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Posts posted by ImoutoMaster

  1. vor einer Stunde schrieb Captain WeebM@ster:

    I would recommend Summoner, it consistently been a decent/good class in the top 5 while FM and SF both had periods that they were trash.

    Decent yeah good no. Summoner really weak right now since its very easy to predict what a summoner will do next. Its pretty much you see KFM, SF, litterly anything that can block and you can go AFK or you are atleast as good as kellyqq for example.

    vor einer Stunde schrieb Captain WeebM@ster:

    SF right now is doing pretty well and FM is doing somewhat alright although you won't find a single one of them in a tournament in any region(for obvious reasons)

    Obvious ? yeah there are no tournaments other then the private torunament i am holding on 4th of april (btw everyone is welcome to join). Soul fighter is in the top 3 of best classes even of best specs id say and most people ive seen (actual PVP Players even top 5) agree that sf is atleast on 2nd place right now. Force Master on the other hand is pretty mid tier just like summoner cause other than wallbang they got nothing.

  2. vor 2 Stunden schrieb prietess:

    @Cyan this is honestly true. I dont like pvp and I dont want to pvp and now is forced to do pvp.

    I dont like PVE and i dont want to PVE but i am forced to PVE. What about this ? PVP Players are asking for the removel of PVE since years now and nothing happened.

    vor 2 Stunden schrieb prietess:

    or atleast dont need to win, yes... because surely people who dont do Pvp will be killed instantly by these pvp players....

    If you dont need to win it means people will just afk there but one of the reasons for such a thing is probably to get some players interested in PVP. While you may dislike PVP other people might like it but havent played it much yet and they might get interested now cause alot of players play PVP in this Event.


    Its not like Bronze is going to be hard anyway i mean even nowdays you get completly garbrage players in bronze they are litterly brain AFK and just spam their buttons now imagine all the PVE Players going into PVP for this Event its not like they are any better than what i just described. Its gonna be really easy to get the wins you need for this quest.


    P.S most good PVP Players dont have any chars in bronze anymore.

  3. You get 1 for each run of SST for example (RNG). It is farmable but same situation as with aynthing else it needs ages to farm so you rather do something else ingame thats gonna earn more.


    Current way to earn the most: 1v1, 6v6, (booth assuming you actively play PVE since without you cant farm there) and recent newest dungeons.

  4. vor 2 Minuten schrieb Killiefish:

    You also forget that not everyone is going to be playing at the exact same time. People playing the game span quite a few time zones and live diverse daily schedules. Some may only have time to play in the mornings and others in the evenings. Thus, it's not the best single parameter for measuring an active player base.

    We may have misunderstood each other. I was thinking about people that active play this game so i didnt include people that log in for maybe 1 hour or 2 to play a bit. With people overall i dont think its gonna reach 8k aswell considering what Path NCwest decided to go recently.

  5. vor 1 Stunde schrieb KzE:

    And no, they wont make another version for the west for 8k ppl.

    I dont know where youve got thoose high numbers. looking at BNS buddy which counts the players that use it, we have between 2.3K and 3.2K Players at the same time. Now keep in mind BNS buddy dosent care if you are EU or NA it counts you as a player so we have around 3.2K at max in the west. Considering not everyone plays with BNS buddy but most people, i would count maybe 1.8K at max aswell for non BNS buddy players which means 5K Players in EU and NA together.


    Again we need to think about the time it will take till we would get UE4 in theory and how much players might quit in the next time due to the increasing Pay to win etc.


    I am definetly sure it wont be near 8K players.

  6. vor 17 Minuten schrieb Nemises:

    I think they are too lazy to actually programm such a feature.

    Thats not the issue here. Back when Soul fighter and Warlock got released the support actully changed the class for them or rather they send everything to the new class the player asked them to even soul shields etc. (Of course only for hardcore whales). They can do it by hand which wouldnt be a big problem if they charge enough money. Its simply they dont want to put any effort into this game and if something is wrong with the game they blame KR even if they are at fault with alot of stuff.

    vor 17 Minuten schrieb Nemises:

    Soulshields are a good example for this. I don't think they can "create" a comparable soul shield for the class you want to play with all identical stats from infusing and psyches if they aren't zero or maxed out. But hey, all speculations as we know 0 about it.

    They have Administrator tools they can create any item with any kind of stats in this game.

    vor 17 Minuten schrieb Nemises:

    Furthermore it would probably result in class changes only being able at maintenance time and be done manually by a support employee. That would also imply the support employee has a good knowledge of the game's item list.

    Thats the problem here. They fired way to much people to be able to offer such a service i believe.

    vor 17 Minuten schrieb Nemises:

    Anyway I would support the idea, even if i probably never ever gonna buy one of those for the ridicoulus amount of money it would cost in the shop.

    I agree too. I quit PVE and there are only a few things that could bring me back: 1. give me to option to play LYN ! 2. give me the option to change class ! (not gonna farm unity stones etc. again) 3. fix the game so i can play raids without disabling players at 60 FPS even if all of them play Destroyer third spec.

