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  1. I second that, If you TRULY played since 2016, then you should know how much easier and less grindy it is now. I also played in 2016 as one of the early starters, but I quit multiple times, this time I returned for 9 months after almost 2 yr off. guess what, 80% of the items I had before I last quit were given for free, then guess what, I upgraded all my heart and souls few months before Soul Boost Plus. Did I complain about wasted materials? no, i upgraded early and gained advantages early which already paid them back. Cash grab? I used to buy battle pass, but then realized they aren't that necessary, premium? its mostly for easy vault tbh, I do agree the premium benefits are laid back, they need to improve, but so what? The cash shop is there for lazy people, however, they aren't necessary at all, everything is much easier now than in the old days.
  2. Currently there are three ways to upgrade an Upsurge weapon, one with more PTS but fewer upsurge essence, one with more upsurge essence but a few TS, and another with an upsurge transformation stone. So what's the difference? similar rates or one is higher than another? They all write "there is a chance to fail" so now I'm confused isn't the upsurge transformation stone a guaranteed? Also the second pathway uses like six times more upsurge essences than the first, is it adding the same progress as the first? If no then what's the point on wasting so many upsurge essences? They aren't even included in the patch note, I was trying to source this from the RU notes but it seems like they are guaranteeing an upgrade, where in NA it says there is a chance to fail, I don't want to waste the essences in this case so I would like to make sure first, or at least clarify. Thank You
  3. Early in the day, I saw we can exchange for Shadowfury amulet, 50 coins for premium, 15 coins for odinary. But now they are removed, please explain?
  4. Just write a ticket for reversal, or play Singing Blade and you will see a 2.8million increase on sustain (atleast for me, ofc spectral has a much higher burst) compared to spectral blade with dragon spire. As far as I know spectral blade relies more on raid weapon cause the modifiers, where Singing blade's main dps is one strike ten cuts, which damage relies more on basic stats. If you learn the ways to refresh it and use soulblades correctly, I believe it would be a dps boost on your sustained dps.
  5. As shown in this image, I used auto combat somewhere in that circle. Everything was smooth at the beginning and so I went to sleep. After I wake up the next day, my character was walking brainlessly towards the wall shown in arrows, it seems like the AI is directing my character to the monster on the another side of the wall...... whats worse? I only farmed 14 tokens throughout the night. please fix this https://ibb.co/NtG8V2Q
  6. I will definitely comeback when UE4 arrives, and if it solves most of the current problems, I will return to main this game ofc. This is a great game with a irreplaceable combat system, really couldn't find another game having such combat mechanics where skills matters. (don't talk about dash or dodge mechanics of other games, they are incomparable to the block and resist mechanics of bns).
  7. No, not me, Who didn't kill blade and soul, Who is innocent.
  8. The incomparable combat system, period.
  9. Myself as a tank most of the time, hate bds the most. Why? Because out of 10 bds, 9 of them would go in and engage the boss first before the actual tank goes in, after 3 seconds of fight, the threat returned to the actual tank, and the bd was not even on the dps meter. This applies to most bd, but does not apply to the ones with high gears who can over threat a lot. However, the top geared people generally have a good understanding about the “Tank goes in first” since they do high tier raids a lot. Most importantly, if you are not doing a lot of dps and you rush in first, you are not helping at all, instead you are slowing it down. Now, why tank goes in first? As a good tank (religiously tank), their roles are to let the boss focus on them only and to provide a “good dps condition” to the parties; Let the bosses stay where they should, rather than jumping around the room or using range check abilities (this is when the tank or whoever the boss is focusing is too far or too close to the boss, this is based on the nature of the boss, range tankable or melee tankable). Tanks should bait all boss attacks to a specified zone, so the dpsing parties would not get interrupted or cced by boss attacks. You should now understand why being a rushie is slowing down the fight instead of optimizing, if you are still not quite sure, keep reading. Why first engagers rather than the tank are madafakas? Most of these mdfks does not want to tank at all, they can’t even hold the threat, or sometimes if they do, they just bait the boss attack randomly and hitting all the party members, causing them to be cced and hence reducing their dps output (indirectly slowed down the fight). Maybe the mdfk engager started 3 seconds “early” thinking this fight is going to end 3 seconds early, while the truth is the whole party’s dps is handicapped because of him, but again you really rush for those 3 seconds? (although the actual outcome of rushing those 3 seconds is delayed for more time). Secondly, many players use long soul for bursting, like some spectral blade bm, fire gunner, some phantom sins. If a random mdfk forces a fight, these people would have to follow (the bm would be raging right now since he didn’t go in first as a tank), especially the bm who was supposed to tank. As soon as the tank goes in, triggered long soul, the boss initiates his second attack, causing cc or knock back to him, before he starts to burst and using resists or blocks to counter that (he didn’t have time to, because he was dashing in, if you tell me to hmb start, then you are a selfish ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤). Now, expect what happen next? A bursting class with a long soul in cd, lying on the floor trying to tab up and doing 2k dps (the approach skill), all because of a mdfk. Now is this mdfk really helping or is he just a toxic AHole in the view of these interrupted bursters? Oh, and sometimes, people aren’t even ready, someone was still running in! He started the boss, oh and one guy said brb washroom, he was the top dps! Gg wipe, nice 3 second quicker engage btw. A dumber case, the boss is supposed to tank at ranged, he jumped in, vice versa, some ranged class started to burst at 16m for a melee boss causing the boss to jump and stunning the whole room etc etc etc. Tons of drama and pepega clowns. TLDR: if you are doing 10m+ dps in low tier raids or dungeons, ignore this post because you are party’s dps, and you are carrying them.
