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Posts posted by ImoutoMaster

  1. vor einer Stunde schrieb derppppp:

    "Dyad Gilded Pentagonal Gems can be transferred to another character on the same account for 5 gold."

    How the heck do you go from 81 silver to mail Dyad Gilded Square Gems to 5 gold with the new ones :\? That's crazy!!!

    This is going to kill people's alts.
    And how much are normal Pentagonal Gems gonna cost to mail??

    Calm down NC does this since months. Cost increases are there to reduce the ammount of players just as planned.

  2. Am 21.1.2020 um 13:41 schrieb Oupy:

     i'am sure if they made  the reward account bound thus u can't have more than 1 reward  on your account will probably fix most of hte issues

    And i am sure it would just kill of the last few players which play PVP. Its the only way of getting good Gold from PVP if you dont PVE since you still need keys to open Boxes in PVP and the quantitiy of thoose keys you get by only PVPing is way to few. Its litterly 2 keys per day (if Mondy Tag Team Day) which is a total of 2400 Zen beans. You earn 2400 Zen beans in 4-5 Matches which is a play time of maybe 10 Minutes. (not counting que time of course with que time it might be 25 Minutes)


    While i agree with not giving people the chance of playing 20 times the same class to snack all the top spots i disagree with totally removing the possibility to farm HM coins via PVP.

    The only option i see which may or may not help PVP grow is a Class ranking so you cant have the same class in different rankings. Every char with the same class got the same rating.


    Either people would quitt cause they only play one class and we lose even more players or people would start playing different classes which increases the ammount of new matchups and may increase the ammount of players cause even if for example rank 1 BM may be a good player he will still probably suck on Warlock cause he may have never played it to that extend. (I dont mean any specific player) This may increase the ammount of players cause new players might have a chance of winning a bit more and learn a bit more.


    What you recommend is simply reducing the possible ammount of HM coins you can earn which would definetly reduce the ammount of players even more and new players will still not see a reason to come to PVP since still the same players but this time only on their best classes cause there is no way to logging into another class you wont be able to earn HM coins anyway.


    Every kind of reducing HM coins will definetly be bad for PVP. The biggest reason PVP is so dead nowdays is cause its super unfriendly to new players. Due to Awakening patch only thoose players stayed which cant stop BNS since there is either nothing of interest out there or they are simply addicted and mostly thoose are top 20 Players. Starting with 1600 you already get Top 5 players alot of times which is simply not statisfying for new players if they cant even land a single hit and just totally get destroyed.


    People dont say "oh nice he bashed me completly in silver ranking i am definetly gonna play this more" they say "why do i get such players in such low ranking ? this gamemode is trash not gonna play it anymore".


    Bots would probably help too i guess tho.

  3. vor 10 Stunden schrieb Oupy:

    u want to fix the 23232 232 alt problem remove venture token from arena  here u go  no one would play 10 alts and 20 accounts with 10 alts on each 

    This would also reduce the ammount of players again which is definetly not the way to go. We cannot find more than like 10 Different players at a time or if you count 6v6 aswell maybe 24 players. If you remove one of the biggest reasons why people play PVP its not gonna bring back much life to PVP it would probably hurt it even more.


    We asked NC already for a solution far back in 2017 something like a leaderboard where you cannot put in more than one char per class (increasing Rewards then of course) so every char you got on your account got the same rating if its the same class. This way you cannot farm 1500 People while having another char in 1900.


    Of course people would lose on purpose to get zen beans then and thats something NC would have to punish then but we know NC its work so better not do this.


    One thing i have to say before i bash NC 24/7 again. I really like that they finally ban people for XML even thou they accidently banned some wrong people but that happens in every game.

  4. Am 17.1.2020 um 19:46 schrieb Narukaba:

    3rd spec BMs

    Unlike Lightning or Fire (not sure about Fire cause havent seen one since Awakening) you can fight against third spec. You have to read his movements there are patterns which are very very common in BMs nowdays. Spam your Dragons and focus on evading his attacks. Eventually he dies cause even if its BM they can take dmg aswell.


    Wind Sums

    Wait for him to use his flower after that wait a lil moment cause most of the time summoner SS after their flower. Now spam everything you have he cannot use any kind of defence for like 4 seconds i dont know. Just focus on the cat (dont attack cause this dosent make sense it cannot die) dont let your selfe get stuned.

