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Posts posted by ImoutoMaster

  1. vor 13 Stunden schrieb ilierette:

    Just wondering how ppl will see the new b2p version completly without item shop, troves, working next to current copy of the game with separate servers.
    It's just a copy paste for them, while a lot of players don't like current state of game.

    Sorry but that is not profitable. Since the playerbase will not be magically 500000 they would have to make a high price for something like that which would keep out alot of player. Id guess only like 1.5K players would join in which would give them like 19,5K thats probably way less then what they get with f2p.

  2. vor 8 Stunden schrieb Miggy Miggs:

    and kfm tremor can be read out easy , obviously if i see a kfm fighting 3 people am gonna stay like 9m, wait for him to use pull before i go in

    Most people complain about KFM even tho they know the only reason KFM is good in BG is cause people are brain dead and dont look at what the enemy is doing.


    Usually i am the only one in my team who outplays KFM while others just ignore everything and PVE them wondering why he is not dead yet. Thoose are the people who open threads like this one.


    vor 9 Stunden schrieb Arohk:

    Any idea if kfm will be fixed in 6v6?

    right now its just, Pull>Stomp>youre dead (or multiple people are dead).

    It does not need a fix sure the pull is way to big sometimes but still its easy readable just get some skill and evade it! unlike FM KFM got no skills you cannot evade.

    Think about FM Tornado or Ember Stomb skills which have no possible way to counter them. (ember stomb got grab and kfm aerial but most classes simply have to watch you till you are fully healed.)


    But no the Community here is like "ah i dont know how to outplay others i need this to be fixed!"

  3. vor 19 Stunden schrieb Fiana:

    @ombremq @Grimoir @Merlin DE iam one of those people who want this easy mode and hard mode from long time

    and i think this is actually a very good change, from now all of you so called "veteran" who often boasted high gear finally will try hard mode in f8, and then we can enjoy "the mech" of dungeon in this game in their full glory, not just some brain dead dps today dungeon are

    why you guys complain anyways? scary because mech in hard mode? :3
    it's gonne be fun, i wonder how many of this veteran remember mech for HH

    Ever considered people who dont like PVE but are forced to play it due to the lack of possibilites to get PVP gear without it ?

    Thoose people dont want to run hardmode they just want to be done with it as fast as possible. I heared rumors that you need to do hardmode now to get legendary items (or 100 runs) that means a PVP Player is either forced to farm to really high gear or run 100 times. I see more people quitting instead of doing that.

    Atleast with Normal mode you could get some gold and legendarys in a somewhat reasonable ammount of time but if the rumors are correct we are even more forced to play PVE.

    Even if the rumors are wrong they still decrease the value of running the easy/normal mode which inceases the time you have to spend in PVE again same as 8 dayli challenge.

    vor einer Stunde schrieb Grimoir:

    There are things they do wrong, but blaming a company for something the players themselves created and keep maintaining is not right. Like the high lobby requirements he was complaining about or players not wanting to help others learn. And you know this is a fact.

    The players didnt create thoose requirements completly by themselve. The whole reason to upgrade gear is to do more dmg and get faster through the stuff. Why should you slow yourselfe down with some low bobs ?  I am pretty sure they intendet this system here in EU/NA cause in RU etc. you cannot see the gear of others which would remove the requirements people ask cause they cannot proof if you got the gear or not.


    Talking about myselfe i dont mind lower people in my group if i expect the group to do enough dmg for the boss i dont mind but i completly understand why people want thoose requirements.  Its simple if you want to run higher dungeons with like 1.3K AP which might be possible get into a guild and do it with them ! What are the klans for if not for something like this ?

    vor 21 Minuten schrieb NightFer:

    Western world want things handed to themselves for not putting efforts in playing the actual game. Typical spoiled community!

    They dont want things free or handed over they want farming spots. You should be able to reach max gear withing some months and not years. (talking about current patch not including stuff which comes in the meantime since you begin your upgrades)


    You know why when he tries to make a lobby with 1600 AP for those dungeons he mentioned no one joins? Because players rather fish for a high geared party for a carry than put effort in clearing/ learning it.  This isn't a publishers fault or the games fault. Its all on the playerbase.

