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Posts posted by ImoutoMaster

  1. vor 2 Stunden schrieb Megued:

    Tell me more about how you would like to purchase an item that states something, but in the background does other things as well.

    Like Grimoir said:

    vor 6 Minuten schrieb Grimoir:

    Its not the item that locks the name. Thats simply how the system is setup. It has nothing to do with the name change voucher as the voucher does not lock the name.

    The Name Change voucher itselfe does not lock the name its the system in the background which is something totally different than a peanut which itselfe does kill you even if its not advitised.

    If you had thought about it one second you could have guessed why your name is locked.

    Back then in 2016 people used to sell their names (rare but some did) and i think thats the reason they created this lock if it not already existed.


    Anyway you used the ticket without thinking. You did not ask why you cant use your name and you chose a name. In the end its your own fault for not researching enough. The Item did what it was supposed to do it changed your name ! So if you still want to change your name to the one you wanted buy another ticket and use it correctly this time.


    I understand your frustration but as i/we see it you bought an item and used it like it was advitised to but now you cry cause it did not exactly what you had in your mind.

  2. vor einer Stunde schrieb Megued:

    A harder example: imagine you are allergic to peanuts, you buy some food, on the product it doesn't state it contains peanuts so you eat it. You end up in the hospital but it's your fault because you don't know how the food is made in the kitchen.

    As far as i know the item only states that i can change your name and it does exactly that. In terms of peanuts its doing additional things which where not advitised but this Name chance voucher did exactly what it was advitised for.

  3. vor 8 Stunden schrieb SuperMoche:

    Yes, but unfortunatly almost nobody streams BnS pvp content anymore and that's why being able to watch duels ingame was a good thing. Anyway, hope they'll fix it soon

    Ah didnt know that. Ill try to stream a bit in the weekend for you if you are fine with: SF/WL/FM/KFM/BD/Gunner.

  4. vor 13 Stunden schrieb LilyFU:

    look another perfect example to my comment about bs excuses.

    I wrote about that XML edits which increase ur DPS are unfair in PVP but in my oppinion people who use this are no threat anyway since they are heavily PVE based so they lack the skill to evade CCs which makes them an easy target. Ive never said its ok to use thoose "cheats" so there is no excuse just an you could call it insult to thoose "cheaters" since they usually dont have any skill pvp wise.

  5. Sorry but that one is on you. You yourselfe made the decision to use this "placeholder name". The Support did not give you this placeholder name so either buy another ticket or live with it.


    If you buy something and use it but decide you dont want it anymore its not the sellers fault. A hard example you cannot buy food and eat it but in the end say it tasted bad so i want another plate of food. There is nothing you can give back since you used it till there is nothing left.

  6. vor 12 Minuten schrieb CrazyDude90:

    I dont want to discuss whats afking and whats not... if xml edits are good or not ... all this things are not part of this post so BACK TO TOPIC please.

    If it influences the gameplay i am totally on ur side and this should be banned immidietly even tho i dont mind people using XML in PVE i still want them to get banned for using such stuff.


    In terms of AFK people its actully alot of work to make sure no one can abuse this system you would have to create certain save points where you can`t kick people but it could still be abused and if we get a system which can be abused easyli more people will demand that this option will be removed again so why should they programm such an option ?


    In my oppinion a "kick option" is not the right way we just need a better support who is not looking at how much you invest into this game and is actully looking into why thoose people get reported.


    For Accountsharing i am up for it to ban thoose people if its in PVP since (not sure if its still happening) back in 2017 the Russian FM (not gonna write a name but you know who i mean if you followed PVP back then) sold rankings all you had to do was creating a FM with lvl 45 or better.

  7. vor 59 Minuten schrieb StrykerGaming:

    In truth, at this point in time, TPTB don't care what we have to say. Cyan's statement is proof of that. "They'll discuss it." They'll no such a thing. The only thing that will catch their attention is a reduction in sales to the point that it affects their monthly profit margin. Vote with your wallet, stop playing for a month or two, let sales lag, then they might revisit this. That's the only way to get the attention of companies like this.

