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Posts posted by ImoutoMaster

  1. On 2/14/2020 at 10:47 AM, Cyan said:

    Unlike every other region, the NA and EU regions cover a lot of area and a lot of time zones. Due to this, the dev team suggested restricting the playable time to times where there was the most activity. There were times in the middle of the night where people were unable to find matches, or wait a very long time, and it's to prevent that from happening. There are obviously people playing at all times, and some people may not find the current times convenient wit their schedule but this is the reason.

    Thanks for your answer thats actully a more statisfing answer than what they gave me once in stream. "Statisitcs".

    Could you maybe ask the community what they think about it ? do we have a chance this gets removed in the future ? I dont mind 1v1 PVP times they are fine with me but 3v3 is to very helpful.


    The results are:

    only up to 9 hours pvp per week.

    Competition which is mostly Top 5 Players or Russians (top1 from RU) This is not an insult ! 

    People quit alot since 3v3 was their most favourite mode.


    Maybe change it to every day ? 3 Hours ? its just bottlenecking the ammount of possible games so a normal player cannot even reach gold rank. If you wanna reach Gold in 3v3 its very unlikely you gonna reach it if you cant reach 1800 or better in 1v1.

  2. vor 14 Stunden schrieb Bengel:

    und? ... die Zahlen zeigen nur, dass weniger gecasht wird, aber nicht, dass Spieler abnehmen. Statistiken richtig lesen und dann posten ;-) ...

    Da hast du recht man kann aber Thesen aufstellen. Ob die nun wahr sind oder nicht weiss nur NCsoft.


    Ich denke, da F10 nicht zurückgegangen ist mit dem Pay to win sachen etc. sondern eher gewachsen ist und wir trotzdem weniger Einnahmen von NCsoft sehen zeigt das sehr gut, dass viele sich einfach verabschiedet haben aufgrund des Permanent schlechten support des Spieles.


    Dies lässt sich auch bestätigen, wenn man seit 4 Jahren Spielt oder auch, wenn man nur 1 Jahr spielt man merkt, dass es immer schwerer wird Gruppen zu bekommen in Dungeons und PVP ist fast schon ausgestorben hier gibt es nurnoch die Handvoll hartnäckiger Spieler, die es einfach nicht wahr haben können, was aus BNS geworden ist oder einfach keien Alternative sehen.

  3. vor 15 Stunden schrieb Rioka:

    it doesnt inform u when u about to seal it just after

    Well you did seal a third spec Accesorie right ? You could have known but dont worry you`ve got 2 tokens for such times. Support will change it for you.

  4. vor 10 Stunden schrieb Cyan:

    We're doing more than a normal Producer's Letter, that's why it's taking longer. Due to this, it's taking longer than expected, and we're sorry about that. 

    All of this sounds like you guys are waiting for RU to announce stuff so you get the information. I know very well you in particular @Cyan probably dont get alot of informations so i dont blame you but you have to admit, that it does seem like EU/NA is getting their information from RU now. 


    Again RU is a region which was released after EU/NA but the communication is great there. If it where just a reason of writing the information down EU/NA would have released the letter already but it seems like EU/NA is still waiting for informations which in the end will not be tested from EU/NA Employees and something is gonna make even more players quit BNS. Instead of giving us a test server or actual informations at a reasonable time. (yes 24hours before patch day is not reasonable.)


    My big question is: "Why does a region which was released after EU/NA get much more and way more accurate informations than us ? " And why is EU/NA still the only region with a time restriction in PVP ? but thats another question.

  5. vor 11 Stunden schrieb Issy:

    I was thinking of returning to the game but im not sure how behind ill be. I want to play the assassin 3rd spec. I have a r3 weapon and whatever is the stage 10 soul. Is it worth coming back or am I too far behind. I remember daily gold being nerfed so im not sure how quickly ill be able to upgrade.

    You have pretty much nearly the same gear as someone who just started the game and finished story.

