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Newplayer Impression: Why is NCSOFT wasting this games potential?


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I'm a new player with 2 level 60 characters and the following is my impression to this game.

1) just like the title, the game does not welcome new player at all. I was brought in to this game because of my few friends playing this game. I find the battle system and mechanic very interesting comparing to other mmorpg such as WOW and FF14 ive played as well. I believe this game has the potential to become one of the best MMORPG in the market. But the first issue right after I enjoy the main quest story line, I realize how much pain it is for a new player to catch up. Most dungeon systems are built to allow old players to stick to the game, just like how WOW BFA have dailies. The worst part is, new players cant even complete all 7 dailies due to how harder dungeons plays a major role in the dailies. 


2) According to my research, development team seems to not care about player feed backs including ones who really love about the game. One of the reason of FF14's major success in this mmorpg market is that the development team take serious action against player feed back ever since they had a really bad impression since the release of the game. Most of the player base was maintained by the community that loved the game rather than the development team themselves. EX: BNS Academy, BNS buddy. From my point of view, this sort of community is the key part of a successful game. NCSOFT you have all this potential, why are yall so short sighted by just aiming at money whales? 


3) F2P games ofc will have some p2w issues, but this is too much for me to handle when I want to take this game seriously. I would spend hundred of dollar on just pure skins if i'm willing to. The development team must realize how making players to pay 2 win will only make them leave. Premium membership is totally acceptable in keeping the game alive but the bonus is way too much. When will the dev team ever dig into the mind of the player, or play the actual game and realize what you as a player want that can help to improve the game experience? 


PS: I still believe in this games potential but NCSOFT need to improve it image and being trustworthy as a game publisher. I've participated in many game reviews and the ones that were successful is the one that keeps trying to improve their connection with the player base. By doing so, more community would recommend the game to peers and more creative ideas will flow into the dead mind of those developers. This game isn't just a money making machine in my POV. It could print money if you make it dive into the players mind.



PSS: I will not give up the game and will be looking forward to UE4 change and new class Astromancer ( prob gonna be my main~) Community keep it UP. Yall are actually amazing and I dont want yall to die.


This post is purely my opinion and based on my prior experience. Overall I thank people that welcome me as a new player in the BNS academy discord and my friends that invites me to play this game : Letme Shy, Edreon. Thank yall.

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1.  I disagree with you on this.There are 14 Dailies to choose from. From today for example::

        1. Mushin Tower - can be done solo with story gear

        2. Moon REfuge Quest - Can be done solo with story gear

        3. Cold Storage / Heavens Mandate - depending on class can be done with story gear, but there are always parties recruiting and gear doesnt really matter at all.

        4-6 - Starstone Mines / Drowning Deeps / Sandstorm Temple - All can be done with story gear

        7. Brood chamber - This is the only "harder" daily to complete, but pretty sure with your friends easily done as there are no wipe mechanics anymore and you do not need any great gear to finish it.

So out of all 7 dailies, only 1 is somewhat hard, all others are easy and have basically no requirements.


2. They do care but mainly about the playerbase in their development country: Korea. There are things that were suggested by our players that actually wqere implemented into the game aswel. You should not be comparing BnS to other games, that will only make you more lost. Bottom line is, NA has very little to say when it comes to this game. Its all KR driven.


3. Premium bonus is way too much? Huh? Are we even playing the same game? There are literally only 3 things out of all of the Premium perks that make it actually somewhat worth it and thats remote storage, cheaper weapon skin applying and that tiny bit of extra gold from dailies.  But even asside the remote storage, the rest is very outdated and not worth that much. Premium needs an actual revamp to give more benefits that are worth the 10$ a month.




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Im gonna give you an old veteran player ideea of what is the current state of the game after this new patch,im playing this game for 5 year from when they launched it in EU/NA,after this new patch they completly killed the game,they destroyed the pvp in battlegrounds,before if you where more skilled you could kill the whales,now you dont do any damage to them,its only a p2w gear fest,not to say that its also totally unbalanced.

They destroyed the pve and economics of the game with gold reward reduction if before you where doing all dungeons you whould get around 100 gold from them now you get around 30 gold,it doesnt even worth to do dungeons anymore,also with this move they killed the new players base because now its 3 times more harder for them to get the gold to upgrade the gear.

The trove event its a big scam,players put alot of money and gold and they dont get back not even half the value they invested.

The game is extremly poorly optimized,in dungeons and raids when you fight bosses you play with 20-30 fps its almost unplayable (and yes i have a strong computer),the game also crashes without any reason in the worst time posible when you fight bosses in raids or when you fight in battlegrounds,they also removed BnS buddy the only thing that where improving a little the game performances and which had some nice features,in 5 years the developers didnt do anything to repair this performance issues.

