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Change difficulty Nykarri Hall of Trials


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Since last weeks patch is near impossible to do stage 6 of Trials. The amount of healing totems makes it for an avarage good geared player impossible to complete. Before the patch I was able to do multies, not I am happy to find a party that can finish one run. It is allready not everyones favorite, but now it's near impossible and frustrating to go there.

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Yes, I agree it is incredibly dumb that they added the healing totem mechanics to stages below 10 now.


But this will lead to overall better players since they will have to adapt and learn in order to be able to do the content.



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Whenever I play bns I see things that discourage players in this game, they always end up complicating the game instead of making it simpler and more enjoyable for both new and old players, I know that doesn't complicate the mechanics too much but it does slower and ends up more than anything boring keep in mind that these one player dungeons have to be done multiple times be more considerate gentlemen of bns and I'm not just saying this because this problem is in general.


psd: the only thing they do is discourage people and that is what is most lacking in this game since every day I see less pj playing or the same old players as always..

Edited by chilegamerz
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Although healing totems are annoying, they have always been part of the mechanics. If you actually looked at some of the guides, they usually tell you to iframe/block/avoid certain attacks to not spawn healing totems. Our version of the demonsbane dungeons seem to get released with static weekly modifiers like fatigue + gravity totems until the next dungeon or two comes out. If the modifier rotation has been fixed for HoT, then after this server check, there should be a new set of modifiers and you wont see healing totems until it comes back as part of its weekly rotation.


I'm sorry, but if you're running demonsbane dungeons and can't be bothered to learn mechs at stage 5+, that's your own fault because you only see them if you failed the mechs.

Didn't go into the orb at end of phase? -> healing totem. Not enough orbs because you missed an add? then move away from the boss so the totem isn't spawned on him.

Didn't move out and away from everyone and didn't block/iframe during the 5-hit flurry attack? -> healing totem


TLDR: If the healing totems are making your runs longer, then the blame falls on your teammates/yourself for failing to do the mechs correctly.


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38 minutes ago, CookiesNmilk said:

Although healing totems are annoying, they have always been part of the mechanics. If you actually looked at some of the guides, they usually tell you to iframe/block/avoid certain attacks to not spawn healing totems. Our version of the demonsbane dungeons seem to get released with static weekly modifiers like fatigue + gravity totems until the next dungeon or two comes out. If the modifier rotation has been fixed for HoT, then after this server check, there should be a new set of modifiers and you wont see healing totems until it comes back as part of its weekly rotation.


I'm sorry, but if you're running demonsbane dungeons and can't be bothered to learn mechs at stage 5+, that's your own fault because you only see them if you failed the mechs.

Didn't go into the orb at end of phase? -> healing totem. Not enough orbs because you missed an add? then move away from the boss so the totem isn't spawned on him.

Didn't move out and away from everyone and didn't block/iframe during the 5-hit flurry attack? -> healing totem


TLDR: If the healing totems are making your runs longer, then the blame falls on your teammates/yourself for failing to do the mechs correctly.


Tho, there is at least 1 class without any blocks at all tho, who will always spawn totem during flurry.


and that is Destroyer.


Now Destroyer does have Stone shield, But that's long CD and not something you can spamm like most other classes.

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If you are one of the people doing everything correctly and you see someone that keeps spawning the totems, let them know what they're doing wrong; especially if you're doing a multi. It's a waste of time if your runs are several minutes longer because of the same person/people. Most of the time they probably never read a guide and didn't know and just needed someone to point it out to them. I'm one of the few people that actually look at the guides before I run a new dungeon and I've probably explained mechs to random party members more than a dozen times for each new dungeon that comes out. Most of the time they're thankful and learn to correct themselves after one or two runs. I've only had one instance where the person refused to do it correctly, so the party decided to disband and look for a replacement.


11 minutes ago, Uldrum said:

Tho, there is at least 1 class without any blocks at all tho, who will always spawn totem during flurry.


and that is Destroyer.


Now Destroyer does have Stone shield, But that's long CD and not something you can spamm like most other classes.


I'm not too familiar with des block/parry/iframe skills, but the flurry attack goes from closest to furthest so there's many ways to avoid spawning the totem on top of the boss even without blocking. Everyone except the tank should be spreading out towards the wall even before the prompt, so the boss should not be landing on top of a healing totem when it jumps on the tank for his final hit unless someone decides to keep attacking and follow the boss around. Even if a destroyer (or any class) mistimes their iframe and gets petrified, the totem will spawn near the wall and no where near the boss. If your tank is a destroyer, the timing is even easier for iframes and blocks since first and last hit will be to the destroyer if everyone is moving away like they're supposed to. There should be no excuses for spawning a totem on the boss and healing the boss during this phase. I've seen people continuing to stay in the middle and no-brain dps the boss during flurry and those are the people that usually complain about the healing totems cause they don't know what they're doing wrong.


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And where do you get those guides? perhaps in blade and soul, there is some wikipedia of the official game to know all this information, so according to what I know all that information is created by the same players or fans of the game, I also do game guides in Spanish but I don't always find the guides, this should be an obligation for bns to give these guides and not have to waste the time of the bns community learning and guessing, as I have seen bns korea if they have the guides in the same game and I remember before when they streamed on youtube They also explained something about the mechanics, even though it wasn't much, it helped a lot to start.

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