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Everything posted by Walex

  1. I didn't crash on 32 until the update with the weekly thingy, and now I also crash in MSP. I can't use 64 bit because it has a high chance of crash when I go back to the game's window after I make any action of going out of it (alt tab for example) - I've got this before hangar update, and afaik there were more people with this issue. Or... I can use 64 bit and be forever stuck in the game's window... and have much worse FPS etc.
  2. You guys have problems with reading or something? I literally wrote that THREE people crashed at the same time during the very first week, what does it have to do with my end? Also not to mention that I've bought my PC for 5K just to run this * (and another one) game better, didn't I? And yes, I'm using 32 bit. Whatever, I don't care if I crash, but today I couldn't log in back for 20 minutes, got an info that servers weren't available while other games worked fine, and now I'm not able to fight boss 2 for this week.
  3. So the new weekly is out for 5th week. Guess what, NC? I've crashed 3 out of 5 runs there, everytime the boss 1 is down and the group moves to boss 2, there's a 50% that the game freezes then crashes (3 people crashed at the same time on week 1 and so on). But that's not the worst part of the issue... I could NOT log in for the next 20 minutes (servers not available) since crash, and the group beat boss 2. Guess what does it mean? Yep, I can't fight boss 2 anymore = I will not get boss 2 rewards AND won't complete 7 weekly challenges (I'm not touching "PvP"). Why are two weekly bosses in the same instance in the first place, and have the same ID? That's bs. Are you compensating victims with an instance reset or something?
  4. Whatever you bet you can send it now.
  5. Now I should get like 1k free pet pods for not going to Bamboo Village at all, as a reward ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  6. MSP HAHAHAHA :JOY: NOT RELY ON EVENTS HAHAHAHA :JOY: Yea it's better to grind an old (3 years by now?) constantly reworked content (/s) that's literally the worst part of the game INSTEAD OF doing something else every month. Imagine being a BT/VT slave xD No thanks. I don't even bother to clear them on my main. >Majority of those -2.6k+ AP players spent 4 years of playing "Playing" LUL I call it addicted grinding, not playing. I'm also "playing" for over 4 years and I'm at 2.2k now. But that's not the point? It's about trash "event" which reduces vial/pack income, basically wasting players' time. Wake up.
  7. Wait, what? Aren't these 3 losing hard mode? Amazing...
  8. Imagine that people are actually happy (@Sayha) that they are UNABLE TO gather vials/packs... This "event" is 5 weeks long, and all we're getting is... 1 vial and 1 pack from a jackpot? What a joke. >Well great, we can finally take a break from endless event grinding and focus on something else You can take a break at any point, who's forcing you? Nobody, so why are you against letting others do events? :facepalm: Idk, the game's getting butchered to the point that we, F2P community, will have nothing left to do in the game in order to improve our character(s) soon, but people can't see it... and they keep supporting...
  9. Blade & Soul 6.8 Patch Notes Contents & Events - A new event is now available. Excuse me but what new event is available? Where? There is NO event, not a single one. You get it guys? There is NO event in the game for the first time ever, do they really want people to NOT log in to the game or what? Jackpot is NOT an event, seriously. You just press RMB once per day to "open" it, that's not something you can call an event, what the heck? This game is seriously going to be butchered to the ground... mark my words, we will get RNG chance to get ANY crystal soon. You cleared 10 dungeons today? Nice, take your 1 sacred crystal.
  10. I'm not angry but if they say we'll get something then players are supposed to get it.
  11. Where do you see any crying? I think I'm blind. Mind sharing your main character's name? I'd like to block.
  12. So they've announced that we'll get 130 jewels from our armory chest. We didn't. Two weeks later Cyan said that the thing was inaccurate [link below]. It was also mentioned that we were supposed to get them through login rewards. Now let me do the math for you: 1. We have got 2 weeks of premium (one for free, one for 1 NCoin). If someone didn't have premium then it would be 16 days, if someone is smart enough. Login rewards provide 1 jewel for F2P, and another 3 for premium (4 total per day). This event is 28 days long for NA, and 29 for EU. It means that NA players could get 77 jewels from the login rewards (29 x 1 + 16 x 3), while EU players could get 78. 2. We have got that "Armory Selection Box" that we can get by completing 5 daily and 2 weekly challenges. So again, NA players could get 28 + 4 jewels, while EU players could get 29 + 5 jewels. 3. We have got these "juicy" 10 jewels from F10. Now for the final numbers: NA players could get 77 from dash, 32 from challenges, and 10 from cash shop, and that's 119. EU players could get 78 from dash, 34 from challenges, and 10 from cash shop, and that's 122 (a whole 3 more than NA). Guess what, that's still not 130. @Cyan my suggestion is to add an additional 10 jewels to F10. This way it WILL be 130 (NA can be fine with 1 less than what was announced I suppose).
