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Posts posted by ImoutoMaster

  1. Ich kann dir leider nicht weiterhelfen, da die meisten Deutschen Klan in der anderen Fraktion sind, jedoch kann ich tips geben, damit du eine Gilde findest, die zu dir passt.

    Beantworte doch mal folgende Fragen:


    1. Wie alt bist du ? Muss nicht genau sein Hauptsache man weiss ob du noch ein Kind bist oder nicht.

    2. Wo liegt dein Interesse ? PVP ? PVE ? beides ?

    3. Wann spielst du in der Regel ? Nachts ? Abends ? ......

    4. Wie viel Erfahrung bringst du mit ? Bei wenig empfehle ich eher erstmal einen einzelnen Spieler zu finden, der dir die Grundlagen beibringt.


    Darauf musst du achten:

    1. Hat die Gilde viele Spieler mit gutem Gear ? wenn nicht ist es fraglich ob du mit denen weit kommst. Da rede ich von Kaiser Waffe etc.

    2. Wie viele sind im Schnitt online ? Sollten schon mehr als 2 sein.

    3. Raids gibt es mindestens Nightfall Century ? und wird der auch besiegt ? Das ist der dritte Raid. Hier sollte wenigestens Boss 3 liegen.

    4. Welche Sprachen soll die Gilde beherschen ? Du kannst zwischen Englisch, Deutsch und Französisch entscheiden sehr selten gibt es mal multi Sprach Gilden.

    5. Dies ist das wichtigste kannst du dich mit den Mitgliedern des Klans anfreunden ?



    P.S eines noch. Bitte joine nur einen Klan, wenn du weisst, dass du mehr als 2 Tage spielen wirst. Es gibt nichts frustrierenderes in einem Klan als neue Mitglieder, die nach 2 Tagen schon inaktiv sind.

  2. vor 52 Minuten schrieb Miggy Miggs:

    I dont mind the earring. .

    Like i already said i agree with banning all PVE stuff from BG, Soul shield aswell its just i think Soul shield is not a big problem compared to most other things since you still reduce your defence with it. Again i agree they should ban PVE SS and everything else but why do you not mind the earring ?


    Cause it gives 30% to KFM best skill tremor ? So if your class gets an advantage from PVE stuff its ok ?

  3. vor 2 Stunden schrieb CrazyDude90:

    i still agree with him it shouldn't be allowed in BG. Sure its lesser defense but.. whats the difference in dying from a 3.000.000 hit when you have PVP gear compared to a 4.500.000 hit when you have pve gear equipped? You die anyway.


    Small example: 0FkoKJJ.jpg

    Dont get me wrong i totally agree to banning PVE Gear as a whole in BG but i dont mind Soul shields since the only difference it does is making it easier to kill people that wear it.

    About the idea of making first gen PVP Stuff free and ban PVE Gear completly i can accept that and i would see this as a way into the right direction but.


    Even with first gen PVP stuff you will be unable to do much in BG so i am for a cost reduction or cost change so you either need as much as you need for raven 3 to aransu 9 till you reach max weapon or you remove everything PVE related from Upgrade cost cause thats the biggest reason people dont care for their PVP Gear. PVP Gear eats up alot of mats you need for PVE and if the average player comes to a point where he needs to decide  "a bit more dmg in PVE" or "a bit more PVP Gear which will still result in getting one shot" they rather take the PVE stuff.

  4. vor einer Stunde schrieb Miggy Miggs:

    I see gunner with full pve ss,why is this allowed in bg ..yall did ss balance the other day and ppl out here using full 8 set in bg...ban 8 set soulsheild in bg.

     I dont think thats a problem cause PVE Soul shield also means less defence. So while he may do bigger dmg he will die must faster aswell. The only reason id agree to banning this are the lags and freezes you get in 6v6. If you have a player with huge dmg like one of theese gunners you need to be able to 24/7 evade but you cant if you get a randoom lag.

    vor einer Stunde schrieb Miggy Miggs:

    Sin activate full resist and spam op 3rd spec damage like it's a boss fight ...

    Any third spec is like this. BM got a godmode for several seconds, KFM wolf 8 seconds godmode, Assasin godmode (sf skill of C or atleast the debuff icon is the same), Destroyer lets not talk about this class. I am still waiting for them to ban third specs from PVP like it was supposed to be.

    vor einer Stunde schrieb Miggy Miggs:

    Pve bracelet ...alot of classes using pve bracelet with all the bracelet critical stats and skill modifer yet ...... Nothing is done about this ...

