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Posts posted by ImoutoMaster

  1. vor 29 Minuten schrieb ShadowsFortune:

    I have friends and clannies who told me they have had stuff transfered, it really sucks considering I have so much gear (GC6,Square Gems,100+ Costumes,etc) and they tell me it cannot be done and they don't have any idea if this feature will be implemented eventually

    I am 100% sure they can do that they just dont wanna work cause there are several cases they do stuff for people they dont do for other people. (usually thoose people are hardcore casher) GM can just spawn everything the game got but they dont do it.  I would love to know what their job is.


    Some examples for how bad the support can be: 


    Example 1: We had a rating bug so everyone got false season rewards. They told us they look into detail and fix it + we will be compensated to everyone gets their correct rewards. Now another season endet and i still havent got my rewards from the season before.


    Example 2 : my friend buys alot of trove keys says he dosent like what was inside and gets free 2k hm coins. Everyone else who asked got nothing.


    Example 3 : Friend asks them to transfer soul again he is usually buying alot of keys if cash event and they did it. I ask them and they tell me they cant do that.


    The only time i had a good exp. with support was when i asked them how to finish story cause i was confused once i couldnt teleport to a specific spot.


    There are 3 options for you either spam them with your request and get banned sometime, create a new char or quit the game.

  2. vor 10 Stunden schrieb SayhaSeer:

    I agree with the last sentence  ;) 

    1. i didnt write this but it was sarcasmn in the first place.

    2. I play booth PVP and PVE in the last months i prefer PVE because awakening destroyed PVP.


    My PVP Gear: Dragon Forge 7, Frist Gen PVP Ring Stage 3, First Gen PVP Necklace Stage 3, First Gen PVP Belt, First Gen PVP Gloves, Nova Core 8 Set, 


    Of course i wouldnt mind seing them adding a new way to farm moonstones but it should take much longer to farm it via PVE than PVP same as 1v1 with the soul stones. I get 38 - 64 Soul stones (dont know the exact number) every 2nd win in 1v1 thats 26,6G - 44,8G Soul stone plains takes much longer.


    On the other hand i would prefer them simply removing all PVE Materials from PVP so you can get max gear 100% by doing pvp. Since i prefer Soulstones boxes i cant get blood stones aswell thats why my PVP stuff is still so low.


    There is simply no way to get Bloodstones via PVE expect for crafting guild and have you seen how expensive that is ? Totally not worth it. Now imagine a player who wants to get max gear PVP or atleast decent gear before entering 6v6. There is simply no way to get Dragon forge and Accesories Stage 10. I really want them to add a way to farm Blood stones via PVE.

    The only reason i have Dragon forge 7 is cause i play PVP 1v1 sometimes and the Soul stone Boxes you buy there can contain like 1 Blood stone Fragment.



  3. vor 51 Minuten schrieb Radeyz:

    Just change so it's available every day for 5-6h.

    Thats exactly what i told nc multiple times there is litterly no reason to restrict us so much. @Baskerville i ask directly well knowing you do a good job but why are you and all other moderators ignoring everything about PVP ? If some players are furious about some PVE stuff you guys usually write something or try to speak to the department responsible for this stuff. Why are you and your colleagues just silent about everything if its about PVP ? I mean its definetly not me i am just one of the loudest ones who whines about this cause i have alot of time to be in the forum.


    NC announces PVP related stuff and you guys get to know pretty fast what the PVP base thinks about this well knowing it could worsen the PVP in this game even more. We told you not to release Awakening into PVP what did nc do ? they released it anyway and now they are like "Pikachu Face" and think its players fault. What do they do next ? restrict our playtime and then again "Pikachu Face". There are litterly only like 10 Players in PVP everyone else quited. why ? cause NC dosent listen to us.


    Again: @Baskerville i ask you cause from nc staff you are the only one i actully belieave if you say you want this game to be succesful. You are the only one i actully think plays the game and should know atleast a bit about BNS.


    Why is NC just silent about PVP and worsens the state of pvp with every pvp related patch ? Dont tell me KR makes the updates ! NC dosent have to take everything KR does they can just say no we dont want this update its probably not much programming to remove awakening from PVP.

  4. vor 1 Minute schrieb cipher989:

     i check,,, my HDD is gone,, and i have to restart my pc.

    Its time to get a new HDD/SSD your Harddrive is definetly broken soon it will not be reconized at all. This can take hours/days or months but you problem cannot be fixed. Is the HDD like really old ? then just buy a new one but if its pretty new use your warranty. I hardly recommend you to buy a SSD cause the prices have droped so much and you gain alot from having 4 times the speed of a HDD.

