still keep defending evers BS of NC-Soft that is frustrating many players making them leave the game. When NC-Soft want to get rid of NA/EU they for sure on their best way to scare of the last players. Im getting bored ot this BS NC-Soft keep doing. my premium is already cancled and when it ends i will take a break not knowing if i will come back. I realy like the game but with every patch its geting more and more frustrating.
  14. Ja NC-Soft arbeitet wirklich extrem hart daran die letzten verbliebenen Spieler zu vergraulen. Schon komisch, da wird immer beteuert "Wir wollen euer Feedback" oder "Wir nehmen euch Ernst" und man fühlt sich echt einfach nur noch verarscht. Da wird mal etwas positiv von der Spielerschaft aufgenommen und mit positivem Feedback / Lob an NC-Soft gewürdigt (kommt ja selten genug vor) und was macht NC-Soft? Oh da haben wir etwas, das den Spielern gefällt, geht garnicht, das muss weg... Ernsthaft NC-Soft? OK das Feature war als temporäres angekündigt aber warum muss man es entfernen und kann es nicht dauerhauft im Spiel lassen und vor allem mit weniger als 24 Stunden vorankündigung? Vielleicht hätten wir die Möglichkeit, Badges umzutauschen , negativ bewerten sollen, denn alles was hier negativ als feedback kommt wird komischerweise nicht geändert. Das einzige, das die Spielerschaft in letzter Zeit positiv aufgenommen hat, wird natürlich entfernt. Ganz großes Kino NC-Soft. Wenn ihr BnS NA/EU loswerden wollt, Bravo, ihr seid auf dem richtigen Weg das Spiel endgültig zu zerstören
  15. This becomes a HUGE issue when you upgraded your badge already Quite strange, things the playerbase dont like stay forever, and things we gave positive feedback get removed. Seems like NC-Soft works quite hard to get rid even of the last hardcore players who still play... Good Job once again NC-Soft. Maybe next time we should give negative feedback when we like something so we can keep it?
  16. Ill guess best example was Naruy Sanctum. I cant remember any Dungeon where the mech nearly completly was removed that fast. It only took 2 or 3 month untill they removed the mech at xanos and it was a realy cool mech. :/ Instead of skyrocking the DPS they should lower it and reintroduce interesting mechanics. There is not much left, even in raids most mech is based on CCs with very view exceptions
  17. You do realize a.) we are not in korea and b.) im not agains grinding at all but... When droprates of ressources and items get more and more cut off, to force people to spend money, its not fun anymore. When people have 150+ Mao kills and not seen a single glove, which is just a freaking break through assessouir and you need two of them, this is not grinding anymore, this became ridicolous. Another example, In may / june i farmed my mao neck it went quite well until beginning of june. After a maintenance suddenly the droprates of the Alphacoin fragments at boss 1 and boss 2 have been reduced by ~50-60% right in time for the upcomming summertrove. Surprise, surprise. I thought i start farming mao neck for one of my alts and wow droprate still is 50-60% lower then in may. Tell me how this is fair for people who start farming their stuff now. Why do they have to do twice as much runs as people who already got their stuff in the past? I need daily, weekly, BT, VT on 4 chars to fairly keep up with my gear on my main and BnS has become more and more like a full time job with overtime included. An jet i still cant upgrade my Heart, Soul, Amulett any further because i need tons of oils which are hidden behind a paywall, even i do a lot of MSP grinding during the weekends. It is gamebraking for multiple reasons 1. friends are spread over multiple Discord- and/or Teamspeak-Servers. 2. why do i need an external programm to find friends? 3. i have to tab out of the game to check for friends which often results in a gamecrash 4. not everyone is online in Discord / Teamspeak while they are ingame. Many people only use it for raids 5. any other reason Thinking about that i dont know anyone who is NOT using BnS-Buddy and that at least 25-50% of the playerbase use it i think thats a good source. At least it shows a real amount of ingame players and its not based on reddit activity. Anyway, both, the graph and the numbers posted by clearly shows a huge drop in active players.