    Wrote above why its not players fault only. All they have to do is remove the abillity to see others gear but alot of people including myselfe wouldnt like that cause you cannot tell if the specific person is enough. Alot of Raven 3 trolls would join WC hardmode or the new dungeon hardmode and you would have to restart the lobby over and over again till you get a decent group. This is time consuming and would lead to alot of people quitting again.

  4. vor 12 Minuten schrieb Grimoir:

    You need to remember 1 thing, they can pass it along to the devs, but ultimately it is the developers decision if they want to change this or not. regardless if the players want it or not. NC has basically 0 say in this. If the devs do not want it it will not happen. And yes they need KR devs for it its not something they can change on/off with a switch.

    Well NC is the only Publisher for them in EU/NA probably no one would take BNS if they discontinue it. NC should know their place and give them more stress since if NC really forwards all the stuff then the dev team is really lazy and you may have to switch your employees then. Thats why i dont shut up cause its NC fault for not caring how and if KR team works (they wouldnt have a market without a publisher so they have the power).


    I dont expect them to fix everything and implement everything in an instant. I just expect them to implement the needed stuff and minor stuff.


    For example:

    Performance and balancing are big things which need time even tho i dont think they work on it i accept it cause it is actully alot of work but Friendlist, Voice Chat, PVP Times, thoose are all things you dont have to programm something new just write 2 or 3 lines or remove 2 or 3 lines.

  5. vor einer Stunde schrieb sojaa:

    Yes sir hence why all the players are leaving. Its total crap lol. If you notice all the stats are way off too. Pve has broken pvp. What does 20 to 28k  pvp def mean lol its should be 79.35 percent reduction I still get 1 shotted without debuff. You can add 25 pts into debuff and it does nothing. Crit def does what lol. Oh nothing. You don't even really need piercing anymore. Just pve belt and 3 pieces of thorn breaker set and youre 1 shotting people because youre getting hit with over 1900% pve dmg. Or better yet some have 3rd spec and others only on their second tier. With this next patch only 3rd spec gets bracelets. SO basically since you didnt roll that class you're getting screwed. Been this way since release of gunners. Not to mention the pve versions of skills can be used in pvp so lots of broken going on there. Some classes more then others. Whoever is developing the game is truly ending it. Nothing goes together anymore. I see full pve sets in bg on gunners lmao justa waiting on airs. Its basically has became a game of who can attack from the flanking to get that 1 shot off. 1v1 no reason to even play top slots filled with bms. All rolling that double air that they took from wl. This game is full of a bunch of alts who flop between what is currently the best class and its getting old. No sport in it just who has the most time and money to be the best. They don't even need to be good Just wait for the next broken class and flip.

    Well recently i started only upgrading PVP Stuff and now i have enough to play in the top ranks. Still they can one shot and i need to do my pvp combos to kill them cause its still not max gear by far. Its actully more gameplay than it sound its not just one shot if you iframe correctly. but still i think gear shouldnt be needed i mean i payed probably like 40k already and i cannot one shot warden.


    Talking about BM getting WL aerial thats totally not true. Warlock couldnt 100 to 0 you in one untabable aerial like BM can. Even with Warlock aerial your enemy still had some percent left.



    vor 11 Minuten schrieb Grimoir:

    Just to be clear they never promissed any changes to the time, they did state they would evaluate and see, but no hard promisses were made.

    I am talking about "If the player base really wants to see this happen, sure, there is no way we would not escalate this to the developers" sure this was about the wish of some player to remove 3 player que and bring 2 player que but it counts as a promise that they will do stuff the community wants what they simply dont do !


    If its really something they need KR devs for what i doubt they definetly didnt forward it since it is something you can programm in minutes just remove some lines in the programm.


    "Wir leiten das Feedback an die zuständigen Entwickler weiter, um etwaige Vorschläge zu prüfen und möglicherweise auch zu implementieren."
    Which means "we will forward your feedback to the devs and they test your suggestions so they may implement thoose".

