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Newbie FM - can't drop aggro?


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Hihi all,

I'm a newbie FM (but I have warlock @50 but only 414P *cries*).  However, leveling this alt I farmed a small amount of gold doing dailies on my 50, and put a 25 AP diamond into my blight (lvl20) weapon on FM.  I also upgraded all my accessories to the point that I need only the Infernal pieces from Exiles dungeon to evolve.  I'm level 23 at the moment and my problem is that whenever I do Narrows or any group content with like-leveled friends/parties, I always tend to get aggro and can't get it off of me.  Even with BM in the party, I wait till they engage and then start dps about 5 seconds later // using an ice build so as to not take too much hate and will switch to fire later.  Is there a way to drop aggro when I get it since it seems to happen to me all the time?  I hardly ever had this issue on warlock but FM seems to be an aggro sponge :(

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Get used to it. Most Bm/KFM cant hold aggro if you can unleash you damage. If there is a sum with Tank pet you only got aggro for 4s. So the answer is learn how to dodge and tank the boss. Best example ist Yeti. People search for tank and don´t beleive me that i will tank him as FM. Through Yeti is PRETTY easy to tank even on 4er.

It´s even gets easier if there is no melee in grp so ypu could realy kite the Boss(Be careful some boss have a grip mechanic). If a melee is in grp he will flame you to hell if you move too much. 

The 50er purple dungeons are good to learn tanking. The bosses hits REALY slow and it´s more important to dodge mechanics/do them right.  

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Just tank like the BOSS you are.

Never run away making your team chase, run circles around that mofo instead, stay in melee range but keep getting behind so he'll just be spinning on the spot, dash back quick out of aoe attacks before getting all up in his face again. Use your iframes.


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3 hours ago, MerlinBG said:

Drawing the agro is easy. How do you sustain the damage?

Q and E are your iframes, use to avoid red aoe or just normal attacks, you can put talents into frost prison so on use it freezes the whole team, divine veil left tier heals for 15% hp and 1% hp on resist which is huge, you can also freeze and get hit lots of time for huge heals.

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Frost Palm, Windstorm, and Inferno are all threat generating attacks. Spec them not to generate aggro, and you should have no problem. FMs that have aggro almost always have these unspecced. If you don't have enough points yet, just deal with the aggro or don't use those skills.

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12 hours ago, Vecejj said:

Q and E are your iframes, use to avoid red aoe or just normal attacks, you can put talents into frost prison so on use it freezes the whole team, divine veil left tier heals for 15% hp and 1% hp on resist which is huge, you can also freeze and get hit lots of time for huge heals.

yeah, idk...

For some bosses this works pretty well - yeti as example - but in Lab I cannot tank one of the last bosses - I either exhaust my iframes and get killed, or I freeze too much and loose agro...

But we are drifting in offtopic discussion :)

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If you want to tank one of last bosses in Lab, choose Raijin, he is easier to tank. The most of his attacks are AoE so just run around him to get out of them. You need to keep yourself in 8m distance from him or he will pull you and *cricket* you.


11 hours ago, Ien said:

Frost Palm, Windstorm, and Inferno are all threat generating attacks. Spec them not to generate aggro, and you should have no problem. FMs that have aggro almost always have these unspecced. If you don't have enough points yet, just deal with the aggro or don't use those skills.

S1 of Inferno (the one with no threat) isn`t rly worth taking unless you have its T5 unlocked. That`s why many FMs use T2S2 inferno (instant).

Windstorm isn`t worth using unless the target is grabed so many FMs invest the points in some utility skills rather than windstorm.

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1. Detonating the ember stacks generetes A LOT of threat and you can't lower that.
2. It's not worth to put any points in the skills that sais reduce the aggro because they aren't your main sustain.
3. Get used to tank. You'll tank when you have higher AP unless you find a very good tank.

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Priscatella is absolutely right. At least detonating ember won't happen too often because it is only necessary if your other burn skills are on cd. Depending on your Group members windstorm can do extremly high damage so spec that is not the worst idea (you got more than enough skill points with lv. 50 HM 5+). You can do that with Inferno, too, and it will prevent you from getting aggro very early but it's not really worth it. You can also spec RMB but that skill isn't doing much damage so it's not really usefull. To Change the whole aggro "problem" of fm they only had to add the no thread spec to blazing beam and a fm would never get aggro again.


However, don't bother with stoping dps or such things when you take aggro. If a you get aggro during the fight your Party members won't get them back so easily so just dps and tank yourself. You have to do that anyway in lv. 50 instances.

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At lower lvls in unorganized pts most of the time ull get aggro Even in yeti i still get aggro. Things i use are q e AMAzing tools however dont rely on them use em as sort of a backup u should be kiting, there are certain ways to kite where u cant get hit against most mobs which u can use its basically circle around da boss and dont be afraid to turn away while still atting, I sometimes use my ice tab to give everyone a good few s to wail on da boss, Most of the time the BM and KFM should have aggro but lower lvls they usually dont 

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Happens a lot when I run dungeons as well. What I do is not go all out first. Just go slowly at first. If I do too much damage and does get aggro DO NOT RUN AWAY! What you want to do is kite the boss in a circle and slowing bring the boss back to the KFM or BM so they can tank again. Worst thing you can do is run away, the boss willl still chase you (some boss they slam you if you are foo far away), the tank can't get to you because you keep running away.  If it seems they can hold aggro then I start nuking down the boss.  I also play a BM (not really high level) but I hate it when some range class grab aggro and keep running away. I can't save you if run away from me!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I am about ~20AP+ more than my some of my clannies, either I 1)give our tank time to keep aggro or 2)unequip my hongmoon soul. If i took aggro, 1)Kite like a tank, 2) ice tab for a short break. If none of those works, just tank it like you own it.


PS I use fire build nowadays, the rotation is slightly more exciting than ice rain(2) and cold snap(Z) with A/D

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