    I guess you will need around 2 Weeks (if you are slow) to reach gear which is good enough to do every content expect for ET (4th raid).


    When you`ve finished the story start farming in Moon Refuge so you can get your 2nd gen legendary stuff. After that or right in the middle of it depends on how motivated you are find a Black Tower Raid and get your Ring and Earring.


    Now you have starting gear for the dungeons you are going to do. If you like PVP do it its the best and fastest way to earn gold in early game but if you dont just start running the dungeons which give you 3rd gen legendary stuff. (You can see that in Dungeon describtion)

  6. Hi guys its me again the annoying dude. Since i learned most of my PVP knowledge from streams and streams also brought me to PVP in the end, i though why shouldnt we share vids since there are litterly no Streamers left. 


    So my plan is to do some vids from time to time and post them here so people can look through it and maybe learn a bit if they are interested.


    If the community dosent like this Idea this one vid will be the first and last of course.


    You people are allowed to do the same!  ofcourse please only put in games you though you`ve played well. People are supposed to learn from good plays not from bad plays. 


    3v3 Soul fighter: 


  7. I saw this already and my first thought was if this actully improves FPS so you get atleast 30 even in open World PVP with 60 Players and all of them third spec. This game could actully be revived.


    "I expect this kind of Performance with a GTX 780/GTX 1050ti/RX 570 or similar" and I7 4770 or similar in terms of Power.


    But since Graphics is not a huge selling point for most Players they need to fix alot more with UE4.


    Priority should be FPS and Stability which i hope to see with UE4. (if it comes to EU i still think they gonna shut down servers before UE4 cause it seems to be their plan looking at the last patches)

  8. vor 10 Stunden schrieb Aryuk:

    Losing players? I dont think so and "now we are probably around 5K Players". LOL

    Actually is the number of the players is +/- 105k daily players and 126k active players.

    Looking into BNS Buddy (yes most players still use it) the Player count went down to 2.2K most of the time i looked. Considering alot of people probably stoped using BNS Buddy cause they where scared about the XML Ban wave i calculated as if we had around 60% non BNS Buddy users. Now if we look into the game there is nothing which lets me believe we have more players. Dungeon search is dead for dungeons which are not like 1 year old and most players you encounter are alts not even main chars.


    5K is not the worst case 5K is the best case and i dont mean 5K for NA or EU alone i mean 5K for booth together.

  9. Um deine Seele zurücksetzten zu lassen darf das Upgrade maximal 6 Monate her sein soweit ich es weis. Nichts desto trotz NC braucht umbedingt mehr Spieler also sollte es eine Selbstverständlichkeit sein, dass man in diesem Fall auf Kulanz handelt !


    Ich muss dir aber sagen hier im Forum gibt es niemanden und damit meine ich echt niemanden, der dir irgendwie helfen kann. Nicht einmal die Moderatoren können bei sowas helfen. Maximal was die können ist in deinem Ticket nachfragen und dann bekommen die, die selbe Antwort wie du es schon bekommen hast.

    • Like 1
  10. 21 hours ago, Trust Gaming said:

    who the hell buy those ** for 2k, 3k gold, people whale its getting crazy for having an end gear, nobody cares if people its end gear or not, only the same whales care, its like when people whale spending that gold before like idiots on VT and now its a what ever, its the same, when ncsoft nerf the raids you just lose your real money and gold time playing,  you just guys are throwing gold like ***.. 

    Gold is not as valuable as you think nowdays. It very easy to earn 1K per day or even more. For example i just needed 10K Gold so i can get a lvl 60 Ticket from someone so i farmed a bit and got it in 3 Days.


    Using the HMcoins you get with the lvl 60 ticket i even got 6.5K Gold worth of Gem Powders back. Gold is really not a big deal for people who have ETish Gear.

    Badge is like 800G, Neck is like 300G or even less and Weapon Mat is around 3K Gold. This is just poket money for Endgame Players.