    Well its cause for some classes the PVP Bracelet we have is trash. For example Soul fighter gets a bit more dmg on his F during aerial thats totally useless but PVE Bracelet gives extra dmg to SF main skill. KFM on the other hand gets a huge dmg increase from PVP Bracelet. So i think in the first place they need to change it up a bit so the PVP stuff is actully usefull.

    vor einer Stunde schrieb Miggy Miggs:

    I really hope korea fix this brake less van rolling down the street ....


    vor 1 Stunde schrieb Miggy Miggs:

    how negative of an impression it leaves on new comers

    It dosent matter what kind of gear is used in PVP. New Comers see they do litterly 20K dmg with a full rotation of their attacks while the enemy got 500K HP but get hit once and die.

    Even tho PVP gear got much cheaper nowdays its still aditional cost and not like 3K or 5K to get full PVP Gear its still several 10 Thousand of gold to get decent gear plus alot of farming for Bloodstones. I already wrote it several times for newcomers a borrowing system is needed so you can pay like 100G to get full PVP Gear for x ammount of time.

    • Like 1
  5. vor 34 Minuten schrieb Raeven:

    You don't know what you're talking about. It's a ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ glitch because when being hit by the ice bullshit and being against the wall, all moves are grayed out EVEN if they are NOT in cooldown and SHOULD be available. There isn't a debuff icon either stating certain moves cannot be performed because of being hit. 

    There is no debuff icon cause its not a debuff in the first place. Its a simple stun chain which cannot be excaped due to a wall. BTW. FM is not the only class with wallbang.


    It was clearly stated it is how its supposed to be. Back then when we still had active PVP and Awakening was KR only the PVP Players asked them if thats supposed to be like it is and they said "yes".


    Glitches are failures in a systemsoftware which result in stuff you can do ingame that should be possible something thats not supposed to be there but Wallbang is supposed to be in there thats why its not a glitch !

  6. vor 51 Minuten schrieb Raeven:

    ^ this dude is full of rubbish.. Play whatever class you are best at.  

    He asks about thoose 3 classes. Maybe he does only have thoose 3 classes and dosent want to lvl another char since story is boring af and cant be skipped without real money.


    To what ive read about you:

    1. you complain about cheaters but cant give proof of a single cheater.

    2. You are not open to argue why you may be right or wrong.

    3. You call others noob without knowing how they play.


    Now you call me "full of rubbish" cause i state my oppinion about PVP related stuff. Me ? someone who plays since day 1 and beats top 5 players regulary ? (not always of course i am not that good but i have a chance) and does have enough experience to tell you what every single animation which is used in PVP can do ?


    I am very sure i have enough knowledge to atleast answer whats the strogest class of theese 3.


    Please inform yourselfe before posting stuff and insulting others and if you wanna be happy here in forum you need to learn how to argue whay you oppinion might be better or more correct than others.




    Now back to you dont listen to what Raeven wrote but i do agree that you should play whatever is the most fun to you and not care about strengh of the classes.

    BM and Soul fighter are the strongest classes currently (didnt count in third spec des cause i am still not sure how to rate it).

    Force Master is mid tier just like Summoner but Summoner needs to play crazy good otherwise you will have a hard time in higher ranking. If a class can be predicted its getting weak and summoner is a class which can be predicted very easily.

  7. vor 16 Minuten schrieb Raeven:

    The knock back is NOT broken. The ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ tooltip says you can be knocked back 4 times.. Can you count??? FM wall is a glitch that should not be happening but the useless devs can't fix it. 

    its not a glitch its officially stated back then that its supposed to be like this but most people agree this should be patched out cause of tab escape it written you can escape stuns, kd etc. but you cant just cause of the location you are in. FM still uses CC to keep you at wall but you cant tab escape even tho you are in a cc chain which is tabbable if you are not at this current location.


    So they should either write it down or remove it but its not a glitch cause it was meant to be like this !

  8. @Cyan@PhoenixMitra@Hyunkel any new news about the removal of PVP restriction times or banning of Third specs in pvp till all classes have one ?


    If you have other Informations regarding PVP (1v1 and or 3v3) id like to know aswell.


