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Impact block request buff?


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Would it be too much if we dont have to talent for projectile block on our impact?

I would love that change.


Its fun to time it in fights in pve (fun in pvp too btw) but in pve I need burn impact,

so I lose my projectile block impact.


Would it harm pve if we get projectile block impact by default?

In pvp FM arent flooding the rankings or anything (far from it last time I checked),

so it wouldnt hurt in there right?

As in it would not buff FM to much.


So in that case it would be a good change for FM?

I feel so naked to not have it while everyone else has access to a form of low cd block/parry and such in pve (and they have it for both melee and ranged attacks I might add).

So, FM getting it by default for ranged projectiles only would be okay?


Edit:To clarify, for this change I mean first place the 10m aoe impact,

but if it would also be a good change on the single target impact, than yeah, why not :).


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On ‎25‎-‎5‎-‎2016 at 11:57 AM, th4d said:


Or you can spec your impact into T2S3 so you can apply burn and keep the projectile block.

There is not an impact that does both convert 5 ember into burn + has projectile block on it.


I know that Veil can protect against projectiles too.

However what I suggested is an impact which can convert embers into burn + has projectile block.

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My bad I hadn't check atm in game. It was not available.


You're right about impact. Maybe it need a PvE version and a PvP version of the skill.

Because other class may not be delight that we can deflect and apply burn debuff.

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7 hours ago, th4d said:

My bad I hadn't check atm in game. It was not available.


You're right about impact. Maybe it need a PvE version and a PvP version of the skill.

Because other class may not be delight that we can deflect and apply burn debuff.

Would it make FM to good if it gets projectile destroy+burn on an impact in pve?


FM are not dominating pvp or anything. I dont realy think that it would make them to good in there.


So if it wouldnt be a problem in pve or pvp, than I say, 

bring the projectile destroy by default on impact :) and that we can talent it to have burn on top of it :).

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I actually really like that idea. Burn + Block please? FM by far have the least defensive skills in game. Only two iframes, a projectile block, and two self freeze. Meanwhile I see BMs regenerating like 20~40% HP mid battle, on top of their insanely good defense.

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In pvp you wouldn't want to take burn impact unless you are trying to do it like pve. You'd want to take the stun on freeze break for pvp. That said, it shouldn't change much for 1vs1s if projectile block is default but it'd be different in tag teams or whirlwind valley.

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11 hours ago, Racingwind said:

In pvp you wouldn't want to take burn impact unless you are trying to do it like pve. You'd want to take the stun on freeze break for pvp. That said, it shouldn't change much for 1vs1s if projectile block is default but it'd be different in tag teams or whirlwind valley.

I mean as in, burn at 5 embers, projectile block and stun on freeze (I was talking in the first place about the 10m aoe impact and not the single target  impact, but if it would also be good change for the single target impact than yeah why not :D).

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5 hours ago, Racingwind said:

Not too sure about able to apply burn, break freeze stun and projectile block all rolled into one. Too much offensive and defensive power in 1 skill imo.

And a skill with pretty much no cooldown on top of everything else. I mean, if that isn't overpowered, nothing else is. :P

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21 hours ago, Racingwind said:

Not too sure about able to apply burn, break freeze stun and projectile block all rolled into one. Too much offensive and defensive power in 1 skill imo.

Then we should remove all spin skills as well because there is no difference except focus costs.

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On ‎13‎-‎6‎-‎2016 at 10:31 AM, Racingwind said:

Not too sure about able to apply burn, break freeze stun and projectile block all rolled into one. Too much offensive and defensive power in 1 skill imo.

You are still dependend on having 5ember and freeze on the target. Its not like you get a freeze stun and burn on every impact or something.

You have to apply those first with other buttons, so its not all of that in one impact button.


Also the projectile block is shorter than most other classes their defences 1button/similar button skills, which can also have offensive properties.


In this context it doesnt seem out of place.

On ‎13‎-‎6‎-‎2016 at 4:29 PM, Tsuchiryu said:

And a skill with pretty much no cooldown on top of everything else. I mean, if that isn't overpowered, nothing else is. :P

OP how? Its not like you get burn on every impact press. You dont get freeze stun on every impact press either.


So the cooldowns are basically the time you take to apply embers to 5 and freeze (with other buttons than impact.).

You can already have burn+freeze stun on impact.


This will only apply 0.5 sec projectile block in addition.

On ‎13‎-‎6‎-‎2016 at 4:49 PM, CheungRR said:

Just use ur Veil to block projectiles, it lasts 15secs and u can freely move while on it...

Veil I already mentioned in the thread. So its not like I am saying that we dont have projectile block without that impact.

Also we wouldnt be the only class with multiple defences

and veil doesnt require fun timing like a 0.5 sec impact would need.

On ‎14‎-‎6‎-‎2016 at 8:20 AM, Zedonia said:

Then we should remove all spin skills as well because there is no difference except focus costs.

Indeed and obvioulsy they are not gonna be removed. Spins are ingame

and those spins bring other extras besides dmg, like higher def, speed increase, deflect stun and such and you can parry more with them.
So that is multiple in one, yet ingame.


This new impact is limited to projectile block (unlike the HM version with the added 0.5 melee counter).