They dont listen to community feedback to improve the game quality and to resolve game problems.

And with this last patch they completly destroyed the game,alot of players already quited the game,in a few weeks or months this game will be dead.

Edited by AdrianWAR
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On 6/30/2020 at 1:17 AM, AdrianWAR said:

They destroyed the pve and economics of the game with gold reward reduction if before you where doing all dungeons you whould get around 100 gold from them now you get around 30 gold,it doesnt even worth to do dungeons anymore,also with this move they killed the new players base because now its 3 times more harder for them to get the gold to upgrade the gear.

Interesting when there is literally a guide that shows you can get 70-90g from daily dungeons now....so your 30g means you are doing things wrong. So dont give him false information if you cannot do it properly.


On 6/30/2020 at 1:17 AM, AdrianWAR said:

they also removed BnS buddy the only thing that where improving a little the game performances and which had some nice feature

Again false information. You can still use buddy to launch the game and use all of the optimization features it has to make the game performance better. The only thing that does not work are xml edits which have 0 to do with using buddy for the optimizations it provides.


On 6/30/2020 at 1:17 AM, AdrianWAR said:

The trove event its a big scam,players put alot of money and gold and they dont get back not even half the value they invested.

What did you think these were? Do you also go complain you didnt get your money back after you buy a lottry ticket or a random prize voucher? xD


On 6/30/2020 at 1:17 AM, AdrianWAR said:

before if you where more skilled you could kill the whales,now you dont do any damage to them,its only a p2w gear fest,not to say that its also totally unbalanced.

i have to disagree on this. I really enjoy these bg changes. so far each time i went into a battleground i had a blast more fun than before.

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vor 2 Stunden schrieb Grimoir:

i have to disagree on this. I really enjoy these bg changes. so far each time i went into a battleground i had a blast more fun than before.

Once again for you, lying dosen't get you anywhere. You're the only one here giving information that trails every new players to pure disappointment. I am playing this game since the release and Trove wasn't as bad as before. If we compare this Trove with the ones in 2018 it's quite clear that the crit rates are worse and full of useless items that won't help improve gearing in the slightest pace.

vor 2 Stunden schrieb Grimoir:

i have to disagree on this. I really enjoy these bg changes. so far each time i went into a battleground i had a blast more fun than before.

There's yet barely any way to have fun for most f2p players in bg that's a shameless blatant lie except you're playing an easy and strong class or you love being sucked into whales. WHEN EVEN the whales themselves still complain about the balance how in the hell would you have fun as f2p geared player?

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On 6/29/2020 at 10:23 PM, Deerg said:

I'm a new player with 2 level 60 characters and the following is my impression to this game.

 The worst part is, new players cant even complete all 7 dailies due to how harder dungeons plays a major role in the dailies. 

There are more than enough options avaible so even story gear char can do 7 dailys. I always recommend new players to get tringular gems from Moon refugee before seriously starting into PVE theese are also farmable by everyone as starter gear. I do agree new players have it hard thou cause if you are new you dont know anything about the game and unless you asked some people which are experienced you will simply get kicked out of several dungeons which makes the impression the community is toxic even tho you as the new player are the toxic one cause you expect to get carried through everything. Its a simple misunderstanding.


2) According to my research, development team seems to not care about player feed backs including ones who really love about the game.

They also ignore cheating, wintrading and litterly any kind of abuse you can do in this game. If they would atleast punish this stuff most people wouldnt be as toxic towards them as they are.


3) F2P games ofc will have some p2w issues, but this is too much for me to handle when I want to take this game seriously. I would spend hundred of dollar on just pure skins if i'm willing to. The development team must realize how making players to pay 2 win will only make them leave.

I thought the same way a long time ago too. But for Trove and the boxes etc. there are legitimate ways to get them without spending real life money and thoose are called HM coins (I dont like the limit of 20 keys per day thou this makes it a bit pay to win) and even if you dont like to play PVP for thoose you can still buy F10 stuff with gold from players. Support actully helps you if you get scammed so its a legitimate way of getting the F10 stuff too. While yes it is pay to win it is not that big of an issue i think since support helps if people get scammed.


Premium membership is totally acceptable in keeping the game alive but the bonus is way too much.

I disagree there is litterly nothing in Premium which makes it worth the money. 1 Trove key per day ? wow 2 Sacred crystals nice or a bit of bonze for killing mobs wow this is making me rich ! Why cant they put in all the quality of life things people want so they dont have to use BNSbuddy or since last patch BNS Patch or whatever its called. Without theese things some players would have quit already aswell.


PS: I still believe in this games potential but NCSOFT need to improve it image and being trustworthy as a game publisher.

Not gonna happen. Just one example: They know damn well their PVP is unbalanced af and they know what the community wants and needs. Its not even alot of work the simple removal of all third specs till every class has one would statisfy most of the pvp community already for a while but instead they release more third specs and allow them to join PVP.