    Ice Warlock nowdays is a good matchup for summoner aswell nowdays.


    Shadow Gunners

    Just spam your Dragons and learn to read when Gunner does DMG. I feel like its impossible to tell you when to use your Iframes and resists i learned it by watching streams but Gunner is actully a pretty good matchup for Warlock they cant do much about your Dragons either. I`d say constantly attack him and hunt him down if he decides to attack you, you have to read him. For example he is looking at you while you are using your block not doing anything. The next thing he will probably do is a stun after you stop blocking thats why you instantly SS.


    Wolf KFMs

    There is not much you can do against KFM just wait for his Iframes to be used and start attacking plus you shouldnt have your pet up all the time. Try to stay on range and wait for his Cooldowns to be used only summon your thrall if you are going to use it very soon.


    On the flipside of the scale, the only classes I've found to be "easy matches" for WL seems to be against WRs, ARs, FMs, and other fellow WLs. I mean, at least from my own personal experiences. My WL seems to beat those 4 classes relatively easily without much effort.

    FM might be true, Archers is okish matchup aswell but Warden is one of your biggest counters. Have you ever played against top 5 people ? People who actully know their class ? If the enemy class got any kind of defence you are ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤.


    Matches against BDs are about 50/50, roughly the same with Dests. As for Sins, I've gotten better at fighting them cuz I've learned to use my thrall as a sort of "shield" - so to speak, which prevents them from targeting my WL when they try to CC me while in stealth. It's quite easy. I simply stand in the middle of where my thrall is standing, lol.

    BD and Des do not have much defences like i mentioned earlier Warlock is a pretty good matchup against classes without defences. All BD got are his shields which are pretty fast bursted down with warlock and destroyer got even less. As long as you dont let your pet get killed by Des you have a pretty good chance of winning there too.


    This probably didnt help you cause i cannot give you specific recommendations on what to do when since Warlock is nothing more than run and gun nowdays. All i can recommend is to watch some PVP Streams thats how i learned to PVP. (Tenah back then) Even if the streamer dosent play your class you still see what he does with his class and what his enemy do with their class. This way you learn what your opponent might want to do next and you can react before it even happens.


  5. vor 11 Minuten schrieb Zuzuzuzuzu:

    Best line ever ????

    Explain me mr. NC$oft defender , i have only 2 character main+alt( no joking ) , how I'm able to upgrade soul,talisman,heart,pet, ( accs lets say are easy ) ,put psyches on them. The main cost is for the for items above. Every new tier they add  cost 60k+gold ,didn't really check in game ,probably is more. If would be only 1 or max 2 items probably you can do it in time they add new tier but being 4 items ,good luck with that . Unless you have 12 characters and play 6-8h per day Bns. So hmmm 2 jobs in life ^^ . The game is boring doing same routine every single day,  purple train( probably solo since we can do it ) and this on 1 char,imagine doing same boring purple train on 12 chars . This game ain't rewarding my friend,accept that ,don't come with bullshit, this game became disgusting  simple,boring,cow to get milked as much as possible. I see everyday people quiting left and right and all sre good geared players,raids main players,soon will be only you and Justin aransu 6 and the other guy playijng FM using "best rotation ever " meteor, ice ring,fier earring accs???

    To take part in gear Based PVP you dont need max soul, pet etc. aslong as you got your accesories, weapon, soul shield you are fine all you need is skill now. Sure you will do way less dmg than max gear but you can fight them.


    I am far from max gear but even with my gear ive not seen a single player who could survive one aerial of mine expect for one Warden but thoose are special anyway.


    The cost to have a chance is like 30K probably and this is very cheap. I mean you can earn this in like 10 Weeks if you only count CBG if you do PVE aswell its probably like 1 Month.

  6. vor 1 Stunde schrieb Arohk:

    The Problem is not the event itself but these factors:

    -entry fee

    I agree. Since they want 300 people to join (which i doubt will happen after day 1 cause thats more than 10% of the whole playerbase) they shouldnt create anything which could prevent players from joining.


    -limited amount of players

    I adressed that above. We currently have around 3000 - 5000 Players i believe and this is NA + EU so per server maybe 2000 - 3000 Players.


    -rewards will only go to high geared players

    One thing i have to agree with Grimoir its really not a huge problem getting Decent PVP Gear. Sure you will still have a very hard time against max gear but ive never seen attacks which one shot me since ive got gear.