  13. Easy fix: make all unity points (reputation) accumulate so there will be no waste when receiveing them. You will still get 500k/day as a limit, but any excess of points will be accumulated and ready to be used at any day later.
  14. That was my first thought... but then I realized that people who opened less than 12 stages would be a victim/sufferer (?). So let's say 130 for people that opened stage 12 / 70 for stage 8 / 30 for stage 4 or something like that.
  15. @Cyan so either 130 jewels in the table was a lie (which is disgusting), or it was your mistake NC (which is acceptable, but then you should agree that you made a mistake AND give players 130 jewels, not 10. Be serious for once ). RU streamed the patch and the guy did show all stages of the box one by one, and there were no jewels as well. I made a clip of that. It was so simple to just check all stages with your mouse while recording it & sharing the video in patch preview/notes, instead of making a stupid item table that is terrible to read with the way they're making it all of the time. Multi accounts abusing? Sad but true...
  16. You're "funny" so I'll stop arguing with you... after this last comment. But it still IS important. Yeah, I am the person to blame that 12 people failed to beat a boss for 7 weeks, you are damn right! /s Also I am the person to blame that this server is over 4 years long, and after 4 years you STILL NEED SAME MATERIALS that you needed 4 years ago! It's my fault that the game is unrewarding and if you want to get something you have to REPEAT SAME STUFF FOR DAYS FOR HUNDRED HOURS (like CB) OR HUNDRED TIMES (like dungeons)! /s This is not about time, I have a lot of time, and if the game is good then I can forget about the world and play as an addicted man, but it's impossible in this game. You've got will strong enough to farm CB everyday? Cool for you! Me (and many others) don't. It's an old content that I've played months if not years ago. Why would we be forced to literally GRIND OLD CONTENT to get OLD MATERIALS? Why this game can't offer progress in everything? New materials to farm (except for these "so original" scales with an increasing amount needed for each tier), and new ways/places to farm them? Do I also need to remind you about evolved stones or gem powders (and radiant energy)? It's totally my issue that the game is forcing players to constantly do same stuff again and again... and an OLD stuff in addition. As for the weapon, nobody will take me to new raid with stage 8 weapon, stage 9 is a must... unless I won't care when "we" clear each boss of course. Good for you BUT not everyone is you. I just had to buy over 200 jewels from dragon express (rip 200 elysian) to upgrade necklace and belt because of how bad the amount of jewels is available for F2P people.
  17. Not keys, free daily open. Back then I was always able to get a bunch of jewels and elements. This trove I've seen zero jewels and only a few elements, and had to use keys (from "free premium") to get them, without keys it would be zero as well. Are you trying to tell me that people won't check if your gear is augmented or not when they'll decide if they want you in their raid group or not? Are you trying to tell me that 6x 200-250 cdmg is not important? In that case I'm speechless. Yes I'm at stage 8 and you already know why. If my raid group didn't need 8 weeks for the first clear then I'd have stage 9 by now. I should definitely agree with you and blame myself /s Well if you have will to farm CB (and it's even a daily farm, and it's a few hours each day) then it's your business. Not everyone has will to farm CB, especially as daily. Personally I'm not touching CB if there's no event on that map. Last time I was there was January... last year, when I farmed evolved stones. ATM I've only got 3k elysian crystals, and 800 of them are from this update, so that's not too many of them... If you aren't trolling with both parts of what I just quoted then no comment. Seriously.
  18. Costumes? Costumes are useless, not even +1 AP or +1 anything... most of cosmetic stuff is useless, and I'll tell you what, they're actually bad as they drop your FPS even further.
  19. I just reminded something and I have to fully disagree with this. Always this way? No. Back in 2017 - 2018 trove was always providing some legendary jewels AND elements, AND sometimes even pets. Last 3-4 troves were pure nerfed garbage. Yes, last trove one of my alts got 1 vial, but that's "one in a million". I do agree that bloom drops is the main source, BUT read what I wrote again. I'm not complaining about not getting a box (but about not getting them on a specific spot!), because, as I stated, I've got 3 of them within one day on spot X with 1 boss, I've got another 2 within 5 hours on spot Y with 1 boss, and then on spot Z I've only got ONE within full 6 days of farming... and this spot has TWO bosses. These SHOULD DROP even more often as there are two bosses instead of 1. Idk what you're thinking about this but this thing is wrong as hell, and very suspicious. @psyches - yes, it is normal mode, but that's not the reason to see no drop at all! Am I supposed to run it 500 times and destroy my sanity, just to get one psyche? Or what? >especially since psyches are mostly a nice to have and not something necessary. What? Psyches ARE necessary at endgame. Idk how u came up with that bs. @raid - my group cleared boss 1 on week 2, and boss 2 on week 3 (so 2 weeks for each boss) if I'm not wrong, but then it took 8 weeks to beat last boss... I don't care about roses becoming easier to get, I need stage 9 weapon NOW, for the new raid. Once again, I'm complaining about the amount of roses I'm getting right before the next raid update, seems rigged. Watch me getting 4 for next 2 weeks again... ------------------------------------- Also this whole "Arms Race Cache", where you get all crystals between 1-10. I've opened it twice by now and I've got what, 10 moonstones with +10 RNG bonus, and only 1 elysian, then the second time I've got... 9 moonstones with +10 RNG bonus, and only 1 elysian. So I've got 39 moonstones (which I don't need) and only 2 elysians (which I need). Is my character/account RIGGED in some way with all these things happening to me, or what?