If you look into detail their passion is long gone. There where for example people that previously worked for NC even in the Blade and soul department they litterly wrote no one is motivated anymore cause KR disapproves of litterly everything so they dont even try anymore.


PSS: I will not give up the game and will be looking forward to UE4 change

Looking of the decrease of players in the last years it likely we only have like 300 players left when UE4 even gets announced for us. Some people estimated when UE4 is gonna hit us and personally i say around 2023 if we are lucky if not even 2025 is possible. Just see how long it took them to make lvl 45 content avaible in UE4 it took them 3 or 4 years now imagine the rest of the content.


On 6/30/2020 at 1:35 AM, Grimoir said:

Again false information. You can still use buddy to launch the game and use all of the optimization features it has to make the game performance better. The only thing that does not work are xml edits which have 0 to do with using buddy for the optimizations it provides.

You can still use XML community found a solution for this several weeks ago. As long as NC dosent punish people for using XML they will not be able to fix this problem.


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47 minutes ago, JustaJin said:

Once again for you, lying dosen't get you anywhere. You're the only one here giving information that trails every new players to pure disappointment. I am playing this game since the release and Trove wasn't as bad as before. If we compare this Trove with the ones in 2018 it's quite clear that the crit rates are worse and full of useless items that won't help improve gearing in the slightest pace.

Actually trove was always bad, the difference was in the past there were far less materials / items that were actually able to be putr into trove. As the game progressed and more and more items were created / became available and put into trove the rates went down. you had a much better chance of getting something good at a rate of 5 / 100 items than you have now with 5/200 items.


49 minutes ago, JustaJin said:

There's yet barely any way to have fun for most f2p players in bg that's a shameless blatant lie except you're playing an easy and strong class or you love being sucked into whales. WHEN EVEN the whales themselves still complain about the balance how in the hell would you have fun as f2p geared player?

Because now with pvp gear i do not get one shot anymore in a single aerial   / pull anymore be it by Gunners / Archers / Bm's. FM's frost tornado isnt as spammable anymore and doesnt practically disable you permanently. the only ones complaining are the ones that lost their ability to one-shot others.


40 minutes ago, ImoutoMaster said:

You can still use XML community found a solution for this several weeks ago. As long as NC dosent punish people for using XML they will not be able to fix this problem.

I know which one you mean but if i am not mistaking that method doesnt actually edit any of the files.

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Am 30.6.2020 um 13:41 schrieb JustaJin:

it's quite clear that the crit rates are worse and full of useless items that won't help improve gearing in the slightest pace.

I see that as an improvement to be honest. Lesser gear for the money = lesser P2W. :)


Am 30.6.2020 um 13:53 schrieb ImoutoMaster:

They also ignore cheating, wintrading and litterly any kind of abuse you can do in this game. If they would atleast punish this stuff most people wouldnt be as toxic towards them as they are.

I totally agree with this!



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I've just returned to the game after about a year and can't say that I find the gold nerfs very welcoming >.< .. I can understand what they tried to do, but I think this was the wrong way, especially for newer/lower leveled players.


But I also see it positive; less gold means I need to play longer to reach my goals, playing longer means I have more to do in the game. The aspects such as PVP thankfully don't affect me as I'm not into that. I think in this game, much more than in others you need to pick the elements which are "fun" to you and if you don't play to progress and more in a casual sense without the feeling to "need" to level up quickly and become the top player than it can still be enjoyable, atleast that works for me.

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I think everyone has a point with the current conditions. Here is mine.

Anyway, lets look at this current conditions game from a business view. Free to play is great with this game, however the producer is not making any money unless 

the f2p player "swipes". The premium player $14.00 a month may not be enough profit for the producer.

I don't know what the red ink is on this game, but to generate revenue it must come from "swipe". So, I believe  a new business plan target was implemented ("swipe"), all activity must lead to "swipe". This is nothing new, however it is with BnS in NA.

So, I believe ever update my have  a change that moves the player to the targeted business plan("swipe"). The player who doesn't  "swipe"  will reach a level of game play and stall, but doesn't restrict their current game involvement. 

It makes me wonder if BnS(NA) will be listed on "death of a game" site one day.

Well that's all see ya in you favorite game and remember it's only a game.

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On 6/30/2020 at 1:23 AM, Deerg said:

PS: I still believe in this games potential but NCSOFT need to improve it image and being trustworthy as a game publisher. I've participated in many game reviews and the ones that were successful is the one that keeps trying to improve their connection with the player base. By doing so, more community would recommend the game to peers and more creative ideas will flow into the dead mind of those developers. This game isn't just a money making machine in my POV. It could print money if you make it dive into the players mind.


