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Low gold income on EU/NA Server


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Don't even get me started on lack of pity system and downgrading weapon/soul/heart/pet/talisman for literal years, until finally reaching the holy +11. Imagine paying a ton of gold to REDUCE your stats in an economy where it takes forever to afford to gamble it even once.

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Insignias pages...


You need:

  1. PVE - General dungeons
  2. PVP - If you care about it
  3. Aerodrome
  4. Substratum
  5. Sanctum of the Masters
  6. Chaos Supply Chain


That is 5-6 pages!

Each page costs a kidney!


Costs per page:

  1. Free - Thank God!
  2. 200 gold, 40 Soulstone, 10 Moonstone, 40 Sacred Orb, 10 Elysian Orb
  3. 400 gold, 80 Soulstone, 20 Moonstone, 80 Sacred Orb, 20 Elysian Orb
  4. 800 gold, 160 Soulstone, 40 Moonstone, 160 Sacred Orb, 40 Elysian Orb
  5. 1600 gold, 320 Soulstone, 80 Moonstone, 320 Sacred Orb, 80 Elysian Orb
  6. 3200 gold, 640 Soulstone, 160 Moonstone, 640 Sacred Orb, 160 Elysian Orb
    extrapolated with base on previous trend


How can such a thing cost so much???


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On 4/1/2022 at 9:09 PM, Cupidstar said:


I disagree with a lot of things, but you even listed pvp as insignia page which is dead on every server of NCWest.

Aerodrome and Substratum will be gone from mythical dungeons as well soon and during that time I often just use my PvE page for sub anyways (except for exchanging 3-4 power throughs with trickery on b2, don't really mind clicking 6 times).

If you farm enough to even need a specific page for poh you should have enough gem powder or whatever to open it as well, I have now 8 tiger tamer runes after > 1k runs and got 160 gem boxes and 140 pet gem boxes. In case you think Devastation is better for grab burst runs: we tested it and power through was still better in our case.

And it's only a 1 time cost, that's fully fine in my opinion. Same about your complaint with upgrading gear, you have to pay 4k total to upgrade all to a new stage, most step upgrades were like 200g anyways, gear should not be for free imo. And if you're only getting 1k gold a week you're doing something wrong or don't sell anything at all (alone sell raids are 4-5k each per week and farming csc is so much gold as well if you sell your drops).

I also disagree on the Ethereal Vial point. I in my opinion really like to not just rush to max max gear instantly since then the game will get instantly boring again until we get new content once again. The game should have a long term grindable goal, which is for me at least max unity stones. I'm just doing 1 stone every 2-3 weeks to awk mythical and I'm already > 50% done. I just go to SSP to farm the Warring Faction Tokens every once in a while. I gave up on mythical accessories after spending 1.4m gold there (and am not even max lol). They are the main problem. So it's 7.5k gold per week for me to get 1 awk mythical unity stone, that's fine (especially poh is like 1.5k gold/hour, so 5 hours a week for poh is enough to slowly progress).

Btw your comment about Master's Mysterious Radiance Stone Chests:
They give you twice the refinement points for upgrading, so they are okay to cost a bit more, it has the same refinement points as the normal legendary unity stones iirc.

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1 hour ago, FriendlyFox said:

And if you're only getting 1k gold a week you're doing something wrong or don't sell anything at all (alone sell raids are 4-5k each per week and farming csc is so much gold as well if you sell your drops).



Here's why this won't work:

  1. Raids are dead content.
  2. Nobody buys raids.
  3. There's a reason I'm complaining everything costs too much: so I can finally afford to upgrade.
    It means I'm broke.

Also, 4k won't do a dent to gear enough to be able to think about selling raids.




1 hour ago, FriendlyFox said:

I also disagree on the Ethereal Vial point. I in my opinion really like to not just rush to max max gear instantly since then the game will get instantly boring again until we get new content once again. The game should have a long term grindable goal, which is for me at least max unity stones.


I agree. This is a F2P game afterall, and there has to be *something* to sink the gold into.


However, Ethereal Vials are unobtainium at my gear level, unless I buy them.

Buying them is cost prohibitive.

(Remember point 2 and 3!)




