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Posts posted by ImoutoMaster

  1. vor einer Stunde schrieb ClaudiuPrime:

    AMD Ryzen 5 2600 6X 3.9 GHz, NVIDIA GTX 1060 6GB, 16 GB DDR4, 240GB SSD,

    No unfourtunetly you will not get 60 FPS during raid but it will be much smoother than your current system. I guess you will get like 25 FPS during TT Boss 1.

  2. Am 6.8.2019 um 00:37 schrieb Ren36:

    It´s not a bug, this is intended otherwise it would have been fixed 1,5year ago.
    The pull animation until you reach the hand locks you. The further away the fm the longer until your skills light up.
    They couldn´t come up with a decent rotation for fm, so they gave him that untableable wallbang instead. Pre- and during awaken.

    We had nice combos on FM back when you had aerial. It was hard to 100 to 0 and FM actully needed skill but after awakening even someone like me who only plays a really short amount of time per season on twinks and never played Ice pre awakening could manage to wallbang.


    Its pretty stupid but they intendet Wallbang even tho it destroys the mechanics of the game.

  3. Diese bitte gab es schon öfters und auch nicht erst seit gestern. Besonders Blackwyrm wollen viele, die den noch kennen gelernt haben wieder haben. Es wäre auch eine Möglichkeit Mondsteinkristalle/Mondsteine (dann aber bitte sehr langsam!) farmbar zu machen.


    Ich halte es für sehr unwarscheinlich, dass so etwas auch nur in Erwähnung gezogen wird, da sich in den letzten 2.5 Jahren nun auch nichts getan hat. Blackwyrm war damals ein weg, wie sich viele Spieler zusammengeschlossen haben heute gibt es sowas nicht mehr.

  4. vor 23 Minuten schrieb Merlin DE:

    Crap Event for most of the players cause again a nice cosmetic is hidden behind a DPS-Wall and it seems NC-Soft didnt learn at al from mistakes made in the past

    Even for thoose who can do stage 4 without a problem its crappy cause its litterly one item you cannot get anything else usefull from stage 4. You got the Wings = you are no longer interested in Stage 4.


    When i read about this Event i was hoping i could farm thoose 5 oils and 10 Pet packs by farming stage 4. I was hoping stage 4 drops 1 or 2 coins so i could just spam him to get my weekly ouls/pet packs but again 2 Dungeons + Stage 1-3 while stage 3 needs around 420K dps which i would have to upgrade my trash alts for.


    This wouldnt be a problem if you could choose the daylies yourself but why is MSP 1-3 in there ? why is Ebondrake Lair in there ?


    Thats why again i dont take part on this event other than taking one oil per week with my main. Even tho i am one of thoose who cant understand why so much people are raging about stage 4 cause it litterly gives nothing and needs only 1 Million DPS which is totally ok cause Stage 4 is not meant to be for Alts or new players.

  5. vor 5 Stunden schrieb Grimoir:

    Just add them to dragon express for 125 solar energies like all the other badges o.o

    I agree but i want the tokens to be tradable aswell. There are very few classes which actully use the PVP Badge for example Soul fighter (my main class) can aerial enemys if they are knockdowned by using this badge. This is pretty much useless since SF dont aerial after KD.


    Alot of people have Vicotry tokens in stash and are waiting to sell them for example i got like 200 Probably they are useless. The only class i remember using this badge was Warlock cause it allowed Warlock to aerial 2 times instead of 1 time. I dont think the effect is still the same thou.

  6. Am 3.8.2019 um 11:34 schrieb htdexhdfg:

    Maybe drop a guide somewhere of how people get  the 470k dps required for stage 3 within 1 week somewhere.
    Newer players/returning players with 800ap avg would be grateful

    Step 1: Finish Story

    Step 2: Get Weapon with 8 Slots

    Step 3: Change this weapon to Raven 3

    Step 4: Run BT and get your Ring and Earring (basicly free cause litterly no one need this)

    Step 5: Get a guild

    Step 6: Run VT and get Badge + Necklace (Free aswell cause most guild dont need this stuff anymore) Now you should have like 250K - 300K atleast.

    Step 7: Start upgrading some stuff till yet you didnt use more than 100G in total.

    Step 8: Do the daylie everyday

    Step 9: Farm Gold for example PVP 1 day = 300 - 700 Gold usually Just an example cause it earns alot.

    Step 10: Upgrade Weapon to Aransu


    Finished now you should be able to beat Stage 3. Stage 4 still not needed cause it DROPS NOTHING and is just a huge TIME WASTE !


