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Can't sign into my main character [Merged]


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We've identified a possible issue preventing players to login to some or all of their characters. We're going to try to fix the issue by performing an emergency maintenance at 1:30pm PDT/22:30 CEST /20:30 UTC, and expected to run for approximately 2 hours and 30 minutes. The Blade & Soul servers will not be available during that maintenance. We're sorry about the inconvenience caused.

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2 minutes ago, luzt said:

@Green StormI do be curious about what the issue was in the end.

Mind sharing it ?


Our teams are focused on resolving the situation and it's impossible to give you a clear picture at this point in time.


I anticipate that some of the details may be confidential, so I'm not sure if I'll be able to say more.

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6 minutes ago, Green Storm said:

We've identified a possible issue preventing players to login to some or all of their characters. We're going to try to fix the issue by performing an emergency maintenance at 1:30pm PDT/22:30 CEST /20:30 UTC, and expected to run for approximately 2 hours and 30 minutes. The Blade & Soul servers will not be available during that maintenance. We're sorry about the inconvenience caused.

I guess in the end you will keep us informed about what the actual problem was? You know, because of transparency?
And we also would be interested in, why downtimes have always to be so long?

I think there are quiete some ppl here that work in IT or Development that know that stuff like that also can go faster.
Doesn't take several hours to migrate data entries in a database.


Thank  you for your efforts.

Edited by Hated
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The Blade & Soul servers are back online.


You can grab a Compensation Bundle in the Hongmooon Store (1 per account) with:
2 Special Hongmoon XP Charm
x1 Sterling Reputation Charm
x10 Honing Oil
x3 Koldrak Scale
x1 Deluxe Daily Challenge Reward Chest
x1 Skystealer Crystal Pouch

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1 hour ago, Green Storm said:

2 Special Hongmoon XP Charm
x1 Sterling Reputation Charm
x10 Honing Oil
x3 Koldrak Scale
x1 Deluxe Daily Challenge Reward Chest
x1 Skystealer Crystal Pouch


People: most likely lost daily stuff.
"Compensation": here, take nothing. Again.

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3 hours ago, Green Storm said:

The Blade & Soul servers are back online.


You can grab a Compensation Bundle in the Hongmooon Store (1 per account) with:
2 Special Hongmoon XP Charm
x1 Sterling Reputation Charm
x10 Honing Oil
x3 Koldrak Scale
x1 Deluxe Daily Challenge Reward Chest
x1 Skystealer Crystal Pouch



Despite being inadequate, that "compensation" is, SOMEHOW, even worse than the "compensation" given in the past:



On 7/15/2021 at 11:40 PM, Hime said:


The second bundle called the Login Compensation Bundle is now available in the Hongmoon Store for 0 HMC. The bundle includes:

  • x1 Kaebi Village Ticket
  • x10 Enchanted Ticket
  • x1 Daily Challenge Reward Chest
  • x1 Deluxe Daily Challenge Reward Chest
  • x2 Daily Challenge Treasure Chest
  • x3 Small Honing Oil Chest
  • x1 Sparkling Ascension Stone Chest
  • x3 Unity Token



Comparing the 2 "compensations" for the same issue:

  • Past: Daily event tokens
    Present: Nothing
    If you lost the chance to do the daily event in EU, tough luck.
  • Past: No XP
    Present: x2 Special Hongmoon XP Charm
    This is a meh difference
  • Past: x3 Small Honing Oil Chest = 30 Honing Oil
    Present: x10 Honing Oil
    A reduction of ~66.67%
  • Past: Nothing
    Present: x1 Sterling Reputation Charm
    Again, a meh difference
  • Past and Present: Deluxe Daily Challenge Reward Chest
  • Past: x1 Daily Challenge Reward Chest and x2 Daily Challenge Treasure Chest
    Present: x1 Skystealer Crystal Pouch
    Despite of Demonsbane content not existing, the past rewards are actually better, as the Skystealer Crystal Pouch contains character-locked materials for Skystealer gear, while the past offering had a lot more materials which include tradeable materials. A serious downgrade but a slightly more useful one. Slightly...
  • Past: x3 Unity Token
    Present: x3 Koldrak Scale
    This is an improvement compared with the past


However, there is still, again, a missing important point: PREMIUM!

People paid REAL MONEY to get premium, and they lost 1 day of it because if your (the Company) mistake.

And those players aren't compensated for it.


If I had to guess, I would assume that this is illegal.

Premium players should be compensated with extra premium.



In the end, worse "compensation" and lacking where it matters the most.


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21 minutes ago, Cupidstar said:

If I had to guess, I would assume that this is illegal.

Premium players should be compensated with extra premium.

It's not, or NCSoft would have been sued into annihilation by now. Though it should be required to compensate customers when something the company is the one that made the error. I feel bad for EU players like yourself because not only does maint time absolutely suck for you, the emergency maint probably doomed you doing much today.

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2 minutes ago, DenialOfTruth said:

I feel bad for EU players like yourself because not only does maint time absolutely suck for you, the emergency maint probably doomed you doing much today.


Luckily, I'm in the GMT timezone, currently UTC+01:00.


The majority of players are in GMT+01:00, GMT+02:00 or even later, which means that they did miss EVERYTHING.


I managed to do almost everything, and then just finished up the Demonsbane content by myself.


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8 hours ago, Cupidstar said:
  • Past: x3 Unity Token
    Present: x3 Koldrak Scale
    This is an improvement compared with the past

How are 3 useless scales an improvement compared to a 7.5% of a vial or 15% of a pet pack? Are you joking? Not to mention that current "events" offer NO vials or packs at all (for 4 weeks).

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7 hours ago, Walex said:

How are 3 useless scales an improvement compared to a 7.5% of a vial or 15% of a pet pack? Are you joking? Not to mention that current "events" offer NO vials or packs at all (for 4 weeks).


First of all, the Dropscotch event gave you 2 pet packs and 2 vials.

That was 2 days ago.




The "3 useless scales" can be used to buy a Triangle Gilded Garnet and soulshield psyches (if you like them).

The Unity Tokens help you to buy generic psyches for gear, a vial or a pet pack.

However, you have to spend Honing Oils, which makes it a worse deal since you can make 2 Spectral Stones (or whatever they are called) and get some gold back.

The 50 gold you get from there is EXTREMELY useful.


If you want to talk about percentages towards those items, remember that the last "compensation" gave you 3x the Honing Oils.


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3 hours ago, Cupidstar said:

First of all, the Dropscotch event gave you 2 pet packs and 2 vials.

That was 2 days ago.

They are referring to the fact that no currently running event offers those two vials and pet packs. A prior event with still available rewards does not count and means that we are getting 2 less of those items per week currently, seemingly for no clear reason.

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2 hours ago, DenialOfTruth said:

They are referring to the fact that no currently running event offers those two vials and pet packs. A prior event with still available rewards does not count and means that we are getting 2 less of those items per week currently, seemingly for no clear reason.


And how is that related with what I said or this post?


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9 minutes ago, Walex said:

Guess this is ignored as well...

Even if he did respond odds are it would be a 'blah blah blah can't explain it because i said so'. Best theory I got is some older item our mains would have caused a issue, but it also has to be something our alts didn't have...

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