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Posts posted by ImoutoMaster

  1. Am 2.2.2020 um 20:03 schrieb Raikytsu:

    So, thats my exp in pvp till now. Hope get better with better equips and acc, any of course maybe if i move to usa to get at least 80- ping :/

    Equip dosent matter since 1v1 is gear balanced but the class balance is trash since March 2019.  There is nothing wrong with playing on lvl 45 char the only thing you will not have is the ultimate which is very very rare that you can use it.


    160ping is hard i agree to that but you can do combos with it. I live in Germany and have 300 Ping when i play in NA still i can do combos. Its hard to evade your enemy attacks thou.

  2. Am 1.2.2020 um 17:32 schrieb xtclikeafox:

    And i know most of the people im fighting in 1400s->1500s. pretty much fight the same ones over and over.

    not super salty because their alts usually same class as their high-ranked mains. This is mainly why arena is dead.

    Well my viewpoint is: I have chars which are classes i litterly only play once till i am gold on them. I have litterly zero knowledge on how to play them correctly i just play them like it suits me. Still i have no problem reaching gold with any class. I mean i play the class for like 2 hours a season in 1v1 but still no problem reaching gold.


    This might sound like i think all of the silver people are trash and pvp wise yes they are but every trash can be a diamond with enough work. There are some alts in que yes but mostly from players who are like 1650 maybe. If you learn techchase you will have no problem with them and if you are unlucky and actully get a rank 1 guy like Nagisa (its no blaming or flaming i just say he is a good player) it wont be for long since he will reach gold fast.


    3v3 is another story thou. You need atleast 2 players which are somewhat rank 5 lvl of skill to reach gold and even then you might have a hard time cause we have russians which use completly meta stuff (warden, Assasin, Third spec BM) but that problem would be solved if NC finally removed the time lock we have in there. It was perfectly fine before they patches this in.

  3. vor 5 Stunden schrieb EasleyRR:

    We do need moonstones, and from all 4(elysian, soulstone, sacred, moonstone), moonstone is the most expensive, i have 2 friends who do that 6v6 everyday, they get all the gold they need from selling moonstones, they dn't run dailies or events(except for HR cuz they've good clan) cause they really don't need it, since all they need is do 6v6 and get toons of gold from selling moonstones.

    PvE players also need moonstone, sealed or crystals.

    Right now i'm in need to craft 8 Empyrean Stones, and i'll need around 50 moonstones for, not to mention the 160 moonstones needed to craft transformation stones for GC upgrade.

    then please, don't say we, pve players don't need to touch pvp, because MOONSTONES are locked behind it.

    Tell me one just one item expect for the giant Zen bean you can only obtain via PVP ! 


    PVP can farm Blood stones, Soul stones, Moonstones thats pretty much it everything else is gated behind PVE and only PVE. Now since we dont count Moonstones as PVP only item due to F5 we cant count Elysians etc. as PVE only items thats only fair but there is still other stuff. 


    Like @kibukimura mentioned for example the 100 runs. 


    Stuff PVE Players are forced to cause there is no other way: 

    Giant Zen bean

    Maybe some outfits if you want them


    Stuff PVP Players are forced to: 

    100 Runs of the dungeons for the accesories and alot of times probably 200 Runs cause you need the cores. 

    Raids up to ET since badge and Soul shield is needed for PVP aswell on some classes. 

    Farming the solo dungeons cause you need the accesorie. 

    Doing Dailys and Weeklys since you cannot get much PVP Keys to open PVP Boxes from PVP. 

    Farming Scales since they are needed for Soul etc. 


    Thats just some stuff there is probably alot more. But the huge part is still comming. What do you need for the 100 runs and ET ? you may already know what i am talking about but you need PVE Gear ! and not some Raven 6 with cheap soul etc. you need atleast TT Gear otherwise you will have a hard time farming PVP Gear. 


    So PVP Players are forced to all kinds of ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ and cant really earn much unless they are high end top rank with alot of chars which can be very hard if you are not some rank 1 with 20 million times the same class. And while PVP Players need to upgrade PVE Gear why should a PVE Player upgrade PVP gear ? there is no reason for them cause there is no content locked behind PVP for them ! Everything you can get from PVP is avaible in F5 ! 