  11. 1. Game is losing players alot. Recently we just had a huge loss of players again now we are probably around 5K Players (EU and NA together). Its hard to get enough players to do some of the certain dungeons sometime but if you have alteast high TT Gear you can just open one yourselfe and people will join you.

    2. Pay to win has increases alot and its not possible to get max gear without paying nowdays. But you can get decent to good gear in a short ammount of time but if you stay free to play there will be atleast a gap of like 300 AP between you and pay to win players. The biggest Pay to win Aspect they´ve introduced to this game yet are the current gem powders in F10.


    You need around 8 or 10 Years to get a single Gem to max stage but with F10 its a matter of minutes right now.


    I personally wouldnt mind if they wouldnt remove it from F10 exactly when all the F2P Players get their HM coins from Season Rewards.


    If you are stil linterested to play this game again and have questions add: EinFeuchterTraum#8747 in Discord this is an offer i give everyone who is new. They can spam me with all their questions and i answer them as fast as possible. Knowledge of PVE and PVP. The only things i cannot teach are the following: Mech of the Hanga 0 Dungeon, Mech of ET Raid.

  12. Sorry but why do you want to farm Naksun in this day and age ? I dont there is any class which needs the Badges you can get from there and there is no good loot either.


    Just keep using the Badge you get from Story and farm your 125 Solar Energy for the first Badge you actully needs. Also you should do Tower of Infinity every day cause most classes need the new Badge you get there now.

  13. vor 5 Stunden schrieb aliensalmon:

    I had trouble with a particular boss recently and it took me many tries (and many Fortune Potions and Repair Hammers) before I eventually beat him and his minions. There were all sorts of skills being flung by the enemies during the fight! I'd imagine you'd need good reflexes (and perhaps good prediction skills) to dodge or withstand all of them...I guess the same thing would be true for the rest of the game?

    I believe you are talking about Poharans sister. It dosent matter which boss in BNS if you know its mech you litterly only have to stay by his side and attack. Alot of classes dont even have the need to move at all just spam some shield skills.


    Talking about Poharans Sister do not fight from distance.

  14. Am 6.2.2020 um 07:59 schrieb prietess:

    But then, when we all complained about 8 daily challenges, they fixed it in 1 week.

    Well we`ve seen a huge wave of people unsubscribe their Premium membership and since thats their only safe income each month thats a big problem for them so they have to act.

    Not sure how it is right now but ive not seen that much people unsubscribe cause of this event.



  15. vor 5 Stunden schrieb prietess:

    I report AFK players in dungeons on regular basis whenever i meet them (If you do F8, you know there are many of them), BUT, the next day I just see them again.

     I think thats the reason most people simply dont report anymore. Every decent game got an ingame option to report people so you just have to click like 4 times to give the support a message but in Blade and soul. You have to do the following:

    1. Open a Browser

    2. Go to the Website of BNS

    3. click for Support

    4. Login

    5. Click for open a ticket

    6. fill out the information

    7. write a text

    8. Put in a screen shot

    9. wait for an automatic message


    And after doing all of this the players youve reported usually dont even notice they where reported. Either the Support is not checking if the report is out of a good reason or they simply dont care. Back in 2017 reports actully did something but it took ages for them to roll out a punishment.


  16. vor einer Stunde schrieb Grimoir:

    1. Unless DEvs gave them tools to open / close the timed dungeons an PVP they cant control it.

    2. F10 is not part of the game code, in every game the publisher decides what they put in the shop. But if its about new bundles / new boxes created etc they still need developers to create the items.

    3. Its obvious that this is lacking for the biggest part.

    4. Ofc publisher can ban, support has tools to search certain things out and read logs so this has nothing to do with devs. If a game is geo locked, its geo locked and if you are from that region thats nothing they can do but to ban / block.

    5. It all depends on the publisher, some dont have any of their staff play the game, in most cases its their own free will to play it to learn. Some publishers do force their employees to play  amount of hours per week of the game they manage. So unless NC states something like that is in place, you have to assume they are not required to play the game.

