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2 Years Summoner experience.. now i want balance.


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Hello. Im Lirabella. Playing since 2 years. Diamond Summoner.. and i want balance for my class. There is an easy way to balance summoner a good amount: increas cd on the cat grab. An anillity that cc's the enemy for 5 secs. Blocks defense skills for 10 secs. Shreds 50% armor for 10 secy. And knocks you down for 2 secs after the 10 secs debuff ends. On an 18 sec cd ( half of cd then trinket ) is the most unfair skill in the game. While other trinket baiting skills have such a high cd ( kfm stun. Destro enrage and red spin. And more ) soo... can we just increase the cooldown onit. That my class gets more balanced and other classed have a bether chance of winning. Thank you for reading. Also im writing this on the phone. Im sorry

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@SoWutBruh No i made this by my own decision. No one forced me to do this or said anything.

@Victorion http://imgur.com/7ndlJWL I mostly play Tag Team, solo does not make me much fun compared to tag. I am bad geared since i currently have a bit school / work trouble. Also i wasted most of my gold for my warlock which i wont play anylonger.

@Windy I didnt play at 50 content at all, ur right. I played 1.5 year on PlayBNS ( Russian server ), which were completly diffrent in some way, and 0.5 years if you count the closed Beta's and Headstart, till now in it. I can only write with my self experience i got.
If the 50 content changes so much, i will take it back, but i still think the grab is to strong with it's cooldown.


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I disagree about increasing the CD.  The duration should be decreased.  Scroll through the CCs in the game and find another CC that locks someone down for 5 seconds and doesn't break on damage.


Summoners only strongest CC just lasts a little too long.  3 seconds would be more appropriate.  The number of hits you could deal would be reduced, and require a lot more skill and timing to land solid damage during that time frame.

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They wont be nerfing anything. summoners will get weaker once QI master shows up summoner will be very much extinct from PVP. by then alot of classes will counter summoners hard when legendary skills arrived. right now they are strong as heck due to lack of access to legendary skills . cough BM

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7 hours ago, dmoe33 said:

Lv 50 patch in 2 days. It is supposedly balanced 

No real changes coming for Summoner. Small buff to Enhanced Seed Shroud AoE (16m-50m) is the only change you will see. Mainly just other classes catching up with their own gimmick skills.




5 hours ago, TakunDes said:

They wont be nerfing anything. summoners will get weaker once QI master shows up summoner will be very much extinct from PVP. by then alot of classes will counter summoners hard when legendary skills arrived. right now they are strong as heck due to lack of access to legendary skills . cough BM

We already have the balance patch that came with Soul Fighter. Summoners were unpopular in Korea before even that.

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43 minutes ago, HUnewearl said:

No real changes coming for Summoner. Small buff to Enhanced Seed Shroud AoE (16m-50m) is the only change you will see. Mainly just other classes catching up with their own gimmick skills.




We already have the balance patch that came with Soul Fighter. Summoners were unpopular in Korea before even that.

Yea i know jus stating that ALL classes are supposedly balanced from what is apparent 

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I don't really believe you because the grapple is hard to actually execute. It requires they use up all their escapes and you use all your CC so the CC'd person can be pinned or even continue to stay pinned. In a 1v1 scenario, it doesn't let you one shot the opponent and in 3v3 there are better things to tag in on than a pin that can be canceled by having a teammate tag and CC the cat and are easier to execute (grab). Not to mention, this class is notoriously bad at pvp when all the current content is unlocked; it's likely to fall hard on Wednesday if more skills are released.

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4 hours ago, OddFinrir said:

I don't really believe you because the grapple is hard to actually execute. It requires they use up all their escapes and you use all your CC so the CC'd person can be pinned or even continue to stay pinned. In a 1v1 scenario, it doesn't let you one shot the opponent and in 3v3 there are better things to tag in on than a pin that can be canceled by having a teammate tag and CC the cat and are easier to execute (grab). Not to mention, this class is notoriously bad at pvp when all the current content is unlocked; it's likely to fall hard on Wednesday if more skills are released.

Grapple is not hard to execute.Just need good ping and instant reaction. Some classes have to burn their tab (36 sec cd) to be eventually pinned down for the next grapple (16 Sec cd) and one shot by sunflower spam. Summoners are by far the easiest class to play, no wonder there are diamond bot summoners on the ladder.

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6 hours ago, ChocolateGod said:

Dont gotta have maxed out gear to be diamond in pvp scrub

Perhaps you should read the entire context before you´re calling anybody scrub.


2 years of experience -> bad gear | makes little sense. I have a fulltime job and much better geared.

Diamond Rank -> didn´t find the name anywhere on the ranks.



So you´re saying that you mainly play 3v3, and your balance request is based on 3v3 experience? - Obviously there are alot stronger combos in 3v3 than 1v1, because you can forcibly use up the opponents escapes very quickly when you assist and dual attack 1 character. Power Pounce is way harder to escape then in 1v1.

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Honestly, I find it irritating that people say "Summoner isn't so bad, the Grapple isn't as OP" because it actually is.  The point Lirabella was making is absolutely right (nice meeting you on stream, btw. I remember your unique name.) and I think summoner would be strong enough even if you increase the CD to 36 and the cc to 3-4 instead of 5 sec, but as it has been said: Summoner won't be as strong at Lvl50 as they have been at 45, so I don't really care anymore at this point.


And what does gear have to do with Arena? If you look at Top20, you'll see some players without max gear. #4 Infernal, #6 Profane for example.

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7 hours ago, Victorion said:

2 years of experience -> bad gear | makes little sense. I have a fulltime job and much better geared.


The game doesn't get less grindy the second time you play through it. I'm diamond at HM4 (got there yesterday) with a not-even-fully-upgraded True Profane weapon. I can't stomach the grind myself, especially knowing that I'll be shifting to Soul Fighter soon enough.


13 hours ago, dmoe33 said:

Yea i know jus stating that ALL classes are supposedly balanced from what is apparent 

Ah, okay. I took it as suggesting that the Soul Fighter patch would balance things. I'm not sure exactly how much we'll be getting with Silverfrost -- I know we're getting the ice cave HM skill, but we may still be a bit behind in terms of abilities.

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