    Thats what the support wrote to me about this topic some weeks ago and still nothing happened. No information. 100% of players dont like thoose restrictions even the PVE guys i asked said thats crap.

  6. vor 20 Minuten schrieb Javice:

    i did not see the stream but from what im reading :


     * 3 DC reward changed to 4 DC

     * CB removed from DC

     So just that alone its gonna take twice the amount of dungeons on alts to get same reward as we get now from 3DC

     * normal mode from most dungeons removed and replaced by beginner mode with less gold reward

     * hard mode dungeons are a part of DC now


    screw you guys but im quiting the game if this is true, this is a huge ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ you for f2p players, my daily routine on the game is gonna take atleast twice as long and i have to do hard modes on top of that, i dont have time for that ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤

    I watched the stream but i didnt see anything about having to do hardmode. As much as i understood they just renamed it. Easy is now normal mode and Hardmode is now Normalmode. There shouldnt be any difference expect for the drops we already have. Its just a simple rename of hard and normalmode as far as i understood.


    If this is true and you are forced to do hardmodes wow even more stuff to hurt PVP Players than i already knew but i doubt it.

  7. vor 19 Minuten schrieb sojaa:

    I wont like to you man its really bad atm. Lots of people wont play because of the balance factor and they made it worse with 3rd spec bm. top 6 classes bm. same person lol. 

    I am posting this cause of Tag Team the part which made the most fun to me. You see more than enough groups and you can actully find pretty quick matches (assuming you search in a 3 man party) but since they restriceted the time people have better stuff to do.


    You can only play between 20:00 - 23:00 + Monday/Wendsday/Fryday so in total 9 hours a week.



    1. Alot of people miss out cause they are not focusing the time or have to raid at thoose times.

    2. Top Players (top 30 and top 5) are not able to rank their twinks fast enough so around 1500 you will mostly only get rank 30 to rank 5 players.

    3. Balancing killed the PVP sure but there are still some players and the restriction of times just forces them to not play.


    I am just so distatisfied like people who read my pvp related stuff here in forum should already notice. I mean every patch they do stuff for PVE without thinking about PVP.


    Newest Archer Patch for example: You need to do 6 quests to get a PVP Key (soul stone box for 1v1/3v3) so you need to do 3 more quests to get the key. What if you dislike PVE but want to play 6v6 PVP ? Of course you want to do the bare minimum of PVE but now they force you even more to do PVE !

    • Like 1
  8. I was just watching your current stream about the archer patch. 

    I asked the whole stream "what about pvp restrictions when will they be removed ? you promised". 

    Why is no one answering ? back when you introduced it people where complaining and you told us you`d change it if we dont like it !

    So what about it ? its clear no one likes this. It destroyed the 3v3 Tag que completly and 1v1 cannot be played in the night ! why ? 6v6 i can kind of understand it but it was always regulated by itselfe. People knew they are not gonna get a que at a certain time so why did you have to patch it at all ? 


    Simply put: No one likes this restriction and there is nothing to justify your decision since everyone knew it will worsen the state of the game i am sure you guys did too ! You guys are not dumb or atleast i want to believe that. (probably getting banned for this)


    Remove the restriction completly ! Thats probably one of thoose things you dont even need the KR Team for it.  

  9. vor 2 Stunden schrieb darthBaal:

    Therefore, I would suggest the following:

    1. Changing the Rank System - If a player loses the same rank, for example, they lose 20 points, if they lose with a higher rank they lose 10 points, and if they lose with a lower rank they lose 30 points. If a player defeats a lower rank he gets 20 points, if he defeats the same rank he gets 40 points and if he defeats the higher rank he gets 60 points. Rank will not be calculated accurately and will only be distinguished by style if the player has silver is bronze lower and gold + higher, any other silver is counted as the same rank.
    2. Changing the Reward System - Only the player ranked above will be rewarded for the placement, which means that only one account can receive 5 Rewards ie Beluga, WW, NC, 1v1 and 3v3. The result would be that even regular players would get into a better position, which would motivate others and possibly reincarnate the current dead PvP.
    3. PvP gear should only be obtainable from PvP without having to walk PvE.
    4. Increase the rewards for arenas and BGs to reach more players, if you try but lose anyway so the reward in the order of tens of points will deter you from trying further PvP.
    5. Rebalanc classes, such as KFM, Destro and overall proximity classes have a huge attack and kill on the shot, while the distance classes, in addition to FM, which is competitive, must make a lot of effort and generally have at least a better gear class and perform several attacks and opponents. Certainly it is not that they stamp or turn and the opponent is dead.

