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Merlin DE

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Everything posted by Merlin DE

  1. Rly? Guter Witz, MS sind noch immer RNG Drop aus Dialy / Weekly und ich hatte in den letzten 2-3 Wochen nicht einen einzigen. Zudem ist die Rate viel zu gering. 1 Hochwertiger kostet 8 MS, selbst wenn du unvershämtes Glück hast und jeden Tag ein MS aus der Daily bekommst + 1 aus der Weekly, wäre das alle 7 Tage ein versuchn für einen Hochwertigen herzustellen. Erleuchte uns doch bitte mit deiner Weisheit. Wo sind die vielen Alternative um an Mondsteine (Wohlgemerkt MONDSTEINE und nicht Kristalle) zu kommen? - Arena einige wenige bei den höheren Stufen, die auch nicht jeder schafft, vor allem mit weniger Gear wirds da schwer. Zudem kann man die Arena der Auserwählten nicht wirklich als Quelle für Mondsteine bezeichnen, da man die Arena nur 1x pro Season (gesamt Season nicht Teil Season) machen kann. Ich hab zu Beginn der Season 1/3 Arena gemacht und kann sie erst wieder machen wenn die Season 3/3 beendet und eine neue Season beginnt. Im Schnitt also nur alle 3-4 Monate möglich. Nenne ich wirklich eine ergibige Quelle -Stockwerk 16-20 wäre mir neu, das dort Mondsteine droppen können. Hab da, seit es die gibt, nicht einen einzigen droppen sehen. Noch immer RNG und das mit einer recht schlechten Droprate, zudem nicht Farmbar und max. 1 oder 2 pro Tag Ebenfalls RNG, nur einmal wöchentlich machbar und max 1-2 Mondsteine Ich laufe täglich Purple Train, teilweise im HM (ausser WC), Bisher ist mir kein Dungeon bekannt, in dem Mondsteine droppen können. Oh Mondsteine muss ich bei allen Events wohl bisher übersehen haben. Hab da zwar Silberschuppen, Obsidianschuppen, usw. gesehen, aber Mondsteinen? Hmm vielleicht sollte ich mal den Augenarzt konsultieren. Und komm mir bitte nicht mit der Seelensteineben. da gibt es die auch nur noch Sa. und So. von 14 bis 2 Uhr und sobald 1-2 Spieler mit TT-Gear da sind (was fast immer der Fall ist) siehst schon verdammt schlecht aus mit den Chancen. Bei der Schlacht brauchst dein Glück schon gar nicht zu versuchen. Der Boss ist in dem Moment, wo er angreifbar wird auch schon tot. Ich bin Full TT-Gear und trotzdem schon etliche male bei der Schlacht leer ausgegangen, weil es nur kurz gelagt hat und der Boss so schnell liegt das man max. 1-2 Treffer landet. Deine Beispiele hab ich dir gerade widerlegt, also bitte Erleuchtet uns unwissende, wo man ausserhalb von PVP MONDSTEINE (KEINE MONDSTEINKRISTALLE!) bekommt.
