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Posts posted by ImoutoMaster

  1. 1v1/3v3:

    Reduce DMG of several attacks. All kind of aerial expect for gunner and all kind of range attacks a meele can do.

    rework Warlock so warlock can actully play PVP again what was wrong with it before awk ? just reduce the aerial dmg a bit and give us back the old wl.

    remove keys from boxes so you can farm gold without having to PVE for the keys !

    Open 1v1 24/7 instead of closing it down for some hours there is no need for such a thing and there never was !

    Remove wallbang make a wallbang tabable.

    Log 1 char per class in ladder so we dont see one player with 12 times the same class in ranking.

    Give out season and weekly rewards starting with 1400 Ranking this will increase the ammount of PVE Player who play PVP and may enjoy it in the future.


    etc. etc.etc



    Add a 2nd 6v6 mode where everyone got the same stats like 1v1 and 3v3.

    Remove all materials you cant obtain with PVP from upgrades and give PVP Players a way to farm oils etc. so they can get max pet/soul etc, aswell.

    1 class per team only so you dont fight with for example 4 gunner against 5 fm.

    Add a way to get accesories without PVE.

    Change the matchmaking so it searches via gear score. Its ok if your enemy is ascendant 3 and u are max gear but your team must have atleast on ascendant then aswell.

  2. @Nagisa Yuki is rank 1,2,3,4,5 etc. gunner thats someone you can trust if he says XML is cheating ! Even tho i dont really know what thoose XML is i can just assume cause i see Summoner insta grab me when i block (i even try to be not predictable by blocking at randoom (SF)), or BM doing attacks from ranges which are equal to the range of archer etc.


    I trust yuki and agree that BNS Buddy should be banned from BNS or give us an anti cheap programm which detects XML Edits. Shouldnt be to complicated to programm this.

  3. A guildmate wrote a ticket complaining about how bad his RNG is guess what ? They gave him 42K HM coins.


    I wrote a ticket complaining about this with a screenshot my guildmate did and they say they will investigate this. Sure they will.


    I dont mind them giving out free HM coins if you got bad RNG but i mind it if they dont do it for everyone ! Either give it to everyone or no one.

  4. Also it would be great to put thoose in PVP Merchant so PVP Player would have something they can buy without keys. (Tradable one so PVE Players get a better price) I`d say like 10 - 15K Beans if the price is 400 Gold for DGS on market and around 7.5K Beans if its 200G on Market. (Have no idea what the price is currently but i am sure its somewhere between 200 and 400) it just should give as much profit as Soul stones do. (calculated with a soul stone price of 70 silver and 50 per box. )


    This would increase the ammount of DGS in F5 which would make it cheaper and this would result in a way better price for PVE Players aswell.


    Before someone says "wah wah we get forced to do PVP" you got F5 if you dont wanna PVP but PVP cant have nice things ? They earn nearly nothing not gold not  mats if they dont do PVE.

    • Like 1
  5. vor 50 Minuten schrieb Merlin DE:

    1. PVP Topic

    Yeah great idea :/


    2. DPS Events Topic

    1. you needed way more than 500k, as far as i remember you needed over 1 mio to kill last stage of the turtle and estimated 60-80% of the serverpopulation wasnt able to do this event.

    2. Events should be independet from your gear and should be fun.

    3. Outside of BNS Events

    I can remeber one such event, didnt end well, at least for Master vs. Master (MxM)  ;)


    We had one Event where you had to play 1v1 and 3v3 just one match. It was really fast so i doutbt much PVE People cryed about it and the rewards where atleast as good as today.


    I am talking about the second DPS Event. I agree that turtle was to much but 500K was even at that time really low and everyone who didnt manage to get 500K DPS cant be playing more than 1 week.  It was an event for players who didnt just started the game. It was an Event for people who actully play the game and enjoy it that much to kind of be active. Plus while we had this event we had a second one aswell for Twinks, alts and new players.


    3. Master vs. Master was a bad game itselfe and i tryed to compete with League and Dota of course it couldnt its the wrong dev for something like that.

    Just imagine a Moba where something is unbalanced af and it will never get fixed that was the future of Master X Master so no one wanted to play it anymore.



    My favourite event was the one where you earned some fish fooder in a dungeon and went to jadestone to fish a bit. You got alot of oils, pet pack and divine grace stones this way.

  6. vor 12 Minuten schrieb RNB:

    I'm not sereusly about. Just it would be nice to have it as an option. 

    And why da hell I'm here and thinking about it? 

    The Problem is this is a feature litterly no one needs and nearly no one wants cause its useless.


    For NC this would mean Programming which cost money and guess why we cant have nice things in BNS ? Programming cost money !

    If they ever decide to invest a lil bit of money in programming i would rather like to see some stuff the community wants since 2016 but dosent get than something 1 guy asked for in Forum in 2019.

  7. vor 1 Stunde schrieb RNB:

    How about transfer 100 gold to one gold bar (price 100 gold) and storage it. 