    I gurantee you their answer will be different than you think. Hardcore casher do not care if we want to vote with our wallet they will buy anything which helps them progress faster.


    NCs answer to your plan would be even more Cashshop Boxes so they still earn the same or even more.

  8. It dosent matter to them its PVP.


    If you would have followed the state of PVP since August 2018 you would know they dont want PVP in this game to exist but they cant just patch it out.

    If you want to watch skilled players look for it on Twitch if i had more free time to PVP i would stream aswell but with this state of PVP we currently have i just dont feel like it that much.



  9. Am 21.10.2019 um 02:08 schrieb TalonTSM:

    I'm a newer player so I haven't even gotten to experience battlegrounds yet. Every time the queue for the frenzy time pops up, I queue for it, it times out, and I never find a match. My question is: why have content in a game that new players can't even participate in due to lack of interest(however it could be the system since I'm not ranked in it yet)? I just want to play a few matches and possibly earn some rewards from quests that are currently in the game to speed up my Hongmoon Skill point progression. They should really add a way to queue for it against bots or something to at least earn rewards if new players can't get a match. Just feels bad to not be able to do something the game tells you that can be done.

    1. Dont play if you are new all you will get from it is flame !

    1.1. before you start with 6v6 pvp you should atleast invest like 10K into your PVP equip.

    2. Times are set cause NC did want to decrease the population of PVP so if you try to play outsite of this time it wont work.

    3. If you want to get your HM skills play 1v1 instead its way faster and no one will blame you since gear dosent matter there.

    4. Since Season just resettet you shouldnt have a problem playing at 1300 Rating just dont start immediatly after the que opens start like 1 hour later.

  10. ihr wisst schon das sollte mal ein Spiel sein, das auf Martial Arts beruht ? Der Warlock ist schon komisch, dass der im Game ist aber so eine Hexe ? Werewölfe ? Vampira ? Warum nicht gleich einen Panda wie in Tera ?


    Spaß beiseite solange es keine Klasse wie der BM ist habe ich nichts dagegen, wenn so eine Hexe oder sonst was kommt ich denke aber, dass der Speerkämpfer als nächstes kommt.

    Von allen Klassen (Warlock bin ich mir nicht sicher) hatten wir irgendwelche NPC, die vorher schon eine Waffe hatten, die von Klassen nicht genutzt wurde und wenn ich mich nicht irre gibt es Speerkämpfer im Spiel.

  11. vor 5 Stunden schrieb Akira Yuma:

    Hallo, in dem letzen Update "Blade and Ghoul" habt ihr u.a. die Upgradekosten von der Waffe Heiligen Berg, Schatten/Sternenschmiede und Kaiserliche Waffe vergünstigt.

    Da ist leider ein Fehler aufgetreten, zwar brauch man von vielem weniger Materialien (Seelenstein/Mondstein/Heilige/Geweihte Kristalle) aber man brauch um Z.B: von Schattenschmiede 9 auf Himmlischer Kaiser Waffe 9 rüberzugehen VIEL mehr Hochwertige Steine der Verwandlung. Zuvor brauchte man glaub ich 5 und jetzt sind es 9. Dadurch kostet es mehr als man durch die andern Materialien gespart hat. Werdet ihr dass zum nächsten Mittwoch fixen können? Weil viele wollten sicher jetzt vergünstigt upgraden und müssen nun noch länger warten. Andere haben vllt trotzdem geupgradet, bekommen die ihre überschüßig bezahlten Materialien zurück?


    Liebe Grüße.

    Das ist ein Troll oder ? 

  12. vor 13 Stunden schrieb Xzard:

    Why is people so paranoic thinking that this was made on purpose?

    Maybe cause they say they test it before releaseing it ? If you test it you will see the patch is trash most of the time but they dont care.