  2. Eine gute Frage. Ich hätte eine Gegenfrage: Warum setzt NC-Soft alles dran, die Spieler zu vergraulen, Indem sie die Communtiy meisstens total ignorieren während die Communitymanager damit beschäftigt sind uns regelmäßig zu versichern das sie unsere Kritik / Vorschläge ernst nehmen, sich aber nichts ändert. Warum hat es gerade mal nicht ganz 3 Jahre gedauert, bis von ehemals 4 DE, 4 EN und 4 FR Servern gerade mal ein einziger EU Server übrig geblieben ist. Die erste Server zusammenlegung hatten wir nach knapp einem Jahr. die zweite folgte nicht ganz ein Jahr später und dieses Jahr letztendlich die zusammenlegung aller EU Server. Macht man bestimmt nicht wegen konstanter oder gar steigender anzahl der Spieler. Währenddessen Ignoriert und NC-Soft immer fleissig die Community. Beispiele? 1. bitten um ein vernünftiges Matchmaking auf dem Schlachtfeld, sowie eine menge weiterer Vorschläge bezüglich PVP -> Ignoriert seit 3+ Jahren Resultat, kaum noch Spieler die PVP machen, steigende Preise für Mondsteine. Anstatt mal auf die Community zu hören, geht man leiber den einfachen Weg und begrenzt die Zeiten, zu denen PVP machbar ist. 2. Regelmäßiges bitten, die Klan-PVP Zeiten anzupassen da gerade in der Sommerzeit 22-00 Uhr für viele Spieler, die am nächsten Tag früh aufstehen müssen, zu spät ist. Wird ignoriert, seit es Klan-PVP gibt. 3. PVP Disconnects. Zwar kann man der Gruppe wieder beitreten, wenn man einen DC hatte, nutzt nur nichts, wenn man tot ist. Die meissten DC's passieren wenn man gerade aufstehen will und 4 gedrückt hat. Belebt man sich ausserhalb des Schlachtfelds wieder, kann man nicht mehr Beitreten. Wenn einen also Ausserhalb niemand aufhebt -> Pech 4. bitten um ein Reportsystem für AFK Spieler, eine enfache Erweiterung des vorhandenen Reportsystems -> Ignoriert seit 3+ Jahren 5. Verarschung der Spieler wie z.B. der angekündigte umtausch von Strahlender Energie in Juwelenpulver, der keine 24 Std vor dem Patch gecancled und durch Gold ersetzt wurde. Man hatte wohl angst, das sich das Juwelenpulver in F10, das gleich nach der Wartung im Angebot des Tages war, nicht so gut verkaufen lässt. 6. Verluste durch fehlerhafte oder ganz fehlender Informationen in den Patchnotes. Als damals die Reduzierung der Kosten für die Licht / Dunkelgeist waffe angekündigt wurde, stand nirgendwo, das man für diese Waffe eben keine Wahrhaft Ruchlose Waffe für den Durchbruch mehr braucht und diese durch die Waffe von Asura ersetzt wird. Etliche Spieler haben sich die Wahrhaft Ruchlose Waffe hochgezogen, eine Menge Mats, Gold und zum teil Echtgeld für Schlüssel aus Mondwasser aus dem Shop verloren und bekamen die Verluste nicht einmal ersetzt. Der Support bot nur den Umtausch der Waffe an, nicht jedoch den Ersatz der Material / Gold und Geld Kosten. 7. Nicht beheben von Fehlern. Einige Spieler haben seit gut einem Jahr keine Freundschaftsliste mehr. Die Liste ziegt 0/0 Freunden an, die Spieler werden ihren Freunden permanent als Offline angezeigt. Ich bin selber seit 10+ Monaten davon betroffen. Interessiert NC-Soft nicht die Bohne, auch wenn die anzahl der betroffenen Spieler scheinbar wächst. Man hört immer nur "Ist uns bekannt, wir arbeiten daran, können jedoch keinen Termin nennen wann er fehler behoben sein wird" 1 Jahr? Ersnthaft? gibt nur 2 Möglichkeiten, 1. bei NC-Soft arbeiten wirklich extrem unfähige Leute (was relativ ausschließbar ist denn vieles funktioniert ja) 2. Es interessiert einfach niemanden bei NC-Soft, weils kein Geld bringt. (die wohl eher wahrscheinliche Möglichkeit) 8. Trotz eh schon schlechter Preformance weiteren Content einfügen der noch extremer Ressourcen verschwendet. BSP. Koldrak (Dungeons mit eingebendeten / ausgeblendeten Spielern 30-60 fps, TT Boss 1 mit eingeblendeten Spielern ca. 20 FPS, Koldraks Höhle mit ausgebelndeten Spielern ca. 5 FPS) 3rd Spec BM in der Gruppe 5-10 FPS was dazu führte, das viele das Aniationsfile des 3rd Spec BM gelöscht haben. ... Wenn man dann Aussagen, wie die von Baskerville, im englischen Forum liest, In dem er Schrieb, sie nehmen unsere Kritik ernst, kann man eigentlich nur noch mit dem Kopf schütteln. Und genau DAS ist der Punkt, warum viele mit BnS aufgehört haben und warum wohl weitere folgen werden. Die Frage lautet also nicht OB BnS genau wie MXM einfach irgendwann abgeschaltet wird, die Frage lautet WANN, und das ist wirklich nur eine Frage der Zeit, wenn NC-Soft nicht langsam aufwacht.