  20. @Cyan Week 3 begins, where are our jewels???
  21. @Grimoir 1. Yes, but dungeon loot is part of the thing there. 2. - 3. I've never ever touched challenge mode yet, and there's no single person I could go with. Wish I would tbh. Also I didn't mention TT ring/earring anywhere (besides the fact that mine were maxed long ago). 4. What? Bosses are an addition to spots. 5. I'm not into spending so much gold on bidding hearts from the boss, or reseting the raid (which is actually worse, because you've got to find another group AND clear). What's upseting? The fact that it took my group 8 weeks to beat the empress for the first time, and I'm behind with roses... and then this happens. >The only thing that somewhat annoys me is that it basically gives you near-end game gear for free, and all you need to do is literally the bare minimum, and yet there still are people complaining. Every piece of my gear is better than what this event is offering, your point? Bonus: why is it always you on this forum >_<
  22. So besides the positive stuff like octagonal garnet, there's way too much negative stuff. Idk if your experience is similar but I bet it is. Here's the list: 1. This event is forcing to run daily trains (all dungeons from Drowning Deeps to Stonescale Passage), and guess what. 14 days of daily trains and the only loot "we" have got was... DD outfit, and literally nothing else. Cool, right? Let's continue. 2. I've opened the trove 182 times without keys, and all I've got was... oh wait, I've got NOTHING! Really worth the time to relog and open it on all characters, right? I've also opened the trove with 20 keys, and what did I get? TWO legendary elements for a price of one (wohoo, 5g saved), and AN OUTFIT crit so I could salvage it and make just a few gold by selling fabric. 14 freakin days of opening this thing over 200 times on all characters just to get NOTHING. Cool, right? Let's continue. 3. I've ran RT 80 times solo (more in F8 thanks to daily trains) and TS 70+ times solo (more in F8 thanks to daily trains), and guess what... yeah I've got 2 RT psyches during one day, but TS dropped ZERO psyches. Cool, right? ZERO OF THEM in like 90 runs, what the hell is this? How can one augment some items if this crap isn't even dropping ONCE? Let's continue. 4. I've been autofarming this new Ebon thingy for several days. First day I've got THREE chests during that day from a small spot with one scorpion boss. Another day I've got TWO chests within 5 hours from a camp spot with one "terror" boss. What bothers me then? I've just spent SIXTH day on a spot with TWO bosses, that's like 60-70 hours spent here... and I've only got ONE chest after 60-70 hours of farming on a spot with TWO bosses... what the hell is this? The better the spot the less chest % chance or what? Let's continue. 5. The new raid is around the corner (2 weeks to go) and... I've got 4 roses two days ago, and also 4 roses week earlier. Cool, right? Is this how it's supposed to look??? Let's continue. 6. I've finally collected my first 8 purple unity stones and was able to get the very first attempt to make a yellow stone with "very high" chance. Guess what, 8 purple turned into 1 purple. Amazing, right? Very high chance btw! 7. Last thing that I want to mention here are... 130 LEGENDARY JEWELS that were ANNOUNCED in the PREVIEW of PATCH NOTES, and they are NOT IN THE GAME. 3rd week of this event will begin tomorrow (middle of it), and there are still no jewels. What the hell are they? I bet it's one of main reasons why people even bothered with this event, including myself. Here's the proof and link to the source that they have announced 130 jewels to be inside, but they still aren't: https://www.bladeandsoul.com/en/news/forgotten-souls-events-preview/ I've reported this issue on this forum (screen below), Reddit (screen also below), and Twitter, and @Cyan answered to first two (also below) writing that they will verify it with their development team (aka give us hope). After two weeks there is still no word about missing jewels from their side, so I ask you @Cyan, dude, where are our legendary jewels? How long are we supposed to wait? Was it another bait or what... I hope your stuff was much better during these 2 weeks, because mine was obviously disgusting as hell, feels like everything is rigged and nerfed to the ground.
  23. @Cyan we can't see jewels on the list there
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