    1. This is already ingame. Higher enemy gives more points and loses you less same for lower enemy. 


    2. This is talked about since 2 nearly 3 years now. NC simply dosent care that we want them to look at the IP and only rank the highest char of the specific class. Its definetly not impossible and its probably really easy to programm. (Had programming class once and this seems like a really easy thing) 


    3. People complain about this since they introduced the gear. It will change for the newest gear but guess what you have to do for that ? 6v6 and guess what you will have to get before you can farm the newest upcoming stuff ? yeah all the stuff you get from PVE. NC probably sees a loss of money in it so they will not do such a thing. 


    4. The rewards are good already. Assuming you do PVE too you have enough keys and can earn easyli thousands of gold via PVP each week. PVE only people have it really hard to earn that much but on the other hand most PVP players who actully enjoy it dont want to play PVE at all and if they dont PVE they will not be able to even earn 1 Thousand gold per week. How are thoose supposed to get 6v6 gear ? 


    5. The balance is overall trash and people where begging them not to give us the awakening patch since this is the patch which destroyed the game to a point its no longer esports ready. People told them it will kill PVP and they gave us the awakening patch. Probably cause PVP Players dont invest as much money as PVE Players cause Awakening is pretty nice for PVE. 



    Simply. it dosent matter what you suggest it was already suggested a long time ago. NC made clear they dont want us PVP Players. If they patch something into the game PVP related it is something to even worsen the situation. For example the upcoming patch of the archer will force us to do 6 daylis instead of 3 to get the needed key to open Soul stone PVP Boxes. 


    There are no big things they can ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ up anymore so they keep searching small stuff to worsen it. 

  10. vor 3 Stunden schrieb Kitsune Takahashi:

    Why, it doesn't require that gear to actually run it? I run it on my Earth Destroyer with just Rift 6, sure my bracelet isn't bad and I can sustain 500-600k (still working on gear)

    Thats fine but like 98% of players at riftwalk will not be able to sustain 500k its more like 130 - 180K. Now calculate mechs into it and it may be like 85 - 130K. Sure you are still able to do so but 95% of thoose players have no idea about the mechs at all. 

  11. vor 5 Stunden schrieb Merlin DE:

    Wait what? What dungeons we are talking about?

    I dont know any at the moment existing dungeon that cant be done with Aransu 3-6, at least if you have decent assessoirs.

    I am talking about people with Story gear joining Warped Citatadel for example. I dont wanna see thoose people be allowed in current dungeons. Its not hard to get BT Stuff at max atleast.

  12. I think the idea is good but it would destroy the whole reason to why you gear up at all. Its to do more dmg and get stuff done faster. Unfourtunetly if you are forced to run with Low bobs you will be slower by alot.


    Depending on the dungeon i would like such a system but my oppinion stays the same i dont think we should allow everyone to run everything. Gear exist for a reason and it dosent take long to get TT Ready gear or atleast TT 1 - 2 ready gear. If you want to run any content get a group or a guild you can run with dont expect everyone to carry you !

  13. vor 15 Stunden schrieb Kitsune Takahashi:

     Most of us use Discord for voice chats

    New Story Gear people 1. dont know their class 2. they will not do the maximum dmg they can which can be a problem in some dungeons since you need to do mech then 3. They do not know the mech. Now imagine having a party of 6 with Riftwalk 3 maybe not even 8 slots and not even hexa gems while having generation 1 Legendary items and no badge.


    I doubt thoose people can do even Shadowmoor alone not even Sandstorm. Dont get me wrong i dont mind people using LFP to enter dungeons below Dreamsong since usually you have people who can do theese dungeons alone without the need of people dmg wise but you need to consider not everyone is like this.

    vor 15 Stunden schrieb Kitsune Takahashi:

    the requirements for this game are so low that you don't need a gaming rig to play it.