  3. Die Kristalle wurden eingeführt um es den Leuten einfacher zu machen, ihr Gear aufzuwerten. Könnte man die Kristalle in die Rohmaterialien zurück verwandeln, würde dies die Marktpreise extrem drücken. Deshalb sind die Kristalle auch nur Accountgebunden. Trotzdem: Tatsächlich waren Mondsteine schon immer eine knappe Ressource. Damals gabe es die nur in der Seelensteinebene und bei Naksun. Quelle: https://www.bladeandsoul.com/de/news/silverfrost-weapon-cost-changes/ vom 11.08.2016 Das genaue Gegenteil ist eingetroffen. Zwar wurden die Kristalle eingeführt, die man in den Dungeons erhält, dafür wurden die Mondsteine bei Naksun (der auch 100er Stacks droppen konnte) entfernt. Eine Alternative zu Naksun wurde nie eingeführt, so das auch PVE Spieler zumindest eine Quelle für Mondsteine haben. In der Seelensteinebene sind Mondsteine jetzt nurnoch Sa. und So. zwischen 13 (14) Uhr und 01 (02) Uhr erhältlich. Eines der Resultate hierraus ist das: vom 17.07.2019 ca 17 Uhr PVP Spieler, die sich mit Mondsteinen ne goldene Nase verdienen, Argumentieren immer, dies wäre ihre einzige Einnahmequelle und man bekommt die Mondsteine ja schließlich aus der Daily / Weekly Truhe. Guter Witz, ich hab in den letzten Wochen vielleicht 3-4 aus Daily / Weekly bekommen. Ein weiteres Argument ist dann noch, man würde ja keine Mondsteine benötigen um sein Gear aufzuwerten. Vielleicht kann mir ja einer der PVPler, die behaupten wir brauchen keine Mondsteine, erklären wie sie 1. Hochwertiger Stein der Verwandlung (kann Fehlschlagen und alle Mats bis auf die Steine der Verwandlung gehen verloren) 2. Stein der Verwandlung 3. Schneegeiststein 4. Kristallessenz ohne Mondsteine herstellen. Soweit ich mich erinnere sind dies durchaus wichtige Ressourcen, die für die Aufwertung des Gears benötigt werden. Die Diskussion um die Verfügbarkeit und Quelle für Mondsteine ist so alt wie das Spiel selber. Leider interessiert sich NC-Soft weniger als garnicht dafür, wie in so vielen anderen Bereichen ebenso. Das man die Kristalle nicht zurück in die Rohmaterialien verwandeln kann, macht mit Sicht auf die Marktpreise durchaus Sinn. Das PVE-Spieler jedoch darauf angewiesen sind Mondsteine zu kaufen, und keinerlei Chance haben diese ausserhalb von PVP zu farmen, ist eine dreiste Frechheit.
