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Posts posted by ImoutoMaster

  1. Ncsoft decided $$$ is more important than fun in this game so they decided to release as much Classes as they can so people need to switch every time since their class is becomming useless. 


    Long story short everything released after Archer made this game litterly unplayable if you are not playing the new flavor of the month.


    Oh and Support is no longer working on banning people for using cheats, wintrade, abusing of ranking system etc.. So you can litterly do anything you like in PVP.

  2. vor 7 Stunden schrieb WarriorKG10:

    This is wrong... In 1vs1, WL with the proper gear, is OP vs some classes.

    Thats new since when does gear give you better chances in 1v1 ? 


    vor 7 Stunden schrieb WarriorKG10:

    In PVE, he's powerful too; not as strong as other classes, though ofc, but definitely not the worst lmao

    still useless cause warden is way better.


  3. vor 19 Stunden schrieb KoiKoiChan:

    Wenn du das laufen willst, musste dir 2 Gruppen suchen die dann laufen, ansonsten haste da 0 Changse. Die PvP Events und Schlachtfelder verärgern 80% der Spieler und die 4 % dies Hypen machen es so wie ebn von mir beschrieben. GL

    Wie soll das gehen ? meines wissens ist der Mode seit Monaten schon rausgepatched, weil den einfach keiner Spielen wollte. Es gab keine guten Belohnungen für PVE Spieler und das Balance war sogar noch schlechter als 6v6. 

  4. vor 7 Stunden schrieb AymanNagy:

    i did about 2 request to Transfare items from Character to anther Character and they refuse it . beacuse this Rule :

    - The NCSOFT Support Team reserves the right to deny a restoration/resealing/reversal/transfer request, even if the item was eligible to be restored/resealed/reversed/transferred in the past.

    the Items is : Weapon and Soul


    and the other Request is for  Soul Badge Token .

    and they refuse again to transfare it .


    is that mean that mean i must be  Whale to Apply this Rule :
    -The NCSOFT Support Team reserves the right to make exceptions depending on the context of the request, and the standing of the requester's account.


    or tell me how much NC Coins i must buy to accept my Requests ??

    Its for a situation like you accidently did stuff not on purpose ! For example i was brain afk and bought 4K of theese weapon enchancement juwels but i wanted theese for the accesories and not in that quantity. So i asked them to revert and they did.

  5. vor 44 Minuten schrieb SayhaSeer:

    So if I happen to go to a casino wheel and pull the lever and magically win $1 mill in first pull, will that officially makes it very high chance to win because I was that lucky? :HongWhat:

    1. i was sarcastic. 2. its RNG its normal.

  6. You have the following options:

    1. seal it again and send it to your KFM to change it into 1st or 2nd spec than seal it again and send it to BD again.

    2. Wait till BD third spec releases you will be able to open it.

    3. Write support ticket. You have 2 reverses each year or half a year not sure but they will reverse it using up 1 of your 2 tokens.



  7. Bei neuen Klassen ist es mittlerweile schwer zu sagen was kommen wird. Den Gunner konnte man vorraussagen und dies habe ich auch 2016 gemacht genau wie den Bogenschützen. Normal ging man nun davon aus, dass sowas wie ein Speerkämpfer kommen würde, da alles bisherige von irgendeinem NPC schon meist existierte.


    Soul fighter= Master Hajoon

    Gunner = Poharan

    Bogenschütze = Die Lycandi hatte glaube ein paar.

    Warden glaube nicht genau wie der Warlock.


    Die nächste Klasse sieht dann wieder wie ein Blitz Force Master aus also der Thrid spec dies soll er aber nicht sein so wie ich mitbekommen habe. Nach dieser Klasse erwarte ich aufjedenfall etwas mit einem Speer.


    Ich hoffe aber, dass irgendwann mein Traum wahr wird und der Lyn Soul fighter und oder Lyn Kung Fu Master kommt.


    Es gibt keine logische Erklärung, warum ein Lyn Warden sein kann aber kein Soul fighter ? So ein riesen Schwert ist leicht zu tragen aber so ein paar Stulpen gehen garnicht ?

  8. vor 8 Stunden schrieb Sayahell:

    IA is nothing for ppl with low gear or trash gear ! and is is nerved !  nerved raids are boring, ppl clean it in 2 weeks , where is the fun and  challenge ?!  ppl must gear up

    Also it depends strongly on class. While one class can do like 5 Million with specific gear the other can do like 7 Million. Third specs cought cough.

