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Derank system


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So I know this seems like a really really really dumb thing but...yesterday I waited in queue a total of 3 hours in 6v6. I understand that my rating is extremely high because I kept winning, but I kind of feel punished for doing well. I know some of the top pvpers derank sometimes in order to get more queues, but I cannot get any queues at all in order to derank. Does anyone think NC should had an option to derank? I know that some people get hacked and they're afraid theymight get their arena reset by a hacker or something of the sort. Maybe NC can make it so you have to verify through your email or something like that. I really hope someone from NC sees this because this is really annoying. 


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Derank button would not even be such a bad idea. Would be better if you then get more zen beans at lower ranks depending on witch rank you reached (still capped at what you´d normally get at the rank you where though).

The only problem with that is that you kinda make your rating disappear witch might make ppl struggle to even get to plat as a result if enough people use the derank  button.

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Lol do you know how terrifying this would be for ordinary silver players in arena? It would constantly be like the beginning of the season where they can get matched up against top 10 players and have absolutely no chance to get out of bronze even

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33 minutes ago, Draelth said:

Bad idea, you have to wait for more people to rank up.

Every day that I don't play, I'm getting further and further behind in completing what I desire. I really need the citirine because my RNG sucks in the trove+ I am a PVPer so i literally have 25g to my name. I just think it'd be a good idea to do something of the sort.

1 hour ago, Avalyn said:

Lol do you know how terrifying this would be for ordinary silver players in arena? It would constantly be like the beginning of the season where they can get matched up against top 10 players and have absolutely no chance to get out of bronze even

How about they make it so you can only reset your rank once a week? 

Also I wonder what the queue is like. My friend was queuing with another one of my clan members and they were both around 1800. I queued with a friend of mine who is 1500 and i got a queue before them even though they were in queue for about 20 minutes. Does anyone think it's scaled off of both players or just the highest player?

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On 8/29/2016 at 8:54 AM, Exaration said:

So I know this seems like a really really really dumb thing but...yesterday I waited in queue a total of 3 hours in 6v6. I understand that my rating is extremely high because I kept winning, but I kind of feel punished for doing well. I know some of the top pvpers derank sometimes in order to get more queues, but I cannot get any queues at all in order to derank. Does anyone think NC should had an option to derank? I know that some people get hacked and they're afraid theymight get their arena reset by a hacker or something of the sort. Maybe NC can make it so you have to verify through your email or something like that. I really hope someone from NC sees this because this is really annoying. 


Big Fat No.  And deranking voluntarily should be impossible.    All you and others are doing by this is trolling the system and taking advantage of lower skilled players for the sake of a win or a match in this case.


You are good and higher ranked for a reason,  there's no reason you should be in the silver bracket.  So many times I've gone against HM5-10+ players who quite literally stomped a mudhole in my ass and walked it dry that I question rather or not they should be in the silver bracket.   Now I know thanks to your post people doing so on purpose.   Which by definition is an exploit.


Then again who am I to complain... I've been fighting against HM10's since I was level 30 in the silver bracket.  I suppose I should just "git gud".  As I'm so frequently told.



So, either 50 HM's are just that bad at PVP, or there's a broken system here some where.   Which I'm leaning towards the later.



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So that does that mean i'm being punished for being decent? I can't do my daily for it. I'm suppose to be doing the event but it seems like people don't understand how crappy it is waiting in queue 3 hours to not get a match. I just wanted to get my daily done. the top players literally made a discord so they can coordinate when to queue so we can actually fight.

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I feel you but what others say about how it would make the experience for weak players bad is true also. You simply seem a pro with a pro's problems, so the one thing that they do is start a low rank alt and play that one, but I can see how this would be hard with gear dependent 6v6.


Rather I would go with the advise above to team up with a bronze and derank a bit until you find matches again. Then lose some ( one in three?) of the matches on purpose until the community has caught up to you.

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  • 2 weeks later...

make an unranked mode where you can choose an option to fight only the best, or the less best. make it give beans and xp. for some it would be nice practice to fight against higher skilled players. for those players it would be nice to still get rewards for being good in arena.

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21 hours ago, Fjorn said:

make an unranked mode where you can choose an option to fight only the best, or the less best. make it give beans and xp. for some it would be nice practice to fight against higher skilled players. for those players it would be nice to still get rewards for being good in arena.

Why is everyone so obsessed with 'dodging the pros'? If you´re gonna have an unranked 3v3 sandbox-mode that option is completely out of place.


I would not really call it practice when low skilled players fight against really good players either. You got to fight against players of equal´ish level, because otherwise your entire team will get steamrolled by 1 guy alone and you won´t understand what´s going on and end up calling him a hacker/macro user or whatever just because you cannot deal with it. Sure, you could say the practice 3v3 mode will only enforce this happening, but then again the point of this is that players are able to que AT ALL, when the que does not pop for whatever reason (season reset, too high rating, too proud of your rating, whatever). You can´t solve this 'problem' completely, because if you do you have what Suna posted. If you make a practice/spar 3v3 que everyone should be treaded as equals, i think. The only thing i would like to see there is a system that tries to enforce different opponents every game or two. Not to the point where you wait 30minutes ofc.

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the sparring function I would like to see is a button "please match me to a random player of class X". That way I can practice  class strategies more consistently than within arena where the opponent class changes constantly. Like Trial Arena just with real players (since PvP and ToI really are not comparable).

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