    I am pretty sure you wouldnt play BNS if you had to do 1000 Matches of PVP before you can do the full content of PVE am i right ? So why do you PVE Guys have to hate PVP stuff so much they have it way harder and you talk like PVE is having a hard time with everything ? i mean litterly every patch they destroy PVP more with stuff that decreases the population more and more (just played 10 times against the same destroyer on my alt) while PVE patches are either good or okish and even if a patch is bad for PVE NC either reverts it or its actully not a big deal unlike you PVE Guys always say. 


    I mean why do PVP Players have to take ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ like third spec, awakening or the worst PVP time restriction ? Its all PVE Players fault ! PVP Players said August 2018 they dont wanna see awakening and told NC PVP is gonna die if we get it same with third specs but at that time we already lost to much players and the time restrictions came cause the statistics showed there where less and less players in PVP but guess why ? probably awakening which was a freaking PVE Patch which is to this day not updated with any kind of decent balance patch. 

  4. vor 2 Stunden schrieb Indre:

    Thank you for replying! I tryed pressing CTRL+J and windstreamed to the location. But I got telepordet to some village. So I need to find an entry somewhere near that village? Or when you are in the party you get teleported staright to the raid? I was trying to find how to get into Fallen Aransu School and Snowjade Fortress but I couldn't find any enterance... :(

    These 2 are right next to Temple of Evelium (VT) if you move forward after you teleported to "Gunwon" is it i believe you move straight forward not to the docks but on the oppsite site of the storage guy.


    You seem to have alot of questions i recommend you to get an experienced player who shows you everything or if you dont have anyone: Just add #8747EinFeuchterTraum (Discord) ill explain you everthing you want. Expect for Mech of ET, and the new dungeon i know everything.  Offer is up for anyone who is interested in learning PVE or PVP.

  5. Its easy you pretty much press CTRL+ J it was i believe and there is a list. You just pick the raid you want to join. I am currently not at home so it might be another combo just ask in frac chat what it was if i am wrong or wait till the next guy answers that question here in forum.


    Black Tower its different. You have to run there the first time you wanna join. Just teleport to Khandar Vihar and keep running straight forward till you arrive at your location.


    I assume you wanted to Join Black Tower (BT) and got kicked better prapare next time. This is Content from 2016 its something you could probably solo if mech was removed with story gear thats why people dont want to waste alot of time there.

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  6. Hi,


    since ive started the game Janurary 2016 playing PVP its only natural for me to know what my opponent can do and cannot so its pretty easy for me to react to whatever they are doing.

    Keeping that in mind i always write about how hard it is for new players to come into PVP and i feel like most players dont care about PVP cause there is no real way to train other than getting bashed by good or decent players and not having a chance to win is probably what takes the motivation out of the new players.


    So here to my questions:

    If you just recently started PVP and managed to reach gold or atleast high silver what is the reason for you to keep playing ? how do you learn ? How do you improve ? and even if you dont PVP at all what is the reason at all ? Assuming you tryed PVP seriously.


    Back then we had Bots in que and overall a ton of players. The game was somewhat balanced expect for summoner. I improved by simply watching "Tenah Streams" and copy. But nowdays its rare to find a PVP Stream so most classes cannot copy anything. To my knowledge there is only Nagisa (mostly Gunner sometimes Soul fighter) and maybe some BMs but what about Destroyer, Summoner etc. they have no access to such a stream.




    Note: If it was not allowed to post thoose names please delete the names or i delete them myselfe.

  7. vor 8 Stunden schrieb luzt:

    And if you actually enjoyed pvp and are good at it, you are already gaining alot from ranking rewards, selling moonstones/soulstones/petpods because every class only has like 20 or less active pvpers unlike pve content.

    Yeah buy 1 Box of Soulstones per day and 2 or whatever Boxes of Moonstones per week (dont know how much exactly but without PVE you are unable to farm in PVP thats the whole point PVP People complain its way less than you could earn in PVE even if you would play on multiple chars.


    While PVP People get 24/7 forced to do PVE either cause they need to run 200 times some stupid dungeon or they need the keys to open the PVP Boxes PVE People only have to do like 9 Matches of Gear equalized PVP to finish so they dont have to PVP anymore.