  4. Well to be honest, i dont believe in hear-say, but i believe in what i witnessed. Whale clanmate did a reroll from FM to gunner when gunner was released, He got Soul and Pet transfered while other clanmembers just got an answer that endgame gear wont be transfered. So yeah, some accusations may be false, but not all and even if it is just one player that get some advantages others dont get its freaking unfair, but thats how the world works, sadly even in case of a game ;)
  5. Still funny how there is just a short response about region transfer but never any response to all those accusations how different support handle requests ;) All questions and accusations about the unfair treadment of different players requesting same service are always silenced. See @ImoutoMaster examples. Would be nice to get an official statement about this
  6. Well at least most of the playerbase consider Soul and Pet as part of the gear ;) Also a Max soul and Pet shouldnt be underestimated they give a huge advantage, let alone the shield of a max pet. Anyway this thread is not about PVP, its about the shortage of moonstone sources everyone need to upgrade gear even its indirectly for craftin PST and other stuff you need
  7. correction, you need MOONESTONES not Crystals to Craft Premium Transformation Stones, Transformation Stones, Empyrean Spirit Stones, Pristine Oil and you loose you Moonstones on a failed attempt to craft a Premium Transformation Stone. So dont say its wrong, dont say you only need Moonstone Crystals to upgrade your gear. You maybe not need thousands, but you still need a lot. So in your oppinion max gear is no advantage LoL your serious? I have played battleground on daily base when the Hongmoon weapon still exist and light / dark Stage 6 was the highest weapon. At this time you realy had a chance with a true scorpion agains a player with Light / Dark Weapon. Now a whale "just have to look at you" and you are dead. Battleground is nothing about skill, its all about who has the bigger wallet. Matchmaking and whales who derank on purpose / do winsharing do the rest. I needed 10 points to get to gold and went straigt back to 1300 Points on one day, due to AFK-Players or just bad matchmaking, something like 4 People with with Raven Weapon in my team vs. 6 full pvp geared with Drageonforge 9 or higher in the opponet team. Yeah 1800 : 0 thats realy fun...
  8. Well i did HM / CS every day since Unity system was introduced. I have wasted tonns of shimmering stones (Left Side) to try transmute them into a violet shiny (right side, not shure how they are called in english) but never had a successfully try. They all failed. I just got one from the Daily Box you get when you have finisched 5 daily quests, thats all. With that bad RNG, i dont think i will ever get a legendary. So Yeah, Good job on bad RNG NC-Soft but ill guess you know whales will just swipe their credit card so why care about casual players?
  9. Well sadly NC-Soft decided to remove Woonstones from SSP during weekdays, you now can only farm them on Sat. and Sun. from 1pm to 1am. Also SSP never was adjustet to the current Gear. Go try to do the Battle Boss. Even with full TT-Gear i had no chance to get the Lootbox cause the Boss died instantly when the Fight as soon as the Boss was attackable. Instead of raising Bosses HP they decided to nerf SSP to oblivion so it even is hard to farm some soulstones as soon as there are more than 2 or 3 Players. Anyway from PVP you can get Moonstones, Soulstones, Scared Orbs and Elysian Orbs, basically you can get everything from PVP / Tower of infinity, while PVP Players have no chace to get Moonstones. Keeping PVE players away from farming Moonstones result in higher Prices for Transormation Stones, Premium Transformation Stones and other Stuff you need Moonstones to Craft. And thats a problem also affecting PVP Players.
  10. Wrong DPS requirement for clearing it was about 1.3M. For the time run you need about 2M You know that for most players cosmetics are the "true endgear" and more importent than other stuff? it highly depends on your class. Some classes need way lower gear than other classes to deal same DPS. When you play the wrong class, you are screewed. Let alone look at a 3rd spec BM and the enormous dps. even your own spec can make a huge different (Shadow / Ice WL, Wind / Earth Sum for example and so on) Also GC weapon dmg highly depends on rng progs. My damage can differ up to 500k in same dungeon depending on my weaponprogs. I already had fights in BC/ WC where i didnt get above 3 stacks on my GC-Weapon during the whole fight.
  11. Thats the biggest crap i ever had to read. What gives you the right to say people who dont like pvp dont deserve getting nessesary materials, what makes you think moonstones are pvp exclusive? Why are pvp players better then those who prefer pve? Its total crap to force pve players into pvp and to force pvp players in pve. You want pvp gear go make pvp, you want pve gear go make pve but give any group a decent chace to farm the stuff they need. And no you dont deserve to get moonstones exclusivly from pvp. You can get HM-coins from ranking which pve players cant, what else you want? making all materials pvp esclusive to fore people even mor to do something thats pure p2w (at least on battleground) And yes i agree, Naksun is outdated but there are plenty other actual content to add sources for players to farm moonstones. So there was no freaking reason to remove something without any replacement.
