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time to up bd escapes


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Dmg reduction spin is not deflect spin you get one or the other. There is a lil reduction spin tho. Second most know about .6 sec kd most classes have more then 1 kd.Destroyers have immunity silly butt even after spin its called ember stomp.  Spin counter is the only gripe i always here about unfortaintly bd isn't the only one with it in fact we have the weaker version of it. What else has a counter you don't like? What about kfm counters with a 1.3 sec cd that raises def and gives them frames for 1 sec wait there's more. How about shadow dance that resist dmg up to 5 times and for .6 sec during  that it resist ccs and dmg ( mobile).How about footwork? Thats heals hp and gives resists (mobile). oh wait I'm not done retreat resists for dmg and cc for 1.5 seconds (mobile). p.s the class has 4 escapes. I don't think you need me to name them but I will if you need me to. Shall I move to destroyer now? I guess I will just to show you what I mean.  Destroyers have Hurricane that resist stun daze and knockback( mobile counter). Thats a spin with parry for . 5 secs. there tab has an immunity attached to it called hurricane bash. it also releases all immobilization from all attacks purges deep wound. Searing strike which is resistant to cc.  Leap Back which also resist dmg and status effects. Typhoon which does all this. can be used up to 4 times. Pierces defence and parry skills. during use it resist dmg and status effects. Has an 11 m Knockback. Stone shield which is a party i frame that heals and is time dependent not up to 5 times. (Immobile) . Iron plating which is a resist. The class destroyer has 5 escapes. I can name those too. Maybe I should move on to bm you let me know guys.

Edited by sojaa
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Point being is everything got buffs except for bds. They got nerfed.  Hard. BD dont have an immunity either bro. Go read the skills u can still cc during it. Ill help ya out and just say kd one and you'll find out that's not immunity. Rule of thumb when vsing a bd is just kd it blow tabs and f and then use other ccs like stun when its kded. Class is real easy to fight. Id say that and gunners easiest in the game to kill. all our other escapes suck and only work when gripped. Thats an easy work around with wall banking. I can explain more in detail with the other classes if you like.. The only solid thing it has is a parry spin that is chi reliant. Burn BDs chi no more counter. Avoid soaring falcon that all.  Each spin cost 2 bubbles of chi. I can spin 5 times and only deflect for half the time Im spinning. so don't just spam skills at it and your fine. time it.

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Bd doesn't need another escape ..... bd has too much damage in a sort time to have 2esc considering u have to kd a bd just to stun it .... and a free stun when parry attacks and fetal blade on that ..... bd had a grab escape. ..bd needs nothing else bd is a strong pvp class since forever still is .... fetal blade air combo I mean yea fighting a bm is op but at the  end of the day bd is a fast versatile class ..... with alot of tools alot of classes in game can't deal with bds o even cc a b so easily without tabbing and forcing a roll tech chase ..u ever use gs verses a bd  cancer ....sin verses bd sf ...bd of all class as a decent time with every class match up than some classes ..because of speed and deflect.....bd can dish out a lot of damage within a 2 sec stun 




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Don't think they should give it a second escape as it would be impossible to actually catch BD for melee classes. One escape + stun/daze/kb resistance and parry during spin seems fair against melees. Against ranged however, it's a totally different story. 

What they do need to buff on BD is iframes. Your shields get instantly broken vs ranged classes and that's in arena (I'm not even going to start how stupid it is that they last 0.5s in BG and they are not resetable, so pvp weapon is less useful). Who thought it's a good idea to give BD shields that only have 3 ticks of iframe, then go on to give FM a tornado that hits 1000 times? Then make it so that you don't get stunned from parry if you have an iframe on you. So every class can just keep hitting into the BD shields as long as they have an iframe on them and they don't have to worry about anything other than giving BD 1 focus on parry (spin costs 2 focus, parry recovers 3). There are some solutions to this, but the way BD should be buffed is:


->remove the 2 CD reduction from maelstrom

->reduce the 2 CD by 9s and remove approach blocks on ONE parry per spin, but remove the aerial launch reset on parry to compensate

^this is to actually punish ranged classes hiding behind iframes and trying to pve you down. BD gets shut down insanely hard by approach blocks as you basically have skills similar to BM, but no approach block removal on SS. It's also to punish stuff like BM 5 point strike, KFM flurry iframes trying to burn through your shields. They're still gonna destroy your shields, but now instead of only getting 1 focus and an useless aerial launch reset, you actually get CD reduction on your stun.