    It feels like you guys are not even asking KR devs to do such a thing. I mean its probably just 1 line of code to ban third specs and the removal of time restrictions aswell but atleast ive got an answer for this already that KR does not care about time restiction for us.

  9. vor 1 Stunde schrieb Thebeatle:

    You are probably stunned, escape skills on the ground are disabled during stun. It always happens to me too, there is no way out, just accept death.. xD

    He is talking about tab escape aswell and this is not disabled on stun only when you get thrown against wall.

  10. Soul fighter is the best of thoose 3.


    6v6: Force Master

    1v1: Soul fighter

    3v3: Soul fighter


    Even tho i say Force Master is better in 6v6 Soul fighter is not that much weaker compared to Force Master if they wouldnt have Tornado Force Master would be actully weak but this skill is godlike unfourtunetly its only supposed to break the defence but it also has the potential to oneshot you.

    • Like 1
  11. vor 2 Stunden schrieb 7Siete:

    the only thing that ncsoft is archiving with this hour, is making pvp players to look for alternative games, i dont think thats their ultimate goal

    Less PVP Players means less Soul stones and less Moonstones. You get thoose nearly only from PVP but demand is high. What does it mean if ressources you need alot dont exist in huge quantities in this game ? F5 increases and what does this mean ? F10 gets more attractive. Thats probably their plan oh and HM coins get reduced this way aswell since less players reach gold rank. Its a playerbase that dosent buy alot anyway so they are not needed for NCsoft thats probably also the reason why they dont care about balancing their classes and instead release third spec after third spec.


    BTW. to my knowledge Third specs where banned from PVP in KR but EU and NA dosent care since there is no money involved.


    I tryed to discuss it with several mods and admins already but they alwasy said they are not gonna change it back cause KR said its a good idea.

    They told me how KR made this decision aswell. KR looked into the statistics and noticed there are very few players in PVP compared to PVE so they thought its a great idea to limit the time to force thoose who enjoy PVP to play at the same time but like everyone warned NCwest it resulted in people quitting since they cant log in and have fun anymore instead they have to wait till they are able to play.


    Alot of people really enjoy 3v3 but they cant play it anymore either cause its not avaible or the skill gap is huge even in silver you have a high chance of getting a full team of top 5 players or atleast top 30 which is not winnable for the average player this result in having in mind "i cant reach my goals anyway" so most new players stop before even actully starting PVP. I consider myselfe as one of the better players out there and the last two season i only managed 4 chars to be barely in gold.


    While 3v3 restictions make somewhat sense in theorie cause at some times it was actully hard to get a match 1v1 dosent make sense at all since atleast i had never any problem finding matches even at 2 in the morning.


    Multiple times i asked them to atleast increase 3v3 to 3 hours a day instead of 3 days 3 hours but again they dont care even tho this would fix PVP to some extend. If we had some whale who would say if you not gonna change ......... i quit it would probably be fixed but thats not gonna happen since whales dont play PVP. (talking about someone who pays thousands per treasure trove)

    • Like 1
  12. vor 2 Stunden schrieb AnnaReborn:

    1- soulstones are not PVP material. We need them to craft transformation stones to transmute oils.

    Same goes to Elysians or Sacred orbs or even Scales. You could say they are not PVE Items cause you need them for PVP stuff aswell but you can only get them via PVE. So i think your logic is lacking just because you need it for something which is considered being PVE its not a PVE Item if you can only obtain it via PVP or PVE thats when it becomes a PVE or PVP Item.


    Ultimately F10 is the way to fix this in NCs mind so dont get your hopes up but i just wanna say its wrong giving PVE Players ways to farm PVP stuff without giving PVP ways to farm PVE stuff aswell pls stop being so selfish just because you dont like this part of the game. You are not being forced to play PVP if you dont want it just dont play it ! there is F5.


    2- I know the map is pvp. I'm not THAT ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤. but the fact that an aransu whatever can 1 shot 1 mob and kill the farming entirely is just ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤. Doesn't matter how many times I kill him after he's done it. Farming is done.

    Thats something we all agree to they should either simply increase the HP and DMG of the bosses or give us another farming spot for mat boxes but to my knowledge KR dosent have something like this which means we will not be seing anything like this anytime soon.


    3- I find it surprising that none of you find it a bit off that soulstones price increased when people started doing this, which means there's a group of people(probably crimson) who farmed SSP like mad and are now preventing others from doing it, monopolizing SS price that keeps going up.

