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Making gold as casual player.


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First of all i would like to say that im playing Blade and soul since its launch this year and im having a blast every minute of it.

after playing wow for like 6 years, this game was exactly was i needed.


Now to my question...

Due to my job and personal life im left with 1-2 hours a day to play.

for that reason im finding really hard to make gold for upgrades.

anyone can share any tip or way to make gold without having to use all my daily time to play on dailies?

help is appreciated.

thanks in advance!

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Just run the most efficient ones,


Open World pvp, 0.5 gold and 12-17 soulstones, so total +-4 gold, takes 15 minutes

Mushin Tower 1-8 +- 3 gp depending where you can get too, takes about 30 mins

Poh 24, 3 gp for half an hours work, don't wait on Poh herself

BSH 24, 3 gp for half an hours work, don't wait on MM


thats around 13 gold in 2 hours, more if you get POH and MMto spawn or if you can get deeper into Mushins tower in 30 mins tops.


Its all about min - maxing your time, ive never done 40 dailies a day, but i personally make about 25 gold in 3 hours.

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Pretty much as Archess said. 

I usually do Mushin, Poh, BSH, Faction and, if I have time, BSH6 and Naryuu 6. Gives me enough gold to upgrade my stuff every 3-5 days.


Basic run should not take you more than 2 hours if you have semi decent gear. Also try to group up for trash mob farm in Poh and BSH - biggest time waster.

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if you really want to maximize your time, do tower which can equal to 3g at the least and the 3 dgns, if capable of running naryu. fastest way for quick gold, the 24 mans are nice, but what can hinder you is if you don't have a party and depending on if the channel is nice and alive. Poh or MM spawn will heavily depend on that. If you do arena i would say do 1v1 only because 3v3 can take way longer up to 5 mins max each round if not a little bit longer and you still aren't guaranteed that you'll win to finish the daily

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9 hours ago, Archess said:

Just run the most efficient ones,


Open World pvp, 0.5 gold and 12-17 soulstones, so total +-4 gold, takes 15 minutes

Mushin Tower 1-8 +- 3 gp depending where you can get too, takes about 30 mins

Poh 24, 3 gp for half an hours work, don't wait on Poh herself

BSH 24, 3 gp for half an hours work, don't wait on MM

thats around 13 gold in 2 hours, more if you get POH and MMto spawn or if you can get deeper into Mushins tower in 30 mins tops.

Its all about min - maxing your time, ive never done 40 dailies a day, but i personally make about 25 gold in 3 hours.

this is if ur a bot

more real will be like .


factions 1h-17ss

fleet 1h-3g

nsh 1h-3g

tower 1h3g

pvp 2h-30ss


u can make and naryu if u have luck to find ppl.


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13 hours ago, rocnogu said:

this is if ur a bot

more real will be like .


factions 1h-17ss

fleet 1h-3g

nsh 1h-3g

tower 1h3g

pvp 2h-30ss


u can make and naryu if u have luck to find ppl.


I guess, having played MMO's for 19 years has awakened my internal bot then....but from an RPG standpoint, i am a Min-Maxer so i maximize everything with minumum effort.


First Faction gives you 14-17 Soulstones, they are worth allot when you sell them....so no it is not 17 silver....for 1 hours worth, if it takes you 1 hour, you should just do the quick ones, don't try to get 10 kills every day, its not efficient.


If you are on purpose waiting on Poharen or Mistery Man to spawn to make another 50 silver in the next 1 hour or so, 2 times, skipp the bosses, waiting around is not an efficient use of your time, nor is going afk and watching youtube while other people will do your work for you.


Mushin should not take you longer then 30 mins, full clear 1-8, skipp the ones you are having issues with, move on...


PVP, it takes you 2 hours to do arena ???


Naryu, Poh4, BSH4 i did not mention because they vary in time depending on the quality of people you have in your group, but its not luck, its called making your own group.


Ive posted an efficient way to get gold, if you are dragging your feet at each quest, then yeah its not gonna be an efficient run, its like people doing 40 dailies each day, because its a number in the book, also not efficient.

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ss= soulstone  like SoulStone like S oulS tone .

and yes. pvp takes u 2h to make 2k beans.

 u dont count the time for gather the party or finding someone to kill "that" boss for u .
fail attempts also . after every quest i need to clear my inv . its also time .
we speak for CASUAL players . do not mistake that with your nolifer circle :)


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17 minutes ago, rocnogu said:

ss= soulstone  like SoulStone like S oulS tone .

and yes. pvp takes u 2h to make 2k beans.

 u dont count the time for gather the party or finding someone to kill "that" boss for u .
fail attempts also . after every quest i need to clear my inv . its also time .
we speak for CASUAL players . do not mistake that with your nolifer circle :)


Again, playing 2 hours for 1 Soulstone pouch is inneficient, just do the dailies and move on.