  12. I dont think we need to discuss advantage of an anicancled creditcard /big wallet nor about the balance between different classes and neither about the advantage of 3rd spec which make pvp even more unbalanced. Your argument is nonsense. With avarage pvp-gear you dont have any chance against someone with max gear. A max pet will protect a "whale" long enough to oneshot you while you cant deal much dmg. Yes you can farm your pvp gear mostly in pve, you can even get novacore soulshields by farming msp. Anyway you need the same materials to upgrade your pvp gear that you need for pve gear and pve players prefer to upgrade pve gear. I thing i dont have to tell you how much materials you need vor GC weapon, TT ring/earing, Glove, Belt and Mao / ET neck. They removed moonstones from SSE during the week, They removed moonstoens from Naksun (Yes back in time befor crystals where introduced naksun could even drop a 100 stack of moonstones) without adding any other pace to farm moonstones. Your Argument, you only need crystals to upgrade your gear also is nonsens. You need Moonstones to Craft premium transformation stones, you need them to craft transformation stones, and oils. So either add an non tradeable accountbound version of these materials that can be crafted with crystals, or give anyone a decent chance to farm moonstones. I can remeber times when you could buy moonstones for 2-3 gold.
  13. I know. Anyway, saying its partial fault of the pvp playerbase was regarding those players who play arena with 10+ chars of same class to grab all those hm coins and to those players who purposly derank to get matched with lower tier players to have an eays game, not regarding the honest players ;) So if you are one of the honest players please dont feel offended.
  14. Well ask yourself, why there are so less PVP-players left. I can imagine a few reasons. 1. 10+ chars of the same class from same account in the top 100 Arena ranking gredy claim season rewards eraning themself a golden nose with HM-Coins whil others left with som crappy rewards 2. a since over 3 years critizised matchmaking on the battleground. High gear whales who purposly derank to get matched with lower geard players and get easy wins Honest players get punisched for a DC which is still quite common on the Battleground. Yeah they added the solution you can rejoin a game but when you spawn dead outside and have to press 4 you cant rejoin. Also the system failed, i got a serverside DC, rejoined the party but stil lost 60 points as punishment for leaving battlefield loosing my gold rank some time ago. I did pvp on a daily base too some time ago even farmed pvp gear but its just no fun anymore when you fight against people who roll their face over the keyboard and just can opne hit you because of a big wallet, while you cant kill them because you dont have that high gear. Or just make Battleground fair again and make it with equal stats like arena, but then all those whales who youst hide behind their gear would start crying. So its somehow NC-Softs fault, somehow the playerbase Fault that more and more people quit playing PVP. I dont argue against pvp players can make profit, but then at least add some kind of untradeable accountbound PTS / Transformation Stones you can craft with crystals instead of the raw materials. Also getting Moon/Soulstones from Weekly is a real bad argument. How many you get? 1 Moonstone and a few soulstones so it would take 8 weeks for trying to craft a PTS which still can fail. Adding some sources would also be good for everyone, even PVP Player cause things would get cheaper to upgrade ;)
  15. ... you made at August 11, 2016 Source: https://www.bladeandsoul.com/en/news/silverfrost-weapon-cost-changes/ instead Moonstones have been removed from SSE during weekdays and are now only available at a pure P2W Battleground. Yeah you can farm your pvp-gear, but someone whos perfect in creditcard anicancle will always have an huge advantage over those who are free to play You never kept your promise, Ok you added Moonestone Crystals but you cant use them to Craft Premium Transformation Stones, Transformation stones and other Stuff. You need Monestones which are still only obtainable from PVP. The Result: as off 07.16.2019 about 5 PM CEST
  16. One massive waste of serverload for example is the function of taking parts from your chest (where the daily dash Stuff is stored) to your inventory. Every item is transfered one by one. So when you take the max of 30 Items ot of the chest it will take a minimum of 60 Database updates, 30 for the chest and 30 for your inventory. this maybe was meant as a time sink, we have a lot of them in the game, but it still causes massive database access. So do we need this timesink, do we need to transfer items one by one instead of transfering a complete stack of 30 items at once and only need 2 database updates? 100 People are transfering items, wow 600 database updates, thats what i call a massive waste of ressources. But i already explained this in another thread. I know that the Communty mamager cant do any changes and only can forward problems to the Devs. Anyway. Im playing BnS over 3 years, so many bugs, problems, suggestions have been reportet / made and jet you never heard somthing about it again. As a community manager its your work to keep up the communication between the Devs and the community. Here we have a one way communication community -> forum and most time no feedback. When there is a feedback its almost just hollow phrases like "We hear you" or "We are working on it" but nothing happens. Problems are hushed up untill they fall into oblivion. See my text about the friendlist bug. More and more people are affected by a not working friendslist (i am affected since 10+ month, a friend even some times longer) You realy think 10 Month++ is not enough to locate and fix a problem? When F10 doesnt work they imediatly initiate an emergency maintenanc, every thing else? who cares? as long as the shop works. Putting of people until they give up and stay silence or just leave the game nothing more, nothing less.