    Thats one factor also less and less people play PVP which also means less Soul stones.  I dont think thats something bad thou thats how this system is supposed to be fight over this spot they just have to make it harder to kill this NPC so there is a chance to protect it.


    4 - Nothing in this game at this point is grindable in an efficient way. Give us a map like celestial basin, where we can do what MMO's are supposed to make us do...grind for hours for legit and worthy rewards, Soulstones, etc, not CRYSTALS, and not ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ amounts, but fair amounts for the time we spend there.Never in any mmo I've been forced to go pvp to farm for my PVE gear. That's straight forward ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤. 

    I havent played that much MMOs before Blade and soul but its the same for PVP aswell we dont want to be forced to PVE. Gladly PVE will get reduced soon since you will be able to get some PVP Gear via 6v6 instead of being forced to run 10209828 Runs of the same boring dungeon. You will still be forced to PVE for mats probably thou so it should stay the same for PVE aswell. There is always F5 so you are not forced to play PVP just saying while my argument that you are forced to PVE still stays cause of scales and raid stuff like Badge.


    But this company has a way of brainwashing players. Give them what they want in F10, and they forget all the garbage they put up with, all the trash events that don't even give 1 oil a week. I already bought my frontline ticket to watch this game go out with a BANG, and not a good one.

    Sadly there are still enough whales so if they just increase their Pay to win their income will stay quite good and guess what they do with F10 currently ? Even tho the pay to win is helping them to keep up with what they do it will probably shut down before UE4 like i mentioned in other topics but thats not gonna happen this year probably in 2 or 3 years.

  13. vor 2 Stunden schrieb Raeven:

    Must be nice to live in a fantasy where people never cheat.. lol 

    Nah Nah i know there are cheaters and there is a specific group i am sure of they are using XML cheats but i cant mention what group cause id get banned for this.

    The Problem is with getting proof, how do you wanna proof it ? Record it ? People can say "thats no cheat he just got a good ping and fast reflexes" which is mostly actully the case.


    The only real way to find proof is making them say it themselve and record it. For example a well known BD used XML and said this on Stream in Twitch. People recorded it and forwarded it to NC support. Sadly even with proof he didnt get punished.


    Again i am asking you to provide vid proof of any cheater something which 100% tells us without a single doubt he or she is cheating.



    Support is having a problem there aswell which i didnt mention yet. You need alot of experience to know how the skills look and how they shouldnt. Sadly NC is not playing their game so i doubt they know alot of the animations and how they are supposed to look so its even harder for them to say "this guy is definetly cheating".

  14. Am 8.3.2020 um 08:00 schrieb Yujin:

    Naja diese Denkweise ist ganz schön pessimistisch..^^

    Klar bin ich pessimistisch, ich habe das Spiel damals am 19.01.2016 begonnen und musste miterleben, was aus F10 geworden ist und der Performance. Damals habe ich noch mit einem I5 4570 + GTX 660 + 8GB Ram auf HDD gespielt und hatte keine Lags oder Ruckler. Heute I7 9700K + RTX 2070 + 32GB ram auf SSD und es Ruckelt enorm. Entweder renne ich dungeons alleine oder es ruckelt ohne Ende. Dann schaut man sich das Balancing der Klassen an und klar hat man sich damals auch über einiges aufgeregt und einiges war auch unbalanced jedoch ist es seit Awakening auf einem Hoch und es gibt seitdem auch keine Patches mehr in der Richtung stattdessen (und das brachte mir diesen Pessimismus) werden die PVP Spieler behandelt als ob man Sie nicht haben will ingame mit PVP Zeiten. Seit dem ist die Spieler Zahl im PVP so gering, dass es selbst im low Gold bereich sehr oft dazu kommt, dass du 5 mal gegen den selben Spielst.


    Klar das ist nun PVP stark beeinflusst und das liegt daran, weil PVP immer der aspekt war, der mich nach BNS gezogen hat dennoch habe ich mehr PVE gespielt nur seit Dezember lasse ich das nun, da mir diese Ruckler als unspielbar vorkommen.


    Was macht NCsoft ? entweder sagen die "das ist so gewollt und wir ändern nichts" oder die sagen gar nichts. Jeder anständige Entwickler/Publisher hätte das schon seit 3 Jahren gefixed mit den Rucklern aber nein NCsoft ist special. Darf ich daran errinern, dass irgendein Fan Entwickler es geschafft hat DX 12 für BNS zu machen ? Warum kann eine so große Firma wie NCsoft das nicht versuchen ?


