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Miggy Miggs

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Everything posted by Miggy Miggs

  1. can we fix arena spectating like this bug been flying and not a single mention or acknowledgement of it, i doubt they even know. they really don't care for pvp in this game :( after this patch arena is even more dead than before ..... people so busy doing dc now they cant even do arena ---_____---
  2. i received mine today while pvping, i didnt know what it was for as for the stone received also 1 around 30 minutes ago
  3. last time event was actually good was way back in 2017 in my opinion and also when they started with soul and pet leveling system . those were good events the events were getting now i dont mind , its alot of work yes but being able to reset your weekly is sweet (i could buy a aransu reset with 15 reset and go crazy if i wanted to, and thats from marketplace )to get event items when you need it, rather than waiting a whole week to collect each item. yea people could get more in past like 1 vial a week on each char and if u have ten thats 10 vial but keep in mind that they made it so you need less vial to upgrade soul so in return they will limit you cause if am purple soul i could do like 3-4 upgrades in 1 week from 12 chars .. then 2 upgrades in a week and so forth. what i would wanna see is some mat bundles implemented in event tab or change it up a bit event tab is a lil depressing with lame standard stuff after seeing the first 4 items everything else is copy paste...down the line its standard stuff but am tired of it ....add different outfits to the outfit bundle they have in event tab, its a great addition but by now people pick and choose what they want from that a long time ago . add more weapon skins
  4. hahaha i know but theres are a few things they can take from here and there ....
  5. separating pvp and pve daily ... PVE DAILY CHALLENGE everyday we will have our regular daily challenges as normal with some changes...rotating between each dungeon from each selection everyday.daily would be separated into 2 BASIC DAILY & HARD MODE DAILY . 1.A Solo dungeon (den, master hong, pirate girl) 2.A lock out dungeon (HM,CS) 3. farming area (CB,Moon Refuge) 4. El,IF,SSM (Rotation) 5.BC,DST,SM,TT (rotation) 6.HH, SSM, DD (rotation) 7.WC,CC (rotation) COMPLETING ANY 3 WILL GIVE YOU BASIC REWARDS BEFORE STORM OF ARROWS PATCH. minus the arena keys. COMPLETING 4 DUNGEON GIVES YOU STANDARD REWARDS WHICH IS THE EVENT BOX. on completing 2 hard mode dungeons for the day,regardless if its a daily or not will unlock a box which has a chance to get the new raid reset,scarlet bloom token,imperial core, the new cores for bracelet dungeon,pet pack , sacered vial,elder token )even if drop rates are low, PVP DAILY CHALLENGE MON -WED-FRIDAY, a new tab will show up pvp dailies for the day...pve daily will still be there tag match time will be adjusted to facilitate this ... tag match will be open mid day and close at the time it does now. tag match will be open only on monday wed and friday as usual, 1v1 will be open everyday as usual opening at the same time it does nothing is changed there. battle royal time is also adjusted to start in the evenings and have 3 total session.it will only be open on mon wed and fridays. 1. 1 v1 win 2. 3v3 win 3. 3 x 3v3 participate completing all 3 gives you 1 blood stone , sparkling arena chest, 1k zen bean ,2 arena keys-(considering every 2 day of daily is 2 keys ) 4. 1 bg win 5. 3x bg win 6.3 battle royal participate completing 5 gives,1 acension stone (dont remember name),normal battleground chest (not the cheap one the mid tier one) 1k bg points and 5 br tokens overall this system make sure that all aspect of the game is active, and no content is left in the dust....people from pvp or pve can enjoy any aspect of the game without being left out. the pvp daily is a good way for people whos not good at arena to still benefit from the arena chest even if they are not gold . rework the tag match ranking system to consider people who are not gold to still get season reward or weekly reward ..even if some adjustment need to be made pertaining to how much is distributed by allowing people to be active in these game mode just to maintain a weekly reward gain. so 3 days out of the week we will have a day were pvp contents are active and will become a core part of everyones routine in getting a lil extra materials for what ever purpose they need it for, they have choices in what and what they wanna do, as most of the daily is team base and can get carried whether its bg, 3v3 or participating in br ..... and later on add event tokens to pvp daily completion in such a way where for example u get 6 guarantee event tokens from event box from pve daily days ,and on pvp days you get 3 from pve and 3 from pvp daily ... to balance out pvp and pve ... atm theres a big neglect towards pvpers and alot of them left ,mainly because of skill changes but the modes being dead as something to do with it also... t
  6. i didnt even know they did this too, cause i haven't completed a daily in forever lol not wasting my life on that..... as a pvper daily has nothing to do with me anymore ....am already force into pve content as much as it is ...... only reason i did it back then 1 arena win 1 bg win and some low level dungeon and am out. now for 1 single arena key worth nothing more than a couple soulstones i should bust down on 6 challenges looooooool nope aint happening. when i use to do dc tho i would do stuff the previous day and dont accept rewards until that day of daily when am on a 3 day alt daily run marathon but i dont see alts surviving 2020. people out there do purple trains yes but give additional rewards for completing over 3 daily but dont spread what we got before into pieces and try to give us 6 for a 9, they need to fix all this are revert it simple as that we didnt have a prob with daily theres alot out there we have prob with and no fixes.