  17. No thankfully i do not work for NC-Soft, and honestly i would be ashamed. Im not a professional payed coder but was involved into some adons / mods for PHPBB2 and 3 Forum-software. I learned how to code clean and gentle on preformance espacialy when it comes to database access. Honestly? Thats not care, cause the only thing they care is cashflow. They have to release new contentend, to get the most possible cash out of the playerbase. Check the forums for people who have problems with their friends list not working. Most of us are affected by a not working friendslist for more than 10 month. Do they care? NO they dont, cause it simply dont bring money to fix it, while new content does. If F10 would have any problem, they would fix it in a few minutes. As a coder i know its hard to debug code and find / fix an error, but come on, we are talking about professional studied and hired coders not about some unpaid selfeducated hobbycoders (who would have for sure found and fixed the problem already) and they are not able to locate the problem since 10+ month? There are only 2 options, either they are totaly incapable or they just dont care And you realy think they care, just because they add new contend? 2.5 years from formaly 12 EU servers to just 1 server left, players still leaving and they still dont care. Well ok they care as far as keep promising to hear us and try to fix the problems, but thats what they already did the last 3 years. In the end not much have changed. Some day the same will happend to BnS like it did to MxM, they simply announce they will shut down the server on date X
  18. To Be 100% honest thats exactly whats wrong with NA/EU 1. we are still way behind Korean Gear 2. not everyone can play BnS as a full time Job nor they can spend hundreds or thousands of bucks for a trove giving 3 star crits that are way beyond scam 3. it not only depends on you gear it also depends on your Class. A 3rd spec BM for example would need way less gear than most other classes. Also in KR. Hae Mujin had 630 Mio HP and 6 Min Enrage Timer what means you need at least a minimum of 1,75Mio DPS @Baskerville said: That would mean 630M - 20% = 504M but since he said more than 1/5th lets calculate with 25 % what still would be 472.5M HP BUT !!!! He also stated that the Enrage timer would be 3 Minutes instead of 6 Min in Korea -> 472.5M / 180sec = 2.625M DPS Just for fun lets pretend they not only cut the Enragetimer but also the HP in half (I hope they did otherwise they totaly screwed up xD) and reduced it by 20% that would result in 252M HP 630M / 2 = 315M 315M - 20% = 252M 315M - 25% = 236.25M (since Baskerville wrote "More than 1/5") 252M / 180 Sec. = 1.4M DPS 236.25M / 180 Sec = ~1.32M DPS So you would still need 1.32 -1.4 Mio constant dps without doing any mech. As you see, it doesnt even mak any big difference wether they reduced the HP by 20% or even 25 % The majority of players are somewhere between 800k and 1M, at least from what i have observed runing random F8 parties.