    PVP People need PVE Gear and since they need to run the newest dungeon and depending on Class even ET its not cheap gear, PVE Players dont need PVP Gear at all.


    People might hate me already cause i am defending PVP contents i totally agree with everyone that this event is trash and should have been different.


    1. More channels so Clans cant keep the map for themselfe

    2. Maybe starting a bit earlier since it interferes with Klan PVP and 3v3

    3. Giving some kind of points just like the prestige points back then for killing each other so people would hunt down others.


    The reason people dont use PVP Gear mostly is cause they dont have to worry there is only one channel and its their part of the map there shouldnt be much players who could even try to kill them.

    vor 1 Stunde schrieb kibukimura:

    because as someone said before
    pve players can never touch pvp and dont need it
    but pvp players need pve, they cant only survive by pvp.
    give them some benefit at least

    That was me multiple times but people dont accept this since its not the gamemode they wanna play. I am just glad that NC didnt listen to them yet. Even tho NC is doing their best to destroy PVP every single patch its still not completly dead but deserted thou.


  8. vor 37 Minuten schrieb lillvargen:

    I am utterly disappointed in how the "non pvp players" get treated over and over again.

    You let it sound like PVP players got it any better. The whole PVP mode was destroyed by NC to such an extend only a handful of players still take that ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ NC is doing. While PVE Players get something in litterly every patch PVP Players either get nothing or something which worsens the situation. Thats the reason i am argueing with all the PVE Players in the forum its just not fair that thoose PVE Players expect everything to be free for them and PVP Players need to work their asses off.

    vor 2 Stunden schrieb EasleyRR:

    And then while the event is on, the so called "pvp players" don't go after "pvp players"... some idiots just go around 1shot pve players while the "pvp players" do pve '-'

    Well this Event is meant to be a farming event for PVP Players for once so of course they do PVE in Hunter Refugee whith their PVP Gear they need mats and gold aswell. Unfourtunetly Dungeons need PVE Gear so its great they have a farming spot for once. If you dont like PVP then dont join a PVP mode ! there is nothing expect for maybe the giant Zen bean which you cannot get from PVE while there is alot you cannot get from PVP.

  9. vor 19 Stunden schrieb MAX2016ACE:

    - first the game is PVE focus game with PVP elements in it that is why you need to do PVE if you do PVP

    It was created with another mindset and till 2017 maybe even till mid 2018 it was mostly a PVP game but after they noticed it cost money to do esport etc. and PVE gives more money while costing less it went PVE.

    vor 19 Stunden schrieb MAX2016ACE:

    and the majority of the players are PVE players that is why the events are PVE oriented events

    Well could be cause of the constant patches which worsen the state of PVP. Most PVP Players either quit or dont play much anymore due to this. I havent seen a single patch i could actully say "yeah this helps pvp" instead i can say "this is gonna hurt PVP even more" litterly every patch.

    vor 19 Stunden schrieb MAX2016ACE:

    - there is a difference between boring and not being able to do an event

    You are able to do the event if you gear up of course. Nothing locks you out of Hunter Refugee expect the player limit and thats not a fault of it being PVP.

    vor 19 Stunden schrieb MAX2016ACE:

    - if you can read what i wrote i did not mention the removal of 6v6 or 1v1 or PVP from the game

    If you can count to 2 you know the same things you said about Hunter Refugee being unbalanced due to gear, balance etc. it applys to the other Gamemodes aswell thanks to the patches of NCsoft.

    vor 19 Stunden schrieb MAX2016ACE:

    what i'm talking about is PVP events that the majority of the player base dont like or can't do PVP ( ping difference , FPS problems , gear difference, unbalanced classes )

    Here you write it again the same issue are in 6v6 etc. still they dont get removed but why ? Why should they remove one gamemode for thoose problems but not the other ?

    vor 19 Stunden schrieb MAX2016ACE:

    that is why i wrote that it's pointless to force PVE player to do PVP events

    Its pointless to force PVP players to PVE aswell they dont enjoy it the same applys for PVE of course just like you wrote but either dont force anyone or force everyone !