    This should be doable in like 1 Week but of course i dont expect everyone to play like 10 Hours a day so i would calculate 2 weeks which is still like nothing in Blade and soul.


  7. Am 4.8.2019 um 06:35 schrieb musiq:

    cant login in selecting region.... maybe becoz im fr asia but theres no option for asia... 

    Are you using BNS Buddy and try to login via Asia Server ? EU Account data can only be used in NA and EU. If you are using the official launcher did you select EU/NA ? Not Asia !


    Another reason could be Chinas laws if you live there. I read some months ago they where planning to ban several games due to inappropiate stuff. Blade and soul was on the list aswell due to the Boobies.  Anyway there are several Asian Servers have you tryed to play on one of them i am sure you Ping will be much better there.







    I am not sure but i think i missed one server Thai maybe ?

  8. vor 12 Minuten schrieb Baskerville:

    Topic 1:


    4. Neither.

    Topic 2:

    The registration for the World Championship Qualification has already closed, no further registrants are accepted, since the season has started as of yesterday, so your argument is invalid. If you have constructive feedback on how to improve the game mode however, we are happy to include it in our next feedback report.

    Topic 3:

    This event is simply for encouraging players to experience the updated game mode if they have not already, accompanying the aforementioned Qualification Season. Even if you are not participating, you will get something out of it. Winning is not even required, everyone is rewarded. 

    Topic 4:

    That being said we wish everyone who signed up a good and fair fight for the pole position!

    Topic 1:

    well i saw you removed this topic or atleast deactivated it for several hours till you could respond.  (You can remove it completly in the german forums like i wrote there i posted it there by accident)

    Topic 2:

    If you would actully care about PVP based modes outside of World championship times i wouldnt have written something like this. Why dont we see any changes ? why dont we see some kind of communication ? Since you answered i guess its not completly off my assumption. People can register sure but if they cannot play the gamemode they cannot train for example.  I am pretty sure you guys changed the requirements to participate cant proof it anymore thou. Sometimes you change the text of Updates whithout telling us.

    Topic 3:

    This Update/Event came pretty fast why cant you do something like this for the other gamemodes ? So since it came so fast i am sure you are forced to do this its just so uncommon for NC to do something like this. I asked you several times what kind of community feedback you guys want i even offered to find enough votes you need from players even tho you could just patch the survey we had back in lvl 45 patch back in.


    Topic 4: OK i would have written that too.


    What about "I got told NCwest dosent even care about the world championship its KR who thinks they are such a great company and tells NC to send participans but if NCwest cant manage that they would probably get some kind of punishment."


    Why didnt you write some kind of statement about this ? Would fill in perfectly into the current situation. KR wants a World Championchip and tells you to get participants or for example they close Western Servers. Since you maybe could get people registered but cant manage to get people to play this gamemode which is why they cannot train.



  9. vor 11 Stunden schrieb bns7426700027:

    framerate differences with an iGPU can vary wildly. while the OP states they have an i7, they don't state exactly which CPU. also, keep in mind that an iGPU is also heavily influenced by RAM too. if he only has one stick of RAM, or slow RAM, that can cause a major drop. plus there are graphical settings and resolution to take into account.

    Since he is using an I7 and he said its a pretty new build it has to be an Intel HD UHD 630 and i used an old Haswell I5 4570 with Intel HD 4600 which is weaker but still gave me much better FPS.


    The problem is definetly Software related since you would get more FPS with Intel graphics. The 20 FPS cap is a known issue aswell which can be solved by deleting the registry of this game. For example if you use compatibility mode your registry can corrupt.

  10. vor 39 Minuten schrieb Merlin DE:

    Bei 4 Vergoldet 4eckigen denke ich dann sogar das es mindestens um die 1000 , wenn nicht sogar 2000 Keys waren. Die Dinger waren mehr als selten in der Trove Und ich wage zu bezeweifel, das jemand soviel glück hatte mit weniger wie 300 Keys 4 mal nen 4eckigen aus der trove zu ziehen.

    Ich habe um die 120 Keys über HM Coins investiert und keinen einzigen gesehen.

    Ich habe etwas mehr als 300 Keys mit HM coins gekauft und etwa 120 Keys mit Ncoin. Resultat: 300 Keys mit HM coins gaben mir 1 Dreickigen und 1 TT Waffenmat. 120 Ncoin Keys: 2 Viereckige, 1 gefused Garnet, 3 Dreieckige Gems.


