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Everything posted by Hanuku

  1. I know about about traversing my router's config, but I can't say I'm versed on it. I know where to check on who's using it and even how to configure local IPs. But other than that, I'd have to check on my ISP. As I said, it's a very recent change. Something I'm not used to.
  2. Oh. The awakening content update changed it all. You now can edit it only after reaching level 60 HM7 and doing the Hongmoon Clan quest. Before that, all you can do is change your main skill set (Fire/Frost). If you want to see how it works, look for "Blade and Soul Awakening" videos. I assume you are using a force master since you talk about flame and frost. here's a video explaining how it all works now, including rotations and such later in the video.
  3. So, I've been in and out of this game for a while, and I access it through two methods. My home internet and when out of home, through my cell phone hotspot. Don't worry, I stick only to single player content while on the go... Anyway, as mobile carriers go, the IP from them is dynamic. Meaning, almost every time I access this game on my mobile hotspot, NC triggers it's "unknown access" protocol, which sends an email with a code I have to apply to be able to log in, giving me the choice to save it as a known address or not. In the case of my home Internet, this address was static for the longest time, so I didn't have that problem at home. Well, things have changed and for the past few weeks, it seems my home ISP started issuing dynamic addresses. I assume it's on their end because I have not changed anything on my configuration. My PC is directly connected to the modem via Ethernet, and I haven't edited anything in the modem's configuration file. Drops in internet connectivity may also cause IP changes, but I haven't seen any such interruptions on my service. Reading around in the net, I get that issuing a dynamic address is cheaper for the ISP, and for the most part, internet access remains the same for users (meaning they are charging me the exact same fee for the now dynamic access they were charging for the static one). But in the case of this game, it means that pretty much every day, I have to run through the whole "unknown access" thing just to be able to play. Not only is it bothersome to have this happening every single day I play. It also fills up the known addresses page in my NC account, which I then have to go take even more time to go purge, and also I don't know if I'll get in trouble with NC for it. Now, I know there are some solutions. One is to ask my ISP for a static address and see if they will do it, or if those are even for sale(making me pay more for a service I previously had), or there are services like "noIP" which are supposedly free. But I don't really trust anything outside of official NC sources, which is why I've never tried stuff like BNSBuddy either. So, anyone out there has the same problem? How do you all handle it?
  4. As said above, you need to grab those points from the achievement "U" interface. You don't get them automatically.
  5. Sorry but I so doubt this. I'm actually more worried about even more bugs being introduced, plus an extra class for pvp to fall into madness with because more balance issues. Seriously, I may be a small minority, but I believe a new class was something this game didn't need, even though there may be many interesting ideas for classes out there that would fit. But the current state of the game, I feel needs a lot more tweaking before venturing into extra content. Then again, bug fixes aren't known for generating lots of revenue in the short run. And this game sadly also needs that.
  6. I thought people gave up on in-game chats long ago and were sticking to Discord groups or something.
  7. I have no personal problem either. It's just the whole "people in power" thing felt a bit over board considering the topic. But I'll try to answer that part as well. I don't feel that people are holding information about rotations and dungeon tactics for their own. Quite the contrary I think. Just to grab 5 minutes of fame or to genuinely help others, many rush to post their findings. Usually the first attempts need corrections, which come later from more tested input. But in the end, what we get is a lot of player generated information aimed at helping other players who either started to play later, or those who can't really find it by themselves. This generated this culture that believes all info is out there for the grabbing, and gives no excuses to later players for not seeking it out. So in the name of efficiency and fast runs, discovery of a game's mechanics and character perks by oneself are not too popular in multi player games. There's also the part about being multiplayer and affecting more than you if you fail due to not knowing something others already know.