1 hour ago, FriendlyFox said:

Btw your comment about Master's Mysterious Radiance Stone Chests:
They give you twice the refinement points for upgrading, so they are okay to cost a bit more, it has the same refinement points as the normal legendary unity stones iirc.



I didn't notice a difference between then, but I will check it and come back with results.


And if they give twice the refinement points, why do they cost 5x more?




1 hour ago, FriendlyFox said:

Aerodrome and Substratum will be gone from mythical dungeons as well soon


Can you link the patch notes that say when they will be removed?


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8 hours ago, Cupidstar said:

Can you link the patch notes that say when they will be removed?

They were removed from Demonsbane during a KR update that revamped some older dungeons to be relevant again. This means that eventually (possibly next month since we're likely to get the Celestial Basin revamp first according to Alice KR) they will be turned into 'normal' dungeons. Most of the loot will be split up amongst the other F8 dungeons.


There has not been a time we have not gotten a major dungeon change from KR so this will happen regardless of NCWest's postings.

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8 minutes ago, DenialOfTruth said:

They were removed from Demonsbane during a KR update that revamped some older dungeons to be relevant again. This means that eventually (possibly next month since we're likely to get the Celestial Basin revamp first according to Alice KR) they will be turned into 'normal' dungeons. Most of the loot will be split up amongst the other F8 dungeons.


There has not been a time we have not gotten a major dungeon change from KR so this will happen regardless of NCWest's postings.


Aka: assumptions.


Alice KR is nothing but guesses. A relay of what happens in KR.


Doesn't mean that that's what we get.


If it was, this link:



Wouldn't have a fraction of what's there.

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1 minute ago, Cupidstar said:

Alice KR is nothing but guesses. A relay of what happens in KR.


'Guesses' that have been virtually always correct. They are a reliable source of info of features we will get. Do you seriously believe that if a major dungeon change happens in KR we will not eventually get it?


In addition, a lot of info of what's coming in the near future actually comes from RU, where the staff for that region actually communicate with their players and have frequent streams, which players have been translating for our benefit. Our patches besides language have been for over two years now (and that's as far back as I was willing to look) 1:1 to theirs, further solidifying what we will get.

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2 minutes ago, Cupidstar said:


Where's Kaebi village?

Where's mounts?

Alice KR never stated we were getting Kaebi Village (and never will, it was removed from KR recently). Mounts are PURELY a CN thing and never reached KR, so they are not relevant.


Those also aren't major dungeon changes. Would you like to try again?

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1 minute ago, DenialOfTruth said:

Would you like to try again?


Where are the bug fixes that KR gets?


I'm 200% sure we get the most janky broken client they have, just slapped together with duct tape.

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Just now, Cupidstar said:


Where are the bug fixes that KR gets?

Most of the bugs are a result of KR forgetting we don't have X thing (they have less stages on their Heart and Soul for example, that's why Soul Boost didn't have enough of those stones), or forgetting we do have Y thing instead. They weren't bugs in those regions for that exact reason. Again, we are talking purely dungeons here. Why do you believe we would not get a major dungeon change? You are sidestepping the question completely.

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2 minutes ago, DenialOfTruth said:

You are sidestepping the question completely.


I'm not saying we won't get it.


I'm just saying that I don't trust anything from Alice KR, and saying why.


Also, doesn't KR get tons of gold compared to us, while we get gold reduction on "old" dungeons?

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12 minutes ago, Cupidstar said:


I'm not saying we won't get it.


I'm just saying that I don't trust anything from Alice KR, and saying why.


Also, doesn't KR get tons of gold compared to us, while we get gold reduction on "old" dungeons?

Even though their info has been largely accurate? Who knows why we get gold nerfs, that has never been explained, but do keep in mind KR has massive RNG (the one thing I'm glad we don't have as bad as them) which may explain the difference. At this point it's easier to count the things we don't have from KR.


Once Alice Kr gets info from RU it's basically certain we'll get it...at this time I will admit we do not have that absolute. All we know right now is Celestial Basin revamp is next, as RU gets info about a week in advance for...some reason.

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2 minutes ago, DenialOfTruth said:

Who knows why we get gold nerfs, that has never been explained, but do keep in mind KR has massive RNG


Yes, they do have massive RNG.

But we have massive gold sinks, compared to the miserable amount of gold we get.

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13 minutes ago, Cupidstar said:


Yes, they do have massive RNG.

