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Bad move to increase Bosses' HP in Celestial Basin


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-It makes it hard for players who need Skyrok weapon to upgrade their Riftwalk/Dawnforged, as those bosses are only ones that drop them. And, the pouches do not drop the chest 100% either.

-Even with a chance for Evolved Stones, players are not that enthusiastic enough to farm those bosses, as the chance to drop is too low to bother. Since there are often not enough players hitting these bosses, only Riftwalk/Dawnforge users struggle to fight the HP-buffed bosses for their weapon chests.

-It also affects players who grind peaches when the event quest that requires to kill the bosses appear. Basically, you ask them to fight bosses with 40-70mln HP for around 500 peaches.





-Add Skyrok weapon chest to the Peach Vendor, please. RNG is already bad, and RNG with high-HP bosses is even worse.




-Increase chance to drop Evolved Stones to at least 30% so that players will camp these high-HP bosses frequently enough.




-Double/Triple peach reward for these high-HP bosses, and always make the boss-killing event quest appears to encourage players killing them.




-Make the Skyrok weapon chests at least 100% drop from the bosses.


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13 minutes ago, Wataru said:

Nice not having the boss already dead when it spawns.

Except that only a handful of people doing them, or don't even bother killing them unless quests in Yura. The drop rate of Evolved stones are not that attractive and the hype has died down. No matter how you look at it, these bosses cannot be a replacement or even on-par evolved stone suppliers like Battle Bosses.


If  Riftwalk/Dawnforged users want to save 3,000g going Rift/Dawn 6 -> Raven 6, it sounds very "fun" killing these 40-70mln HP bosses by themselves for a small chance of the Skyrok weapon box :3

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lol... I think most people forgot they added drops to the bosses.


They think they have a huge community to farm these weapons... or even greater they think people are "rushing" to farm for a 0.000001% chance to get a evolved stone.

No.. it dosent work like that..  when you need 100 stones or 1000 stones for a crap chance of drop... no..  and when bosses spawn at 40 / 45 mins ..  it's just no.

I think people are more happy to farm 100 mobs for 1 stone ... then 30 bosses for 1 stone.

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the weapon chests are available at the peaches exchanger... and the reason behind the increase of hp was the event with the heavenly fruits and the dried gingsens... i think that was a great call by ncsoft... nowadays if u need the weapon chest go farm 12k of peaches or something get a silverfrost key and open the chest... thats the best way of getting it.

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They increased basin boss hp not because of evolved stones. It was due to previous event in basin. All bosses basically died within 10 seconds because all people were farming ginseng boxes. (high rate of getting 100 gold ginseng in each box).


I think after the event, they just leave the boss as it is without changing it back to low hp again.

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