    1. EU/NA is the only region with thoose restrictions and its a known fact NCwest asked for this and dev team accepted. I am 100% sure Dev team would remove it if they asked. It sure is a unpopular mode due to the balancing issue mostly but every player knows this is the reason 3v3 is dead nowdays and everyone who is playing PVP asked for them to remove it even before it came to EU/NA but NC dosent care even if they have the power to rescue PVP.


    2. They could look into what thoose Bundles etc. offer and decide "nah its pay to win af not gonna do that" but they decide otherwise instead of pushing the outfits more. I am not sure but i think we have like 1000 Outfits or something ingame that could be plenty enough if marked correctly but thoose bundles are more money. Or maybe stop removing the Pay to win Boxes 1 day before people get their HM coins from PVP.  Cashers will still buy thoose boxes since they are mostly PVE Players and thoose do not get insane ammounts of HM coins. Now you would probably say "but they need to earn money" yeah and thats still possible with actuall good content in F10 which sadly dosent exist.


    3. Actully we agree. I mean how can you pay someone like 12$ per hour (think thats around the minimum wage in US) and accept that they are not working ?


    4. I am from germany so i am not talking about myselfe but there is one Asian country which even has their own server but the PVP rank 1 people decide to play on EU maybe even NA and take the top spots. And thoose are also the only players i am doubting that they play without XML or any other cheats since it looks weird how they play. (Not gonna say the country cause i got banned for this yesterday). While thoose Players hurt our region by making it no fun to play for us NC decides to ban people from a region which actully dosent have their own server. Even if you report them NC dosent do anything.


    5. What i am disappointed about if they decide to change something which could make a huge impact like: Weapon reductions, PVP restrictions, Trove, ............. they should atleast ask someone who plays the game active. If they dont have a single player in their team they should ask the community what they obvisiously dont do.


    What would resolve all theese issue where a simple test server for maybe 50 Players (Pentium Dual core PC would be enough i believe) and if they actully listen to our complains like RU. Getting feedback from Dev team too and why they decide the specific change is not something they gonna do would be the least i want to see.

  17. vor 2 Stunden schrieb Grimoir:

    Whether its whales or not, its about the total available on the server and not who has it.


    Also no, our NC only has publishing rights, they can say anything they want if the dev team says no, there is nothing they can do. Perfect example is hunters refuge.

    Can you please stop it. The Publisher does have way more power than you keep telling us.


    1. PVP Time restrictions it destroys PVP but NCwest decided this.

    2. Whatever you can find in F10 since we`ve seen some maintance immediatly if something is wrong in F10 i am sure the Publisher can control this tool.

    3. The Communication. They seriously hire people who are mostly quiet and if they say something its got a high chance of being wrong.

    4. Banning people (i say it this way cause i just got banned 24hours for saying out from which country they came) there is a group of people from a specific place which are not allowed to play in EU/NA at all but they dont ban them even tho they have to if they go by their own rules. But they ban other countrys which actully have no other way playing BNS than EU/NA.

    5. Playing their own game. I mean the streamer was HM 16 last time i watched. Its like he just started this game. I expect atleast full TT Gear from someone who works at NC and says they play it actively!


    There is probably alot more but what grinds me is 4 and 2. I dont mind some pay to win yeah but make it avaible for F2P too. There is no other way ingame to get Hongmoon Coins other than having alot of luck with daily dash or boxes or PVP and then they remove the pay to win stuff exactly when F2P People could buy them. 19th ends Season of PVP.


    The Publisher could just stop with this F10 Pay to win way instead they could just put in alot of costumes and consumables etc. like league of legends. They wouldnt even have to hire people their community keeps supporting them for some reason and creates Outfits etc. for them !

  18. vor 8 Stunden schrieb Raikytsu:

    The talents are locked on pvp?

    Well since you can start pvp only at lvl 45 nowdays mostly not (I think assasin got a skill they learns at 46) but if you play below lvl 55 you will not have your ultimate skill unlocked yet.

