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It can be with anyone in this game

Soft Hand

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Hello everybody
I will tell you about an account issue that could affect everyone.
I bought a premium account many times, spent a lot of time playing the game every day, play fair, and the character has about 3k AP. At the moment I have over 300 days of premium account.
After preventive maintenance on June 16, I was unable to log into my account, when I tried to log into my account, I received the error "Account has been locked due to suspicious activity." I have not received any email notifications or information about what happened to my account.
I have created tickets to support this game and have also submitted a report of these issues to the email address provided. Appeal@ncsoft.com.
A few days later, I received a response from the game's support team, they told me that they would not provide assistance. The reason for the blocking and the period for which I was blocked were not told to me, although I repeatedly asked these questions.
The employee who figured out this situation did not read my messages, I thought that I was communicating with a bot. The messages were as similar as possible and ignored my questions and requests. I continue to write these messages, hoping that someone from the game support service will see my requests. Within 4 days, my requests go to one employee who closes, moves tickets, does not want to understand a specific situation and provide assistance.
At the time when I started playing in 2016-2018, the technical support was competent, responded as quickly as possible to my messages and provided all kinds of assistance in resolving any issues. After 2018, complete chaos reigns in support of the game, it is impossible to wait for help.
Until today, this did not bother me much, because there were no significant problems.
It turns out that this is IP blocking, which I understand is common and is granted automatically if you have a dynamic IP address or logged in from a friend's computer, even worse if you move to another country or use a VPN.
This problem can happen to anyone, you can lose your time and possibly your account, and you won't even be given a specific explanation for blocking your account.
If you are playing or intending to play this game, you should be aware of what can happen to your account and the money and time invested in it.

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yah sadly nsoft banning people permanently and never let them get 1 last chance 


its like this if u get 3 time report ur account get banned permanently no matter what year u get reported 


this system is really bad design 


let me explain this joke system in 1line


5year old account get 3 report in 3different years

1year old account get 3 report in 3different month 


both banned permanently and no matter what u try to appeal@nsoft they never listen to u and never reply to u or give u 1 more chance 

i saw many of my friend gone which i feel very sad


@Hime i appeal hime to try to give 1 more chance for those people who played ur game very long time  its possible people will change after coming back year 

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10 hours ago, repliergod said:

yah sadly nsoft banning people permanently and never let them get 1 last chance 

First off there has been several known people who got permanent bans but thoose got lifted pretty quickly even tho it was proven they are guilty of what they have been banned for.


its like this if u get 3 time report ur account get banned permanently no matter what year u get reported 

If that where true we wouldnt have a single cheater in this game cause i can assure you they get reported more than 3 times. Some got reported even more than 3 times per day but nothing.


this system is really bad design

Its litterly impossible to get banned in this game. There is only 1 reason i could think of that would lead in a ban which will not be lifted and thats fraud. If you pay ur stuff with stolen credit cards for example. I knew one person. No matter how many accounts he uses he will be perma banned in the matter of 1 day.


@Hime i appeal hime to try to give 1 more chance for those people who played ur game very long time  its possible people will change after coming back


There is a reason people dont get a 2nd chance after they did something ban worthy and knowing NCwest they probably only ban if something like fraud happened or if you are not a casher and used really big cheats.


In his case i am pretty sure its not cause of a changing IP-Adresse. I got banned for this too. I logged in from work and i still do for Forums. This lead them to believe someone unknown was on my account. All i had to do was provide them with the email i used to create the account and i got unbanned.

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Just as Imouto said. If the ban is purely related to just swapping IP's multiple times then just contacting support is enough to have it fixed. I had to go through the same some time ago.


If your account is blocked with "Account has been locked due to suspicious activity." it can mean several things and not just IP:

- It means you could have done a chargeback via your bank for a purchase - in which case its fraud

- It can mean there were reports of you scamming people with evidence

- It can be because you bought gold from other players

- It can be because of other types of fraud

- It can be you have been exploiting a game bug

- It can be that your account was related to a different account that was banned for reasons above.