    Well the requirements are by far not up to date. I asked them several times to update them but they simply dont.

  14. Am 9.9.2019 um 23:46 schrieb Kitsune Takahashi:

    To be honestly up to Shadowmoor everyone can do these as they honestly don't require mechanics anymore except for maybe Ransack Treasury. So, maybe avoid just "RT" or above Shadowmoor until they know mechanics. Nothing requires 1.8k AP so just ignore those dumbass people and join groups that don't set limits on their group as they tend to be less elitist about things.

    Your #2 is always a plus.

    #3 isn't really that helpful as you don't need much of a pc to run Blade and Soul. I play just fine on a i-3/8gb ram/4gb vid desktop on either 64 bit or 32 bit (crashes about every hour and a half with a 1 min. start up time).

    #4 should more or less be use the in-game block feature. It works wonders.

    One thing I do hope we get which will probably not quell most toxic players because let face it, some people are just born to be ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤. Is the Easy / Normal / Hard mode for Dungeons. However I still feel that the Hongmoon Training Room should of had you go through boss mechanics in some degree with a team of training dummies so no one had any kind of excuse. Video Guides are fine and welcome but you shouldn't need to rely on such means to learn dungeons or raids.

    1. Play with an alt yourselfe like raven 3 and nothing else. Alot of parties will still wipe. Since i have more than enough gear to do thoose dungeons alone i usually carry some low people but when i see how thoose guys play there is definetly a need for some gear.


    3. Sure BNS is unoptimized ashell but FX xxxx CPU will run much worse than some gold I5 2400. Hardware still depends to some extent.


    I want a voice chat. RU etc. got this years ago but we do not.

  15. vor 17 Stunden schrieb CookieDAce:

     6vs6 Battleground, that has been kind of Bullshit since the start, becasue of not equalized Stats.

    Yeah most people hate it. I actully dont mind the gear anymore but it should be cheap enough so you can get it in like 2 weeks since this mode is meant to be competative aswell.

    When i play with my trash twinks (first get legendary pvp stuff stage 1 and ascendant 3 while Nova or Ivory Soul shield) i see alot of people i get into cc combos for like ages but i cannot kill them.


    One example where i can see Gear >>>>>>>>>> Skill.

    vor 17 Stunden schrieb CookieDAce:

    1vs1 and 3vs3 looks unchanged at least for me, its not that easy, but well you need to know how to play your class and how to play against other classes, so a lot to learn and practice.

    1. Awakening patch destroyed the whole balance. I am not the only one who thinks like this pretty much 99% of all PVP Players to my knowledge.

    2. PVP times. There was no reason to restrict it that much. (They said if the feedback is negative they will change it but they dont)

    3. Third Spec. While KFM is trash in 1v1 and 3v3 in 6v6 its to strong and third Spec BM shouldnt exist PVP wise.

    4. Wallbang (exist longer than awakening but awakening made it really easy to wallbang now)

    5. BR rewards are trash.

    6. Not giving PVP only players any way to farm mats. You can only open up to 2 1v1/3v3 Boxes a day and 1 6v6 box.


    vor 17 Stunden schrieb CookieDAce:

    For the Pay2Win aspect, correct me, but all of the PvE and PvP gear is unbuyable.

    We can argue what is pay to win for a long time but enough people did this already. There are different oppinions about it.

    I call everything you cannot reach in an reasonable ammount without money pay to win too while others simply dont but lets not argue about it since it was done alot of times already.

  16. vor einer Stunde schrieb YunoGasaiYandere:

    tbh problem isnt with game. Problem is with players. They want to have everythign here and now. Get best gear without effort. Thats why whales get good gear fast. Sure, its basically impossible to catch up to them wihtout spending real money, but it shouldnt be your goal or focus. Just take it slwo and enjoy the game, join clan, learn mechanics of raids and dungeons, farm outfits, participate in events and so on :)

    The problem in PVE is not completly on players site. Sure some want stuff just for free and thats way to easy of course but when you reached a treshhold like GC 9 Tiger soul etc. it takes weeks to get 1 or 2 ap. Thats way to long !