But we have massive gold sinks, compared to the miserable amount of gold we get.

I think that might be another example of KR 'forgetting' what our region is like and how we're set up, honestly. The output is similar to their output but we have a fifth of the input/gold gains. New content hasn't even made a scratch in that (there's a post somewhere on the forums that indicates the NA/EU vs KR gold gains, but it wasn't updated for Sanctum of the Masters and Chaos Supply Chain, but that only adds like 30g a day to our gains).

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6 minutes ago, DenialOfTruth said:

there's a post somewhere on the forums that indicates the NA/EU vs KR gold gains, but it wasn't updated for Sanctum of the Masters and Chaos Supply Chain, but that only adds like 30g a day to our gains


Click on page 1.



7 minutes ago, DenialOfTruth said:

I think that might be another example of KR 'forgetting' what our region is like and how we're set up, honestly.


Quite some convenient "forgetting" from NCSoft...


They valorize 100 gold at 5€ or 4.56€ ($5).

That means that 1000 gold is 50€.


No wonder our region has been so stingy about giving us gold...



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49 minutes ago, Cupidstar said:

They valorize 100 gold at 5€ or 4.56€ ($5).

That means that 1000 gold is 50€.


No wonder our region has been so stingy about giving us gold...



Pretty much. You'd actually get a better deal buying gold off of F9, where the rate is 1g to 0.4ish NCoin, give or take depending on the day and gold on offer. They should just toss that Secret Safe off of F10 because it's pointless.

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On 4/4/2022 at 7:06 PM, Cupidstar said:


Aka: assumptions.


Alice KR is nothing but guesses. A relay of what happens in KR.


Doesn't mean that that's what we get.


If it was, this link:



Wouldn't have a fraction of what's there.


Which have been true for like 99% of the time.

It's no secret at this point to the majority of the playerbase: Korea foreshadows our content for years now, which we receive months later in the exact same state or in a (imo) more useless nerfed version for whatever reason. There are a few exceptions though like Kaebi Village (which is now removed from the korean version).


Good example:

- Korea got Gilded Hexagonal Gems from Poharan Gem Chests

- Our version got nerfed, we get a tier below that, same goes for the Pet Gem chests


Most people are already informed about upcoming changes to the game... the only difference here is what NCWest will adjust for our region. Sometimes, it's pretty much a copy & paste to our servers, sometimes they make (very unneeded) adjustments.


I hope for your enjoyment, that the next tier of Demonsbane accs will not include Class RNG drops on boss kill and will be adjusted for our version... because that is what Korea got now and they're at a point where they complain about their gold income (which is 5-7x the gold we get here BTW). 


I know some special people will read this... keep it in mind. This will kill your game if you don't fix the gold income issue here. The clock is ticking. 


Also please stop mentioning the chinese version of Blade & Soul, since it's operated by a totally different publisher and all it's content works totally different compared to ANY region server. Thank you. 


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@Amane You bring good points.

I have nothing to say about it.


Just hope they fix the gold income ASAP.


I got lucky and a friend gifted me A BIG CHUNK of gold, compared to now-a-day's earnings.


But still, if I use it all, it evaporates in no time at all.

Specially when trying to get my existing gear from +6/+7 to +8, for the extra (Boss?) Attack Power and Critical Damage.


Hope the next update bumps up the gold we get, or lowers the cost of things.

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Agreed with the prior two posts. Our income rate needs some work...even doubling it wouldn't COMPLETELY help but it would be a start. To throw some real numbers into things...as is, if I did a full train of all dungeons in F8, I would get 169g a day if not premium (220g if premium). This is not even one upgrade attempt that is liable to fail past +5 on Skystealer accessories. To make an attempt I'd have to run two characters though the train. Solo content bumps this up another 40g (52g) a day, which still isn't quite enough for an attempt but closer.


I can see why there is reluctance to do so though...too much gold can disrupt the economy just as much as too little. If NCSoft does make tweaks I would honestly favor a gradual increase over time to gauge the effect on the in game economy. A 1.1x increase to all gold rewards would be a good point to try.

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On 4/4/2022 at 7:57 AM, FriendlyFox said:

Btw your comment about Master's Mysterious Radiance Stone Chests:
They give you twice the refinement points for upgrading, so they are okay to cost a bit more, it has the same refinement points as the normal legendary unity stones iirc.


