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Have we ever received any compensation for those maintenance?


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Other than you are really sorry for the inconvenience you brought to us.


Not talking about the weekly one, but those times we just randomly kicked out of the servers while you guys got even no idea what was going on.


I have to say that, this is the first game I've ever played that runs into trouble once or twice each week and gives no compensation at all.


Let's not talking about how KR TW CN JP gamers complaining nothing about it again, they got compensations, google it.

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*shrug*  If you're premium, a case could be made for compensation.


So, let's see.  It's what $12 per month?  Figure months average 30 days.  24 hours per day, so 720 hours per month.  So, $0.02 cents per hour of downtime compensation.

What do you want them to do.  Mail you a dime?

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Really I mean game has its own issues but maintenance is NEEDED. As long as there aren't server shutdowns and resets that are not intended, you are not getting any compensation because you haven't lost anything.


Be REASONABLE everyone, you're distracting the staff from the real issues that matter....

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Sorry guys, I'm paying for yearly membership, costumes, founders' packs, and still got bunch of NCoins waiting for new costumes.

I don't really care about so few money which I put in, since I do have a life and job to care about.

I just do not like ppl saying "apologize for your inconvenience" while they are really not.

Why no just say, "apologize for your inconvenience and fk off" if that's what inside their mind?


I actually have no trouble at all if they only give compensation for ppl paying for memberships or spending $500 or more or something.

If they would like to mail me a dime, please, I'll accept and be happy. At least it shows some attitude.


Being a P2P or F2P or whatever is just a choice of business model, which does not making them NGOs. Why should ppl appreciate for them to be F2P? I cannot get the point, sorry.


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1 minute ago, Sync said:

For someone with a life and job, you sure are delusional...

LOL I don't wanna roast him or anything but...


He needs to know what he's got into, he paid a whole year of premium and now the hype is gone, he's probably bored and frustrated already so he's demanding more.


Dont load your money into a game then you wont have big expectations. Simple, really. Just because you paid so much for a free game doesn't mean you should have a privilege.


You really sound entitled. 

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Well, seems like I'm some spoiled player. In Tera, we get compensation. Even if the game is F2P and if you are a F2P leecher. It's not much, mostly it's some small cosmetics you get via code. Or the premiums get some additional days added to their subscription, based on the missed days. Like someone said: 2 cents per day. Tera does add it to our subscription, because the 4 cent doesn't kill their business and gives us the feeling being taken serious as customers. Perhaps handing out 4 cent to premium subscribers does kill BnS, I dont know.


Good for NCsoft to have such loyal customers like you guys ... or should I say ... "Fanboys"?

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4 minutes ago, Celestine said:

Well, seems like I'm some spoiled player. In Tera, we get compensation. Even if the game is F2P and if you are a F2P leecher. It's not much, mostly it's some small cosmetics you get via code. Or the premiums get some additional days added to their subscription, based on the missed days. Like someone said: 2 cents per day. Tera does add it to our subscription, because the 4 cent doesn't kill their business and gives us the feeling being taken serious as customers. Perhaps handing out 4 cent to premium subscribers does kill BnS, I dont know.


Good for NCsoft to have such loyal customers like you guys ... or should I say ... "Fanboys"?


I come from a time where server downtimes for certain games was up to one week if you where unlucky, with no compensation at all. We where simply happy we could play again. This compensation thing is something of this day and age so i think it's quite natural you want it. Thats most likely the difference we are used to worse.

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So tired reading how the game is f2p and we must be grateful... Some of us wish this game was p2p or even b2p, also, I don't really give a f.... if you're a free leecher and you're happy with what you get, I pay for some virtual services and when I can't have them because the server goes down every second day, yes I do want a compensation even if that's just 5 charms, It shows to me that the company cares for its customers (yea sorry to break it down to you, but you're not really donating, you don't throw your money to help some poor people and wait nothing in return, you throw your money and buy a (virtual) costume or a (virtual) premium membership/services which gives you perks, yes you are a customer love..)


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