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Everything posted by Belido

  1. in theory you are right, but at the end it is still helpful to have a staff who's knowing what they actually doing, But your post gave me a clue how the fixing costume exploit mess might been happening!
  2. nothing about this one in the news, guess we need to wait until next summer, in case you and the game are still there....
  3. No news on next update. So my guess is right now, they look to keep this as new item for summer 2021 sale, well in case the game is still running then. Maybe together with the the UE 4 update
  4. So a load of supply and pet gem chest....again, I don't feel very tempted And esp. no news about the still missing "Summer Love" outfit! Just a hint, TERA EU also made this "keep it new for another season" stuff with a costume I wanted, I left a few month later and it didn't brought me back to spent another Euro, even as they finally brought this as permanent version a year late.... But I guess you already know how it is to see customers running, so nvm.
  5. Lol and ofc it is not exactly the same price for the items, else it wouldn't be NCWest taking care of it! The current season offer is 1199 Coin for the Set of Maritime Patrol and the Maritime Patrol Cap. The common offer is 1199 Coin for Maritime Patrol and 399 Coin for the Maritime Patrol Cap. So you can save 399 Coins with this super exclusive offer ... or well you can save it all, as you don't look for another stupid uniform and don't get the chance to wast Coins for the pretty cool looking Summer Love Outfit.
  6. Oh that's great! For us, the old stuff offered seems to be still good enough. Probably they going to safe up that one for summer 2021, together with the UE 4 update. But look at the bright side, it will safe us money! As with the current pace there will be no BnS EU/US left to spend money for in summer 2021....
  7. Seems there is no love! And there is no Summer Love either with todays F10 update
  8. OK for me there is 1st of all the question: did those folks receive a Email from "NCSOFT Support" on account creation named "[NCSOFT] Verify your email address"? This must be incoming while creating the account, so maybe worth to check the spam filter - without the activation link in this mail nothing will work, I presume.
  9. Nope, I can't confirm this! At least not for BnS EU. I just made a new account here for a tryout (in Germany) and that IP is already authorized for 4 Accounts and one Client been even running on same router while I tried this on another PC. I just needed a bit of my data and my valid Email address - then only thing I had to do is click the activation link in the Email I recaived from BnS within seconds. PS only play TESO if you like to wear rags :b
  10. I wondered about that question before and no, haven't got any real answer either. Let's hope tomorrows F10 rotation gives the answer, If not, then, then .....
  11. Don't forget to mention the famous fishing, which is used within more and more events
  12. Oh a fellow FM, let us see! As you may have guessed a lot of players are a bit unhappy how NCWest been handling a exploit issue weeks ago, as their "fix" hit a lot and a load of stuff seems to be removed by error. Can't tell much about it, none of my 4 Accounts been harmed, either did I even visit the zone of buggy NPC and with F5 I probably had luck. Most of the FM plays Lightning (3rd spec) as it max DPS atm. For the weapon, guess it's better to re-roll for 8 slots and for start you can get a better one from story. So I guess: best approach for now is to finish yellow (story quest) again, then do orange quest as far as you can solo.
  13. at least you got still the chance to loot a Raven SS in MSP, which is surely a big upgrade for everyone who makes it in there!
  14. well on my main account I used up all lamps fully upgraded like 2 weeks ago... on alt accounts I slacked and had like 6 left at the end. PS: reading the item description was available from very beginning
  15. well that's your turn. OK maybe not call 2k just for show off, ie for CS it would look like .... , well as you said. But right now, looking at new MSP 1-6 runs, with 2k+ req everyone would wonder why you recruit that low PS: my personal approach for this is about: don't use 3 minutes of additional recruitment time to get a team that makes the run just about 1 minute faster.
  16. Oh, I rather see BD who are actually tank, or it's a trigger happy gunner messing the stuff up rather. Anyway, I very agree with the tank in 1st thing, maybe because I am still ol school, were everything else just been a wipe. PS: and yes, I hate bouncing targets!
  17. Hab heute zum zweiten mal das neue MSP 1-6 gemacht und hatte dabei keine Probleme, Ok FPS war teilweise mies, vor allem bei Köter-KFM. Was ich gehört habe ist aber, dass der 32 Bit Client dort wohl öfter an die Grenzen kommt.
  18. BnS got a pretty nice set of costumes available. Well, I like it and that is the main reason I don't play TESO anymore, but maybe it's just me.
  19. Well, lets check RL: why are ppl so unhappy if they get fired from job, just because of a company that wants to be more efficient and improve shareholder value? And yes, the shareholder will enjoy this! So maybe try to relax a bit, at least in-game!
  20. Hello, after recent updates I was checking the showroom for new costumes, aaaaaand I found one named "Summer Love", but everything I checked so far, it can't be obtained atm, right? Or have I missed anything? Anyway, a little Yun has an urgent desire for this one:
  21. with my graphic settings I couldn't run more then a single circle in Mushin Towers main hall without having a 32Bit Client crash. And well the new weekly area is quite huge....
  22. And of course you should avoid any kind of grouping! Why? Well, if there is a loot auction all the exploited gold easily gets to your account, in an even increased amount! and it also leaves the question: When is it good to buy outfits, pets or pet pods again from F5? F5 prices are still way lower then before. And don't tell me to wait till the prices are up as before, as this will not happen if no one buys
  23. hope they fix it the same way, as they usualy handle cash shop issues
  24. oh well, such a lot black or white talking in the poll, but the world is grey!
  25. Man kann nach dem Reset auch nur die BnS Client.exe in die Ausschluss-Liste (in der Registry) nehmen, aber ehrlich, FTH macht bei mir allein bei BnS einen Unterschied und da leider nicht zum Besseren.
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