I just confirmed - There is no difference between them...


Screenshot of the chat log, after opening a box:




Screenshot of a random one I had:




In conclusion: 15 gold to open this box is too much, specially when I get the same from other boxes for far less...


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28 minutes ago, Cupidstar said:


I just confirmed - There is no difference between them...


yeah use the refinement stones not the normal ones you get out of there...



compared to the normal one



twice the refinement points...

and with just 1 of those refinement points is not just purple + legendary chance but this:


You're the kind of person who opens 1 box and judges based on that content, honestly I'm tired of that. You legit post 3x more often in every thread compared to every other person in this forum, this doesn't give you any more "credibility"...
In this thread with 95 posts you are legit every 4th post and most of the stuff you wrote wasn't even true (f.e. selling Pet Pods for 300g in EU while the prices even dipped below 200g...)
On the first page you defend ignoring 15g crafting costs while calculating "profits" from crafting Pet Pods and on the last page you cry about 15g opening a box which actually gives you better stuff than the 3g box.

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7 minutes ago, FriendlyFox said:

yeah use the refinement stones not the normal ones you get out of there...


You didn't say anything about this in your message.


Again, they are still too expensive.




8 minutes ago, FriendlyFox said:

You're the kind of person who opens 1 box and judges based on that content


I judge the box based on what it says it contains, to make sure it is worthy to open or not.




9 minutes ago, FriendlyFox said:

You legit post 3x more often in every thread compared to every other person in this forum, this doesn't give you any more "credibility"...


Ah, I see. Misdirection! Doesn't work on me. I'm not trying to get "credibility"...




10 minutes ago, FriendlyFox said:

selling Pet Pods for 300g in EU while the prices even dipped below 200g


Prices change over time ................



11 minutes ago, FriendlyFox said:

On the first page you defend ignoring 15g crafting costs while calculating "profits" from crafting Pet Pods


How much profit do I get from selling my Radiance Stone in F5? That's right, you can't sell them!



12 minutes ago, FriendlyFox said:

you cry about 15g opening a box which actually gives you better stuff than the 3g box.



It isn't worth 15 gold. 6 gold is a better price to open them.


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39 minutes ago, Cupidstar said:

Prices change over time ................

I legit posted screenshots of f5 30 minutes after your post from both EU and NA, they weren't selling for 300g for more than a year already. It most definitely didn't change by 100g average (and would mysteriously bug the sale charts from f5 as well) 30 minutes after your post.


40 minutes ago, Cupidstar said:

How much profit do I get from selling my Radiance Stone in F5? That's right, you can't sell them!

to the "gold problem" you simply told mesmer to craft pet pods, how it'd give you 300g profit for each, ignoring all crafting costs and while mesmer was specifically talking about generated gold, not traded/bought gold.


41 minutes ago, Cupidstar said:

It isn't worth 15 gold. 6 gold is a better price to open them.

that's your opinion, an 8% chance for awk legendary stone (and 92% for a legendary one) is in my opinion better than a 92% chance for a legendary one (with 8% for a purple). Legendary unity stones are now more of a by product instead of the goal to craft.
You simply use the refinement stones to craft your awk stones relatively easy. Even alts get 4.4k Unity relatively quick just by doing sanctum daily.

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  • 3 weeks later...

At the end of March, I mentioned that the Blade & Soul team was actively working on improving the gold income for a variety of players. We started with a few changes that were easy for us to implement in March and April:

  • We added gold to the Demonsbane ranking rewards.
  • We modified two events:
    • The Soul Arena event got additional gold in ranking rewards for the top players.
    • The Battle Pass and Master Pass both included gold for everyone participating.

These are first steps, and we want to keep adapting the next changes based on how effective the current ones are. Behind the scenes, the teams are looking at providing more avenues for players to get gold from both existing content and also content that we’ll release in the future. Some of this work takes longer and you will not see it for a while.


Today, we can already tell you that you will see a new bundle available for a limited time at the end of this week, and we’re excited to confirm that you’ll be able to go back to Kaebi Village soon! More details coming shortly.


Please keep sending your feedback in this forum thread about what you think works, what doesn’t, and suggestions that would improve gold acquisition with the way you play the game.

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