    Ich bin mir sicher Keys, die mit Echtgeld gekauft wurden haben viel bessere Chancen gehabt als HM coin Keys.

  11. vor einer Stunde schrieb OwndByPutin:

    Immer noch falsch. Summoner ist Master Race. Sie hauen deutlich mehr schaden im hohen Gear Bereich. Der BM hat vllt mehr Burst, Summoner rasiert den kleinen BM über Zeit deutlich und stell dir vor, er macht MEHR dmg, hat EBENFALLS ein PARTY iframe UND kann zusätzlich Leute mit der katze rezen! :wink:

    Und Bm mit dps ≠ ein guter Tank, einen guten Tank machen anderen Aspekte aus.


    Die Parse waren Anfang des Jahres in KR Skill technisch unser Stand so weit ich weiss.


    BM ist Tank, da er Threat Skills hat und dazu kann er auch einen Party Protection skill machen. Das beleben der Katze ist jedoch eine Sache sehr häufig jedoch nutzlos, da es nun schon viele Mechs gibt wo er einfach nicht beleben kann.

  12. i just read that you now get 2 casher boxes per week for playing Shakles Island. So what was i thinking about this ?


    As far as i understood the World championship decides who can go by the ingame rating or atleast to some point but since no one played the gamemode due to the state nc created of PVP this couldnt work out. Edit. 07.08 found why i thought this. Following is written in an Official Update:


    Season 3

    July 31, 2019

    August 21, 2019

    World Championship QualificationSeason which means to me Teams get decided via ingame ranking. For example people registered but there are to much teams (more than 2).


    Now you force everyone to play BR so you can get participans. I got told NCwest dosent even care about the world championship its KR who thinks they are such a great company and tells NC to send participans but if NCwest cant manage that they would probably get some kind of punishment.  (this Information came from someone who worked close with BNS EU Dev Team)


    So to get this straight 1. NC gives us something the PVP Community begs them not to add to the game just like Awakening and they dont care. 2. They ignore every single complaint here in Forums and everywhere else about PVP 3. they (yeah its a old meme but it suits the situation) are like pikachu face litterly 90% of the PVP Community left as far as i know only radeyz is still playing.


    Since Shakles Island is PVP Content litterly no one wants to play it in the current state of the game but well NC is in need of participants so they have to find a way to force people into this gamemode.


    There is no way NC would have given the community an option to earn the boxes without reallife money or gold spending by their own will ! They never did and would have never done this without the World Championship.


    For me its pretty much obvious they are forced to find players for the world championship but they cannot.


    The Mods in this Forum will do 1 of the following things about this post of mine: Option 1 remove it and give me a strike, Option 2 telling lies about having several participants, Option 3 ignoring it completly like always if its PVP related.

  13. Hallo,


    Ich habe heute gelesen, dass man sich 2 Casher Truhen die Woche mit Shakles Island verdienen kann. Also was dachte ich mir dabei sofort ?


    Soweit ich weiss wird teilweise oder ganz via Ingame Rating entschieden, wer zur Weltmeisterschaft kommt doch ist dieser Mode tot, da NC alles getan hat, was die können um PVP Spieler zu vergraulen.


    Nun wollen die jeden zwingen BR zu spielen, damit es ein Ranking System gibt und es Telnehmer geben kann. Ich habe von einem, der recht nahe mit NCwest zusammen gearbeitet hat gehört, dass BNS EU die Weltmeisterschaft an sich total egal ist. KR zwingt aber alle Regionen Teilnehmer zu schicken sonst gibt es warscheinlich irgendwelche Strafen.


    Genau gesagt: 1. NC fügt sachen hinzu, bei denen vornerein klar ist, dass sehr viele Leute quitten werden und die PVP Community hat nicht selten gebetelt , dass ein Patch nicht kommt. Besonders Awakening ist da so eine Sache. 2. NC ingoriert alles, was man an PVP kritisiert sowohl im Forum als auch überall sonst. 3. Nun ist NC verwirrt und weiss nicht warum Shakles Island nicht gespielt wird hmmmmmmmmmmm. Soweit ich weiss spielt auch nurnoch Radeyz.


    Da Shakles Island PVP Content ist will so gut wie keiner diesen Modus im derzeitigen Stand des Spiels spielen aber naja NC braucht Teilnehmer also was macht man da ? Man zwingt die Leute in den Mode.


    Für mich ist das einfach extrem Offensichtlich Sie müssen Teilnehmer schicken schaffen dies aber nicht, wenn man nicht nachhilft, da man schon alle Spieler vergrault hat, die interesse daran hätten.