    My gear is current PVP SS 5 Parts and 3 Parts Avenging, 4 PVP Accesories of current gen, 1 Glove last gen, Dragonfang 3 my HP is around 500K. You litterly spend like 30K Gold once and you are good to go for quite some time and my class dosent have skills which increase defense alot like Destroyer or BD.

  7. vor 6 Stunden schrieb xtclikeafox:

    no point. arena is a trashhouse full of mostly smurfs running scripts.

    ppl that think their skills are god tier because they can one button win.

    no one respects the leaderboard, the rewards are bad, the queues are long, and its a big reason why ppl left the game.

    1. People use Smurfs/Alts cause either they play a different class or they cant manage to find any que in the higher ratings.

    2. Mostly PVE Players run scrpts theese days but its true some rank 1 players do so too.

    3. It dosent matter how you win aslong as you dont use any third party stuff its totally legit and you have the right to brag about how good you are if you actully are good.

    4. The respect about leaderboard is there the problem is its the best way to farm gold for PVP Players. A PVE player wouldnt stop farming TSM just cause someone else says "you abuse this farming method !". I mean everyone got the chance to get atleast top 30 in rankings which is still giving a good payout.

    5. People leave cause its obvious NC dosent care about PVP if its not 6v6 or any other kind of PVP where you have to pay lots of gold beforehand.


    Now i just wanna say theese issues where adressed several times not only by me but everything NC answers to theese problems is "PVP is currently not very popular" without thinking why is it unpopular ?


    Solutions which the community asked for:


    1. Create a Class Ranking per account instead of per char. For example you have 3 Force master on your account. Instead of having 1 FM in 1500 Rating, 2 in 1800 Rating etc. you have all of them at the same rating your highest one belongs to.

    2. Simply use anti cheat programs but nothing like we had before cause it reduced our FPS even further and if you manage to sent legit proof that the other player uses scrips the support should ban thoose people.

    4. Like i mentioned in 1. Community asked several time for a class ranking so people cant create 20 FMs and take all the top spots of course they would have to increase season rewards then.


    All of this was just related to your text of course there are several other issue with PVP the community bragged about but in the end PVP is not a porfitable gamemode for NC so they make it worse with every patch. Worst Patch so far was Awakening second worse was when they created a time lock so you cannot play 24/7 anymore. If they had not done theese patches i am sure we would have enought players to run tournaments with actully different people even today.

  8. vor 6 Stunden schrieb Galeon81:

    I 've been a frequent user of these charms and I found that it's kinda annoying that:

    The only reason theese are still used to this day is for skipping some kind of mech via Exploit and since NC is not even fixing stuff which is gamebreaking they will definetly not fix something totally not needed litterly one player wants cause of quality of life.

    • Like 1
  9. vor 6 Stunden schrieb itsthem:

    Do people really earn 3k gold doing that? damn that's actually fkd, I guess non PvPers have fishing now, thats something atleast

    Yeah PVP is probably the fastest way to earn money if you PVE aswell cause you cannot get the keys to open the boxes in PVP.


    Talking about Playtime: 2 hours CBG + maybe 0.5 Hours for dailys + 0.5 Hours for Weeklys (just calculating you do it everyday so its easier). Now we are at 3 hours a day that should be  enough for atleast 4K Gold per week. Now put in another 1 or 2 hours PVP time and you probably reach atleast 8K per week.


    I know alot of people hate PVP and 6v6 which is the most profitable is totally trash cause even if you pay like 30K or more gold for your PVP gear you will have a very hard time there but still cause it can earn so much money i recommend you to Upgrade some PVP Gear atleast current gen PVP Accesories and Stage 9 Incenerator.

  10. Sorry to tell you but thats your own fault. They announced this when the shop opened. On the other hand i agree with you the shipping cost is way to high so its a huge turn off and even tho this is a Digital Item which cost them 0$$$ to produce its still a raffle you have to pay like 30$ for.


    Its like they dont want us to buy their merch.

    • Like 1
  11. vor 8 Stunden schrieb Narukaba:

    It's like... that Dest can't seem to admit to losing against a WL

    Even tho Des is litterly the class with the most advantages against Warlocks expect for BM.


    Its always like this people flame you cause they have no idea about the actual ranking of classes.