  5. vor 3 Stunden schrieb ComputerMonitor:

    -AMD A10 6790K APU with Radeon HD graphics 4.00GHz.

    -Window 7 64 bits.

    -16 GB DDR3 RAM

    Considering the game optimization thoose FPS should be normal. You can try some tweaks like disabling third Spec animations but i dont think that will help a lot.


    I know this CPU was advitised as "Gaming" but it actully never was the A10 was always a pretty weak CPU which cant even compete with an I3 from 2011. One thing you could try is a cheap used Nvidia GPU and some overclocking. I recommend the GTX 660 if it needs to be cheap (30€ max) and if you decide to overclock watch out for an option to only overclock one core some and crank it as high as your CPU and CPU cooler allow it. (please dont do this if you have no idea what the settings do in your Motherboards bios ask a friend cause it can destroy your CPU)


    If you decide to buy a completly new build look out for an I5/I7 or Ryzen 3xxx if you get a good deal the 2xxx add for example the GTX 1650 and you are good to go.

  6. vor 12 Stunden schrieb Rumpeldiepumpel:

    Hallo, möchte mal fragen ob das Standard ist für Weiswahllagune  30 Minuten zu Warten. (F8)

    In den anderen beiden komm ich erst gar nicht rein.

    Da wird einem Empfohlen PVP zu machen und dann geht das doch nicht.

    Kommt auf dein Rating an und die Uhrzeit. Spielst du Abends sind es eig. max 5 Minuten. vor ein paar Patches waren 30 Minuten aber totall normal, da es nunmal der Pay to win Modus ist, wo du als Free to play Monate farmen musst um da eine Chance zu haben und da ist das PVE Gear nicht dazu gerechnet, was du auch farmen musst. Die Kreditkarte hillft aber immer sehr.

  7. vor 10 Stunden schrieb Murderbirb:

    Here's the issue.

    The boss being dropped to 184 mill is great, grand, and amazing, and I'm 100% thankful for not having to cry over 600+ mill hp in a solo event dungeon, but having an enrage timer of 3 mins bars a chunk of people from getting a fraction of enjoyment from this event, and it did the same for turtle.

    I can understand high hp and lower enrage for a party instance, but solo?

    3 mins sustaining over 1 mill dps?

    Keep the KR enrage timer of 6 mins and you easily drop the needed dps to a bit above 500k, which opens the accessibility just enough to please most of the playerbase and still let the whales enjoy their big dips ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    I get your point but it is supposed to be an event for mains and 500K is DPS you can expect from an alt since it needs nearly nothing to get to this DPS.

    On the other hand i still agree with you that 1 Million is a bit to much (even tho its way less than i expected) i would love to see the requirements droped to 650K while doing mech so people who parse like 800K can participate but 500K is like playing on an alt and this event is clearly not intendet to be for alts.


    So what about gearing up a bit ? if you like PVP you can easyli earn houndrets of gold a day the soulstones are at a high like never before but if you dont like PVP well do whatever PVE players do to get money. (Seriously i have no idea where you farm like a lot of gold ingame without PVP most of my Gold comes from Soul stones and Moonstones. )


    I parsed yesterday and i am doing 1.9 Million just to tell everybody who thinks i would whine cause i would do low DPS in advance.

  8. vor 1 Minute schrieb Merlin DE:

    I know. Anyway, saying its partial fault of the pvp playerbase was regarding those players who play arena with 10+ chars of same class to grab all those hm coins and to those players who purposly derank to get matched with lower tier players to have an eays game, not regarding the honest players ;)
    So if you are one of the honest players please dont feel offended.

    Actully i do this too not with that much chars but with some its one way to earn alot of money but i am one of thoose who told NC aswell to change it i rather get bigger rewards on one char than to rank 6 chars to get 6 small rewards. 


    And again i have to tell you we told them to change this like 2 years ago but nothing has changed not PVP playerbase fault we just wanna farm the money aswell its not abusing its using the system as intedet.  Most PVP players would actully love to the such a restriction but the rewards are still way to good to not farm them up. 

  9. vor 6 Minuten schrieb Merlin DE:

    So its somehow NC-Softs fault, somehow the playerbase Fault that more and more people quit playing PVP.

    Sorry to bother you but the PVP Playerbase did their part. Not only me but like every PVP Player told them what they have to do even some PVE Players wrote some pretty nice things here in forum. 


    I wrote this already like 20 Times here in forum but PVP Playerbase told NC not to release Awakening into PVP we told em right after KR got this update. I am pretty sure if they had seperated PVP and PVE Balancing the PVP part would still be alive. After that they decided to punish us for leaving the game and restrict our playtime in PVP which got us more people leaving and again right after they announced it litterly every PVP player said "this is the wrong step" what is NC doing ? it litterly saying ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ off ! Its our game ! "We dont care about some people who baerly buy things in our shop" cause lets face it most PVP players dont invest a single penny into this game. 