  18. Bei der Wahl eine Chars solltest du nicht unbedingt nach dem DPS gehen sondern die Klasse wählen, die dir mehr Spass macht. Der FM ist eine Range Klasse die ziemlich Schaden drücken kann, der BD eine Meele Klasse der ebenfalls eine guten Schaden macht. Beide Klassen haben ihre Vorteile wobei du jedoch eher einen Raidplatz mit dem BD finden wirst. Das liegt zum einen daran, das es mehr FMs als BDs gibt und zum anderen, da in Raids häufig der HM-Block vom BD / BM benötigt wird. Als Meele musst du immer am Boss stehen, springt der Boss, musst du hinterher und kannst keinen Schaden machen bis du wieder an ihm dran bist. Als Ranged hast du es einfacher, umdrehen und weiter drauf hauen. Dafür wirst du als Meele wohl weniger Mechaniken machen müssen. Bis auf wenige Ausnahmen (z.B. Boss 1 in TSM) werden die Ranged, also die am weitesten entfernten für Mechaniken gemarked (z.B. BC, WC, TT Boss 1 Cylinder Spawner, Carrier, TT Boss 3 Ember / Flame / Bombard). Wenn du also gerne Mechanik spielst, dürfte der FM die bessere Wahl sein. Hinzu kommt was dein Main für eine Klasse ist. WEnn du eine Range Klasse bist, wird die Umstellung auf eine Meele nicht so einfach sein wie umgekehrt ;) Ich habe nen FM als Main und nen Sin als Twink und ich war die erste Zeit mehr damit beschäftigt, dem Boss hinterher zu rennen, als Schaden zu machen ;) Den besten Rat, den ich dir geben kann, probier beide Klassen und spiel die, die dir mehr Spass macht.
  19. Well i guess NC-Soft is aware of this. In my opinnion they just try to press as much money as possible out of the game and then let it vanish like they did with MxM. One day we will get a nitice that BnS will finaly terminated in x Days, get some free stuff for the last few days and thats it. At the moment im not quite sure if we even ever will get UE4 in NA/EU befor this day will come. I dont realy know "Over the top complicated" Mechanics in any dungeons, well ok TT Boss 3 is a bit annoying but still doable with some practice. Well ok, i hate Mao cause as a ranged class my iframe most time kills me by triggering the rangecheck and i need a nearly perfect run to kill her, every slightes mistake most times kills me :/ Getting killed by your own iframe is not realy that funny ... Lowering the CC-Bars from 8 to 4 didnt change anything, cause you still need the same amount of players doing a cc since they also reduced all double-CCs to single CC. Well ok some classes still have 2 CCs of the same kind, like Summoner for example, who still could do 2 KDs, BD can do 2 or more stuns and so on. Over the time BnS changed from a game with realy good and challanging fights to a Hack N' Slay game where you do your dailys brainafk. The only challange left, at least for me is TT / ET, everything else is boring brainafk runthrogh. The immens DPS Increase we got with Awakening and new items mad it even worse. meanwhile many people are even able to skip mech in Dst with a 2 or 3 men party and a 3rd-Spec BM even solo it. Wow, i didnt even know there was a hidden boss at Yeti even i play since release. I know about a hidden kind of "Battlefield" in Cinderlands (as far as i remeber, somwhere at the fraction outposts) that once was opend by accident but imidatly got closed again and never was released in the EU Version of the game. The Poharan Event was my most Favorite one, even it took some time to clear the dungeon. I realy loved this event and overall to see some whales struggeling even with the simple mech at slashmi xD I would like to see much more of these events with old contend dungeons. Even better, make a "Hardmode" version of the old content with reduced stats and ful mechanics but give those dungeons a proper gold and material reward. I would love doing those dungeons again and ill guess many other players too
  20. The Publisher might not own the Copyright of the game, but they own the right to publish the game and most time the exclusive right. Changing a publisher is not that easy as you imagine. Game, Music and Movie Industry is one of the hardest and not the dreamland... Also, when the devs would have enough money and ressources to pay of a publisher, they for sure wouldnt need a publisher in first place and would publish the game by themself LoL You think its just that easy to find another publisher who would take over a game with a bad reputation? When NC-Soft stop publishing BnS it would presumably be the end of the game and for sure the end in NA/EU.
  21. You are talking about this most blatant lie, i always use to show friends how bold a publisher fooled the playerbase? June 23, 2015 | Announcement Business Model Revealed https://www.bladeandsoul.com/en/news/business-model-revealed/ Also i never saw any buissness modell like this 400 NCoins - 5 Eur, 800 NCoins - 10 Eur, 1600 NCoins - 20 Eur, ..., 20.000 NCoin - 250 Eur. No Discount, not even at the 20.000NCoin offer, seriuosly? Shows how unrestrained greedy NC-Soft is. And NC-Soft realy wonder where their bad reputation came from? Yeah and BnS start feeling more and more like a full-time-job including overtime when you try to keep, up spending only now and then some money. When do pay to progress becomes pay to win? good question. For me its when i cant obtain specific items in a reasonable time and 2,3,4 years is not realy resonable, at least when there are always updates, new Stages and new items. You are just close to keep up, bam another 195 stages with even more materials you need... Quite easy solution. You remeber the Poharan Event? Since NC-Soft recycle all events every year it should come up again later this year. Instead of reducing gold / mats from old dungeons, make them like Poharan Event, every dungeon with mechanic and reduced stats so they are challangeing again. I loved the mech in Shattered Masts, Nexus, Asura, Desolate Tomb, just to mention a few, and other dungeons which are now vanished to oblivian or just solo dungeons when you are bored. Ill guess many people miss the old 45 / 50 content and would have fun doing these dungeons again. What do you thin would happend when NC-Soft would tell the Devs either they fix the problem asap or they stop publishing BnS, Ill guess there would be a lot ov overtime for the devs. Again you still dont understand who have the power to make desisions. The most common problem is, NC-Soft seem to still make enough money cause there are still some people buying Ncoins worth a car when there is a trove. As long as the cash flows there is no need for NC-Soft to listen. Guess when no one would buy Keys for the next rove they imediatly would start listening, or they just shut down the servers...