As a veteran BNS player, I'm so touched

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On 30.6.2020 at 2:33 PM, Grimoir said:

Because now with pvp gear i do not get one shot anymore in a single aerial   / pull anymore be it by Gunners / Archers / Bm's. FM's frost tornado isnt as spammable anymore and doesnt practically disable you permanently. the only ones complaining are the ones that lost their ability to one-shot others.

Grim, as previously mentioned many times with this damage reduction patch you're giving the whales alot more advantages over f2p fishes. Nice grimming. I see you wanna hide the fact that f2p are actually struggling more than any others with this change in bg? I mean as always every single patch makes it worse for us don't you wanna agree with it? I am still getting oneshotted and I have to complain about it now because you're wrong. Me myself with a lower tier pvp gear can't kill ANY OF THE WHALES by using all of my skills like an entire combo to bring their hps down to only around 20-30% with my BD and KFM. Thus, they can easily escape from my combos more than ever before. And before you wanna say that I have to get better. I am playing over 3 years and I have been gold 1700+ in arena pvp with every class that I created so unlike now I was able to kill the endgame geared whales. I hope you're playing this game actively before you're making your statements.

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4 hours ago, Insan3 said:

Grim, as previously mentioned many times with this damage reduction patch you're giving the whales alot more advantages over f2p fishes. Nice grimming. I see you wanna hide the fact that f2p are actually struggling more than any others with this change in bg? I mean as always every single patch makes it worse for us don't you wanna agree with it? I am still getting oneshotted and I have to complain about it now because you're wrong. Me myself with a lower tier pvp gear can't kill ANY OF THE WHALES by using all of my skills like an entire combo to bring their hps down to only around 20-30% with my BD and KFM. Thus, they can easily escape from my combos more than ever before. And before you wanna say that I have to get better. I am playing over 3 years and I have been gold 1700+ in arena pvp with every class that I created so unlike now I was able to kill the endgame geared whales. I hope you're playing this game actively before you're making your statements.

I am playing actively every day for several hours since the beta. Also i have a full set of the current BiS PVP gear, which i farmed, including farming the battlepoints. If people are getting one-shot with the old tier 1 PVP accessories, they should, those do not give the reductions that the currentones do, and Critical defense is not as useful as it used to be.

I do agree that it makes it harder each patch, but does it make it harder because of difficulty or changes or does it make it harder because PVP gear is starting to actually matter now properly and not everyone wants to invest time into getting it?

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4 hours ago, Grimoir said:

I am playing actively every day for several hours since the beta. Also i have a full set of the current BiS PVP gear, which i farmed, including farming the battlepoints. If people are getting one-shot with the old tier 1 PVP accessories, they should, those do not give the reductions that the currentones do, and Critical defense is not as useful as it used to be.

I do agree that it makes it harder each patch, but does it make it harder because of difficulty or changes or does it make it harder because PVP gear is starting to actually matter now properly and not everyone wants to invest time into getting it?

You can answer your question pretty much yourself without not even being properly honest with the facts you bring on the table as usually you do.
By telling me that it requires time investment, you're now pointing to the gaining accessibilty which gets drastically nerfed every single patch. For which again I really have my doubts that you've ever invested the time yourself. If investing time was a common terminology in bg then I wouldn't have been complaining today since 3 years of farming didn't really made me reach a good pvp gear atleast for me and I am playing the game probably longer than many others who are still around. Also, as you know the players have to get a decent pve gear in order to be able farm the pvp items as well. Yet there are many f2p players that struggles to reach the standards and many threads have been made already which concerns the grinding in this game. So, what's the time investment you're mentioning that basically has no association? Right now I am very eager to see a ranked player that never really had a transaction. Unless I get to see this proof from someone then and only then I will change my opinion. But as an old and known player in the community I've never saw it. 

Edited by Insan3
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On 6/30/2020 at 4:53 AM, ImoutoMaster said:

If you look into detail their passion is long gone. There where for example people that previously worked for NC even in the Blade and soul department they litterly wrote no one is motivated anymore cause KR disapproves of litterly everything so they dont even try anymore.

Before I go missing a couple more months because the games boring me again, I can straight up tell you I've personally knew some of the kr devs when I was testing this game around 2011...or 12 w/e. Language barrier was hard but I had some friends that knew Korean a little (that was also the only years in my life that i've seen GM's in this game..) that was the only time when everything was fine. Around 2014 is when they all stopped caring and moved to other games, 1 is making their own game...that I've been waiting like..3? Years for, the others move to other mmos (in which I still ask to this day, why mmos??)


It's all about the money, always has been. That's why they don't care about the games problems like the flipping fps even with a powerful pc, that's why they put legend weapons in the cash shop that time. That's why most of the job classes are on lyns just like tera elins if you know where i'm going (not...that I care) Your money comes first.

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