    They could atleast speak to us before blindly adding the stuff from KR. 

  10. vor 2 Minuten schrieb Puril:

    Well no just no,taking away the only source/reason for the few pvpers we have left in here NO TY. As is being mentioned before ms and ss come from weeklys aswell. Dont be greedy asking for all to be acquired via pve. Pvpers need some reason/way to make some profit too.Finally no am not pvper neither white night lel, just common sense.

    well most pve players dont wanna farm. And yes PVP is a way to farm i dont wanna farm wc aswell but i am forced to nc will not give me another way to get the belt !

  11. vor 20 Stunden schrieb Rumpeldiepumpel:

    Die Wesen wie Lyn und Co. liegen zu Asche Verbrand auf dem Boden.

    Wieso gleich so brutal ? Da kriegt mein armer Lyn Gunner und Lyn Warlock ja angstzustände.

  12. vor 53 Minuten schrieb Staticsoul:

    youtube show me i must go to naryu coin guy and buy it from him but there is no legendary item i can buy from him pls someone help me 

    Since you wrote that, i asume you know where that naryu Coin guy is located for example jadestone. He sells a Box for 5 Naryu Silver this box contains either Dawnforge 3 or Riftwalk 3 depending on what you choose. Most classes get more damage out of Dawnforge but if you are BD for example Riftwalk is the way to go.


    The mentioned Scaleburn weapon is no longer avaible to get in game as far as i know since they nerved the Upgrade cost alot. Back then you had to upgrade Scaleburn to either Seraph or the dark path and upgrade it from stage 1 to stage 12 after that you had the option to upgrade to either Dawnforge/Riftwalk or Raven. Now the worst weapon you can have is Dawnforge 3/Riftwalk 3 just buy the box i mentioned till you have 8 slots avaible on the weapon its pretty much the exact same weapon as scaleburn but 15 steps upgraded for free.

  13. vor 14 Stunden schrieb Amarathiel:

    Now if I know I am working on a new better version, in this case it would be old UE3 version into new UE4 version, I would NOT bother fixing any bugs in the old version.

    Well look at the playerbase. They even had to make one server for everyone which tells us there are not enough players for 2 servers. (I dont belive them that it was due to better technologie and upgrading)


    You cannot LFP most current Dungeons and PVP is played by like 5 - 10 Players. It even takes minutes to get a party up if you search manually. Do you really think this game is gonna survive till UE4 ? Which will come like December 2020 probably if it ever comes. They announced a PS4 version in 2017 aswell btw. have you ever heared anything about this after 2017 ?


    It`s not only them not fixing bugs they dont listen to the community aswell in terms of game improvements or if they announce stuff which like 99% of the community dosent want.


    Would have loved to play it on Console thou if it would run like Tera does.

  14. Not gonna happen PVP dosent give money. (Prove me otherwise NCsoft)


    Since we no longer have esports in this game i would like to see something like this. Currently every team got atleast 1 Top 5 player often even 3 which makes it really hard to get to gold and i am by far no PVE pleb. Now think about guys who are just looking into it. They cant even do 5% damage and it frustrates them. Guess what ? They will not play PVP anymore.


    NC should have never restricted the time atleast not to that extent. Why cant we play tuesday ? why cant we play thursday ? ..........  there is litterly no reason. I admit matches are found much faster thou.


    Even if i know they probably wont even read this thread since Baskerville and all the other mods seem to ignore the PVP players i would like to see something like this to happen.


  15. vor 1 Stunde schrieb Velaman:

    So I defeated this one Dude in Celestial Basin and now I have to defeat Jinsoyun at Heaven's Mandate but she's not here when I enter. Is this a bug or something?

    You are supposed to do all theese in F8 and not solo.

    I dont think you will be able to do Jynsoyun solo since you have this questline you probably have really bad gear so you need help.

  16. vor 15 Minuten schrieb Rumpeldiepumpel:

    Was hat man also, um Spaß zu haben, 10-15 Minuten Tagesquest, Mushins Turm, PVP? Irgend wie vermisse ich so ein Kampfgebiet wo auch mal die Post abgeht..nicht Seelensteinebene, das ist ein Pups, der zwar was Wind macht, aber sonst geruchlos weiter erzieht.

    Orangene Quest, da sucht man Tagelang, und man Freud sich wie ein Schnee - König dann mal mit genommen zu werden.