And as mentioned, impact still relies on embers and freeze (dependable on talent) that you apply with other buttons.

Its not all in impact.

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On ‎6‎/‎14‎/‎2016 at 11:20 PM, Zedonia said:

Then we should remove all spin skills as well because there is no difference except focus costs.

I'm not aware of a spin skill that increases your other skills dmg output. But then hey, I can be wrong.

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3 hours ago, Racingwind said:

I'm not aware of a spin skill that increases your other skills dmg output. But then hey, I can be wrong.

Impact doesn't do that either. If you think burn is an increase I have to tell you that a fm NEEDS that to equalize their damage with the other classes. That's why fm who don't give a shit on burn are so bad.

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On 6/17/2016 at 0:07 AM, Zedonia said:


Impact doesn't do that either. If you think burn is an increase I have to tell you that a fm NEEDS that to equalize their damage with the other classes. That's why fm who don't give a shit on burn are so bad.

Whether a FM NEED that or not to equalize their damage, doesn't change the fact that it increases their other skills damage. Which is what I'm getting at.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On ‎17‎-‎6‎-‎2016 at 5:32 AM, Racingwind said:

I'm not aware of a spin skill that increases your other skills dmg output. But then hey, I can be wrong.

Spins do things that impact cant so it doesnt have to be a problem that impact would be able to do 0.5 sec projectile block and burn.


During spins BD and Des can be immune to most cc.

Their 0.5 sec deflect works on both melee and ranged attacks.

They can remove snares with it,

just to name a few things.

Besides as said, one needs 3 chills and 5 embers to do burn and impact stuns so its not like the impact ability has it all in one.

You combine other abilities with it.


We could also make only the aoe 10m impact have the 0.5 sec projectile block buff suggestion on it and not the 16m single target burn one.
That way you sacrifice longer ranged single target one, to get the shorter range 10m aoe  0.5sec projectile block + burn.

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The 16m doesn't have break freeze stun. No one takes that in PVP unless you are trying to do it PVE style.


All the things you mentioned with spins are all defensive mechanics, Impact with both burn and block would be offensive and defensive mechanics, granted it requires setups in the first place. Though that's how FMs win their matches, take half of their HP bar to set you up, and then 100-0 you in 1 combo (exaggeration, but not by much).


Meh, I'm indifferent, whether or not we get this as a buff to impact makes no difference to me personally. Other classes might QQ though.

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1 hour ago, Racingwind said:

The 16m doesn't have break freeze stun. No one takes that in PVP unless you are trying to do it PVE style.


All the things you mentioned with spins are all defensive mechanics, Impact with both burn and block would be offensive and defensive mechanics, granted it requires setups in the first place. Though that's how FMs win their matches, take half of their HP bar to set you up, and then 100-0 you in 1 combo (exaggeration, but not by much).


Meh, I'm indifferent, whether or not we get this as a buff to impact makes no difference to me personally. Other classes might QQ though.

I know the 16m one doesnt turn freeze into stun and that you wont pick that one in pvp.

I  bring up the projectile block + burn + impact regarding both pvp and pve.

So the texts regarding the 16m impact is pve related.


The fact that they can stun with a spindeflect doesnt sound defensive to me.
Also Des/BD spins are classified as an offensive defensive mechanic (and therefore lockable by Frosttornado).


If it wont be too strong than other classes have no good reason to QQ though.

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In PVE, you have a plethora of options to protect yourself from projectiles and melee attacks, in comparison to say warlocks. That's why they have a block. So in the context of PVE, I don't think you are "naked" without the projectile block, just need to know when to utilize what skill.


I was going to bring up the deflect stun but then you could counter that with veil so I didn't. But yes, it is an offensive-defense, that's also melee ranged and you can counter it. Impact is ranged and you can't counter it.


I'm sure that even if it's a slight buff, other class will still QQ though.

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On ‎9‎-‎7‎-‎2016 at 2:20 AM, Racingwind said:

In PVE, you have a plethora of options to protect yourself from projectiles and melee attacks, in comparison to say warlocks. That's why they have a block. So in the context of PVE, I don't think you are "naked" without the projectile block, just need to know when to utilize what skill.


I was going to bring up the deflect stun but then you could counter that with veil so I didn't. But yes, it is an offensive-defense, that's also melee ranged and you can counter it. Impact is ranged and you can't counter it.


I'm sure that even if it's a slight buff, other class will still QQ though.

What do you mean counter deflect stun with veil and spin being counterable 

and impact not being counterable?

I meant naked as in, you need to pop a big to medium cd (veil, freeze, iframe). Whereas other classes have a low cd ability like a block/count/stealth on top of their cds.

Besides timing abilities like 0.5 sec impact, would be fun to use and have (while still having the pve part of impact, like  burn, pvefrost impact and on the impact stun impact. Dependable on which one you choose you would always have have the 0.5 sec defence on it).


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  • 3 weeks later...

I like the idea, hm impact is not even as good as it should be, i should be countering BDs and destroyers but instead they stun/daze me back whe i should be knocking them back, also burn effect is our main dmg buff, so yes i support this idea,

and reduce the ridiculous 1 sec cd, not cool on pvp

besides the spin to win classes have the same we are asking for, bm have it also, its time for us to get some decent defensive skills

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