  7. i read over some points you made, my feedback: sin is super strong pvp, its a hard class to deal with no matter what utility your class as. assassin are very swift and can maintain stealth easily in pvp even if your not hit .... having 2 back step is really sweet but overall you can just... hit q , hit q 1, use counter f 1, go stealth, poison stack and kick into stealth the possibilities are endless. i have a sin and tbh at first i was sooo noob i couldnt even do a combo .... or chain ccs that was like couple months ago... but i observe others and spectate and saw what i was doing wrong. assassin is op if you get the hang of it ..you can poison breath blue buff poison breath bomb that like 75 percent hp there..that cheese is used even in gold match up ..if the sin confident enough in its dodge game .sin wins by damage like 990 percent of time i heard of this in bns tournaments and when i got good on sin i proved this..the overtime damage of sin is really good alon with poison stack. i can even bg on my sin and stall a whole team with trash gear.... its all about using your tools to outshine the opponent . if i see alot of fms i can secure a counter ,summoners i can secure a stealth with q easy these are the things you put on table. sin pve , in my opinion is the worst pveing class i mean back in the days dungeon its ok but now you can't maintain stealth easy ...any fixes to that will reflect in pvp so yea. leave it there. also all class in some way has skills to deal with sins ..atm not seeing a class that can counter sin 100 percent ..... use to be summs but idk since awaken i think that went out window. so sins are still good pvp. tbh its about time sin got a counter class and if the archer even makes a mistake she/he can be dead in 1 combo ..or blue buff cheese.
  8. i was on my main and wanted arena keys -____- i couldn't even do the dc needed for 6 completion....this is just great. i didnt know they could actually pull off a patch that could turn off whales and average players but they did. my friend wanted to come back and i cant even ask him again..cause he cant even get is daily keys that he for one use to farm easy when he was active. biggest patch of the year and so many errors, simple errors too, they need to consult with the bns community and get a feedback on what they need improvements on, before doing blind patches like these to get backlash then fix later on. what they did with bracelet is somewhat ok , as whales need to sometime wait but the wait they gonna have to wait is soooo long...they could have made a better way to get bracelet without having to wait 1-3 months knowing theres nothing you can do. so many stuff need to look over in this patch and needed to be done asap too...its not a good look leading up to unreal engine. who ever giving the devs info need to play the game more or ask someone who plays the game like kero.... there input on things . everything thats in this patch isn't benefiting anybody only turning players into enemy.