  9. vor einer Stunde schrieb Reyyamu:

    - NCSoft make an event with good stuff for new players.. it's bad

    Look at the big picture. While it is nice to get this gear for free the result is this gear is less worth so imagine you are gearing up normal and finally reached TT gear but no one lets you join their group cause they expect you to suck cause this is the same as story gear in theory. I am talking about the worth of gear. Raven was pleb gear before this event. Now its TT Gear.

    vor einer Stunde schrieb Reyyamu:

    - NCSoft make P2W events and no F2P friendly it's bad

    Of course its bad if you cannot do an event cause you havent payed enough €€€. I dont need to explain why.

    vor einer Stunde schrieb Reyyamu:

    It's not their fault that you missed that event or was to lazy to do it.

    Here i agree totally. The only option they could have done was make TT gear the new Story gear and i am totally against this idea. Raven is already way to good for story gear in my oppinion.

    vor einer Stunde schrieb Reyyamu:

    For sure these kind of events will come in future.. just stop blaming them because you either too greedy to teach new people the mechs for old dungeons or you too greedy to be friendly with new people.

    I always run F8 either alone or with 1 or 2 randoom F8 people and teach them thats not the problem here. The Problem is about the pleb status you get now even with TT gear.

    vor einer Stunde schrieb Reyyamu:

    We cry there are no new players.. but when we get some of them the community just make them feel like sh!t and make them quit.. and after that we complain that it's NCSoft fault that new players don't come to the game.

    Personally i dont care about the new players they can all quit but i wont tell them to quit cause they decided to play it and i accept that so i even support them as much as i can. I personally want to see more PVP Player but due to third specs we are losing players instead of getting players. How are you supposed to beat classes with 12 sec godmode while they can do dmg like crazy and are mobile af if you are not playing such a class urselfe ? People just quit cause they know they have no chance if they dont pay the €€€ to change class.

    vor einer Stunde schrieb Reyyamu:

    BNS Community at it's finest.

    There is always a reason why community reacts how they react and its usually not community fault.

  10. vor 42 Minuten schrieb Blitzy:

    This will allow new players to farm there current content and saving leftover scales for new equipment and old players who have left over materials from previous patches will be able to support with current upgrades.

    That would defeat the purpose of their existance. They even changed the exchange rate from 10 = 1 to 20 = 1 so it will take longer.


    The purpose of them is to:

    1. limit player progress so you will need to farm instead of instantly having all the stuff or F10

    2. forcing PVP people to do PVE so you get more potential Pay to win players

    3. Giving something you can earn money with through running dungeons (its the litterly the only thing valuable in dugeon drops)


    Their intention is to increase Pay to win not decrease ! Why do so much people still think suggestions which would reduce their income would be forwarded ? even if they would forward theese to KR why the hell would a dev like Team Bloodlust do such a thing ? they proved multiple times its not their goal to create a fun and engagin game.

    • Like 1
  11. While i do agree this event was great for alts to get some missing gear it was really bad for the community thinking.

    Since we know TT Gear got handed out for free we cannot say "player x is enough" most of F8 people do like 50% the dmg they should be doing and have no idea about mechs so they even die in easy mode. If thoose people dont have some accesories on stage 10 you most likely think "this is some trash player" and alot of people will kick them out of party.


    Since it takes alot of time reaching that gear lvl the normal way this is gonna be hard for new players that need a decent party but will be kicked even more now.


    Dont get me wrong i carry everyone in F8 i dont care abot their gear (expecft for hangar and sp) but majority will kick thoose.

  12. You need to clean your registry (hope its called the same in english). Sometimes when you crash it creates a file which dosent allow you to get further than 20FPS.


    This is copied from the german forums and translated to english from me:


    Please close Blade and soul beforehand.


    1. Press Windows Key + R

    2. put it "regedit"

    3. Now you can change and delete all kind of registry but please dont randoomly delete stuff it can make your system unstable.

    4. next open the following path


        HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags\Layers


    There is a data with the name "X:\Blade And soul\BnS\bin64\Client.exe" you have to delete this one.


    5. unfourtunetly there is another path you need to look aswell


        HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags\Layers


    This is most likely the problem you are facing. Thx to @DNIS i copied it from one of his posts.


    vor 1 Stunde schrieb Madscream:

    SF 3rd spec a full ranged one please!

    And give them 12 sec godmode skill while they can move and do dmg just like destroyer and Assasin. Its simply unfair there is nothing in this game to fight against an enemy that got 90% dmg reduction you either run and let him have the objectives or you die. 

    vor 1 Stunde schrieb Madscream:

    PS.: Oh, and if I can suggest another: delete lyn from the game.