  19. Sorry to say @Baskerville but who you try to fool and who should take you serious? Over 10 Month and not only my friendslist still doenstn work, i cant see my friends, neither they can see me, and all you hear is "We know about your problem and working on it" Either your "Dev-Team" is incapable or they simply dont care. At least NC-Soft doesnt care about the players who are affected, cause they dont even bother to offer the tiniest compensation while not fixing the problem after 10+ month. Lets say it clear, they simply dont care, as long as enough ppl keep cashing. Same thing you could say for any preformance issues. Since the first problems came up, about 3 Years ago, you keep telling us you are working on a solution, but with every new content added, we got more and more preformance issues so who should still belive your statement? Clean up your code, get rid of transfering items one by one, instead transfer the selectet amount as one stack, would reduce a lot of database updates and serverload, they are just annoying time-sinks anyway Stop adding high preformance using particle effects or at least give an option to disable them (for example visual effects of the Unity point system) Just to mention some easy to do fixes There are many hints here in the forum but no on listen, at least in the last 3 years...
  20. Uhh well that will make things much better. 1.7M instead of 2M since 99,9% of the NC-west community can hold up to this DPS [/zynism] i'll guess another event like the Turtle and we will loose some more player im still very (lets say it friendly) angry i couldnt get the wings and one thing will be for sure. If this event will be indeed like the turtle event and most players cant paricipate i will definetly keep my premium cancled and will quit the game.
  21. Highly depends on the quest you get and i wouldnt consider CB as best place, one pouch still costs 500 peaches and they have (at least for me) bad droprates for moonstone and elysian crystals Loocked behind to many loading screens, you waste 10x more time at the loading screens then to actualy clear 13,14,15. Also you need tickets for 13th floor which are only obtainable at floor 13 and 14. I have 3 left from formaly over 30. Its still the only PVE place where you can get moonstone crystals. but honestly, DST or BC would be faster than Naksun with his 100 loadingscreens. You need to do pvp what many players dont like for many reasons already mentioned here in the forums. For example one 10 FMs or BDs or Sums or... all from same account in the top 50 ranking. BG is pure p2w in my opinnion cause you can buy an advantage over other players and get higher - max gear in not time with money (Trove / RNG Boxes, etc) what casual players cant get without long time of farming. worthwhile are only TSM upwards and i'll guess you know what ppl require for these dungeons, so nothing for new or lower geared players The only realy worthwhile source (at least on weekend). Anyway worth are only stage 1-3 cause you need keys to open up the chest of stage 4-6 and you need moonstone crystals to buy these keys since you only get 4 keys from the quest. I have 300+ chestsm of each stage 4, 5 and 6. I guess i never could open them (would be 1200+ moonstone crystals + 1200+ gold) and moonstone crystals are still an rng drop, so its not save you will get them back. And for me moonstone crystals are the most rare ressource while i have plenty of all other crystals. The 1 gold for the key is ok, I even would pay 2 or 3 gold for a key, when i dont need moonstone crystals to buy them There are plenty of ways to add some material sources, for example the Solo Dungeons. Let the bosses random drop elysian or moonstone crystals instead of spamming the player inventory with naryu coins, which no one realy need.
  22. Yeah TT accesoirs are expensive but Took me 8 weekends of hardcore MSP 1-6 farming for Aransu 9 -> GC 9, TT Ring and Earring 1 to Stage 10, Mao Neck 0 to Awakend 3 (didnt had any crux) and Glove 1 to Awakend 3 and by the way i nearly maxed out my TT soulshield 1-8. Farming BC for onyxscales and the 100 run archivment did the rest.
