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300 TC Runs


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Hello, im really disapointed because i did 300 TC runs, i bought only the earings cause i didnt had enough scales to upgrade it to level 10. Then UE 4 is live, and i can't buy my bracelet and ring anymore. I wasted lot of time to got these 300 runs and i should have been able to got them. 

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Yeah , we made already a post about that. Basically for everyone who either still needed a chest after having done the 300 runs, or was close to getting the 300 runs got their work invalidated. Would be really nice to get a reaction from someone , if this was intended or by accident @Hime .



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The new dungeon system is very frustrating. 


Great: People being able to farm whatever they want


Not so great:

- bad loot and the gold income is now gone. bns economy works like this = your nerf our income but dont give the possibility to lower any prices, mats, oild, pet pods etc. just keep rising. 


- no motivation to farm new accs as you just don't know when you will be able to get them. before there was a goal that you could reach where you knew 100% if you reach it you get it. now with this new system you can basically farm 1k runs and if you are unlucky you still wont have it


you can keep the new system as again it is great in a way however implement some of the old system so we know that our work will pay out at least



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2 hours ago, Hime said:

We received confirmation that a Thornwind Accessory Chest will available on Junsorei on Wednesday. It is limit 2 per character for 1000g and 10 Shimmering Scales.

do we need achievement runs to obtain the chest or can we buy it straight from the vender without achievements?

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5 hours ago, Hime said:

We received confirmation that a Thornwind Accessory Chest will available on Junsorei on Wednesday. It is limit 2 per character for 1000g and 10 Shimmering Scales.

Thank you, but why limit it to 2 per character? There are 5 accessories in that 😞 Maybe put an other chest to the npc which requires forest of echoes achivement.

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8 minutes ago, Kicsiduda said:

Thank you, but why limit it to 2 per character? There are 5 accessories in that 😞 Maybe put an other chest to the npc which requires forest of echoes achivement.

I dont think that they will put the Chest with the newest accs in Junsorei it will be the old chest before ue3 probably 

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4 hours ago, ShiroArcher said:

I dont think that they will put the Chest with the newest accs in Junsorei it will be the old chest before ue3 probably 


The old chest still had three accs in it though. I am just missing two of the Uzume accs, so this is great news for me; granted I won't be able to awaken anything with this chest, but at least I will get still something out of my 300 runs, and can farm the new chest for the new accs & to awaken everything. However it feels somewhat... arbitrary, that the old Uzume chest comes with a 2 item limit. Perhaps on account of how easily you can get 300 runs on easy mode now? In which case it's a shame NcWest can't tinker with the achievements (I assume); a 300 normal run achievement should allow us to buy the old Uzume chests as often as we need, in my own personal opinion.

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11 hours ago, Hime said:

We received confirmation that a Thornwind Accessory Chest will available on Junsorei on Wednesday. It is limit 2 per character for 1000g and 10 Shimmering Scales.


Why 2 when you need 3 accessories from the dungeon? It kind of makes no sense at all...You expect people to grind silly till they get a drop for that one last accessory despite them having 300 runs?

I did 378 runs and never saw the chest with accessory drop...

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I am one of these people who pref to grind and then buy the accs via hard work and cores instead.


with this new system we are forced to depend on our luck and still have to bid against other ppl when we need to invest the gold somewhere else while the new system also nerfed our gold income 🙂

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13 hours ago, Hime said:

We received confirmation that a Thornwind Accessory Chest will available on Junsorei on Wednesday. It is limit 2 per character for 1000g and 10 Shimmering Scales.

@Hime why is the chest only limited to 2 per char? it gives ring, earring, bracelet. So in order to get all the accessory from Thornwind you need 3 chest in total at least, and if you want to fully awaken ring and earring you need 9 chest in total, so 2 per char limit makes no sense.


Also, if you are putting Thornwind chest to dragon trader why there is no chest for ascended gloves and ascended belt in dragon trader? So many upgrade rely on luck in the game and in the past accessories were one of the few things you can get for sure after a certain amount of grinding, but now only way to get 3 out of the 5 last tier accessories is to drop them from a boss by luck and win the bid over them again by luck. We were able to buy all the accessories we wanted with cores or scales until now as many as we wanted for pve gear, pvp gear and for compound. I really hope you reconsider 2 per char limit and consider putting ascended glove and belt to dragon trader too.

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it makes sense thou, if you want all 3 acc you will need to do the dungeon mode the chest would drop at.

I like the fact those can drop in any dungeon in that mode and not just that dungeons accessories but the accessories that are at same tier


I only want 1 acc from TC, the rest I can wait until new acc are added to game

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