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Everything posted by Walex

  1. Let me word it this way: NC is a mother, KR are their kids, which they care about, and NA/EU are just a random neighbors. Makes sense? We don't even get full patch notes.
  2. Two things: use iframes or party protection skills OR do a mechanic. If you run out of a set time, a boss will enrage and cause a wipe, and this was the case for years. Tons of things are bugged and they don't care. For example: - RT last boss, when jumping during mechanic, shockwaves spawn in wrong places, or players get CCed RANDOMLY during a fight - EL is an old dungeon, yet the combat is STILL SHARED, means if one person is in combat, EVERYONE will be for the whole duration (unless someone's out of combat at that time, which often is NOT the case), and I'm pretty sure that everyone experienced WALKING for 30-60 seconds while being unable to run
  3. Sorry to pop your bubble but players won't come back because of the gear gap, they would be feeding meta players.
  4. Walex


    KR needs time to fix bugs etc. Then west needs time to test the patch, translate etc. Being one patch behind is fine.
  5. Even if mounts provided +1000% speed, we don't care, we don't have any content to use it, 99% of the game are DUNGEONS where you CAN'T use them. Celestial Basin? Useless. Moon Refuge? Useless. Primeweald? Useless.
  6. Received but NOT visible/NOT available. Also cool that you've finally fixed F2 icons after 5 months (after we had to spam about it during stream) but stats are still NOT fixed (for example 20k mystic in F2, 35k mystic in P)
  7. Walex


    Perhaps in December? Since it looks like we are (will be from the next week) only one patch behind KR now.
  8. They're in TROVE for a reason, and I know that there's plenty of people that only want it for visual stuff (just the same way as other cosmetics).
  9. The stream has been announced 6 days ago.
  10. Only the Hall of Trials is gonna change for now. Shrine will change in December, and Altar in February next year (most likely).
  11. Just do 100 runs of each dungeon and purchase items from NPC. One dungeon should take like 2-3 days. Start from Hall of Trials as it will be removed from demonsbane next week.
  12. 24 - 8 regular, 8 pet, 8 mount. Psyches are available from F10 only, and they cost 100 bucks each. You can equip every type of gildstone (12 slots) to double gildstone stats. There's a new type of bonus - mount movement speed, which appears on unity stones, compound, and insignias. Also there are mythical bonuses for every single stage, but to "balance it" the chance to upgrade to +1 is 1%, and gets 0.05% less with every stage.
  13. First they remove EVERY part of content outside of dungeons, and then they add mounts xD
  14. And then today is the 3rd day in a row, and it still doesn't show the rest bonus. I had to restart the game which is stupid, will this get fixed?
  15. Perhaps this was actually intended, wouldn't be surprised at all...
  16. 1. What the hell is "Holy of the Master"? 2. What the hell is that, HoT HM 66 bil but NS HM 135 bil? This is a joke 3. Wdym 3 more dungeons are missing? We're getting one dungeon in less than two weeks, and the newest dungeon on KR in December... where's 3rd?
  17. They'll only do what they think that will bring them a good profit.
  18. Looks like the problem is still here. Didn't do anything on an alt yesterday and it doesn't show that the rest bonus is available today. I know that restarting the game should help but that's not the case. I just want to point the problem out.
  19. I've almost finished the 50 AP achievement and the amount of CM tokens I've seen was... two. Very accessible! /s While I know it can be purchased for 100 "DB" tokens, it's quite expensive, and prevents from purchasing anything else.
  20. Hall of Trials will be removed from the demonsbane which means that everything that's required to clear Hall of Trials in demonsbane mode will be unavailable. That was the case with Aerodrome and Substratum (if I'm not mistaken) during the previous soul boost.
  21. When a new class in a 10 years old game can't be a male LUL
  22. Remember when F2P people could clear hard modes and raids when they geared enough? Now good luck getting to stage 20 ever.
  23. Idk if it's just me but I've got the tier 3 rewards, and previous tiers are missing.
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