  9. idk if its me but since patch feels like the damage u take from arena is higher than before took 143k from a rumblelees in bg on my main with 10k def and full hp buff etc. 38k from fetal blade in arena (first tab one) like 22 k from sword salvo ...all those skills i seen with my own eyes got pvp reduction. but doing that big of a damage. even on arena i get 100-0 in 1 air yet spirit vortex got reduce...this equalize and standard and pve damage need a look over cause am not the only one saying people doing more damage
  10. U sure u not referring to wardens everything fits warden shoots perfectly , kfm isn't op, kfm is op as the person fighting it wants it to be...obviously if everyone spaming at it hes gonna resist becuase is counter as a resist on it .... if kfm didnt have that then kfm would be weak .... kfm is a mobile tank pvp class which means it needs to be moving and resisting to counter summoners, force master and all those annoying classes that spam to win... any other class can kill a kfm...sf and bm has the easiest time doing so. point is thats what makes kfm a tanky class in pve a counter and u can do dps during resist. i saw a pvp reduction on comet stirke the hard hitting skill in bg, but being a kfm isnt easy as come in brain dead tremor and comet stirke 5 kills. the moment u dont counter and go airborne your dead. 1 mistake and your dead.its a class that fights 5 people at a time but can easily be overpowered the moment u go on the offensive . taking away kfm damage because u cant fight it ??? but your class should keep your damage every class ingame is broken in bg not even wl or gs is weak the pve damage is big. if u cant fight it, avoid it lol.
  11. before this patch i could complete my dc get my 2 arena keys and be on my way now i have to complete 5 if i cant complete the first 5 or dont want to complete them i have ton do something much harder...and i dont even like pve content . blade and soul caused this by making the game so broken in dps by giving away everything ...and now as always trying to band aid fix it by making them harder.they need to add back one vs one and battleground daily. to at least help out with some form of decision making. daily now is so pve and so bias to pvp, or they need to have a pvp daily separate from that so i can farm my keys and stuff without doing forced up pve content . its the fact that they made stuff u get for completing 3 daily prem patch harder to get rather than adding more rewards to do over 3, working harder for same rewards. rip with alts . better quit your real job to balance bns in your life.
  12. why remove all pvp quest from daily? first you guys remove tag match, in na what happen was it became dead. you guys killed shackled isle giving it a lobby and no way to know how much people qing,remove icon to not advertise it when open, you added it to daily i think then remove it ... increase from 20 to 30 then reduce to 15 ....gave it an event which was really nice when rewards was bug but after rip. now you guys are planning to ruin 1 v 1 and everything pvp. when you remove pvp from daily, you are removing new players and average players from filling the hole of this dying pvp scene and turning away pvp players from the game alot of them left after awakening and your just dusting away the crumbs. to even go further you guys made pvp keys even more harder to get than before,which means people actually doing daily for keys wouldn't even bother,considering the choices we have. we working twice as hard for rewards we could get easy pre patch, one step forward 5 steps back motto all over again, i hate it so much. if you guys cant manage the game least you can do is ask the community there opinion on certain drastic changes.not everyone play this game for dungeon, infact i hate doing dungeons..daily challenge is full of it. we need a fix of that daily mess up you guys have there,cause its not benefiting anyone, in fact only turning people away from the game if you ask me. you guys even removed battleground daily like seriously??????????????? everything is so messy, thanks for ruining my blade and soul experience :( also i went to moon refuge my screen went black twice in less than 3 minutes of being there. i hope it was from my side cause i never ahd an issue there, i farm there all day without a prob pre patch so lets see.
  13. the only thing i look forward to is damage split,new class and account-bound items.....the easy mode split is a band-aid fix to hard mode to make it more rewarding but splitting the rewards up like that is risky,feels like more work and less choices. i didn't take a good look at the quest in particular but seems like for certain rewards you get from completing 3 quest pre patch will require maybe 4 quest or 5 not sure. the choices seems less now . but ill have to judge that on experience after patch drops. i don't care for new dungeon or raid cause I won't be able to look at those till a year time from now when they selling runs, or even new pet gems. i just wish they do some polls and get people's feedback on certain changes to avoid upseting people to issue a fix later on . maybe add back the PVP quests? cause I don't see my self doing hard mode of anything considering bns community, i wish they kept easy mode for the higher dungeon and remove the rewards but keep the quest complete with lower gold ,no acc token or mat chest for completing it. so it's not completely a pain. so people can learn a bit. i think kr did that with beginner normal and hard but they rework it like this i could be wrong ...
