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Loffie Green

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Everything posted by Loffie Green

  1. all 3 of my friends logged in today no problem and they have done basin in past and had peaches
  2. nope.. all my friends did soul boost and can log in (they barely play nowdays tho, only occasional demonsbane, event and foe HM)
  3. I didn't take the outfit on any of my characters and I still can't get in 😄
  4. yeah, probably had some, but not really issue imo, 2 of my friends who used to farm basin a lot have logged in right now on mains, but they have been logged only few days past weeks to do demonsbane dailies with me.. so I'm really confused right now
  5. not issue here for sure, I haven't had them on any of my chars but I can't log in on all 3 of my geared characters but can log in on poopy alts
  6. I totally agree if I'm honest. I wouldn't mind spending for some outfits (not rng box crap tho, just option to straight up buy them for reasonable price) and a sub/premium, but no way I'll swipe for gear, the whole point of game is to play it to progress, but most publishers have forgotten it's an option and it's harder to make fun content than add new box in cashshop 🙂
  7. Just use your card you silly pepega, some rng boxes coming soon-ish I bet
  8. Probably would end up being better solution to let it just die out then.. Otherwise I keep running into new people who swipe coins to sell f10 stuff for gold like premium etc high on copium saying "oh I bought 20k more Ncoins, gonna sell them and reach close high gear"... feels kind of bad to see new people getting baited like that when you won't reach high enough gear for it to matter (to get constant top10 rankings etc) unless you spend 10h+ a day in game and or swipe like crazy
  9. I mean, it's not really about rankings being made for alts or no, but the fact that this actually made it possible for many people to get some rng boxes and something from f10, or gilded penta tickets or whatever.. while I think even if company wants to do some dumb cash shop focused gameplay or whatever else p2w p2p crap fine, but the issue is that while you can adjust the prices of stuff for a game that is localized for one or couple countries with similar economy and wealth it's reasonable, but with current prices it's complete bs for plenty of countries in EU.. if you live in let's say norway, germany or other wealthy eu country, yeah, fine, spending couple hundred on rng boxes to progress your heart faster is fine, or buy some trove boxes for cool stuff, unfortunately as someone from not so wealthy country it's pretty much impossible to buy anything from the damn shop when average salary (not even low end) is 700 eur and you spend 500+eur a month on rent, food, and other expenses. This was just something that made ppl like that have access to those things. If they are taken away it's not like those people (and people who just refuse to pay) will just magically get money to spend really, as someone started above
  10. Yeah, this change is quite upsetting, I literally yesterday was talking with friends that giving better access to those tokens is pretty smart move from NCsoft because first of all it makes premium more worth it since you get double the ncoins from tokens, second it gives people who are up for investing time there with alts chance to afford some nice stuff from f10 and third, yeah, it makes the new content more alive. I was even with few people planning to makes some runs some climbing groups, now it's pointless because as semi casual player I can barely get top100 with main, have no motivation to grind my ass off for 2 tokens tbh.
  11. Well, clearly everyone has left west branch because kr most likely doesn't even let them reply to community in forums or something without their approval and just keep sending us raw KR patches and don't care even to adjust them for eu/na client, which says about how much nckr gives a crap about west playerbase, just using us as some moneybags or statistic boosters if f2p for promoting numbers. Kind of had enough, if they give some poopy patch again with nothing fixed I'm done bending over for them and try to stop my addiction to keep logging in. because they surely are good at making you feel bad for missing a day or two not slaving in this game :|
  12. I mean, smart move of them, because if I understood correctly you kind of need to do the den quests for soul boost to complete it, so now people have been grinding and playing for 3 weeks and still missing like 21 days worth of mao daily quests, so people will instead of playing 3 weeks and yeeting off are forced to log in another 3 weeks.. quite genius imo :D
  13. I mean.. the company is doing great.. They just don't care.. Because if you look at their quarterly finance reports, for past already couple years, lineage mobile game is alone making several fold money for them than all pc games combined. They will give some little things with minimal effort to keep milking last players who are ok to spend thousands on game where they can't even adjust patches to our client clearly when bunch npcs talk korean and big event like soul boost rewards are exact copy of KR soul boost even tho we need different number of items or items in general than korean client. And about why it seems noone wants to work there, probably, yes, we have had several proofs that korea just doesn't listen to feedback ncwest team gives. And to be completely honest, I wouldn't be surprised in they have had orders from kr side to not respond or comment much on situation, because if NCwest would have to say every 2nd week "yeah, sorry guys they gave us completely broken patch again and we are not allowed to even get our own people to fix it and have to wait till they decide to start fixing stuff and then send over *probably without any testing*" it would make KR look bad which probably is more important to them.. at least that's my take on it all after playing BnS for many years and Lineage 2 for years before that.
  14. They could just make it something you queue up and once there are 12 ppl it opens an instance, and if they really want to make it a thing that makes ppl log in longer times for play time statistics for business reasons they can slap an 3h timer cooldown once you do it. I'm 90% sure it lags so bad because their servers are not being able to handle so many people playing same time and from economy standpoint there is no reason to upgrade servers to capacity to handle koldrak when it would be running on 10% load rest time. So imo only way to solve this is to make it something people just queue for or remove it whatsoever, but I assume complaining here won't do much and even if our management knows it they can't do much about it most likely, since as I remember from already years ago they clearly said it's quite hard to communicate and make proper dialog with KR side and they aren't really too keen to solve issues that we find bothering. Perhaps if people on KR would start massively complain it would be fixed and then implemented here few months later
  15. Yeah, tbh it's pretty idiotic imo that for certain classes like ice warlock simple mode works perfectly, while earth summoner without some addons or whatever is complete poopoo and does like 50% of dps you should be doing if not less
  16. OP just angry that with new dungeon everyone has to work equally to get gear instead of whales keep bidding for all the loot and newbies can't get anything besides some gold split scraps. :D
  17. Hello! I'm new to all the forums etc., so I don't know where should I turn with this kind of suggestion, but this idea is bugging me for a while now. It would be really nice if devs could consider implementing such a feature in game. Sometimes you see people do rude things, or maybe scam someone or the opposite, you take some low geared player to hard dungeon but he/she is very good with mechanics and you would like to have a note about that player. Because I don't think that if you have a high geared tank in party that can't tank at all and refuses to learn only option for you should be to block the person to remember him or something. So my idea is - implement a feature in game that lets you add a personal comment about a player (not character, but player as the whole characters account) that you can right click on character name and choose same as there are options to whisper, invite, apply etc.
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