Now, they don't just permanently ban without a valid reason and evidence. they need to have proof otherwise should a dispute go as far as legal actions, they would get screwed. That means you must have done something you were reported for / something you did that violates the ToS.

That being said, writing on the forums about it wont help you or anyone else, and bans aren't allowed to be discussed here either.

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I am not looking for help in my post, I want to warn players about possible problems.
I will describe in general terms how communication with the support service looks like now, if difficulties arise. In any situation, they will try to create problems for you, not solve them. There is an extremely low probability of getting to a good support employee who will competently provide information and solve your problem.
There are no rules and laws in the support group, since there are no levers of pressure on the support staff, they can write you whatever they want.
If you find an employee with GM, then most likely everything will be fine and you will receive information and possible help.
An employee without a GM is a useless person and wastes only your time, he will not help you in any way, and he is not interested or motivated in solving your problem.

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this game is banning people permanently i know their name and account duration time 


these player played blade and soul over 4-5 year






..many more... that why server merging long time cause player not die it got been banned all their year and money gone to waste...



got banned for using word "garbage" 100k hp pve player in pvp even blade and soul aware this kind of joke 

literally i saw those 100k hp pve player too they using verbal indonesia language to use bad word and doge from tos .


this game just like if  u wont carry their alts who afk at spawn place they report u and ban u this is call bait and ban system 

of nsoft 


if the nsoft really investigate better should better know what the pve player do afking and sending report against good pvp player 


@Hime i would like u to kind bring your justice and see urself truth in the case of what happen to inaxx case if u have visual hp footage in pvp channel their all lower then 100k hp below while inaxx only 600-700k hp in pvp 

the system itself so unbalance making 1 vs 6 match and suffer 1 player pain while other afk inbattle and try to bait with indoesian language 


I wish if this system give 1 more chance should bring the real toxic player from pvp channel out otherwise u only banning good player in pvp and letting bots win the game

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no they dont do help and never help anyone yet - so my acknowledge 

i saw countless mail send to appeal@nsoft via my frend and their mail 

but it have 0 reply all i see they all ignore message tick mark 


and nice fake account of game master fxte only 1 post in your life  this is call scam 


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7 hours ago, repliergod said:

and nice fake account of game master fxte only 1 post in your life  this is call scam 

This figurehead is very likely.

There are too many coincidences. The profile has been inactive since April 2017. And then he suddenly became active in my topic.

So I agree with you.


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Based on at least 5 real players having this problem, and how many more players hesitated to write about the problem.
As far as I understand, in this game there is no chat blocking, respectively, and there is no punishment mechanism, this is a possible problem, if I am wrong, correct it.
Recently, there is not even a reason for accusations, but there is punishment. This is called complete chaos and inaction.
There are very few players and f8 is empty, the fees are collected all over the world, so it is more convenient and the search for a group takes a lot of time
I don’t quite understand this policy, it’s probably called scaring away players.
It takes loyalty to make people want to play this game.
The game support is unaware of this.

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55 minutes ago, fkubnsviolenceteamcopyrepy said:

the reality of bns of my sister account  


they banned people for silly reason if try to use word on afk player on battleground or indugeno they afk and take screenshot while u fighting in 6vs6 

they use first wording but doge taking screenshot and removing their chat before 


"Silly" or not it is still a violation of rules and the ToS which you accept each time you login to the game. As bad as it sounds but you clearly have no one else to blame but yourself if you break rules and you get punished. Its not rocket science. If you want to act all cool and write bad words and insult others creating a toxic environment then you shouldnt be playing games. Not everyone finds those thinds acceptable and will report you for them and you get banned, its pretty simple. From what you posted your sister clearly got 2 warning bans and guess what, she didnt learn her lesson. Thats not NC's fault, its purely on her. You can throw the blame around all you want, but its you who broke the rules, NC just enforced them.