  14. kfm in bg isnt op, if you ask me its not even half way mark...i mean if you have over 350k hp and decent def you will survive the pull from someone incinerator and some gear unless they crit but am a kfm main and if i dont pull at least 2 people that person has a chance to go free. what you need to understand out of all the classes kfm is one of those classes if they don't pull and comet strike you they need to have to combo you, in bg where alot of people on you, standing to do a full combo is literally a pain ....while some classes like warden can be fighting 3 people and do 1 swing and people start dropping like crazy ...bm 3rd spec 1 aerial...fm frost tornado and the ground aoe that literally 100-0 if you get cc for 1 sec add that to the neutral damage output of those class ..gunners high damage burst, destoryer spin of death,sf literally everything a sf does 100-0, wl being a weak arena class dishes out high pvew damage in battleground shadow build that wing storm can hit over 100k, summoner bees spam ,blade dancer 1 sec run up. what you dont understand is, certain classes like kfm is a stall class and spent most of the time countering and resisting that actually spamming damage . kfm normal skill punches does like 20-30k per hit ... so u would need to do over 10 to kill someone that isnt fear ....what i would like tho is to increase the damage of punches in bg and lower tremor damage or what ever it is . but we would still need a 1 shot factor all class has it. and kfm tremor can be read out easy , obviously if i see a kfm fighting 3 people am gonna stay like 9m, wait for him to use pull before i go in compared to other classes that one shot you
  15. before we didnt have all these gear yet they made more money then the game progress people way to fast how people jump from under 1 mil dps to 3mil dps in 1 patch , and its not skill damage its all these max upgrade implemented ... they gave away too much in too little time and made game broken. EXAMPLE we just got a weapon the other day now we got all the stages and another weapon with all the stages loooooooooooooooool in like 3 months plus a new bracelet ... dps after this patch is gonna be so messy i wont even bother doing pve content . cuase by then my dps wont even matter. they even gave away upgrade mats for the curent raid weapon in hm store, how on earth should average player feel encourage ..more items are introduce and more stages than how mats are being handed out or AVailable
  16. i just wish the people running this game just stop with the 100 and add upgrades .....we this close to 2020 all these additon of stuff is just turning people away from the game, rubbing salt all over unreal engine release . why on earth do we need something else to upgrade when average player base literally low tier in everything about 10 - 20 upgrades to do on heart , soul, talisment pet . all of them sucking mats that needed for 6 other items, and also costing precious pet pack and sacred vial. i doubt an average person has leg talisment or heart thats over 2 leg stages, you might say talisment is pvp upgade but yet gives pve stat when close to max -__- this is the whole reason i quit doing pve content the moment this game dps spiral out of control is the day i stopped ...back then get a weapon ss and ascending soul you have dps now ..5 million things. new comers coming into the game get killed with story for days ....it can take 2-3 days to hit lvl 60 if you not a new player and stay focus .but if you are rip. just to do all that hit lvl 60 to find out your dps doesn't matter cause people doing like couple times over your story gear dps. the game income is so low for someone with 1 char on the account ... i find it hard that he or she isnt frustrated with the game within a week . this game idolizes low tier accs from wappi kill fillo, theres so much item in this game that isnt valuable but requires a whole day of farming . so new player is basically farming there life away. no communication to find out whats the problem, they dont conduct surveys to find out what can be done ....everything you do now leading upn to unreal release will play a role some how . first impression last long, if i join a game and all i see is work work work days of story to hit lvl 60 i mean in pass was fun cause ppl were also leveling now you hardly see a fly past by . getting trash talked by people CAuse am light years away from dps .....mmm? and now pet has gems lol..... slowly 6v6 gear is becoming dependent on all the items above ........i wonder how much nerf this damage system gonna do that the bracelet gonna put back? LIKE IT WAS NOTHING .