    There are only 2 Option i can think of NC could do with patches they want to roll out.

    Option 1: They dont test it

    Option 2: They test if the game runs and dont look further into it.


    All we want is a NCsoft who is hiring people with knowledge about the game and a testserver or atleast some people who test the patches before hand. Preferably a test server it dosent have to be one for the whole population like 12 players are already enough (bare minimun).


    Its probably like 40€ to open a test server since you can take anykind of Core 2 duo mashine to do this but to expensive for them.

  13. vor 11 Stunden schrieb Xzard:

    What is a reasonable time? this is an asian mmo, you either expend time or money. There are only 2 ridiculous thing in this game, HM levels and unity stones, which require inmense amount of time or money. People like you are just bad, thinking that you cant have max gear without cash, I have max gear almost and I dont buy trove/boxes, and I know people like this too.

    And let me tell you what happens if you let people reach "max gear" pretty fast, they will get bored, and will leave the game, thats not how mmos work.

    And lets assume eveyone has max gear, then everyone will get rank 1?? NO, people living close to the server would have the biggest advantage because low latency, and then what can you do? cry more?

    Crying for some whales getting some rewards it doesnt even make sense, it's not even exclusive rewards. I know I wont get rank 1, and I accept it, I will keep enjoying what I can, it doesnt even make sense get mad.

    Ofcourse in Asia MMOs its hard to say whats a reasonable time and i really dont want insta max gear after patch that would be boring but i expect to have a chance when such event happen otherwise theese events are boring cause you already know who will get rank 1 before it and probably not due to good gameplay.


    I am pretty endgear myselfe and i assume if i do this event with some people i could come pretty high up in the ladder (Soul fighter with Wingsong) but still i complain cause i hate it when content rewards you for having either a big wallet or no life. I want to get rewards for Skill not for Gear.


  14. vor 2 Stunden schrieb Merlin DE:

    Das wird keine 2-3 Jahre mehr dauern. Wenn NC-Soft mit der Geschwindigkeit weiter macht die Spieler zu verarschen ist das Spiel den Bach runter noch bevor UE4 in Korea rauskommt. 

    Bei der Geschwindigkeit mit der NC-Soft den Spielern ins Gesicht spuckt kann man schon fast davon ausgehen, daß dies gezielt gemacht wird um sich die Entwicklung einer UE4 West Version zu sparen. Dad Spiel geht den Bach runter also lieber ganz zerstören und sich die Entwicklungskosten einer west version sparen. 

    Das UE4 Update kommt in KR Dezember soweit ich weiss und so schnell wird BNS bei uns nun nicht sterben. Man vermutet, dass UE4 bei uns so gegen März kommt stimmt dies sehe ich gute Chancen, dass BNS 2020 noch leben kann aber für wie lange bei der Politik ?

  15. vor 12 Stunden schrieb Xzard:

    The event is 100% optional, if you don't like it, don't participate.

    Anyone who participates gets something.

    Stop complaining about optional things, nobody is forcing you to pay or do anything.

    Its another player vs player thing in BNS since you compete with others. Tell me how would Aransu 9 have the same chance as ET 9 to get rank 1 ?


    How can you reach max gear in a reasonable time ? Only cashshop can give u max gear in a reasonable time. What is the definition of Pay to win ? An advantage which can only be bought via money. Can you farm your stuff fast enought to keep up ? of course you cant !


    So its an advantage you can only get by paying realllife money. What is Pay to win again ?


    I wouldnt mind such an event if they would cut out the rewards from it or atleast give everyone the same rewards and dont reward people for having a better paying job or a suggar daddy!


    Before you or anyone else argues "but you can farm everything to get max gear ingame" yeah and how long does it take ? do i have the chance to get rank 1 in such events this way ? Ask yourselve how can you get max gear without money with the same speed ? or atleast in a time that you will not have any disadvantages in PVP related content. You can calculate with a playtime of 20 Hours per day even tho a normal human being will not be able to play this much.