  7. vor 37 Minuten schrieb Vexthal:

    The state of the game is so sad in general, but yeah the pvp scene is a shadow of its former self.


    I always watched all pvp tournaments and it was awesome fun, but all streamed tournaments stopped and last years battle royale was just so much facepalm, you could even hear the commentators were cringing...it was so bad :(

    If you are still interested:

    Still looking for more players currently 12 and maybe people that would wanna donate otherwise i am the only one financing this.

  8. vor 14 Minuten schrieb Vexthal:

    If it doesnt kill playerbase, it aint gonna happen!

    If it dosent kill the paying playerbase, it aint gonna happen !


    There are several patches which reduced the playerbase alot but most of them reduced PVP Players so they dont care since thoose didnt buy alot of stuff anyway.

    If their company would be more interested in their playerbase needs we would probably have atleast double the playerbase in PVE maybe even more and PVP would be an actual Esport game where the current Gold rank would be Plat.


    Last world championchip was in Battle Royale a mode litterly noone played even before they announced the world championship and now its completly removed.


    Every single time in the last 2 years alot of people unsubscribed they took action but even them they didnt do what players want just reduce the bad things they patched in.

  9. vor 10 Stunden schrieb darthBaal:

    As I understand it, but as I wrote, there is no problem to give them 100 € but just want to keep what I achieved, just change the class. I think that if LV60 boost voucher is for about 50 € so if I added the price of other vouchers, it would give about 100 €. I know that in BnS everything can be bought defacto, so why not add that? I think they would definitely make a big profit. Because a bunch of dead characters would return to the game.

    If you need to farm certain stuff again it still gonna give you more income since you cant transfer psyches aswell.

    HM level can give income, Psyches due to trove aswell.


    If they wanted to do such a thing they would have done it in 2017 since alot of people asked back then for this when Warlock got released or any other class.

  10. vor 2 Stunden schrieb darthBaal:

    Hi all, I would like to make a suggestion when you can completely change character, from name, through sex to race, so why can't you change class.

    For example, I have a Lyn Warlock and I would like to be a Force Master or another class that a lyn race can do so I would buy a class change voucher and it would be done.

    Game developers do everything they can to make life difficult for veterans, many classes are currently very weak, but build a new character when you already have HM20 + and a solid gear is very demoralizing.

    Therefore, I suggest that the possibility to change the class be added.

    This was asked years ago but in the end buying lvl 60 ticket and charms brings them more money so not gonna happen-. 

  11. vor einer Stunde schrieb darthBaal:

    Sin there, I admit that it is difficult to control.
    But does he have to play more PvP than PvE in classes like Warlock, Gunslinger or Summoner?

     Assasin needs to run nearly 24/7 against thoose 3 classes but i dont recommend playing assasin nowdays cause in higher skill group you need to be a very good player to outsmart ur enemy.

    vor einer Stunde schrieb darthBaal:

     I never got any LV60 boost.

    Thats cause you never registered yourselfe for them.

  12. vor 1 Stunde schrieb KzE:

    For a veteran yes. For others, not really. Make a new char, apply into 6v6. You will be a mouseclick.

    Of course 6v6 is pay to win af but even with gear which cost you like 20K or more gold you have no chance thats why i dont like to count 6v6 when i talk about PVP and i always forget most people here are not interested in skill based PVP. Of course you are right in 6v6 but 1v1 and 3v3 is different.


    The Skill existing in this game decreased alot since awakening update and every third spec reduced it even further. For example there is a certain Destroyer that was like 1600 if he was lucky. Now he is one of the top players due to third spec.

    vor 1 Stunde schrieb KzE:

    Both games are boring. But again, PVE is solved better in in BDO. Catching up is easier and jump in bar is lower for endgame content.

    Well its always the personell taste. I just dislike not being able to play do dungeons in a pve game.

  13. vor 17 Stunden schrieb KzE:

    BDO and BnS have the same endgame, whats the gear grind.

    Sure but what kind of endgame gear grind ? My experience showed its nearly only getting into a sepcific area and killing mobs sometimes killing a world boss
     but thats pretty much it while in BNS we have dungeons, Raids which is for most player way more interesti

    vor 17 Stunden schrieb KzE:

    BDO PvP is a bad joke,


    vor 17 Stunden schrieb KzE:

    and BnS is like the old Unreal Tournament instagib match... 1 mistake and dead.

    Disagree. You can do mistakes we dont have world class players in this game anymore you just have to know when to evade or if you play Destroyer third spec how to pve.

    vor 17 Stunden schrieb KzE:

    So PvE side BDO is better solved, but more boring, than BnS.

    What is the purpose of playing a game ? Its having fun and since you said it urselfe BDO is more boring its less of a game and PVE is worse not better.

  14. vor 4 Stunden schrieb pingal1ty:

    They have no other purpose than annoying the melee players, yet 4 years the game is running and people can't disable they're F skill which takes 3 seconds to do it. You can't fight human stupidity but you can limit what they can do, can't you? Hopefully the devs do cap it to pvp.

    There where mechs you needed aerial for but nowdays it not usefull at all anymore. Now we need to look into the future and KR recently announced Naryu Sactum to be rereleased why shouldnt they rerelease the dungeon where you needed aerial mech ?