    Solange genug Leute zahlen und das Game noch rentabel ist und die Server Erhaltungskosten nicht höher sind als der Umsatz, dann sollte es noch paar Jahre weiter gehen.

    Aufgrunddessen rechne ich auch damit, dass BNS noch etwas leben wird dennoch bleibe ich bei der Aussage, dass wir kein UE4 sehen werden, da die Entwicklung niemals vor 2024 abgeschlossen sein wird.

  15. Soul stones increases drasticlly in price recently and Moonstones decreases in price so its fine i think. I mean it freaking easy to get Soul stones and Moonstones from PVP but i wouldnt mind a way of farming crystals more efficent for PVE only players.


    I know ive posted this alot already and all thoose PVE People disagree with me but "Dont be lazy and PVP if you want PVP mats!" People who dont like PVE still have to farm their stuff like Elysians, Sacred Orbs etc. from PVE aswell there is no way of farming them in PVP.


    Even tho i know NC will not do a damn thing i would like Elysians and Sacred Orbs to be added into the PVP Boxes and Soul stones + Moonstones added into Dynamic of the 3 most recent dungeons for example. (1 Moonstones/3 Soulstones per run )

  16. vor 1 Stunde schrieb CrazyDude90:


    It very unlikely they are finishing UE4 before EU/NA discontinues their server. They announced UE4 in 2017 and it took them 3 years to get lvl 45 content done which still is buggy. They will probably need atleast another 3 years for the rest of the content which is not declining just caue UE4 is in developement so i expect UE4 in 2024 to be finished for KR and EU/NA would get it in 2025. I dont believe This game is gonna survive that long maybe till 2022 if they are very lucky.



    This would mean they have to give out informations which mostly would result in people quitting Blade and soul even more since its pay to win stuff or ingnoring of our needs.

    For example if they took our questions it would be like this: What about the current performance issue ? Answer: We are currently not working on fixing any of thoose performance issue due to the upcomming release of UE4.


    Is "frontier world" the thing you meant with "we get UE4 in the west" and if so.. is this the only thing we can expect for our region


    is KR working on converting THE WESTERN VERSION (OUR VERSION) into the Unreal Engine 4 and when can we finally see if this thing really exist???

    Their official plan is to wait till UE4 covers all of our content and release it in a completed state they said this multiple times thats why no Frontier for us. Like i wrote i expect it to be finished around 2024.


  17. vor 9 Stunden schrieb kibukimura:

    he asked why he dint got warlock items and got assasins ones, those are the ones im talking with him about

    Well you let it sound like you couldnt use Necklace or glove or whatever since you can use thoose things with every class the only Assasin only things in this box are the Badges Mystic and Soul Badge.

    Am 29.2.2020 um 06:21 schrieb kibukimura:

    To be honest the only i can think now is to use them to get a crux for your other accesories.

    Thats what i was referring to. Sure its a good idea to use them as crux but it sound like he cant use them in the frst place which is incorrect.

  18. Actully even tho i am sure we will not be able to see UE4 in Europe or NA it dosent look like alot of people quit recently.


    Looking at BNS buddy the playercount got recduced by like 300 Maybe which is not as huge as some other updates did so the recently Pay to win increase didnt change much yet.


    If we read forums and listen to the players feelings about the game thats another story. It seems like people are only waiting for an alternative to quit and well 2 of thoose alternatives are comming to EU/NA this year which means BNS is gonna lose alot of player.


    To conclude even tho we expect them to die in 2020 its completly possible for them to survive even through 2021 if they keep up the pay to win their income will be more then enough since their effort is litterly only keeping the server running which could be done for like 50$ a month now adding in the cost of staff etc. whole BNS could be financed with one whale spending money on trove.

  19. Hi there European Players:


    since nothing happened in here for several months and outside of some guild intern tournaments there is no such thing anymore i thought i could try to start one if enough players would like to participate.


    Here are the rules:


    Starting time: 4th April 19:00 CET

    Tag Team: Randoomly Choosen (So 3 top 5 players cant just destroy everybody)

    1v1: Each Teammemeber needs to fight another one of the enemy team solo.