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26 minutes ago, Grimoir said:


"Silly" or not it is still a violation of rules and the ToS which you accept each time you login to the game. As bad as it sounds but you clearly have no one else to blame but yourself if you break rules and you get punished. Its not rocket science. If you want to act all cool and write bad words and insult others creating a toxic environment then you shouldnt be playing games. Not everyone finds those thinds acceptable and will report you for them and you get banned, its pretty simple. From what you posted your sister clearly got 2 warning bans and guess what, she didnt learn her lesson. Thats not NC's fault, its purely on her. You can throw the blame around all you want, but its you who broke the rules, NC just enforced them.

You understand that in this situation there should be either a temporary blocking of the chat, or permanent, but in no case, complete closure of the account. This is not quite the right decision, toxic players need a ban on the ability to write messages.

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1 hour ago, Soft Hand said:

You understand that in this situation there should be either a temporary blocking of the chat, or permanent, but in no case, complete closure of the account. This is not quite the right decision, toxic players need a ban on the ability to write messages.


It depends on the game you play. some games have chat bans, some dont. BnS doesnt. So ban was the appropriate punishment.

Either way...chat ban being present or not, that still does not excuse the use of foul language and using bad words or hate speech.

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3 hours ago, fkubnsviolenceteamcopyrepy said:

fxte is hime same account 


and imoutou master and grimor both same account 

Ahaha, you can see me in WildRift Reddit a lot..i don't use the forums here that much, nor do i post a lot anymore..also they did help me recover my account i hadn't played on for awhile, because laptop broken. BnS support has gotten worse though, but it doesn't mean they don't help at all.🤪


During the beta, the support was wayyy better and wayy more helpful. There wasn't this much complaining either..and no i'm not anyone else, i am ME. Stop your delusional guessing, my forum name before was Toxicity.



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well, just for the files, I got a total of 5 account for various reasons and got a playtime of about 5 year (yeah with 6 month break, but rather from burnout reasons). I don't use addons, I don't use XML edit, I don't afk leech, I don't bother anyone with multibox carry and I never ever had any issues with warnings or bans ingame.

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Players can be banned even without obscene speech, political or forbidden words.
In order not to get a block, do not say anything, do not move, someone may not like this either, it is better to avoid players. Do not move to another country, do not use vpn, etc.
Do not even go to the toilet and do not leave the computer at this time, perhaps they are already writing a report on you.
But there is a way out, and this is a tough clan system, you need your own people in whom you will be sure that they will not do any nasty things towards you.
As for single players, they have nothing to do here, they will be banned, since the likelihood that someone will not like you is very high.
Also note that reports can be fake, you will be deliberately provoked by a group of 3 or more people.
Of course, the support service will not be able to check under what circumstances and how the conversation went, the number of reports is important.

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39 minutes ago, Soft Hand said:

Players can be banned even without obscene speech, political or forbidden words.
In order not to get a block, do not say anything, do not move, someone may not like this either, it is better to avoid players. Do not move to another country, do not use vpn, etc.
Do not even go to the toilet and do not leave the computer at this time, perhaps they are already writing a report on you.
But there is a way out, and this is a tough clan system, you need your own people in whom you will be sure that they will not do any nasty things towards you.
As for single players, they have nothing to do here, they will be banned, since the likelihood that someone will not like you is very high.
Also note that reports can be fake, you will be deliberately provoked by a group of 3 or more people.
Of course, the support service will not be able to check under what circumstances and how the conversation went, the number of reports is important.


Ehh....if you do not break rules you will not be banned. Plain and simple. The lock due to ip changes is actually for your own protection to make sure its not someone else getting on your account if you do not have ip's whitelisted or 2FA. Or would you rather they dont block your account and you loose everything you have on it? Thats why those cases are solved simply by contacting support.


Provoked or not, its  ON YOU to follow rules and keep your cool. If you cant do that and lash out, then you make problems for yourself. A "tough clan" system will not help you here. I know plenty of clans where their own members report eachother because they do not like cheating etc and people even get kicked flat out from certain clans if they use any form of xml edits.

Following the rules is your own responibility, not anyone elses.

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1 hour ago, Grimoir said:

Ehh....if you do not break rules you will not be banned. Plain and simple. The lock due to ip changes is actually for your own protection to make sure its not someone else getting on your account if you do not have ip's whitelisted or 2FA. Or would you rather they dont block your account and you loose everything you have on it? Thats why those cases are solved simply by contacting support.