  16. vor 29 Minuten schrieb YunoGasaiYandere:

    Actually prices will drop. Most likely a lot. Why? Because there'll be at least 360 times more of any craftable item. Previously you could have billion of mats and  craft only 12 times per 24 hours with single character. Now you can craft 4320 times per 24 hours. So basically you can spend those billions of mats in single day. In other words. Previously it would took you one year to craft all those items. Now you can craft it in single day. And those who have tons of mats aka whales will quickly flood market with various craftables...

    Actually this could actually cause craftable item prices to drop 10 times or more...why? Because there's basically infinite supply of everything...

    You need tradable stuff to craft. This tradable stuff is pretty rare and expensive. More people craft = less mats to craft with = higher price on mats = higher price on crafted items cause no one will sell below the cost.


    You dont know how a market works do you ? You cannot say something got infinite supply if you cannot get anymore supply at one point. Players dont farm 99999999999999 Tradable Elysians per second.

    • Like 1
  17. vor 59 Minuten schrieb Arohk:

    I went from Aransu 9 to GC 6 over the alternative path just to avoid the PTS needed, collected all material to do it in one go.


    It is an RNG luck based upgrade system that simply sucks, i am complaining about that since the beginning.

    Its better to require 80 what ever Transformationsstones you can actually craft with your time invested farming the materials than to push the button and fail 3 times and then have nothing.

    Maybe the amount required seems a lot now, but dont ignore the fact that you CANT FAIL. A Premium stone requires MUCH MUCH more material than it shows in the transformation sheet due to the absurdly high failure chance.

    Keep in mind F5 exists.

  18. Am 16.10.2019 um 13:01 schrieb ombremq:

    - PVP : Completly destroyed with an awakened patch no1 asked for, instead of at least fix it by creating a 4th pvp focus Tab with old pvp skills and lock it for pvp, they have done nothing, a simple fix any kids could have done to at least not lose the pvp community.

    - Clans : Important feature in any mmorpg to socialize and loyalty your player basse and even more powerfull feature when your playing a dead game, you never updated anything for it, there is old items on it, old abandoned feature, no bonus for doing dungeons /raid with clan , no clan activity except broken BG......nothing

    - Event : same boring event, weekly/dungeons when you could add funny event exploiting your world...poh24/bsh/ misty forest open world pvp / adding open world boss/pvp etc...

    - raid : BT 50 fps >>>> ET 10 FPS.....i fear that next raid we going to play with 1 FPS, how is it possible that every new raid you release we lose 10 FPS, what your people doing, arent you aware you game is not optimized, can't you just stop with all those animations and rooms and just put 1 boss / instance... TT/ET pleb weekly work with decent FPS take it as example
    and ET jesus christ how can you explain the endgame raid got reward that poor? a badge that dont really increase your dps, an useless necklace super expensive and a Boss 1 dps check at last phase? hello?

    -pve : easy mode is nice even if no1 asked for it but wont last long i think, doing dungeons brainlessly is not what drive people to play a game at this point just give us a bot
    an easy fix as i always mentioned would have been to increase drop rate of hard mode or to put something worth the effort, like anything, 5ms / run, 1 elysian...anything, we can bid, any items could have work but most of people wont try it, its a waste of time for most of people because of the lack of rewards and too much effort.

    PVP:  History what happened so every new player know why PVP Community is so small and angry about NC.


    In August 2018 the community saw the update "Awakening" and saw tenah who was currently in World championchip in korea playing. Immediatly nearly everyone was against this update. Back then NC cared atleast a bit about the community and said "we gonna release it later than planed" cause it was planed for December 2018 but we got it march 2019, still without changes. This was the patch which started the planed destruction of PVP. Result everyone was trying out the new balancing but it didnt take long to see BD/BM are so broken that we needed a Hotfix for it but to this day nothing changed they even buffed BM (just an example for the ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ed up balance). After that they saw most player quit PVP some got into 6v6 but most left completly. What did they think ? Due to the decreasing Population they implemented a time shedule so you cannot play 24/7 PVP. Of course even more people quit cause they are not allowed to play PVP people have to work to earn a living aswell.  Thoose where just the changes with the biggest effect of course they did more patches which hurt PVP but the others are small things.