    Prices: 1st 50% of whole Donations, 2nd 30% of whole Donations, 3rd 20% of whole Donation


    So ive planned we start with a 1v1 each member needs to participate once so we have 3 times 1v1 and once tag team. 1v1 gives 1 point 3v3 gives 3 points.


    If you want to be part of this event or Donate to the price pool join this Discord server: https://discord.gg/XPwGr6e

    I will edit this Server later have no time for it right now.


    Price of this tournament comes from Donations. Personally i will farm some Gold for it now but there is no need for anyone to donate just cause you want to participate.



    Changing class mid tournament is not allowed.

    We need atleast 12 Participants or it needs to be a 1v1 tournament.


    Thx in advance and you are free to help with organizing or giving me advice as to how to manage it since this is my first time.

  20. vor 20 Stunden schrieb evilpi:

    I would love to use BNS Buddy, but until NCsoft issues a statement in black and white that we are allowed to do so, I will just continue dealing with the issues....as much as those issue suck. I will not risk loosing my account. 

    1. They use it themselve it was seen several times in Stream.

    2. They said in streams its not allowed but they are not gonna do anything about it if you use it unless you use XML cheats.

    3. They dont care about cheaters in the first place so even if they do not allow BNS Buddy they will not do anything cause the only way you can get banned is if you are hacking urselfe some juicy Ncoin or something like that.


    There is nearly nothing that peaks NCsofts interest you can do whatever you want in the game aslong as you dont use skills of FM for example while playing Blade Master. They dont even care if you change the cooldowns of certain skills cause there is no anti cheat system ingame that could detect it unless some player is able to give vid proof which is very unlikely cause you can always say "my weapon resettet the skill".


    In Short: NC dosent allow it but they wont do something about it since its not negative for their income and you cant proof a cheat or BNS buddy like 99% of the time.


    Its just sad how some fans can programm better than NCsoft they even created a way to play with DX 12 which increases performance by alot for some players.

  21. vor 6 Stunden schrieb sacredburst:

    I know KFM is ping depend, but which spec is the less ping depend? I would like to know. 
    I play with 90 ~~ 150 ping

    Ähm this is not high ping thats completly normal Ping in BNS. The best Ping ive seen in my 4 years was 70ms. With this ms you can play any class with any spec but i recommend Wind KFM for new players since its easy af with simple mode and you can learn tanking better if you dont have to focus on your combo aswell.

  22. vor 13 Stunden schrieb Yujin:

    Ich verstehe nicht wieso manche mit einem besseren PC weniger FPS haben. Da muss NCsoft sich darum kümmern. Vielleicht wird es mit der U4 besser.

    Das Problem besteht seit Release im Januar 2016 warscheinlich sogar seit closed Beta 2015 und es wurde bis heute nichts getan und das bei einem Problem, welches für die meisten Spieler den Grund gibt das Spiel aufzuhören. Zum Thema UE4 offiziell kommt es nach EU aber, wenn du dir ansiehst wie weit UE4 in KR ist und wie lange das gedauert hat um diesen kleinen Teil zu entickeln ist es sehr unwarscheinlich, dass EU UE4 sehen wird, da wir es erst bekommen sollten, wenn das Hauptspiel in UE4 übersetzt ist.


    Ich denke UE4 wird frühestens 2024 fertig sein und das in KR. So wie das Spiel derzeit aussieht wird es kaum 2020 überleben und viele rechnen mit der Abschaltung der Server in diesem Sommer/Herbst.

    vor 13 Stunden schrieb Yujin:

    Bei mir sind es 119 FPS im Becken z.b wenn ich nichts mache. Mehr kann ich ja nicht einstellen, da das Spiel scheinbar nur auf Max. 120 begrenzt ist. 

    Es gibt einen Weg diese Begrenzung zu entfernen und es hilft auch etwas in der Performance. Eine Diashow ist es trotzdem in Raids und 6v6 teils auch in Dungeons.

    vor 13 Stunden schrieb Yujin:

    Wie gesagt, ich habe den Pc seit kurzem ca 1 Monat, davor war es ein Toaster mit dem ich teilweise in Raids nur 5-20 FPS erreichte, Max. waren es 40 FPS.. Ganz schön bitter, war auch ein normaler PC und hatte schon 10 Jahre hinter sich.

    Das Spiel ist ursprünglich aus 2009 selbst dieser PC sollte also locker bessere FPS haben.

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