  8. Well it wouldn't be a bad thing, and since this was a costume given for free, nobody loses money.
  9. About to log. But I was playing a few hours before and everything seemed fine.
  10. I'm using MoW only for the extra unity gem box it sometimes sells, and the rare occasion it sells old event outfits.
  11. As I said, it's called rng, but it favors indeed certain results. The uncertainty lies in the fact that it can yield it's best prizes quickly to some people, while others will be left with no prize at all after many tries. In the case of these, the random number generator is still tied to a set chance per number and favors the results with the cheapest or no rewards. The same system is used on loot gamble boxes when they check on what to give you as you open them. Every prize has a chance associated with it, with the better stuff always having the smallest chances. The wheels of fate have a pie texture with some bigger sections than others. The biggest parts of this pie represent the worst prizes or no prize at all, with the smaller pieces of the pie representing the best most desirable prizes. People still refer to it all as rng, even if the chance of one result is lower than the chance of some other thing. So in essence, it's not real, or at least not equal rng.
  12. If it's working in training but not in actual combat, there may be a bug or error. First. make sure you are not running in simple mode. Second, do a file check on your client. Third, check how much ping you have while in training, then how much you have when in regular combat. These are mostly generic blind shot advice bits, but against the unknown, try the known stuff first.
  13. If I remember correctly, there was another topic about this, with some users disliking it so much that they unequip their weapons when going idle. Being able to toggle this on and off (and the same goes for premium windwalk effects) could be a nice detail to have.
  14. This was a 2016 thread. The rng is these has always been very bad. Some people can get what they want in a few spins. Some people have been spinning since 2016 and still not get anything worth. That's how rng works. It's uncertain because it's random. Add that NC refuses or doesn't care about posting actual chances, though some people believe the chance to get the coveted item is usually at 0.5% or even 0.1%.
  15. You can actually check your ping. While in combat, ping shows up as a tiny number around the top right of the screen. The lower this number is, the better. Good ping is usually 100ms and less, while bad ping is somewhere over 170ms. Loading faster into dungeons just means you have a faster drive and processor that speeds up loading times. People with high performance CPUs and SSDs tend to load fast. Now, while that helps, ping is mostly noticed when in combat. How often you can attack per second, and if you can pull animation cancels quickly. As in, a person with good ping can attack more often in a given time frame than someone with bad ping.
  16. @Astarae Aren't you exploding this a wee bit too much? It's kind of blowing out of proportion. Anyway still. As I said and as I will say again, I'm keeping my opinion because regardless of your points, I can't agree with yours. It's as simple as that. This doesn't make us enemies. Just two people who like and play the same game but view the meaning of 'basic stuff' in different ways. You want more info while I feel better with a bit less. So as I said before, I don't see flaw in any of these views.
  17. The event reward is given by the daily. Not by the dynamic. I'd need to run the thing again tomorrow and check where the exp is given, because that would be the only thing (and a pink HP pot) that you get from this dungeon other than access to the daily.
  18. @Astarae I understand it a bit better. But as people have different opinions, you have yours and I have mine. So while I may not share with you on a game telling it's players what's the best rotation for their class, I totally respect your view on it. I simply feel that a rotation should be something that comes from player research and not given by the game itself, because as I said before, part of the fun in a game like this is to discover things both in the field and within the character. But again, it's just how I see things. Nothing wrong with your way nor with mine.
  19. I can buy things but search doesn't work. You basically have to look for things by going through the pages one by one. It's extremely tedious in some cases.
  20. That won't do it. Additional classes are added to the more profitable races, so saying how much one person would like a gon gunner or a yun archer won't be worth against the huge mass of people over in the East that would like a lyn of whatever class right now... Heck, a lyn kfm would have better chance of being made than a gon gunner. So really. The problem is not how much we want it, but how many DO want it...
  21. Yeah, I agree it's getting ridiculous. I understand the love for lyn in the East, but Yun, the one elf looking race, not having the one class everyone associates with elves? Anyway.... Same happened with Gon gunner, and here we are still waiting for that...