    Sure this is heavily influenced by oppinion but we all tend to have a similar oppinion. Some say Soul fighter is the strongest while some say BM but everyone to my knowledge says atleast one of thoose is the strongest classes while everyone i know says Warlock is the worst class currently.


    I am one of the few people who even think Warlock was totally ok before awakening hell even when Warlock had double aerial (expect for Tag team this was op). I even thought when he had SB with Skill reset Warlock was fine but now its 1. Boring cause there is no 100/0 combo 2. Litterly no skills to fight against enemy Defences unlike every other class.


    My oppinion: Blade master, Soul fighter, Assasin, Force Master, Blade dancer, Destroyer, KFM, Archer, Summoner, Warden, Gunner, Warlock

    While others might rank it different its still similiar for everyone BM is somewhere in the top spot, Destroyer in the middle and Warlock is always at the end.


    Keep in mind i am like everyone else influenced by the classes i play aswell which are: Soul fighter, KFM, Assasin, Gunner, Force Master, Warlock, Blade dancer (knowledge of Warden but dont have one currently).

  12. vor 58 Minuten schrieb itsthem:

    I have spent what i consider shitloads for a video game, not thousands, but hundreds, a lot more than I have any other computer game and I still don't have 19k AP.

    You either do something wrong or you are pretty new. It dosent need that much to reach 1.9K. Just do CBG as much as you can and do your normal farming you get atleast 3K Gold per weak by CBG alone.

  13. vor 4 Stunden schrieb Ephexis:

    So i have all these accessories that i "maxed" out so i can evolve it to the next tier from like a few years ago. Is it worth evolving the items since now apparently it costs materials whereas before it didn't? or should i just wear whatever item(s) i find that are better and just ignore the whole "evolving" aspect

    It would be usefull to know exactly what accesories you have. Are thoose from far far back then when Hongmoon Accesories where a thing ? Than salvage them (if maxed) and get 30 Legendary Juwels now you can get first gen Legendary Accesories litterly for free for example in Mushin Tower from NPC you can skip this step aswell and just get your second gen legendary stuff.


    If you have First gen Legendary stuff already and Black Tower Stuff you should keep it and start getting your second gen Legendary stuff in Moon Refuge.

  14. vor 13 Stunden schrieb Noface007:

    These classes need the most work starting from the biggest offender to the least.

    Ice Fm



    BM 3rd spec

    Totally agree that thoose classes need the most changes.


    Fm: remove frost stacks from attacking him so he actully has to attack you to freeze you and remove Wallbang or atleast drasticlly reduce the dmg of it.

    SF: maybe reduce the ammount of Skill reset he can have. Currently he can reset 15 secs every 36 seconds maybe reduce it to 10 Seconds or to every 2nd Focus chi.

    Warden: Make Knockback avaible even if he is in Blade ward.

    BM 3rd spec: reduce the dmg output in aerial. He can aerial you with multiple ways and its does up to 60K i believe even in 1v1.


    But every class got ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ i want them to fix expect for Gunner and Warlock thoose rather need a buff i believe. Sadly this was written alot of times already and nothing will change so you shouldnt get your hopes up at any time. NCsoft is not known for making their customers happy.

  15. vor 13 Stunden schrieb Noface007:

    Sure they completely broke the WL last patch so you should be able to get a very high rank. 

    He talks about 1v1 and sadly Warlock is trash there. You litterly only have to run or use blocks Warlock will not be able to fight you.


    Since Wl cannot stop his Dragons after he activated it or his Thrall he attacks most of the time and now imagine playing against: KFM, SF, or whatever with a block. You will hit into it and it will give them godmode thats the whole reason Warlock is so trash nowdays you cannot counter defences with the current warlock and if you manage to do so you lose so much potential dmg. Not a single other class got such problems.


    Warlock either stalls for time which can be hard if your opponent is good or you AFK. The only Class Warlock is good against is Gunner cause Warlock can just 24/7 use defences while spamming ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤.

  16. It should be clear that they dont care about PVP cause there where no balance patches since March 2019. All they did was buff the classes which are broken in the first place.


    In my oppinion the easiest way to balance the game a bit would be reducing Aerial dmg  alot depending on class. For example BM shouldnt do 100% dmg in one aerial more like up to 60% if they do a perfect aerial but gunner on the other hand should stay like it is right now cause it dosent have any other offensive skills.


    This would remove most 100 to 0 stuff the second thing would be making tab escape avaible at wall.