->make maelstrom have infinite iframes for 3s (before you think this is broken, maelstrom locks certain skills for 1s after you cast it)

^well at least now you have ONE shield that's not getting instantly destroyed by ranged spam. Maybe raise the base CD to 36s if it's too low for infinite ticks.


->make guardian tempest be a 5 hit iframe and resetable again, 1 minute cooldown is ok

^5 hit iframe part is mostly to compensate for the longer cooldowns that whirling/flaming scourge and the new tempest have compared to the old guardian tempest. There's no reason not to make it resetable considering other classes in BG get resets on both their iframes and escapes too. Keeping whirling/flaming scourge unresetable is ok, considering it's designed as a strong offensive buff rather than a defensive shield.

->revert the V iframe nerf back to 3 casts (this was a horrendously stupid nerf in the current patch, basically right now in BG you just give up on life when you meet a whale ranged class)

^Either this, or if it turns out to be too strong, considering maelstrom would also have infinite ticks for 3s, then remove the V iframe altogether and rework the Air Resistance spec into something else. A spec that changes phantom grip in some way would be fun, even if it wouldn't be PvP oriented. 



tl;dr buff iframes, change spin to reduce the 2 CD and remove approach blocks on parry.


1 hour ago, Cor said:

bd is one of the strongest classes in pvp it sure as hell does not need a buff, if you think bd is weak maybe thats just because your skills lack..

Did you play in the first month of awakening patch on KR? Because that might be the only time during which this statement was true.



9 minutes ago, qqqq1 said:

Bd doesn't need another escape ..... bd has too much damage in a sort time to have 2esc considering u have to kd a bd just to stun it .... and a free stun when parry attacks and fetal blade on that ..... bd had a grab escape. ..bd needs nothing else bd is a strong pvp class since forever still is .... fetal blade air combo I mean yea fighting a bm is op but at the  end of the day bd is a fast versatile class ..... with alot of tools alot of classes in game can't deal with bds o even cc a b so easily without tabbing and forcing a roll tech chase ..u ever use gs verses a bd  cancer ....sin verses bd sf ...bd of all class as a decent time with every class match up than some classes ..because of speed and deflect.....bd can dish out a lot of damage within a 2 sec stun 

There's so much wrong information in this post...

10 minutes ago, qqqq1 said:

bd had a grab escape.

Worst grab escape in the game, literally just a knockback with no CC resistance that locks you in the animation. What happens if the enemy resists the knockback? Oh well, guess you're the one locked in the animation with no resists whatsoever, even though you are the person who used AN ESCAPE.


13 minutes ago, qqqq1 said:

and a free stun when parry attacks

You mean like BM that also has a block in addition to 0.5s of parry? It's literally the only way for BD to "block" damage and it's a 0.5s parry time with a 1s cooldown. Costs 2 focus so it's not really free either.


13 minutes ago, qqqq1 said:

and fetal blade on that

You have to charge it and you can literally see the buff on BD when it's able to do it. Also, you know wind (spinning storm) is the stronger spec for PvP, right?


15 minutes ago, qqqq1 said:

sin verses bd

Ok now I know you're trolling. Looks like I took the bait.

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47 minutes ago, Chara Dreemurr said:

Don't think they should give it a second escape as it would be impossible to actually catch BD for melee classes. One escape + stun/daze/kb resistance and parry during spin seems fair against melees. Against ranged however, it's a totally different story. 

What they do need to buff on BD is iframes. Your shields get instantly broken vs ranged classes and that's in arena (I'm not even going to start how stupid it is that they last 0.5s in BG and they are not resetable, so pvp weapon is less useful). Who thought it's a good idea to give BD shields that only have 3 ticks of iframe, then go on to give FM a tornado that hits 1000 times? Then make it so that you don't get stunned from parry if you have an iframe on you. So every class can just keep hitting into the BD shields as long as they have an iframe on them and they don't have to worry about anything other than giving BD 1 focus on parry (spin costs 2 focus, parry recovers 3). There are some solutions to this, but the way BD should be buffed is:


->remove the 2 CD reduction from maelstrom

->reduce the 2 CD by 9s and remove approach blocks on ONE parry per spin, but remove the aerial launch reset on parry to compensate

^this is to actually punish ranged classes hiding behind iframes and trying to pve you down. BD gets shut down insanely hard by approach blocks as you basically have skills similar to BM, but no approach block removal on SS. It's also to punish stuff like BM 5 point strike, KFM flurry iframes trying to burn through your shields. They're still gonna destroy your shields, but now instead of only getting 1 focus and an useless aerial launch reset, you actually get CD reduction on your stun.