I don't count those times indeed, because there is no time required to gather people in 24 man dungeons, you enter with a group and you stick with them and try to guide them into killing bosses as opposed to going afk, if i notice more then half my party is standing near Poharen doing didley squat, i leave and skip the boss for that day.


I sadly cannot comment on failing to kill a boss, witch should be zero times in 24 man version, reason i did not bring up the harder dungeons to make money in.


Sorry to burst the bubble, but i only play this game with 1 other Real Life friend and i am not in any guilds, because i do not have the time nor commitment to be in one, seeing i only play 2-3 hours on average per day, i doubt 3 hours is hardcore gaming.


Also if you are the Casual with "money" from not being a no-lifer, spend 20$ on your inventory, it will save you time you can spend doing more hours at work to make more money then you can ever get ingame.


Edit: Forums, never cease to amaze me, you offer someone an efficient way to make gold, so you can do more things in less time and you get called a Bot and a No-Lifer for being time efficient, this world = :/

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11 minutes ago, Archess said:

Edit: Forums, never cease to amaze me, you offer someone an efficient way to make gold, so you can do more things in less time and you get called a Bot and a No-Lifer for being time efficient, this world = :/

Welcome to the salty world of B&S Forum ;)

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38 minutes ago, Archess said:


seriously. did u even check this word in the dictionary ?


20$ ?     =  NOT   CASUAL

5-6 play time on day ?       =   NOT CASUAL 

efficient way to make gold is buy ncoins and then trade them for gold .      =   NOT CASUAL




finding group depend also from the time u play .
when ppl like u spending money for some stupid pixels will stop giving advice on CASUAL players . why u even bother ? why ?
 i get it , u give ur life and money for a game . but normal ppl dont . we have jobs. girlfriends .we meet ppl . drinks in bars . going to a movie . going to a theater . and so much more and more . we have a life . we have friends . we have familly .


move on "bot"    :)  . this is the human section of the forum .

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10 minutes ago, rocnogu said:

20$ ?     =  NOT   CASUAL

5-6 play time on day ?       =   NOT CASUAL 

efficient way to make gold is buy ncoins and then trade them for gold .      =   NOT CASUAL


I have to make do with at best 3 hours of playtime a day...hence the efficiency...seems like you play much more then me.

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1 minute ago, Archess said:

I have to make do with at best 3 hours of playtime a day...hence the efficiency...seems like you play much more then me.

i'm good at efficiency and calculating and making plans . i make my work and life better . so i dont need to work a lot , like other ppl . as example today i'm free .
tomorrow i will be busy almost the whole day :) .

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There is an easy way to make gold slowly without even being online..Its crafting.yes crafting.Merry potters make good profits if you get their moonwater recipe..Radiant ring are great specially if you have good capital as well as soul wardens though I prefer radiant ring to make gold..


Another good way to make gold in so little time?Bids on great items are a very good way to make gold..Example:Naryu if last bosses drop honorary ornament,people bid high for these as well as for naryu soulshields and sometimes even warrior tokens that drop there,you can end up with around 5-6 gold aside from the 2-3 gold you get from naryu quests.

Efleet 4 man drops Blackram General outfit..Trust me,people bid tons on that..I heard some would bid 200 g for that,imagine the profit you can make out of such bid in so little time..They also bid high on POH perfume specially if it drops in higher quantities like 5-6 + Poh perfumes.


There is 1 more way to make gold without wasting but mere seconds or max 5 mins of your time by using marketplace only..Its the way of investment.You invest a great amount of your gold to buy a necessary item like say soulstones when they are very cheap then sell all of them later when their price get high..Example:Soulstones like a month ago used to be for 25-30 s each if not more,later they kept going down till they reach 10-11s each,now they start to hit 19-20s..If someone bought tons of them for 10-11s each when they were cheap and sold now for 19-20 s or later if their price gets even higher they can make tons of profit depending on the amount they bought back then(the more they invested in buying them back then,the more they gain now)..

WARNING:The last method is very very risky its like stock market..you can win tons or lose tons but remember,higher risk=higher return..If you are a risk taker,try the last method out but try to make logical predictions about price and demand on the item you will invest on in the future to make it safer.


Imo,those are the fastest methods to make gold in game..I hope they help.

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