    vor 19 Stunden schrieb MAX2016ACE:

    - i said nothing about limiting PVP time what i wrote is that this event needs to be open to all players , all the time

    You want people to be limited by 1 hour per day to join Hunter Refugee which is meant to be PVP. This would result in a limiting of PVP. This would mean everyone who wants to PVP cannot do that all the time which is simply wrong. It was the biggest mistake NC could have done to 3v3 so i dont want to see this in any other gamemode.

    vor 19 Stunden schrieb MAX2016ACE:

    but you can enter and stay in the event area and farm mobs for an hour a day with no PVP at all

    But like i said multiple times thats not how its meant to be. PVP Players are not allowed to have fun ? PVE Players always needs to get everything ? people like you who think "PVE needs to get all the stuff who cares about PVP" thats the whole reason PVP is nearly dead now.

    vor 19 Stunden schrieb MAX2016ACE:

    and if an event like this is to happen again then the rules in the event area needs to change 

    I agree on the time limit and channel limit but PVP needs to stay !

    vor 19 Stunden schrieb MAX2016ACE:

    for example 1:  (( when you click on the event it give you a choice enter an area with PVP enabled or not )) 

    I dont need to comment that anymore.

    vor 19 Stunden schrieb MAX2016ACE:

    EX 2 : or make it if you are in the event area and you kill a player you cant get loot from the mobs for 10 mins


    vor 19 Stunden schrieb MAX2016ACE:

          but you get something like pk points that you can exchange for loot but if you get killed you losse the points

    Yes same like in SSP back then. You get loot from killing others.

  10. vor 42 Minuten schrieb MAX2016ACE:

    - first remove PVP from the event no one is doing PVP and PVP players that say we don't get PVP events are not fighting other PVP players

    PVP Players get forced to PVE in PVE Events so why should PVE Players be an exeption ?


    the only player that are getting killed are non PVP players and no matter what NCwest does players will reject PVP events ( or the majority of players ) for many

    Same with PVE Events if they are boring alot of players just dont do theese. BTW. most PVE Events are boring af.


    reasons ( ping difference , FPS problems , gear difference, unbalanced classes ) so it's pointless

    Thats no reason for NC to remove 6v6 or 1v1 either so i dont see your point.


    - make the event open all day but you are limited to one hour a day of farming then you are returned to the open server

    I cant agree completly. While i want more people to be able to take part in this event i dont want them to limit the time you can do PVP modes. They did this once and it destroyed 3v3 PVP. If this Event wants to be a succesful PVP Event we need to be able to PVP there 24/7. 


  11. Am 26.1.2020 um 00:57 schrieb xtclikeafox:

    I feel like you don't play pvp much. next time your have an alt queue in 1300-1500s let me know. ill let you know the name of the person you are actually fighting.
    I'd say its about an 80%+ chance you are fighting someone with at least one character 1650+...typically same class.

    i have i guess 10 chars and i have no problem getting up in gold at all. Even if they may be 1650 they probably switched their class to some alt so their skill level is real bad.


    Its really no problem you just need to learn what other classes do and use Tech chase. PVP is not a gamemode meant to be "oh i join and just magically become gold" of course if you have no skill you still wont reach gold even tho gold is a joke nowdays.


    While it happens sometimes and you encounter a rank 5 alt with his main class its not 24/7. If NC would move them to playing a different class than their own i would appreciate it thou and thats what a class ranking would be for.

  12. vor 49 Minuten schrieb KzE:

    1. I told you why new ppl dont play, then you get mad about it.

    I see then your viewpoint might be wrong cause of low experience. New players start with Bronze or Silver and you will not find alot of top players in this ranking. Thoose players start at 1600. You may see people with low exp, people who are litterly garbage but since you dont know PVP you think thoose are high people with some alts ?


    And i didnt go mad about it i just try to explain that i dont think decreasing the population will increase the new players. Since thoose new players need to reason to start in the first place and in my exp its usually HM coins. Ive seen 1 player since 2018 who actully said its cause PVP is fun. People wanna farm and they cant do this if they cant find any players.



