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Everything posted by Meowz

  1. this. I am one of these people who pref to grind and then buy the accs via hard work and cores instead. with this new system we are forced to depend on our luck and still have to bid against other ppl when we need to invest the gold somewhere else while the new system also nerfed our gold income 🙂
  2. +1 The new dungeon system is very frustrating. Great: People being able to farm whatever they want Not so great: - bad loot and the gold income is now gone. bns economy works like this = your nerf our income but dont give the possibility to lower any prices, mats, oild, pet pods etc. just keep rising. - no motivation to farm new accs as you just don't know when you will be able to get them. before there was a goal that you could reach where you knew 100% if you reach it you get it. now with this new system you can basically farm 1k runs and if you are unlucky you still wont have it you can keep the new system as again it is great in a way however implement some of the old system so we know that our work will pay out at least @Hime PLEASE BRING BACK THE ACHIEV SYSTEM. THIS GAME WAS EITHER GRIND OR CASH BUT THIS CURRENT SYSTEM IS CASH PURE. SOME OF US WANT TO WORK FOR IT NOT PAY FOR EVERY DAMN THING
  3. +1 The new dungeon system is very frustrating. Great: People being able to farm whatever they want Not so great: - bad loot and the gold income is now gone. bns economy works like this = your nerf our income but dont give the possibility to lower any prices, mats, oild, pet pods etc. just keep rising. - no motivation to farm new accs as you just don't know when you will be able to get them. before there was a goal that you could reach where you knew 100% if you reach it you get it. now with this new system you can basically farm 1k runs and if you are unlucky you still wont have it you can keep the new system as again it is great in a way however implement some of the old system so we know that our work will pay out at least @Hime
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