    I dont remember anymore which dungeon it was its to long ago.

  15. vor 5 Stunden schrieb Noface007:

    As for alternatives to this type of combat, Black Desert and TERA are the only real action combat alternatives. 

    Black desert dosent have endgame its litterly grinding mobs 24/7 even more boring than Blade and soul. Tera does have dungeons etc. but if you are not playing Healer alot of times its gonna be hard to get a decent group also i think Tera is freaking complicated i tryed it and played till max lvl but all thoose items just confused me while i never had such a problem in BNS. 


    In terms of PVP: Black desert depends on gear there is no gamemode you can play without gear so pretty much pay to win. Tera the same i think or atleast i dont know any gamemode other than this baby PVP Mode where you can actully PVP without gear of course you are free to tell me otherwise.


    I dont enjoy Pay to win thats one of the reasons i am still in Blade and soul for the PVP. For PVE i am waiting for Blue Protocol.

  16. vor 4 Stunden schrieb JanetDewitt:

    Finally the game play, It's good , im not gonna lie , It's really good.

    PVE wise yes. PVP wise still yes. Balance wise no.

    vor 4 Stunden schrieb JanetDewitt:

    However - There are some items that I need and bosses are either Way too overpowered even in a raid.

    Bosses overpowered ? Maybe if you play alone or if you dont know mechs. If you know mechs its litterly impossible to die since even the strongest boss is barely doing like 30% dmg per hit and you heal way more than that in a sec.

    vor 4 Stunden schrieb JanetDewitt:

    Those bosses Are ridiculously overpowered, So is that gonna entice anyone like me, the short answer no.

    Well sorry but i cant understand your point here. You are probably totaly undergeared for the content you are trying to run. Of course this will lead in "op enemys" to you but thats not the games fault then.

    vor 4 Stunden schrieb JanetDewitt:

    The Long answer - Anyone who stupid enough to even do this type of thing with

    sub-par gear has no brain cells and what is the use of being carried thru something like that? 

    You dont need alot of gear and since i just earned 3K in 2 days i can tell its possible to get enough gear for ~ 1.4 Million stable dmg (which is enough for everything in this game currently) in mere 2 weeks. Avergage Player will probably take like 3 months thou cause they are missing the experience.

    vor 4 Stunden schrieb JanetDewitt:

    OK , so why am I really here? Honestly - just waiting for other mmo's to finally come out and then I can cut my losses and never look back.

    Thats why most of us are here there are simply no alternatives.

  17. Hallo,


    ich habe es bereits im Englischen Forum gepostet, da ich bisher aber leider erst 10 Leute auftreiben konnte mache ich hier auch nochmal dafür Werbung.


    Am 04.04.2020 eröffne ich ein Turnier für 1v1 und 3v3 PVP dies sieht wie folgt aus:


    Zufällige Teams, damit es kein Top 5 Team gibt, dass einfach alles zerstört.

    3 Runden 1v1 also jedes Teammitglied gegen einen des anderen Teams und dann 1 Runde 3v3 also volles Team gegen volles Team.

    1v1 Sieg gibt 1 Punkt und 3v3 Sieg bringt 3 Punkte.

    Klassenwechsel ist nur dann erlaubt, wenn das gegnerische Team zustimmt sonst bleibt man die Klasse, die man auch registriert hat.

    Sprache Englisch.


    Preis: Platz 1 bekommt 50%, Platz 2 bekommt 30% und Platz 3 bekommt 20% derzeit bin ich der einzige, der das Finanziert mit 10K Gold.


    Um teilzunehmen tretet bitte folgenden Discord bei: https://discord.gg/XPwGr6e

    Ihr müsst nicht gut sein in PVP es ist kein Turnier, welches auf das können des einzelnen setzt und es gibt auch jetzt schon einige, die nicht von sich sagen können, das Sie super gut seien.


    Donations sind willkommen (natürlich für den Preis des Turniers) und sofern jemand gut casten kann ist dies auch sehr Willkommen, da ich kein Talent darin bin.


    P.S ich streame jeden Freitag 3v3 um Werbung zu machen schaut doch mal vorbei.

  18. vor 48 Minuten schrieb Raeven:

    "strongest" class is opinion based. Better off noob plays class liked most. 

    Its not entierly oppinion based. There is a meta and while some poeple argue about BM being first or SF or now Destroyer everyone is sure atleast one of them is the strongest while no one says Warlock is strongest.


    If i post a meta it is pretty accurate and it will just be a lil different if its different at all from what Nagisa for example will write down. We will still have a similiar oppinion and thats cause thoose classes are actully that good or bad.

  19. vor 14 Minuten schrieb Miggy Miggs:

    Earring isnt has op as you make it sound...may be it boost skills on some classes by alot... But the stats arent insane ..

    Its not about it being op. In my personal oppinion KFM as a whole is not op its about PVE gear as a whole. I was just wondering why you want everything banned (which i aggree too) but when it comes to Earring which is one of the most important things for KFM in BG thats ok ?

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