Provoked or not, its  ON YOU to follow rules and keep your cool. If you cant do that and lash out, then you make problems for yourself. A "tough clan" system will not help you here. I know plenty of clans where their own members report eachother because they do not like cheating etc and people even get kicked flat out from certain clans if they use any form of xml edits.

Following the rules is your own responibility, not anyone elses.

If you point to my case and concretize, then yes, I did nothing.
The reasons for the blocking were not specified.
We decided so, we can do nothing to help you, goodbye. The same message 5 times.
Although I asked questions about my account, for what reason. I consider this support behavior unacceptable. I have the right to know the details of my account problem.
Also, each case is individual and recommended for consideration.
As for the xml edits, this is not a solved problem, players should not look for such players, the game and its anti-cheat should cope with this task. But it hasn't been working since 2016 to this day.
If a group of players intentionally removes another player from the game, he will be blocked. Please note that such organized players may harm more players in the future. This already falls under the scam.

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9 minutes ago, Soft Hand said:

If you point to my case and concretize, then yes, I did nothing.
The reasons for the blocking were not specified.
We decided so, we can do nothing to help you, goodbye. The same message 5 times.
Although I asked questions about my account, for what reason. I consider this support behavior unacceptable. I have the right to know the details of my account problem.
Also, each case is individual and recommended for consideration.
As for the xml edits, this is not a solved problem, players should not look for such players, the game and its anti-cheat should cope with this task. But it hasn't been working since 2016 to this day.
If a group of players intentionally removes another player from the game, he will be blocked. Please note that such organized players may harm more players in the future. This already falls under the scam.


If you REALLY did not do anything ban worthy you wouldn't get banned, that's how simple it is. They cannot ban your account without solid black on white proof you violated rules, and that not just screenshots or video proof, they have to have solid proof from logs. No publisher can ever ban an account without proof. Especially since purchases with actual money are involved. If they did that there would be a lot of legal implications from it.

Just accept the fact that you did something and got caught. Because if you didn't you would still be able to play.


Forgot to add to my list: they can also close an account if it was created from a region where the game is blocked.

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I list this topic in short:


OP thinks he got banned for no reason.

People try to explain there has to be a reason which is most likely fraud

OP thinks its cause some players triggered him and he wrote some bad stuff

Grimoir tryes to explain its against the rules to do that and is ban worthy

OP is furious how is he not allowed to be more important than the TOS ?


@Hime@PhoenixMitra@mods pls close this thread.


1. Its not allowed to write about ban reasons in the first place

2. Op dosent wanna understand another point of view and even insults people (seriously how could i be a mod in disguise? i am one of thoose writing the most critics about NCwest)

3. Its unlikely he got banned for anything other than fraud cause it is known NCwest dosent ban people perma for something else.

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At the moment, I do not know the reasons for blocking and if there are any reasons for that.
In my situation, the option with obscene words is impossible, I do not write anything bad about the players.
There is growing interest in why it is possible not to indicate the reasons for the blocking, not to disclose information to the player who received this blocking.

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5 minutes ago, Soft Hand said:

At the moment, I do not know the reasons for blocking and if there are any reasons for that.
In my situation, the option with obscene words is impossible, I do not write anything bad about the players.
There is growing interest in why it is possible not to indicate the reasons for the blocking, not to disclose information to the player who received this blocking.


They do not disclose such information mainly due to privacy concerns. If they told you got banned for say using certain words, you could recall who you spoke too and figure out who reported you and bachlash at the person. Similar things are with fraud etc.

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44 minutes ago, Grimoir said:


They do not disclose such information mainly due to privacy concerns. If they told you got banned for say using certain words, you could recall who you spoke too and figure out who reported you and bachlash at the person. Similar things are with fraud etc.

then better let us hope there are no false positives within those ban reasons, else you are lost. But hey, what do I talk about, this is BnS! We got no bug, faults and errors and if there would be an issue, it would be handled fast and reliable 😛 

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