    I want Soul fighter lyn to this day and most people want to play lyn aswell but they are forced to play Jin or Gon. It dosent make sense why Lyn can wield a big ass sword as Warden but cant wear two lil gloves or in case of sf just one. 

  14. vor 5 Stunden schrieb Bengel:

    1. PVP ist inzwischen tot ..., trotzdem muss man da rein, und trifft immer auf die selben Gegner, richtig voll der Server xD

    Warum muss man da rein ? Es gibt nichts PVP exclusives, dass ein PVE Spieler braucht ausser maximal die Große Zen Bohne aber die 4500 beans farmed man schnell. Es gibt derzeit keine Notwendigkeit PVP zu spielen, da es für alle Mats eine alternative Quelle gibt. F5. 


    Leute die sich für PVE nicht interessieren stehen aber auf dem Schlauch. Wie soll man an Halskette, Gürtel, Ring etc. rankommen ohne Endlos viel Dungeons zu rennen ? Dazu kommt noch wie willst du SP etc. rennen mit Story gear ? da wirste auch mats in PVE Ausrüstung verschwenden müssen und da ist es nicht mit TT Gear getan finde mal eine Gruppe, die multi SP mit dir macht, wenn du low TT Gear hast. Dazu kommen noch die Scales aller art. Im F5 kaum bis garnicht vorhanden und wenn dann zu horenden Preisen. 


    Sorry aber mich triggered das immer, wenn PVE Leute sagen "ich werde zu PVP gezwungen und PVP Spieler haben es so gut die verdienen Gold ohne Ende etc." Wie soll man im PVP Gold verdienen, wenn einem die Schlüssel fehlen zum aufmachen der Boxen ? bekommt man auch überwiegend von PVE btw. 


    2. Die Com wird gemolken bis nichts mehr geht

    Merkt man an Third specs besonders da stimme ich zu. Zb. Assasine kann godmode machen für 12 sec und einfach alles runtermähen es kann ja nichtmal gestuned werden oder Destroyer 12 Sec 90% dmg reduction was wie ein Godmode wirkt. Da siehste alt aus, wenn du nicht gerade eine der OP Klassen bist. Die wollen einen zwingen, dass man die Klasse wechselt und die Charms kauft (Ncoin exclusives)


    3. EU spielt nur die Patches ein, die drei Monate zuvor in Korea raus gekommen sind, mit den selben Fehlern, was schon alles sagt ...

    Dennoch kann EU was machen um das Spiel zu verbessern. zb. cheater bannen, Wintrader bestrafen etc. das sind Sachen die 100% in der Macht von NCwest liegen interessiert die aber nicht. Also nicht immer alles auf KR schieben NCwest mindestens genauso schuld. 


    4. Wir sind bald auf Korea Stand und dann finish ....

    Ein paar Jahre wird das noch dauern, da KR neue Klassen raushaut wie geschnitten Brot und jede Klasse braucht 1 Jahr um zu uns zu kommen. 


    5. UE4 ein Hirgespinnst ...

    Wird es nicht nach EU schaffen. 2017 war es angekündigt und bis 2020 haben die nur 45er Content fertig bekommen ? 3 Jahre dafür wie lange wird dann wohl der Rest dauern ? 


    6. Hoffnung, dass aus dem Game noch was wird in Sachen Performance = 0

    Ein Fan modder hat ja schon lange DX 12 reingehauen was bei vielen sehr viel bringt das zeigt wieder wie inkompetent KR ist, wenn ein Fan modder bessere arbeit leistet als ein Multimillionen Dollar Unternehmen. 


    7. Grosse Ziele in dem Game verfolgen? Wenn ich kein RL hab ja, wenn ich nicht weiss wohin mit meinem Geld auch ja, wenn ich meinen Kopf zum denken gebrauche, nein.

    Einfach so spielen, wie es einem Spaß macht und Gear der anderen ignorieren das ist immer mein Rat. 

  15. Since i am very disstatisfied with the performance of support since they dont ban cheaters and wintraders etc. i tested if they even read my tickets with a simple tricks. Right in the middle of my text i asked them to write a combination i randoomly pressed on my keyboard and guess what they ignored it.


    Now i am 100% sure they dont even read our tickets they simply scan for certain words and depending on what player is asking them the question (of course whale status) they decide between one of 3 options. 1. ignore them and write standart text "sorry we cant etc." 2. sorry you are troubled here a lil something for you or 3. sorry you are troubled here a big something for you.