  22. This isn't really part of the thread and I didn't really understand everything you said, but let me clear something out. I have a simple mode fire FM that I use to farm low tier dailies, so I have my share of experience with it. Not much expertise but enough to at least answer some things. So, do you know you can access all FM frost mode skills while using simple mode? In fact, of the classes I have played, I have been able to manually access nearly all skills the regular way with simple mode on. And while several classes do lower dps with it on, I don't know of any case of it interfering in any other aspects of the gameplay, like defense or utility skills being negated or whatever. Simple mode replaces what's on your RMB with a set of skills, which also usually includes what was initially alone in that button. It doesn't touch anything else on your configuration. The only variant case is with FM and it's difference from other classes is a single key. In the case of FM, since RMB becomes simple mode's skill set, [F] key is modified into a frost switch that remains always available to use until something else occupies the [F] prompt, like a KD recovery or some other special action, then it goes back to being a frost switch. So by pressing F in simple mode, you switch to frost in the same way you do with RMB in normal mode. So a simple mode FM has no excuse to not use any frost skills like bubble and sheath when required. Also, FM's simple mode automatically switches between both modes because it's "rotation" uses the basic fire and ice palm attacks, so you don't even need to press [F] if you release RMB when at frost stance. Now to bring this into this thread and make it more on track with it, the cool thing about simple mode and skills in general is that (regardless of the one or two wrong descriptions) the devs made it or tried to make it so you don't need to seek outside help to know what it all does. While on the topic of the thread, gem crafting doesn't completely explain what it's full result would be. And this is the difference I'm pointing out. As for the part about the game teaching you rotations? I'd still say that no to that, at least in my opinion. Learning some things that the game doesn't intentionally teach you is a big part of gaming as a form of entertainment. To make the player involve himself/herself into the game's details by practicing and using either trial and error or seeking help from others who have already passed that part of the game experience has been an old and important part of what gaming is. So the game should just limit itself to tell you what each part does, explain it well, and let players connect the dots by themselves. So in short, not teaching you a correct rotation should be an intended omission, but not telling you the full result of your crafting effort shouldn't be allowed.
  23. I feel I understand OP's point. I know others do but whatever. For OP, the game itself should contain the basic info. I mean, BASIC info. The game shouldn't tell you how to work a rotation or best places to farm, but when one brings up a craft guild menu and only sees something like [Diamond] [%] [Diamond] [%] ...and no other info about it, I believe that this is basic info people shouldn't need to look for outside of the game. Yes, sure, on lack of in-game info, one is forced to look outside. But should that be the norm? Should we let this slip and toss it into the same wagon as the whole "know a dungeon like the back of your hand before setting foot in it for the very first time" thing? I mean, again, OP is not asking how to best deal with the mechs on 'X' dungeon, nor how to better dps on his class. Those are things the game shouldn't tell about as they are supposed to be personal findings. OP just needed to know what the heck the game was displaying without needing to use a search engine or ask someone else for it, because you shouldn't need to fire up a search engine or ask others for every bit of info about this or that. It makes a game tedious and not fun. So, I do feel this kind of info should already be in the game. Sadly it's not, and we get to this thread as a result. tl:dr: There are things one should either find oneself or ask others/search about. But there are other things I and maybe one or two players out there feel the game itself should tell up front. Anyway, this is my opinion. We all know the current "workaround" to this is to search, and many posters have already said it so I don't need to say it myself. But I feel some may be missing the point that this is a request to have info added to the game for the reasons I mentioned. EDIT: Let me add, I also agree that if OP didn't have all the info he needed, he should have stopped before doing the craft and until he had all the info he needed. The wise does not test the depth of the river with both feet, after all. But that's a different part of this thread and not the thing I'm focusing on.
  24. Free (or nearly free) weapon skin change is one of the things they shoved into premium membership. Now, it's not such a big thing unless you swap weapons constantly. Yes it kind of prevents f2ps from swapping appearances while leveling up because the cost is too steep for those levels. But later in the game when people have access to more gold and a stable weapon, it stops being an issue. Now, I DO agree we could do without this cost at all (I also agree we don't need weapon breaking and repair as it's also an outdated thing). But not sure how many are in favor of these to prompt a change.
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