    Was ist eigentlich mit dem Windsbrauttal? lese das immer, war nur noch nicht da.

    Man macht die Daylis und die Weeklys. Einige farmen noch ein paar Mats bzw. Legändere Items wie der Gürtel etc. Bei PVP tut NC ja alles um einen den Spaß zu verderben, was man an der Spielerzahl sehen kann. (Habe ich aber meine auch schon unzählige male erwähnt.)


    Die Alten Dungeons, die du dir angesehen hast wie Asura etc. werden nicht mehr gelaufen, da die keinen brauchbaren Loot bringen ausser Outfits und die meisten Spieler hauen die Bosse in diesen Dungeons in wenigen Sekunden weg. Ich meine der Endboss hat 11,7 Millionen leben und der Durchschnittsspieler macht etwa 800K dps. Story gear kann auch schon 200K DPS machen mindestens 130K würd ich sagen da ist der Boss im schlechtesten Falle nach 9 Sekunden tot. Warum mit einer vollen Party rennen, wenn man es braucht ?

  17. vor 41 Minuten schrieb Rumpeldiepumpel:


    Hmm halte es erst mal wie es bei "Ready Player on" gesagt wird, ich brauche erst mal keinen Clan, zumindest erst mal nicht.

    Pfirsichland: du meinst die Beutel die von den Mops fallen gelassen werden? oder von den 3 Bossen? was aber sehhhr selten ist. oder eben die man da kaufen kann.

    Naksun ist doch Mushins Turm, oder? bis zu stufe 19 komme ich, dann kommt der Rothaarige (Name Vergessen) den schaff ich nicht. bin da zu langsam für. (Falsches Schuhwerk)

    Wie kommt man denn zu diesen 1. 3. PVP hin? 

    1. PVP kommst du über F8 das dritte Feld. Tag team wurde leider ohne Grund Zeitlich reduziert und kann somit nur Montag/Mittwoch und Freitag von 20:00 bis 22:00 oder 23:00 Uhr gespielt werden. Im 3v3/Tag team findest du eh nur Top 5 Spieler oder zumindest Top 30 und somit nicht spielbar für Otto Normal Spieler.


    2. Naksun ist Stockwerk 15. Stockwerk 20 ist unwichtig.


    Sofern du kein totaler PVP Muffel bist solltest du 1v1 erlernen je nach Klasse bring ich dir auch gerne ein paar Sachen bei.


    Spielst du ab und an 1v1 wirst du nie Mondsteinkristall Probleme haben ich habe mehrere Tausend einfach rumliegen und brauch das Zeug nicht. 3v3 sollte man so wie NC es gemacht hat nur spielen, wenn man mindestens 1800 Rating erreicht, da es dort keine Teams gibt, die nicht mindestens einen Top 5 oder Top 30 Spieler haben. Bevor die diese Zeit limitierung reingehauen haben konnte man noch einigermaßen Spielen als Normalo.

  18. vor 23 Minuten schrieb Luca094:

    I don't rly get your point tbh.

    The turtle event had several parts of which ONE was said DPS parse/high DPS requirement. And this part was never meant to be for alts so idk why you bring that up. This specific part was meant for those who have the gear to be able to complete it (so obviously for Mains) as a challenge and I explained my PoV to this regard in the post before.

    Its just i think everyone should be able to take part in Events not just a specific playerbase. Most players still cant hold 1.4 Million not everyone can farm 24/7 MSP so there are still alot of players with Aransu 9. And AVG Damage is by far not 1.3 Million. People here complain cause this event is only for the top 10% while most stuff you will get from event is probably worthless to thoose expect for cosmetics maybe.


    The Logui event gave GC steel and Feathers which thoose who could beat it had no use for but you could only get it with the last longui. What did they intent ? its like they tell low gear players "here you have to farm this" but they dont give them the ability to do so.


    I agree with you its ok to have an event for mains only but most mains cant hold enough DPS to take part thats why i want them to nerve it to EU Standarts or give our time exclusive ET Badge or whatever so thoose mains with like 800K can kill the Boss.

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  19. vor 48 Minuten schrieb Luca094:

    Then we get ONE event with ONE stage for ONE cosmetic that is more or less gated for high gear players and everyone is butthurt.

    I have 1853AP and i am pretty sure i will be able to do the event this time aswell but i cant agree with you.

    I dont mind that you cant do it with every trash alt i actully like this but if you can manage 800K - 1 Million DPS you should be able to do the Event !

    The cost to get to this DPS is still above 20K probably if you calculate non tradable mats like the tradable. If you only count tradable stuff the cost is still several thousand gold. There are not alot of players who would invest this much into an alt and AVG DPS in EU is probably that for mains.

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