    Big whales get for example 40K hm coins, small whales 8K and non whales non.

  16. vor 5 Stunden schrieb JzHearts:

    So as of right now, I cannot upgrade these weapons till these change it? or is there still a way?

    You can exchange Transformation and Premium Transformation stones in Dragon express for theese even today when the Event ended. The only reason they changed it for the duration of the event is cause they gave out alot for free and Transformation stones are tradable so you could have created multiple accounts and farmed thoose to sell them. Thats why they went this way but be warned when time runs out they will be removed and if you still have some they are worthless even tho you used Transformation stones for them so only exchange as much as you can use right now !

    vor 5 Stunden schrieb JzHearts:

    and just to confirm the expiered acsessories are upgradeable from the box atm, or not upgradeable just starter ones?

    They are upgradable but the stats are similar to thoose that are not upgradable its not worth getting them and upgrading them the cost is way to much.

  17. I have requested a class change voucher back in 2017 already it will never come if they havent done it by now sadly.


    I do have to disagree with you on the topic of warlock being the worst in everything. While it is true in 1v1 and probably in PVE aswell its is wrong in 3v3 and 6v6.


    Cause people are not always focused on the WL he can spam in 6v6 and kill alot of people and if they want to kill him he got the abilitys to stall and survive alot. There are classes which are worse in 6v6 cause they have less survivability. In 3v3 we have TD wich makes him very usefull in a tag in and his survivability is perfect for a team fight mode like this he can stall the enemy alot so team can get their cooldowns back up. Again there are classes worse for example gunner which is only good in a tag ins, cause of aerial dmg but alone gunner is worse than warlock in 3v3.

  18. vor 1 Stunde schrieb ARC-1276:

    Well, Summoner does have cat sit which is the bane of any class with a static block...at least until BM got their buffs.

    Cat sit dosent matter really cause it got a cooldown. If you are a decent to good player you can outplay the cat without a problem. Simply look at the cat it will attack alot even if summoner dosent want to. This gives SF,KFM for example godmode cause of their block.


    If we talk about 6v6 its even worse. Litterly every class got AOE skills which can do hundred of thousand or sometimes million dmg which kills the cat in an instant and the player that kills the cat will very likely not even notice he just killed the cat.


    I am no Summoner main i dont even play summoner i just encounter them in PVP and tell you my experience. There are like 2 Summoner players at max that play good and one of them dosent even belong in EU. (Talking about EU only cause no experience about NA)

  19. vor einer Stunde schrieb Orssy:

    zu der Spielerzahl. Mit rückgang an Spielern hat ja wohl jedes MMO zu kämpfen B&S ist da keine Ausnahme aber wenn ma hier nach den ganzen Weltuntergangspropheten gehn würde müsste ja jedes Asia MMO wegen Spielermangel schließen.

    Ich finde es auch sehr oft übertrieben. Es kommt denke ich zu 90% einfach aus der Enttäuschung jeden Patch angelogen zu werden und schwerwiegende Fehler wie Cheater etc. werden einfach ignoriert. Daraus entsteht natürlich wut bei den Spielern, die Blade and soul so sehr lieben und solche Storys entstehen dann.

    vor einer Stunde schrieb Orssy:

    Und mal ehrlich das ein F2P Game sich nur durch Kosmetikartikel finaziert ist fraglich.

    Die meisten Interessiert es nicht, wenn NC zb. Materialien verkauft. Die meisten Spieler sind nur angesäuert, wenn Sachen verkauft werden, welche im Normalen Spielverlauf selbst als Suchti nur nach mehreren Jahren zu bekommen sind. Ich höre sehr selten "och ne die verkaufen schon wieder Elysians" oder "Och ne blöde Pay to win Moonstones im F10" das sind alles Items, die man ingame sehr gut farmen kann. Kommen wir aber nun zu Unity stones oder Psyches für das Soul shield sprechen wir von Jahren, weil es keine Möglichkeiten gibt sowas zu farmen.


    Niemand verlangt, dass wir sowas in 2 Wochen bekommen auf Max aber doch bitte in ein paar Monaten !

  20. vor 58 Minuten schrieb Grimoir:

    If i am not mistaking the boxes are priced the same as all previous rng boxes.

    Ive never said they where cheaper last time. I just wrote i think 139N/Hmcoin is way to much. Thats like 400G per box the value of whatever is to be found inside is like 90% of time below 400G. Its a digital product it cost exactly 0.00€ to create one box but they sell it for that much. Thats my oppinion.

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