    And soner or later you will bid and then angry scammer will steal your precious gold and you will cry. 

    1. Its really rare to find someone who is trying to scam you off in dungeon bid.

    2. Usually you can just leave the party so you dont have to pay.

    3. If you dont look at what others bid its ur own fault !


    Its as simple as that if you dont want to spend any money than dont do it !

  8. Why not give us some PVP Events ? (cause NC dosent care about PVP)

    Why no turtle event where you need xxxx dps to beat it ? (Cause some nubs cryed cause of this "wah i cant do 500K wah")

    Why not give us a bigger ammount than 2 casher keys if we have to do something as boring as this ? (less F10 money)

    Why not asking players what kind of events they want ? (cause they would have to programm some new events if they did)


    What about an event which takes place outside of BNS and can be done by anyone ? for example with some mobile app ? (BNS 2 or whatever thoose apps are called)

    What about an event without the need of running dungeons you are not able to run if you have story gear ?


  9. vor 18 Stunden schrieb Nathan Mashi:

    biggest problem is among players in the 900AP to 1.4AP range NCSoft has created a huge abyss comparated with whales and old playeers in game that makes almost impossible to make group and farm to upgrade character increasing AP

    I disagree. Low gear people should either find a guild or LFP the lower dungeons on the other Hand NC could do something about it aswell.

    Alot of players run dungeons till DST solo why ? cause of psyches and outfits. What about an option where you only search for players who dont want any stuff ? So lets say a high gear player can open a lobby where only people can join who accepted beforehand that they will not be able to get stuff from the drops ?


    Sure there is alot of stuff high gear players dont need anymore so it should work like raids. New Players simply have no need for psyches yet and outfits can only be obtained once (or atleast it dosent make sense to take it twice) this means the only thing new players wouldnt get this way are psyches which they dont need yet anyway.

  10. vor einer Stunde schrieb RNB:

    Not rly. There is many ways to lose gold by accident. 

    One of them dungeon auctions and more. 

    So storage some gold idea is not so bad at all

    Or dont bid on items if you dont want to lose gold ?

  11. Am 18.11.2019 um 13:55 schrieb eddietrol:

    it's becoming increasingly frustrating trying to do the group thing at bns few now do f8

    between 09:00 - 01:00 i have no problems finding groups either.

  12. Hi,


    first ive never used any kind of game manipulation and i am not going to but i want to know what do the XML Edits do ?


    yesterday i played some tag team and i had a Player (not saying his class cause people will know who it is) that was plaing in worlds he said "enemy x plays with xml edit and enemy y does too". For BM he said it removes some global cooldown and for archer it makes him shoot faster which increases the insane dps archer already got.


    He also said its banable but atleast the bm (who is posting alot that he is using xml and got reported multiple times) dosent get banned. So my question what exactly do XML edits in PVP ?


    As far as i know Summoner, BM, Archer use XML edits and maybe gunner. And if its not allowed why are thoose people not banned ?


    Seriously i hate NC for what they did to PVP and there dosent seem to be any intention for them to change PVP a bit so people will like it a bit more again but still this would be a new high for NC to ignore changes to the gamefiles !

  13. vor 2 Minuten schrieb Merlin DE:

    Guess he talked about the lobby numbers not the amount of players ;)

    Makes sense must have read to fast since i am usually at work it can get stressy writing here. (work is boring sometimes.)


    I just have to agree to Necro this was possible a solution they created to decrease the spam on screen when the game launched but it never got changed like alot of things this game needs changes for.

  14. vor 19 Stunden schrieb Necrontyr:

    now we barely have 300k, even at peak

    I think you accidently wrote a bit to much 0 into this number. Its between 2.1K and 3.4K in BNS Buddy now considering that there are players without bns buddy i would say we have around 5.5K Players at peak. (i think its probably even less like 4k but i dont have any statistics for this.)



  15. vor 19 Stunden schrieb yoM:

    As it has been out for quite a long time, please consider reduce the costs of imperial necklace from 25 tokens to 6 like Hong Bracelet. Thanks.

    Hong Bracelet was more expensive back then aswell but they reduced it since it got really old. In my oppinion the Imperial necklace is pretty cheap with 25 tokens. You are supposed to run this dungeon not ignore like you would if you just instant get this.

  16. vor einer Stunde schrieb iPika:

    1. The ball will automatically activate after period of time i.e. when time reaches 5 minutes.
    2. Allow players to vote to surrender the game.

    1. we had this when the switch didnt exist yet. Its not a good idea cause whereever the ball lands this team will have a higher chance of winning since protecting is alot easier.

    2. Either that or allow player to quit the game if the gear difference is to big. I prefer surrender of course since quiting can be abused easy.

    (Will never happen cause whales wouldnt have a way to find low players to insta kill and have fun which would result in quitting paying customers and you know what NC dosent like. )

  17. vor 1 Stunde schrieb WiseManClever:

    raid necklace should be better. Start taking care of your players.