    2. I played. It was bad, especially at the end, where bots had immortality. You will cry then again, when first 200 spot at every class will be immortal bots. And botting is again rules. But i know and see, pvp abusers dont really care about rules anyway.

    I hear this story alot of times. PVE People join into PVP spam their buttons thinking they can win this way but very fast they encounter someone who actully uses their skills with brain and "gone" the PVE people say "i am bad i dont like PVP so i wont play it". People need to learn PVP before it might be fun ! And like i wrote multiple times its not gonna happen without players or "Bots" thoose bots back then had no immortality or good PVP skills. They had a skill level just slightly above 1400 Id say. Thats why i recommended putting bots in or atleast some kind of mentor function which allows you to train people and get rewards if they reach a certain rank. Having Bots would also make it easyer to reach gold so even bad people will reach Gold this would increase the population since its easy to get HM coins then.


    Want a class ladder? Do it yourself. Its just a decision from every top rank, just start only one char / class and its done. Dont be greedy.

    Its not about being greedy its about being able to farm which is simply not possible in PVP without HM coins. As a PVE Player wouldnt you take all possible ways of farming too ? Its not like the PVP community didnt ask for changes but NC does not deliver.

  13. vor 1 Stunde schrieb Nerine02:

    What abaut make one server without donate?

    1. There is no server with some kind of donation as option

    2. NCsoft is still a company they need to make money to stay alive.

    3. They could create a new server without pay to win by using a monthly subscribtion and alot of cosmetic items. Maybe include a Housing System so they can sell furniture etc. aswell but this would still bring less money than F2P currently.



  14. vor 10 Stunden schrieb KzE:

    If you dont want to give up some rewards, then wait in queue. Dont think that devs will rewrite the whole system from the ground, because there is a low population region, who likes abuse its low pop status. If you broke it, enjoy it. I dont have even the royal zen bean unlocked on any of my new chars because of sealclubbers.


    And pls, drop this bot idea already. If someone want to fight with bots, there are game modes for it.

    1. If you dont even PVP i dont think you are in a position to talk about it much.

    2. I dont think you have played pvp in lvl 45 cap theese bots back then where illegal and it was totally different to toi etc.


    Bots would be a great way for new players to learn the basics of PVP before getting matched with good players.

  15. vor 4 Stunden schrieb KzE:

    But nobody want to play against his/her alts. Now it looks like that you try to defend the HM income, because there is no real pvp player number boost. We can even say, there is a griefing to kill out new ppl from ladder to save the income.

    I am not defending anything i just see no reason to reduce the only way ingame to somewhat keep up with whales if you dont PVE 24/7 and i dont see anyway how less player would increase the ammount of new players. 


    What we need to punish is losing on purpose cause some top players do this to get low rank with their classes. But this Problem would also be solved with a class wide ranking cause they dont want their main to be silver too. 


    Again i want ways to increase the population not decrease like you guys always ask for. Sure it could be more fun for new players if thoose alts are no longer in there but on the other hand if you cannot reach gold which is really really easy you just dont belong there. If you have problems playing after 1600 well its cause there is no way for new players to improve. 


    Reducing the alts people play would kill of the que even more and most people would stop playing PVP even before the que starts instead we need for example Bots in low ranking like we had in lvl 45. 


    But i have to ask you "what is so offputting about a class ranking ?" Like i mentioned multiple times already it would remove the abuse of having 20 chars in top ranking opening thoose spots for new players and it would increase them playing their alts. Difficulty should decrease too since you cannot tell me all thoose top players are 100% as good as on their main class with every class from day one. 


    Less Difficulty means better ways to learn actual PVP instead of just hoping in cause you want some Soul stones or whatever which is sadly the mindset of like 80% of PVE Players about PVP. PVP was and is never meant to be easy you need to learn and everything till 1600 is just easy af. 

  16. vor 11 Minuten schrieb KzE:

    1 player with 1 character is 1 player

    1 player with 10 character is still 1 player.

    1 player with 1 char is 1 player which will stop playing soon cause there is either no que up there or he/she dosent see any reason to play.


    1 player with alts is a player who plays alot more.

  17. vor 4 Stunden schrieb ifan:

    Can you still register? I didnt see the event until now and really like the outfit...