  10. That's why, 32 bit crashes a lot due to memory leak. I tried 32 bit because it is known to have higher fps, but it causes you to crash once the memory of Client.exe exceeds 1.5gb I think, especially in 12man parties or crowded areas, you crash more often. Stick with 64bit, no crash at all.
  11. NCs, What are your solution to this issue? I myself as a Bns veteran is really confused about your actions, banning exploiters while allowing people to exploit more. If you are banning the exploiters, why don't you just remove the NPC, or fix the cost of Moontide to stop them from exploiting in the first place? I really loved BnS, and put tons of hope into this game, I believed you could bring us UE4, I believed you could fix the codings so we don't have fps drops in a raid, I believed you could bring us more and better events. You promised us about UE4, we waited and waited, I hoped the coding can be fixed when UE4 arrives, you brought us some good events for advancement, like the armory chest a few months ago, and the current lamp event is also great. But what is this Bamboo Village stuff? Free... outfits? hm... okay... they are nice outfits, I love them, getting those won't hurt, since storing them in my collection doesn't cause imbalance to the game system itself; but pet pods...... holy ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤! people got their maxed ped aura and talisman in a day?! This is causing imbalance, and you are doing nothing...... okay maybe not nothing, you banned someone...... but for a few days?!!!! and left their pet auras remain upgraded???? WOW. so is it like, a bank forgot to lock their vault, I robbed a billion dollars and got caught, the police kept me in jail for only 3 days and released me without taking the robbed money away. Hello? Is this a kind of crime encouragement? Telling everybody that it is not ok to rob a bank because you would be locked in jail for 3 days, but you could keep the money :) Personally, I did not craft, buy, and sell a single ped pod and soul stone, not even outfits, some of my friends didn't too. Because we all truly loved this game, and we don't want this game to go downhill, we know a majority of the community are farming pet pods, but we still didn't do it. The exploiters can call us dumb if they want to, we are who we are, we respect the game, and we wish you can do something to show that you received our respects. You could reroll back... But tons of people farmed a lot of Nyraka, MSP, or even CCs (including me), we truly don't want these farms to be flushed down the toilet bowl...... I don't want to lie, that I did get all the outfits available from that merchant, everyone did the same because it is your responsibility to make sure that the items traded are having the correct currency value. However, I stopped after outfits (omg I loved outfits, outfits No.1 in my heart lol, surely, I couldn't resist myself), no gold transactions, no gear progressions, threw everything irrelevant away afterward. So, if you are going to ban me because I said I got those outfits, then ban everybody, if you are going to remove those outfits, then remove everyone's outfits (what about pet pods?... aren't they a more serious problem than outfits?). I just want to tell you that, there are still a lot of players out there respecting this game deeply in their heart, and we are not planning to do anything that disrupts the balance of the game, and hope you guys can do better to impress us.
  12. It was great to make Sword Shroud available during a violent blade for both spirit and singing blade, it won't cause a large dps drop due to switching back to normal stance when using Hongmoon block. However, the long skill animation of Dragon Tongue and Honed Slash can make the violent blade hard to cast, sometimes, if we one tap f, it won't be activated because the cd from the long animation prevented it from getting used, as a result we had to constantly tapping f to use this skill. Now if we want to just block a yellow attack by tap it vigorously, it triggers Sword Shroud when we don't need it...... if we don't spam it, it may not activate and we would get knocked back while tanking...... I don't know which other keys to move this spell to since I am so used on F to be Sword Shroud...... it was a great spell change for dps, but for the sake of consistency, I would recommend you to switch it back, where Sword Shroud can only be activated using 1 F instead of F F.
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