  22. NC-Soft as the publisher is responsible to make sure problems get solved / fixed. We already had the discussion about the relation between Publisher and Developer and the Publisher for sure have any power to force the Developer to fix a problem. So yeah its not NC-Soft who need to fix it but its NC-Softs responsibility to tell the Developer to fix it. I never said its easy to debug code. As i said im a semi professional PHP-coder and have done a lot of debugging, I know how complicated it can be espacialy with randomly appearing bugs. But its the damn job of a coder to find and solve a bug/problem and 14+ month are more than enough to already solve this bug. Even if they decided to wait for UE4, and hope this wil solve the problem, they can at least show some care about the affected players, like i said. Just something small to show they care. Did i mention what mode? Guess not, Anyway, about 1/2 to 2/3 of my runs have been hardmode ;)
  23. Proof uhm? OK lets see, game is dying because: - more and more people are affected by the friendslist bug (0/0 Friends) They cant find their friends neither their friends can find them. This is a MMO where you depend on friends. Joining a clan may help a bit, but even with a clan you highly depending on friends since most clans already have established groups for daily, HM, and so on, and its hard to get into these groups. This problem now persists over 1 year and jet we dont have any statements except the continusly promise they are looking into it, but nothing happens. As a PHP-Coder i know its hard to find an error in programcode, especialy when this error occurs randomly and cant be simulated by tests. But come on im affacted over 14 month now. There are only 3 oportunities: 1. NC-Soft simply dont care 2. The Coders are totaly unable to do their job 3. NC-Soft wait for UE4 hoping it will solve the problem When NC-Soft would care about their players, they would have made a statement and gave a little compansation to the players. Just something small, a few HM-Coins or an outfit, it doesnt matter, just showing the players "we care about you" and not just keep telling hollow phrases no one belive anymore. It wouldnt cost them a dime and people would think "hey they care about their players" instead of leaving the game frustated and making the already bad reputation even more worse. - Constantly ignoring Playerwhishes like 1. adjusted times for Clanpvp during the european daysavetime where clanpvp for many people start way to late when they have to work next day 2. a better matchmaking on BG spreading players with different gear more evenly so you dont have a total overpowerd group versus a total losing group because all high geared players are in the same team while all low geared are in the other. 3. more or better ways to farm materials, especialy moonstones (NC Soft even prommised to make ways to farm them back in 2016) 4. constantly reducing gold and material income from older content. Well ok high geared players wont have any problems with the new dungeons while low / mid-geared players struggle more and more to get gold (ok this is at least also some Community failure like 1800+ TT-Gear requirements for MSP). Hell i dont need the violet fragments on my main, i need them on my alt and no one accept it because of "low" AP - Extrem low to not existend Droprates and NINJA-Nerfs of droprates 1. 200 runs BC and i never saw a glove drop (got mine just because of the 100 run archivment) 2. Some people habe 150+ Kills for MAO and never saw a glove. Seriously this is a freaking breakthrough assessoir not a legendary item and you need freaking 2 of them. I know at least 2 people who gave up and quit the game just because they didnt get the Mao-Glove after x-runs 3. Ninja Nerf of Alphacoin fragment Droprates at the first 2 Bosses (just 3 weeks befor the Trove) You realy think we dont notice this? Personaly i hate Mao and now i even have to do twice as much runs on my alt then i had to do on my main to get the Necklace. Your serious? WHY? Makes me thinking about to give up on my alt or even leave the game cause one day its enough with these freaking nerfs of droprates. - Communication I dont know if our community managers dont do their job or if they try and cant do it because of NC-Soft. The Result is the same. Quite rarely you read something like "We forward your suggestion to our dev team" but thats all of the communication that happens here. You never hear anything about it again and the thread vanish to oblivion. Communication usualy occurs in two, directions not in one Forum Feedback <-> Community manager / Publisher <-> Dev-Team - Any other of the hundreds unanswered, ignored threads here in the forums When NC-Soft doesnt rethink their acting soon, i fear we wont get UE4, at least not in the western region. WE maybe can celebrate the 4th "birthday" of BnS but i highly doubt there will be a 5th when nothing changes.
  24. Wow, thats nice, ty. still dont understand why BnS cant handle it like most other games. Showing the Cutscene once when you enter a dungeon first time and add a menue where you can select them from once they are unlocked. So you wouldnt have to escape the Cutsceene every time you enter a dungone / Final Boss fight.
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