  17. please note system this came when archer dropped as you can see below> This patch brings the addition of the 12th class, "Archer", the new story quest of "The Iron Barrier Wall", and the new Heroic Dungeon. the patch aslo added: Normal/PVP/Standardized damage As with the new mode added to dungeons, we wanted to try something new for PVP battles as well. Before, all skills dealt the same amount of damage, whether in dungeons, arena, or battlegrounds. This made balancing a nightmare as certain dungeon-specific or battleground-specific changes could have unintended consequences on their counterpart. In order to better address these issues, we will be dividing the damage the skills apply into "Standard", "PvP", and "Standardized" types. Each situation you are in (dungeons, battlegrounds, arena), will utilize its respective damage type, and we will be working to balance Battlegrounds in particular to fix skills we feel are too effective. We will be working so that you can have a better combat experience, no matter what situation you may be in. i saw an archer pvp video and for a brief second i saw the skill separation at 22minutes and 41 seconds in...video link here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dvz6quCPyTw what am saying now is make sure that this skill thing gets implemented ...cause lately am telling the truth, i been playing alot less bns than usual...finding my self not enjoying the battlegrounds as i use to .....i remember when i started doing battleground when beluga just came out and played it night and day for the whole day with true scorpio i think thats the name then i when beluga stopped being popular during the day time i find my self doing pvp arena tag match when it was tag days .....then i find that arena tag was getting dead and started doing pve content as using gunner with average ping..was alot of fun .....then awaken came.... took that away from me back then i was doing like 300k dps and it was a big deal as i was free to play ( i spent some dough back in my early days, for character reasons tho)later on i scraped up aransu and my soul was decent yellow at the time. after awaken dps got too high, and felt like a big work and too much to upgrade with all the gold nerfs and generally lack of earnings from event where i could farm alts and make dough if i can remember well prem trans stone from event boxes were more common with previous management than this team. so my pve drive fell flat ... as farming alts on wed. was more rewarding then and easy to get party compared to now where people doing updated raids with old raids...and i am not yet far along in story on alts etc.back then i could scrape over 1k gold on weds...so slowly my pve drive went flat to not even doing a weekly now . consider i have 400k hp with 10k def 3.5k crit def . a hand full of classes are doing a ton load of damage even with pleb gear. warden - 3 def piercing swing value at over 300k ...i took one swing but received 2 damages from it....may be i didnt see right but thats what i saw in combat info.. divine stirke and start spamming sword salvo ...100k to 200k hits i remember taking 1 sword salvo and died instantly . soul fight glacial blast is so broken just spam it at someone and they dead. as much as wl weak in arena..... the pve damage coming from them in battleground is so high ... if u not blocking could be dead in 2 seconds just from them holding simple mode . fm asteroid slamps half hp and puts your whole teasm at disadvantage ...even worse if u on your alt rip all your hp. frost tornado from fm is a guard break skill yet its doing big damage as if it was a main damage skill. after all this i still with a blind eye ignored this .... my best friend quit bns not even 2 weeks in to awaken. he was a pvper and did pve on the side . so i watch alot pvper friends left the game and am here slightly alone with may be a hand full of friends that dont even pvp but we just talk about regular things etc. when they announce br i was so exicted may be this will lure in some people but after getting cat paw and sappered without a chance to react or actually do some pvp i said yea not doing this again . so i left with my battlground hopes then came bm third spec ...... everday someone complains about bm third spec in region chat ..i can tell how frustrated people are and sick of this game balancing 1 step forward 2 step back mentally ...... korea said that wl aerial in the past force an interfere and holds you too long airborne thatsn why they made it one before waken came .... and am not a wl main ...just referencing here..... so they came with bm 10 second aerial time .... not even counting the damage its the fact that the amount of def peircing stun that bm has any body can send you airborne and you get spam at in bg ..... if the bm second aerial doesnt kill you the range class on ground will finish you off . and this aerial is on a 10 second cd i think. i mean i was pretty use to the idea of new class being op and broken for a couple months but its just too much at this point ... why is the game like this , who is this pleasing because am sure not every one is pleased and it shows on how much people playing this game now compared to 2017 . yes game will lose people but its evident no one digs the new 1 shot idea this game is issuing ....everything gets 1 shot .. weekly, arena bg, shackled isle dungeon mobs. dps has no meaning now , back then gear and ping had alot to do with dps but now ..its mainly about class. its l;iterally impossible to enjoy playing what you love as it spec wise as a 3rd spec user considering 3rd spec makes everything else look so weak ...yet they said at the end of the 3rd spec video patch stream that just becuase 3rd spec is out doesnt make all the other builds weak .... that went out the window the day korea released it . so i say to you at nc ... make sure that this damage system makes it way into archer patch cause i doubt this game needs another op class ..altho archer isnt a class i would use for numerous reasons .... and looks weak defense wise. but i dont trust a sheep in wolf clothing till i see it in bg ... also am not looking for this damage sytem to make every class good and not broken and i know its not gonna be much of a difference really considering korea track record ... but at least allow some room for improvements .... in the future . but if new pve bracelet gonna come in with big modifer rip battelground for all those classes abusing it.