    The Ultimate skill is usually completly worthless since you will not be able to charge enough energy in 1v1 like 99% of the games but in 3v3 its a skill i wouldnt want to miss.

  19. vor 16 Stunden schrieb xtclikeafox:

    ya i mean anyone can spam until they get lucky matchups.

    It use to be very very easy to get gold.

    Now 90% of matches are against smurf bms with no skill. can turn monitor off and do the instakill combo.

    If enemy player touches the ground or uses a single skill you've failed as a bm.

    Than you didnt learn PVP at all. Looking at how i can create a class ive never played before and still beat most of the players in silver i dont think you have any PVP knowledge at all.

    Like agreed you need to work a bit and learn PVP a bit otherwise you simply dont belong in gold. Not even in high silver.


    I would like to spar you one day if you dont mind to see if you actully have unlucky matches or if you simply play bad and have no knowledge thinking everyone is a smurf or alt.


    Its completly possible that you simply play just a short ammount and are unlucky getting mostly alts and smurfs of the main classes from theese specific people.


    I might sound arogant but i know everyone needs to start somewhere. Like i mentioned i had the luck starting with lvl 45 and could learn alot from playing against bots and Twitch streams but sadly thoose two are no longer avaible for new players which results in a much harder time to get better for new players.

  20. vor 13 Minuten schrieb Amarathiel:

     it would be a nice change.

    Answer me two questions: For what should i upgrade my gear if the only difference between Raven and Max gear is that you get better loot ? and for what do i need the better loot if it dosent make a difference ?


    The reason some people still enjoy PVE is cause you can notice if you upgraded something. Dungeons are faster and you are able to farm the newest dungeon but if you could run anything with whatever gear you have then Upgrading PVE Gear is not rewarding since it will not increase any farming possibilityes.


    A better option would be actual nice loot in Hardmodes since the only reason to run hardmodes are psyches nowdays and looking at the psyches you get from current dungeons i rather take the old ones from dungeons which you can solo without a problem.  Crit DMG > AP.


    One Player recommended a system where you earn coins from Hardmode runs and you could buy stuff from a merchant with thoose coins. If they give nice stuff you could buy like oils for a reasonable ammount of coins than i am sure Hardmode would get alot new players. (But its NCsoft it would be probably 130 Runs of one dungeon to earn one oil)

  21. vor 16 Stunden schrieb Hyunkel:

    Hi everyone, 


    Just cleaned the topic a bit. Please keep in mind that accusations against other players is a violation of the forum's Code of Conduct. Discussing inappropriate behaviors in order to bring attention to the issue is fine, but if you believe that a specific player is violating the terms of service, please submit a ticket to Support with as much evidence as possible.


    Thanks ~

    But if you would play your own game you would be able to see it yourselfe. Are you gonna do something about it or not ? Last time when "Destroyer from back then" wintraded with "Assasin from back then" wintraded you banned them from ladder for one season but only after nearly 2 full seasons already ended.


    It took way to long even tho it was the time back then when you people actully tryed to support PVP but nowdays where NC dosent care about PVP will they be banned at all ?

  22. vor 18 Stunden schrieb ElectroIIII:

    i play as a KFM and the most annoying classes i may face in the PVP is The summoners and the blade dancers

    KFM is the direct counter to Summoner only class which might be better against summoner is Soul fighter. Same for Blade dancer KFM is a direct counter of BD you may need some practice. For example instead of SS and charge (the knockdown) you SS, wait a lil moment and charge most BDs will not be able to evade this knockdown.

    Another thing BD uses his iframes on you. You change your direction 180 degree and use 3 kd. Alot of BDs get knockdowned that way.

    vor 18 Stunden schrieb ElectroIIII:

    is that really possible to lose with just 2 hits or even 1 hit ?

    For BD it takes i think atleast 3 hits since you have to be able to activate the skill which can do like 63K on crit and BM needs to aerial you which is one combo which you cannot evade since it is an aerial but its more than 1 hit.

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