->make maelstrom have infinite iframes for 3s (before you think this is broken, maelstrom locks certain skills for 1s after you cast it)

^well at least now you have ONE shield that's not getting instantly destroyed by ranged spam. Maybe raise the base CD to 36s if it's too low for infinite ticks.


->make guardian tempest be a 5 hit iframe and resetable again, 1 minute cooldown is ok

^5 hit iframe part is mostly to compensate for the longer cooldowns that whirling/flaming scourge and the new tempest have compared to the old guardian tempest. There's no reason not to make it resetable considering other classes in BG get resets on both their iframes and escapes too. Keeping whirling/flaming scourge unresetable is ok, considering it's designed as a strong offensive buff rather than a defensive shield.

->revert the V iframe nerf back to 3 casts (this was a horrendously stupid nerf in the current patch, basically right now in BG you just give up on life when you meet a whale ranged class)

^Either this, or if it turns out to be too strong, considering maelstrom would also have infinite ticks for 3s, then remove the V iframe altogether and rework the Air Resistance spec into something else. A spec that changes phantom grip in some way would be fun, even if it wouldn't be PvP oriented. 



tl;dr buff iframes, change spin to reduce the 2 CD and remove approach blocks on parry.


Did you play in the first month of awakening patch on KR? Because that might be the only time during which this statement was true.



There's so much wrong information in this post...

Worst grab escape in the game, literally just a knockback with no CC resistance that locks you in the animation. What happens if the enemy resists the knockback? Oh well, guess you're the one locked in the animation with no resists whatsoever, even though you are the person who used AN ESCAPE.


You mean like BM that also has a block in addition to 0.5s of parry? It's literally the only way for BD to "block" damage and it's a 0.5s parry time with a 1s cooldown. Costs 2 focus so it's not really free either.


You have to charge it and you can literally see the buff on BD when it's able to do it. Also, you know wind (spinning storm) is the stronger spec for PvP, right?


Ok now I know you're trolling. Looks like I took the bait.

I play a  bd as alt in arena and i got gold ...yea wind is strong but light is still cheesy  . .only prob with bd is the I frames  that can be burst down in second by a summ wl ..   can't clense debuf only the male skill that goes in seconds makes it really annoying dealing with fm ..

Focus regeneration is my biggest issue if u miss that kd focus skill u are dead idk if it recovers less because of whirling...but that's only prob .... fetal blade can critical 39k it's not hard to charge it cause it pierces Def so I could hit x back step aim and slice through or grab go to wall wall bang Hitt x v and get a stack ....ppl can tell u have yes but all they c an do is be careful get a roll tech chase off air c and fetal blade I cheese gold player with it all time ... not every class perfect ... way I wish is that some pvp weapon has effect to limit class from using a certain skill or contain it...like desto yet typhoon spam in BG spin for a whole min yea focus let them do this buy bds are not weak  . Weakest classes now are wl gs .... 

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On 5/14/2019 at 9:44 AM, Cor said:

bd is one of the strongest classes in pvp it sure as hell does not need a buff, if you think bd is weak maybe thats just because your skills lack..

I dunno research me though. I don't just play bd tho and I can tell you this. Certain classes have more survivability with ascendant and zero gear. With a kfm or warden I can def survive more by either spamming 1 and camping tremor or pressing v c x z and spamming 1( spamming 1 cost me zero focus). See bd receives dmg every time it gets hit except during its frames q e z tab F and if successful deflect. BD deflect 50 % of their spin and can be kded. 

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Also if your having trouble with a bd maybe its your skill level in question. I play bd and its relatively easy to kill other bds. As for gunners they still wipe ppl and battlegrounds quickly if the come in and support. Most bad ass gunners do this. p.s big hint is try to not burst a bd by spamming skills. Whipline and wait for your i frames then kd and air. hint hint. Cant parry an i framed target.

Edited by sojaa
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