  18. I never really paid attention much after I sent over almost all my gear to my new main.now am feeling a Lil bored playing one class and want to experiment a bit...so I been thinking of giving another class some gear to play around with and feel out the class a bit.what I realize after checking some of my characters is alot of my charm fragments are being wasted....I paid good money for those and if I wanna send one item from one character considering that character only has one eligible item to send. minus 2 from 10 .. leaves 8 if that character doesn't have another piece of gear to send those are wasted..... I really appreciate the gear send system but nothing on this earth I hate more than having something go to waste.it's NC coin feature only ..yes people can buy from market and pay more but it was bought with NC coin. Considering people won't even mail weapon that much...and soul is 10 ....I don't see why it's hard to make them bound I have 8 on one character 3 on another ..if am gonna send gear to another character am looking at 2 more full charm ... I am so discourage to even maol a piece of gear considering that more fragments are just gonna sit there. Something must be done
  19. every game is toxic, and tbh everyone ingame should probably experience some form of insulted in past ....when sundred nexus was a thing ....i mess up the most important mech of luring the drills ina cricle as back then pc was trash and my fps froze and stack them on top of each other rip wipe .... or even ransack treasury now never liked that dungeon even tho i have gear to clear it ... what you need to do is familiarize your self wtih the mechanics considering most dungeon mechanics can be out dps or ignored .... 1.best to find a clan. 2.recuit people for the dungeon and ask for help. 3. ask in fraction chat for someone to carry you . 4. ask a friend. 5.let the team know you cant do a certain mechanics. 6.do dungeon that goes with your gear, not every dungeon is low gear friendly ,yea people could carry you, but if you get kick when you try to do a dungeon higher than you should understand ... its simple to just carry you but some dungeon requires gear and some brain,and 1 person can carry the whole team down..like shadow moor altho shadow moor easy as can be but if you mess up first boss rip. point is don't take what people say seriously its a game, they don't know you . block em!!! and move on. also toxic isnt against newbie even high gear people get it . gotta understand alot of people playing this game and they all have different life problems so forget them .
  20. just because u can farm something else where doesnt mean it cant reduce . so they should do the same for for wwv ss ..phase it out and reduce cost of beluga ones ... but tbh seeing this event throwing out bloodstones may be they have it in mind to reduce some pvp cost
  21. midnight action hero and sunrise something the yellow recolour those are the bombs
  22. and just make beluga the low tier pvp ss for now has way better survival stats minus damage buff but its really good and helps with survival.
  23. All those weapon and ss are 3 years old with 3 tiers above them u have beluga nova and avenging ...so my question is why is wwv ss costing bloodstone thats needed to upgrade pvp weapon of better gear and also requiring almost sed amount . tbh its really sad getting people with wwv ss in bg they need to be phase out of the game just like they did with bale and seraph.
  24. true , i dont expect em to reply to angry post but people are upset and its best to post it so they know. than to be quiet they will eventually do something to fix the issue even if it s too late . base on past experience only time things get done is when people act crazy and wild out ..for example when the hae mujin event was coming. i do believe there are times when they could acknowledge certain post than completely ignoring it and trying to fix it in the back ground and left people in the winds trying to figure out whats gonna happen .its the whole reason why people behave like this, arena spectating is bug since idk no word on that these are the lil things we are not getting an update on whats going on behind the scenes what are they trying to fix, what are they looking into ... you just here looking
  25. they reduce the soul cost with oils needed so getting less now isnt bad . before u needed like 60 plus oil and evrything to reach there and there so reaping more then was understandable to now . where 3 oils equal an upgrade when u get somewhere around true cosmic if u could get 11 oils now u could be doing 3 upgrade per week thats broken. back then u needed more oils per upgrade , hence more supply now u need less hence less supply and tbh u dont have to farm oil alone theres alot more stuff u can grab ...if u wanna farm 33 oil from this event and not think thats somehow broken wow . buy other stuff
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