    Ever heared about player who dont like doing raids ? i know there are few but i dont like raiding. I am more than happy that i am not forced to raid that much i just bought my Badge and soulshield which was less than 10K together and i am done with ET other classes may have to buy weapon mat and neck aswell which would bring them to nearly 20K or they raid themselve which is a pain in my oppinion.


    1. Find a guild to do ET

    2. Learn with the guild usually 3 hours per day in extreme 5 hours per weekend.

    3. Multiple weeks even if you managed to learn your part of mech perfectly you fail due to party this bores me alot.


    btw. Some classes use ET Necklace cause its better for them for example KFM or BD.

  18. Average gear is not 10 Million its more like 1.6 Million maybe ? i would even say like 800K.


    800k is like VT Gear which you reach pretty fast should be possible in 1 or 2 weeks. I wrote a guide about what to do as a new player here it is again:


    1. Get Your weapon with 8 Slots by exchanging Naryu Silver in Jadestone.

    2. Get to Moon Refuge and farm ur Legendary Accesories (Gen 2 Horizon Belt etc.) expect for Ring and Earring.

    3. Get BT Ring and Earring (Can be done before step 2 dosent matter) After this step i recommend to go into dungeons not earlier.

    4. Do dailys and weeklys. (Dailys only 4 cause you dont have enough equip at this stage)

    5. When you reched the point where you are like Raven 9 with your weapon and got your accesories atleast on stage 3 find a VT Group for your VT Badge. (Can be   done earlier if you got a guild.

    6. Now start upgrading your soul to atleast the first legendary stage

    7. Keep upgrading till you are nearly max VT Gear.

    8. Find a guild if you havent already.

    9. Run TT with the guild (it still needs mech thats why i dont recommend randooms) to get your Ring and Earring and depending on class weapon mat.

    10. Now i would start farming third gen Legendary Items.

    • Like 1
  19. vor 56 Minuten schrieb SilentOne:

    You just have to find the farm/game rhytm that suits you and your char possibilities the best and set reachable goals.

    The problem for thoose players is not to find their own pace the problem is the game want to force them into dungeons they are simply not equipped enough for due to the need to have like 1.7k ap nowdays but sadly most of thoos low players dont want to learn mechs either in my experience. 


    The only options are find a guild who carries him or find a single guy/gal who carries him.


    What you have to do after you finished story:

    1. Get Your weapon with 8 Slots by exchanging Naryu Silver in Jadestone.

    2. Get to Moon Refuge and farm ur Legendary Accesories (Gen 2 Horizon Belt etc.) expect for Ring and Earring.

    3. Get BT Ring and Earring (Can be done before step 2 dosent matter)

    4. Do dailys and weeklys. (Dailys only 4 cause you dont have enough equip at this stage)

    5. When you reched the point where you are like Raven 9 with your weapon and got your accesories atleast on stage 3 find a VT Group for your VT Badge. (Can be   done earlier if you got a guild.

    6. Now start upgrading your soul to atleast the first legendary stage

    7. Keep upgrading till you are nearly max VT Gear.

    8. Find a guild if you havent already.

    9. Run TT with the guild (it still needs mech thats why i dont recommend randooms) to get your Ring and Earring and depending on class weapon mat.

    10. Now i would start farming third gen Legendary Items.


    At this point in time you should have no problems finding any partys for any dungeon now just focus on whatever gives you the most ap now or if you already reached the threshhold people want upgrade whatever gives you the most dmg.

    • Like 3
  20. The worst player ive seen so far did around 60K DPS which means even the worst player can kill the strongest boss in Mushin Tower 1 - 8 in less than 30 Seconds.


    Events are for Max lvl Chars not for some low levels who are not even lvl 50 !

  21. vor 3 Stunden schrieb EasleyRR:

    Don't have much problem to find party for Warpd Citadel and Brood Chamber..... But that Dreamsong Theater... Now we have na event bound to it and i simply can't find a party or whatever to get the Keys from it.

    Search for party "know mech" and set the requirements to like 1.4k. People will join but you will learn very fast why no one is playing mech and why no one wants people with less than 1.6k (even 1.6k is critical). Its such an easy mech but low people dont want to do it mostly even if you explain it to them they will ignore it.


    For new players i can only recommend getting either a guild or someone who carries you till you reach enough gear so people take you.

  22. vor 1 Minute schrieb Hin:

    how  yours get AP 1.8+ ? I have AP 1.3 only  and I can rare complete 2 daily missions 4 or 6 challenge dailies i never completed, since the changes, i only complete 4 raids for week, and rare one dungeon (I choose easy and dungeons who already hv started in options), most people leave group if you are "weak" (well i have more than dungeons need), but at this rate I have no gold or materials to upgrade anything,
    im really stuck in game useless i try changes in prices cant help me without really im able to make group and complete something

    get ur legendary items if you havent yet and find a guy who runs everything with you. For example i do between 2 and 3 million dps in dungeons i can solo nearly every dungeon. I wouldnt mind taking someone with me aslong as i get the psyches and outfits if i dont have them yet. 

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