    No you cannot. Be sure to turn on the newsletter option so they inform you when something like that gets given away. Till 2018 we even had regular free Premium but i guess cause it lost them to much money they stoped this.

  18. vor 8 Minuten schrieb Arohk:

    The small lobby area has multiple channels, not all players are in the same lobby room and try to enter that portal, there are multiple rooms with people trying to enter.

    I think the complain is they should open more Maps cause even tho Playerbase is pretty dead we still have alteast 3K Players and since this is an event i guess most players want to participate. At worst i would say 900 Players. They always say their actions are done cause by their graphs of how many players do this and that but they ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ up again.

  19. vor 10 Stunden schrieb KzE:

    You wont get new players without loosing the old ones.

    My point is: Since when in PVP dead ? Since Awakening. What is the reason people play nowdays ? HM coins of course. Instead of removing the old players so new players will not get a que at all we should do something to increase the population of new players in PVP.


    The option to make HM coins account based is not a good start for that cause 1. it would reduce even more the reason to start PVP and 2. it would make the que even more dead cause you cant even find all thoose alt chars.


    On the other hand making it class based so you cannot create 20 chars of the same class would reduce the difficulty of getting into PVP since even Rank 1 players might lose to pretty newish players if they dont play on their main class. Since its easier to win then people would be more tempted to join in the PVP.


    I just want a solution to increase new players but his solution by making hm coins account wide would reduce the population and i dont see how even a single player would be tempted to play a gamemode where you have to wait like 20 Minutes for a que if you cant even earn something special. (we already have like 5 minute que)


    If you or anyone else can offer such a solution i am glad to hear something like this but till that day i cannot agree with you or anyone else.


    Bringing Bots into the que again like it was at lvl 45 times would be a great way of reviving PVP aswell but the difficulty would have to increase by rank. This way newcommers could learn PVP and not just get bashed.

  20. vor 15 Minuten schrieb Oupy:

    in my honest opinion  u're just defending a broken design enjoy the 10 people that play  arena   each with 20 alt    farming  hmc , u're probably one of those who has 10 sf  in top 10 , honestly this needs to go , and what u're  saying about reducing players u just can't reduce what is already reduced  , u're playing the same old 10 persons on different alts so yeah .  getting reward account bound might actually encourage people to join  arena or leave it as it is and   and play against the same 10 people  u're already playing against but now with xml edit gone actually arena can be fun again  sadly  the balance is extremely trash and some classes are super strong.

    My whole point is we should try to get more people to play PVP instead of reducing it nothing more. And each season i play my Soul fighters to 1700 nothing more 1. i am not good enough to beat some of the rank 1 players and 2. i just dont wanna play this game anymore to such an extend since Awakening.


    HM coins are not the problem and alts are no problem either. You may know how your enemy will react to your playing if you have knowledge from another class but if you ever mained one class in PVP and reach a decent skill point you will still have a big difference in your skill level if you play another class. For example i have no problem reaching 1800 with SF but i struggle to even get 1600 with Gunner. (always reach it thou but it needs time)


    Thats why its 1. wrong to put the ranking onto account since even if i am plat with one class i may only play like Gold or even Silver with another. 2. Hm coins are one of the biggest reasons for PVP so it would definetly reduce players if you reduce thoose.


    We need ways to increase the ammount of people not reduce. What you are asking for just creates an increase of diffuculty for new players since they will face even more top players or they will not face players at all since all the players are at high ranking.

  21. vor 12 Stunden schrieb Nagisa Yuki:

    Just wanna keep it short and give u guys a thumbs up

    Have to agree. Even tho i am still bashing NC in some of my posts i feel like NC finally starts listening a bit more to players its still way to few.

    Banning people for editing gamefiles and like you mentioned actully posting some of the stuff they do nowdays is an great advancement.


    I just wish they would actully put up a list of the stuff they say are sending to KR and if nothing happens after like 3 Months and its gamebreaking i whish to get a reason for why they are not doing it and if its something NCwest can actully change by themselve for example PVP times i whish for them to actully discuss with us why they decide not to change anything. I got told the only reason they do something about Cheaters now is cause some Player directly contacted the KR team with some of the posts thou. 

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