    You have tab up but cant use it. You just wait till your health is at 0. Very balanced.


    Either give every class a way to 100 to 0 in untabable stuff or none !


    NC made clear they do not want to support the PVP part anymore so we have 2 options either you quit PVP or you shut up since it dosent matter what you do NC will never give us nice things cause this would mean less €€€ for them.  This is the oppinion of SF main (very strong class currently).

  17. vor 19 Stunden schrieb Vcrina:

    I love you BNS!!!

    We all do even if we are burned out and hate this game most of us still love this game.


    vor 19 Stunden schrieb Vcrina:

    I don't care of fps or something, i just built a new computer.

    New Computer dosent mean better performance. But if you dont care you can play with 8 FPS i dont mind.

    vor 19 Stunden schrieb Vcrina:

    I just hope to don't be a free to play game, i prefer to pay /month to have a great community.

    There is a subscription you can buy monthly. They are not gonna make it pay to play cause this means less players than we already have and they still would keep up with trove etc. So the only difference would be 1. less players 2. You are forced to pay monthly instead of having an option.

    vor 19 Stunden schrieb Vcrina:

    I am just frustated to see how many people critique this game.

    Well there is a reason to this and since you only have 5 posts here i guess you didnt read alot in forum yet.

    1. Devs ignore everything players want. And if they decide to give us something they cut out something else which is usually far more important to us than the new thing.

    2. Bugs, Performance issue etc. are constantly being ignored which is losing us alot of players every day.

    3. No communication or wrong communication. Unlike any good Company you need luck to have correct informations at a time where you can react to it.

    4. More and more Pay to win added into the game while they said back in 2015 that this is not gonna happen.

    5. A support which makes huge differences between casher and non casher and this support is not banning people for cheating etc.

    6. Constantly finding new ways to make the game less enjoyable for PVP Players.


    Most of theese things are not Blade and souls fault as a software but NCs fault as a company but since you cant have one without the other Blade and soul gets hated. 


    OP talking. (She should know who i am ingame ignore this if you are not crina)


  18. vor 10 Stunden schrieb MassiveEgo:

    I wasn't talking about lfp though.

    Than it may be cause of your gems. Tri and Quad just like fused Quad are usually worn by people who play for a longer time which means 1. more DPS cause of knowledge and 2. Knowledge of mechs even tho they dont exist anymore.


    You have to keep in mind how long it will take for a new player to get tri or quad gems. They will probably stay at Hexagonal for a long time cause there is no way of farming gems ingame expect for Reallife money and gems are the biggest AP Increase currently.

    • Like 1
  19. vor 1 Stunde schrieb KzE:

    Yesterday was announced in KR BNS, that UE4 will get another delay, with no ETA. So dont stand on one leg till UE4 NA/EU release.

    I paused the game for me but since they delay it again i think its gonna be a bigger pause. I cant stand 20 FPS or even less in 6v6 PVP and Raids sometimes even in Dungeons.


    It should be atleast 60 even if 24 Players are on screen but it can go into the single digits.

    I7 9700K while the system requirements are Core 2 Duo.

  20. Am 21.12.2019 um 18:08 schrieb Nagisa Yuki:

    i'm down for a small compensation lmao

    Even if they had considered it which i doubt cause the stuff they want to know get written down in forum. You made yourselfe unatractive this way if you want money for it. You should know by now they are not going to spent a penny to make players happy.

  21. It depends are you a regular player in PVP or not ? If you are a regular you shouldnt have big of a problem coming back to gold if you managed it once i mean what you can find in Silver is garbage most of the time.


    If you are not a regular player it should have been hard for you to reach gold since WL is the worst class by far and if you get SF/KFM or even BM you can AFK most of the time and you might risk you HM coins when season ends.


    So i recommend to keep playing if you have PVP exp but if not stop and stay in gold.

  22. vor 7 Stunden schrieb MassiveEgo:

    From my experience, nobody in EU goes ballistic when I join up to WC, excluding DST bursts, with this kind of character:

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    It depends if you go LFP of course no one will mind since people there are either low in the first place and cant manage to get a premade group or thoose are people who dont care in the first place cause they have enough DPS to do it solo.


    What we are discussing here in this Topic is how much AP you need to be able to run anything with Premades you can find in the F8 Search. If you include LFP of course you can run anything with 1.2K expect for DST.

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