    You should be able to get progression every week in my oppinion. Unfourtunetly for example between Awakened Tiger soul and True Tiger are 42 Oils = 19530 Gold. Thats 2 or 3 Months farming for a normal player. Way to much. Thats the time id want to have max soul. (If you focus completly on soul and use not even 1 gold for anything else.)


    PVP Gear is another story. I payed 15K Gold recently and i dont even have all accesories. Not even max Weapon. Since my class is dead i am in top 5 of ladder currently but PVP gear is something you shouldnt have to pay alot ! You cannot expect people to use their gold for PVP where even max gear dosent protect you from getting one shot.

  17. vor einer Stunde schrieb Izanagiii:

    I wonder whether to come back to the game after a break of 1.5 years, but has anything changed since then about the optimization of the game? Is it still possible to play this game?

    Sadly i cannot recommend it anymore.


    PVP: is dead due to the lack of interest from NCsoft to do something about it. (They destroyed it intentionally maybe to reduce server usage i dont know)

    PVE: Alot of bugs due to the lack of interest in fixing them. You will be able to do every existing content pretty fast but there will be a huge gap between casher and non casher unlike back then. You can litterly buy stats now with real life money.


    The Playerbase is leaving more and more since awakening so alot of people doubt it will survive 2020. Ncsoft is using all their force to ignore player communication and this is the huge problem.


    If you are looking for PVP i cannot recommend it since its dad.

    If you are looking for PVE i cannot recommend it due to the lack of optimization, bugs and the pay to win aspect nowdays and their greedy tactics like removing some valuable farm spots just to sell thoose items later for reallife money.

  18. Am 2.9.2019 um 20:51 schrieb Tufa:

    Frost tornado is a necessary skill for FM given the current state of the melee game.  Any end game BD, KFM, BM or Warden can stun-kill a fire fm instantly, and with the stupid endless spin classes and stun-deflects and near invincibility of warden and kfm, the tornado skill is the only means in which an FM can break up a constantly defending melee.  I used to enjoy fire FM in pvp, but against end game players it's almost useless now.  Take away frost tornado and the class may as well be barred from any pvp.


    FM's were easy prey for BDs for a long time.  Now they are not.  Deal with it.  Be patient, keep your distance, and be prepared to run away like we often had to do.

    So you say ur FM can have all his defences while melles can be food ? before FM had frost tornado like they have now they had to time it correctly so it breaks the enemy defences. Melee dosent have any skills to destroy FM defences why not keep frost tornado but give melee a way to punch you out of your ice ?


    I mean you can use ice for 15 sec. FM got 2 tabs. Usually if you manage to get FM tabs he will have his tabs back due to the low cd.


    Talking about the BD matchup sure it was hard for FM back then but FM was never prey in any kind. It was always (expect for lvl 45 patch) top end class.


    It may be misunderstood but i dont think anyone wants the tornado to be removed completly. For my part i just want a way to counter this since there is no existing way currently ingame but NC will not care so i doubt anything will change.

  19. vor 6 Stunden schrieb Khrim:

    Do people really like the new skill tree? I remember the older system made me feel Like i was tailoring the character to my own personal play style and to what the party might have needed. getting double stuns for bosses and switching them out for a more pvp friendly play style, it was fun. Is the new skill system better?

    Litterly no one who knew the old system likes awakening patch pvp wise. Most PVE People only like Awakening due to the increase of dmg id say but gameplay wise it destroys alot there too.


    Log story short message: PVP didnt want this skill system in the first place which is the biggest reason PVP is dead nowdays. PVE likes it mostly cause dmg doubled for most classes but gameplay wise we are missing alot cc people liked.


    In my oppinion the best skill system we had was back then when they just removed the hm points from skill system.

  20. vor 1 Stunde schrieb Sorakunus:

    Warum muss jede neue Klasse ein Ticket geben lieber selber hochziehen und man lernt sein Charakter kennen

    Vielleicht, weil sehr viele eig. die meisten Spieler die Story schon 6 - 15 mal gemacht haben ? Es ist extrem langweilig 20 Stunden lang Story zu machen.