  14. vor 7 Stunden schrieb bns7426700027:

    to me it sounds like either whatever display your RTX is using is not set as the main display, or you don't even have a display connected to your RTX in the first place. if it is the latter, you can look on the back of your PC to find out. if wanting to use the RTX, connect to a port lower on the back of the PC. the iGPU port will most likely be upwards somewhere near your keyboard and mouse.


    other then that, i don't know. good luck!

    If it stays at 20 its not a hardware Problem. I used Intel HD 4600 back then and could reach much higher FPS. Its the registry.

  15. vor 15 Stunden schrieb OwndByPutin:

    Nein ist sie nicht.

    Naja Sie macht am meisten DMG. Hat es am einfachsten in Solo Dungeons und überall ist ein guter Tank gefragt.


    Weder Nutzen, DMG noch Solo Spielbarkeit fehlen und das sind ja die Faktoren die im PVE zählen.

  16. BM ist im PVE derzeit die stärkste Klasse. Bei Max gear macht er zb. ein paar Hundert Tausend mehr DPS als alle anderen Klassen. Blitz und Feuer BM ist aber useless in PVE, da es einfach ein extremer DPS verlust ist.


    Im PVP ist es die stärkste Klasse sowohl Blitz als auch Third Spec. Mit Blitz bist du für die meisten Klassen eig. fast nicht angreifbar und im Third Spec kannste einfach jede Klasse 100 zu 0 in einer aerial machen gut vielleicht einen Soul fighter mit Health buff nicht. Die größte Stärke beim BM Third spec ist aber, dass er Aerial nicht nur einmal machen kann er hat verschiedene Skills, die dich in der Luft hauen und einmal in der Luft bist du weg.

  17. Nach dem was ich mitbekommen habe jeder, der ein High End PC hat verlor FPS und jeder mit Low bis Mid Range gewann FPS.


    Ich habe in TT nun teils weniger als 30 FPS immernoch 25 FPS aber es ist definitv weniger vor dem Patch war ich nie unter 30 FPS in TT.


    Mein PC:

    Intel Core I7 9700K @ Stock Speed

    RTX 2070

    32GB Ram

    Spiel auf SATA SSD


    Gespielt wird auf 1440P.

  18. vor 19 Minuten schrieb pikapikapika:

    when doing msp stage 6, ususally there are 6 webbers...   What do these spider webs do?  stun boss?  lets say that i am webber #3,  when do i throw it?  thanks.

    its gives the boss 15 sec debuff so he cannot move.

  19. Am 27.7.2019 um 13:42 schrieb Ren36:

    Your opinion is heavily influenced by your own class. If you want an objective ranking then check rankings.

    BM is top in 1v1 and 3v3.

    And the rest is occupied by Summoner because they can CC even if they are airborned by BM with their cat, FM because of untabable wallbang and Sin because BM needs a target which stealth disables most of the time.


    And no, sin never placed that far behind in 1v1 nor 3v3, aside from 45patch because they couldn't spec their core skills, since we didn't have enough skillpoints to distribute back then.


    Current ranking is as following:


    Of course i am influenced by my class to some extent but i can view the whole balance issue from a different site too.


    Main: Soul fighter

    Alt 1: Kung Fu Master

    Alt 2: Gunner

    Alt 3: Warlock

    Alt 4: Blade dancer

    Alt 5: Force Master


    Plus i have exp with Summoner, Warden, Assasin.


    Only class i had a hard time reaching gold was Warlock and i am not the only one who thinks warlock is so weak you can call it useless in PVP nowdays. There is a reason the best Warlock didnt even reach 1800 last season.


    If you only look at the ladder and think thats how the balancing is you are definetly wrong some classes are high up cause there is a player with a million alts who simply enjoys this class. It dosent necessarily mean this is the best class or something but if someone said BM is the strongest i can accept that cause i would place him with BD at around the same level.

  20. It got explained several times. This Boss was supposed to need 2.77 Million DPS but it got nerved down to 1 Million due to Player Feedback.


    If you cannot do 1 Million this event is not supposed to be for you and since you only lose 1 Cosmetic Item you shouldnt even care. If you cannot hold 1 Million you are either an alt or a new player and booth of thoose are not supposed to do Boss 4.


    Boss 4 dosent even drop a thing and you cannot get any coins from Stage 4 its purely for achivement which unlocks the possiblity to get the wings.

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