    Clans: I agree expect for Klan BG there is nothing really for Klans. I would like Klan 3v3 or Klan Open World stuff but like you can read above in my documentation of the PVP History they dont care about such stuff.


    Event: All i want is that i can do the event fully with one char instead of being forced to play on 10 different alts. Why cant i farm thoose 5 oils per week with one char ?


    Raid: They will not fix anything anymore since UE4 is going to happen. Sure EU/NA could be dead by then but the patches are made for KR not for us and i doubt they even care about the state of EU/NA otherwise they wouldnt ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ up so often.


    PVE: I dont get easy mode at all. The whole reason for easy mode is to remove the need of gear and make daylis fast but what we got is pretty much Normal mode since no one really died from Mechs in normal mode anyway. Why do we still have the tab normalmode ingame ? I think they ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ed up and wanted to give us 3 modes like in KR but since it was never stated that way from EU/NA no one rages about it casue it was not promised that way anyway.


  19. @FlCosmin well i am ok with 5 oils per week cause i dont wanna do boring time consuming events on my alts. I just wanna see an event where i am not forced to do it with 302727424 chars. Why is there no dungeon i can do endlessy to farm the event currency. At first when they announced the 5 oils per week i had hopes this might come true with the Hae Mujin Dungeon we had but no still not farmable to get all the stuff i want out of an event.

  20. vor einer Stunde schrieb Sayahell:

    Merlin du jammers bei jedem patch rum beschwerst dich nur im Forum ! Das die Mats Teuerer werden , das war abzusehen und ehrlich wozu farmt man denn Mats und Gold...

    Warum hacken jetzt wieder alle auf ihn rum ? Der Patch wurde als Kostenreduktion vermarktet und dies trifft nicht ein !


    Nicht jeder hat 16 Stunden am Tag zeit um Mats zu farmen und selbst dann wird es mit dem Craften nicht sonderlich gut laufen, da diese Mats, die man braucht sehr wenig droppen.


    Aus meiner sicht auch totall egal ob er sich jeden Patch aufregt meistens hat er ja einen guten Punkt und es ist ja nun nicht so, dass man NC zusprechen könnte, dass die Fehler machen. Man muss leider bei jedem Patch vermuten, dass die es so geplant haben.


    In den letzten Patches haben wir ja gesehen wie wenig es NC daran liegt neue Spieler zu bekommen die Patchen nurnoch für Vorhandene und das Spiegelt sich in mehr Aufwand und kosten für den Spieler wieder.

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  21. vor 22 Stunden schrieb Belido:

    bad quoting here, if you take the full sentence:

    "The Venture Tokens change in Daily Dash are part of some adjustments the dev team is doing to balance the flow of Venture Tokens into the game, and we will not be making any adjustments to Venture Tokens the ranking rewards you saw in other regions."

    There, the lie is no lie anymore, just another (announced) adjustment for those tokens and yes the probably seen their Premiums on the run. And no I don't see that they plan to change the venture tokens for ranking rewards now.

    Ok i let it slide since english is not my first language i could have misunderstood it but still i dont understand this sentence fully.


    What i understood was pretty much "we changed the daily dash and we will not change it". Seriosuly if i misunderstood pls can you write what they meant in a diffrent way ? usually i have no problem with english but this sentence i just dontunder stand what it fully means.


    Of course they havent changed anything in the PVP Rewards yet its just what ive seen as their next step if their plan is to reduce the ammount of HMcoin. I wouldnt even mind such a change if they did it like i wrote so peopel no longer farm spot 1 - 5 so there could be actual competition. Only looking at Gunner for example this one gunner got rank 1 - 8 or atleast rank 1- 5.

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