    Zum Thema man lerne den Char besser, wenn man die Story macht bin ich gar nicht der Meinung. In der Story spielt man ganz anders als, wenn man max Level ist. Entweder sind die Skills in der Story noch nicht freigeschaltet oder man hat das Gear noch nicht, dass die Rota stark beeinflust und PVP kann man eh nicht vor lvl 45 machen.


    Es ist quasi 20 Stunden, die du nutzlos verschwendest, da du nichts lernst, dass du brauchst. Klar lernt man einige Skills kennen. Das kann ich aber auch indem ich es einmal durchlese und die Skills ausprobiere. Es dauert (für mich Spieler seit 2016) 15 Minuten, bis ich eine Klasse im PVE kann und 1 Tag im PVP.

  21. vor 10 Stunden schrieb Glen Morangie:

    ja das funktioniert ja mit der Seele zB.
    nur wie funktioniert das bei der Waffe, hab da gehört das der support die versiegeln kann. dabei verliert man allerdings alle Gem-Slots 

    Du kaufst dir in F10 die Talismänner und versiegelst die Waffe. Das mit den Slots ist Randoom.

  22. Am 1.9.2019 um 00:36 schrieb Snolyn:

    R.I.P BNS: Ihr seit so extrem Casual das das ganze Spiel darunter leidet und die Meeles extrem im Vorteil sind.

    Sorry aber ich lese hier nur "wäh wäh wäh ich kann nicht spielen"


    Du sprichst von 6v6. Hier sind die Ranges bei weitem stärker nur der KFM kann einigermaßen mithalten und vielleicht noch ein Full Gear Warden. Ohne Gear kann man einen mit Gear auch nicht killen. Du wirst also niemals Monate für das Gear gefarmed haben.


    Ich hatte lange Zeit Dragonforge 3 mit altem Schmuck auf Stufe 3. Dies ist mittlerweile fast Gratis Zeug und Leute ohne Gear konnten mich nie killen, da ich 2 oder 3 Schläge machen musste und die halt 20 oder 30. 


    Der Force Master ist derzeit wohl mit Abstand die stärkste Klasse im 6v6 Frosttornado und du hast gewonnen. Die einzige Klasse, die einigermaßen mithalten kann ist nunmal der KFM und der ist outplayed, wenn man nicht stupid ist und permanent auf ihn raufhaut, wie es die meisten Teams machen. Was ist der Force Master ? Ein Range oh. Allgemein haben Range den Vorteil, dass die aus der Ferne angreifen können und somit nicht mal am Kampf teilnehmen müssen sie können einfach draufhauen solange keiner die Focused ein Melle kann dies nicht. Er muss permanent mit den Tremors etc. umgehen und viel mehr Iframe haben die auch nicht unbedingt als die Ranges. Melles timen ihre Iframes nur meist besser, da die sowas gewohnt sind. 


    Das Balancing ist spätestens seit Awakening für den A..... in allen PVP Modi, was sehr viele zum quitten gebracht hat und mich dazu, dass ich sehr viel weniger Spiele aber Melees sind im 6v6 (1v1 und 3v3 ist was anderes besonders wegen BM) definitv nicht vorne. 

  23. vor einer Stunde schrieb Roxes1990:

    Gibt es dieses mal keinen Gratis Ticket?!

    Nein gibt es nicht laut derzeitigem Stand und ein gratis Platz ist auch Fragwürdig. 


    Seit Gunner gab es immer ein Ticket nun gibt es keins GG bringt sicher wieder etwas Geld, bevor die letzten Casher leaven. 

  24. vor einer Stunde schrieb Elgemannennarkoman:

    So I logged on just now and my character is gone, it just tells me that i have two character slots available, any idea as to why this happend guys and how i can fix it?

    Are you sure you started your correct region ? If you live in NA you should select NA Server same for EU. NA Chars are not avaible in EU same for EU is not avaible in NA. You cannot transfer chars to another region thats why you have no chars on the other region.

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