  23. I did Daily on 5 chars every day including HM/CS since Unity was introduced. I got one violet from the daily chest you can obtain, every transformation i tried failed even the system told me i have a highes obtainable chance (using 8 gleaming/shimmering)... Just LoL dont want to know what a low chance would be then... So yeah, some people maybe wont even obtain a legendary stone even in 10 years with an rng bad as it is oh and btw @NekoNoKishi its worthless trying to diskuss with Grimoir he even defend NC-Soft for not fixing any bugs and for him everything you say against BnS is plain stupid cause everything is fine as it is, there are no problems [zynism end]
  24. Well i already quit the game let alone for this funny zynical statement most people on my friendslist are already banned for hillarious reasons, because they criticised to much. Even in Fraction-Chat they complain about how NC-Soft handels criticism and banning for ridicoulous reasons. When i last logged in (about sunday afternoon) there was a big discussion about this theme at the red fraction chat where many people complained. Kim Jong Un-squad was one of the friendly things they called the forum team ;) And NO @PhoenixMitra thats not discussing moderation, thats a fact that should give you something to think about, at least when you see there are only 10-20 people left who are active. (after this post one less) So Yeah, istead of listening to the community make them silenced who cares about a decrreasing playerbase? Normaly i wouldnt post anymore here cause its just useless, you could also talk to the wall next to you and for sure thats more productive. Anyway im posting cause somehow @Ren36 is deffinetly right with some of his statements. Im not a game coder even i made some mods for UE3 and 4 (mostly UE 4 for Ark Survival) but im a semi professional php-coder who formaly was involved in many phpbb2 and 3 modifications. One of the first things you learn, be as economical as possible when it comes to database access. I will give you an example how the Coders waste a lot of ressorces. You all know the chest where items you bought and items from daily dash are stored. 1. you can only take a max of 30 items at once 2. every item is transfered one by one Imagin you will transfer 30 experience charms from this chest to your inventory. now you need to update the database at least 2 times, one database entry for the chest and one for your inventory but you took 30 xp-charms, so this happens 30 times in a row means you at least 60 times update the database for 1 stack of 30 items. And you have to do it this way cause else you risk to loos items when you crash while transfering items. This could be much more effective by transfering the selectet amount at once and not one by one. imagin the load when only 100 people are transfering items from their chests to their inventories. Thats only one example how the coders add shitty code that waste a lot of ressources and causing a high load on the server Even if this was meant as a timesink you could have solved it much more serverfriendly by just adding a timer who block you from doing other things for a specific amount of time So yeah Ren36 is right. You might be a professional, hired coder, the producer want you to code a function, it is still up to you, wether you code a clean gentle on preformance code or just dont care about the preformance... And now good bye, maybe ill check back when NC-Soft finaly was able to fix the friendslist bug that i now have to deal with for more then 10 month. Realy nice when you dont see your frinds and neither they can see you...
  25. I'll guess its not a problem of incompetent developers, its more a problem of NC-Soft dosn't give a ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ about the community or the problems with bugs, as long as F10 works. It took nearly 1,5 years to fix the "Stuck in Combat" Bug. Well it isnt realy fixed, nut it took Them 1.5 years to vome to the idea "we can let the players use the protals even when they are still in combat". Well this work around could have been published withhin a month after the first complains about the "Stuck in Combat" Bug. Also NC-Soft doesn't give a ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ about the friends list. Well it never worked properly but now more and more player have the problem that it doenst work overall. You dont see your friends online cause you have 0/0 friends, your friends doesnt see you online and the game is nearly impossible to play when you have this bug and you are not in a clan. Some players are affected by this bug over 10and more month, i by myself are affected for now 8 month and support keep telling us "We know about the problem and working on a solution but cant tell when it will be solved" It might be a problem with the database, a name with an uncommon character, a not correct escaped entry or something like that. At least nothing you cant solve in over 10 month. A ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ they do, honestly over 10 month? Not even a small compensation for affected players, nothing then empty promises... Thats the best example how much NC-Soft cares about their players and that they just give a ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ about when players leave as long as the cash from trove and rng-boxes keeps flowing. Anyway, you are possible right that the coders are incompetent when i look at some mechanics. Example: transfering Items from the your chest (where Login rewards, bought items and Daily Dash items are stored) to your inventory. Instead of transfering the selected amount they transfer item by item. So when you transfer 30 Items it will be 30 times 1 item. WTF realy? That means 60 times updating the database, 2 database updates per item, 1 for the chest and 1 for the inventory instead of transfering the selected amount and only need 2 database updates. And you have to do it this way to keep redundancy so no items get lost when you for example crash during the transfer. First thing you learn when coding, keep database updates at a minimum, cause they can produce high loads at large databases. So yeah, when you dont have a high server load, create it by yourself. [/irony]
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