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I love BnS but it's starting to go downhill


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First of all as stated in the title I really enjoy my experience with Blade and Soul so far and spent quite a few happy hours with it. However I am afraid things are starting to go downhill and once it starts a game can go down the drain really fast. I saw this happen to Archeage which was one of the most anticipated MMORPG releases in the west at its time. It started with small things like little stuff in the cash shop that people didn't like and little gameplay changes but everyone that played the game knows it got downhill really fast during pretty much one single patch, namely the release of the new continent and some P2W aspects.


With the addition of the RNG boxes I see the same small signs in BnS already and I don't like it. It scares me.


So as a shoutout to the devolopers, publishers and any god responsible for gaming, please don't make this game a cashgrab like Archeage or Rift. You can make this game into a long living money printing machine if you handle it right or you can do the one time cashgrab and ruin the game for you and the community if you do it wrong.

As a shoutout to the community, if you like what they are doing I don't mind that's your opinion and I can't change it. BUT if you are afraid of the little signs be it RNG boxes or some gameplay decision (didn't notice any bad ones there but Archeage really made me paranoid) raise your voice in a way the devoloper is able and willing to hear. I won't ask you to vote with your wallets because that never worked but let the developer know what you think about new implementations and changes.


Also, I bought the masters pack and let me say the following: Even if they turn the game into a P2W cashgrab I regret nothing because I didn't buy the pack expecting to get the perfect game but I rather bought it to show the developer that I supported what they did at the time.

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Wouldn't say its pay to win YET for me pay to win is purchasing something in the cash shop NO ONE ELSE can purchase (that effect your stats etc... ) 

or a special wep. etc... Other then that i don't care. 


NOW  the RNG is the only thing that bothers me.  And can see a lot of people buying the  boxes and A LOT of people complaining about them.  


Can't wait to see where this game goes in a year or so, that'll be the time to tell what kind of game this is going to be (too soon for me to tell) 

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the fact you compare this shop to the shop in archeage suggests you saw what happened in archeage but really dont understand what happened.  they need to make money some how end of the day thats why its here to bay some bills, the fact the shop is clothing and mainly just cosmetics is a very good thing! i think most people would rather them add a bunch of rng boxes for cosmetics for players to spunk there money away on over items that give stats and with out them items from the store you are at a disadvantage, that is what pay to win is. you can look at this as pay to look stylish but weather you look like an immortal god or a peasant it 100% dosnt effect how strong you are 


you can and should make posts like this if they started adding cosmetics with stats that are only on the store


till then just chill down 

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Archeage didn't need to go the route it took in any financial way. That said I am not one to judge if it was right or wrong out of a business perspective. I just see those boxes with "some" ingame items as a test run for bigger things. This time it's moonwater stones and soul stones but we can't be sure they stop there. And if I don't say something now I am not the one to complain later if they ever add true P2W stuff.

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The Issue is as stated above that they might be testing the waters to eventually release an RNG box with a +20 WtfPwnt weapon in it if the community lets them. It's not certain that this is just a testrun but I for one am certain that they will release such a box if they think it will get them money on the long run (read: without people being pissed and quitting)


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Quote: "There will be always something bad for people and they have to share it with others for some reason :D if your not having fun playing a game, dont play, simple"


Is it that bad to voice my opinion? I told you I currently have fun with the game and I share my opinion to give some feedback to the developer and get some feedback from the community if they feel the same or if I am the minority here. If people don't tell the devs what they like and don't like about the game how are they supposed to improve it? If you know any better place than the official forum please tell me and I will move there.

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There's very little pay 2 win about it.


The only issue I have with it is that they haven't made them available for purchase using hongmoon coins, I'm not sure if this is a bug or not though but they definitely should be purchasable using hongmoon.


Restricting purchase of such things using hongmoon coins is going to discourage people from using currency exchange (when available), in favour of buying from players - which will increase the potential for scammers.


I also hope they do something similar to Tera whereby an outfit in an rng box is later made available on the cash shop itself. I know a lot of people similar to me mostly enjoy collecting outfits in this game and being limited to not having an outfit just because you can't throw £100 on rng boxes is a bother (the 365 days prem outfit is bad enough..)

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The RNG boxes are not P2W, I don't even know why you would think cosmetic items are.  

There are many reasons why Archeage failed, and I doubt RNG boxes were the part of the problem, assuming that it doesn't contain top gear.  I'm fine with boxes, it helps companies massively, the boxes and market on CS GO is probably profiting  valve massively

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1 hour ago, Miyaki said:

Quote: "There will be always something bad for people and they have to share it with others for some reason :D if your not having fun playing a game, dont play, simple"


Is it that bad to voice my opinion? I told you I currently have fun with the game and I share my opinion to give some feedback to the developer and get some feedback from the community if they feel the same or if I am the minority here. If people don't tell the devs what they like and don't like about the game how are they supposed to improve it? If you know any better place than the official forum please tell me and I will move there.

Better to suggest what developers should change in this game

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14 minutes ago, 879309_1452550461 said:

The RNG boxes are not P2W, I don't even know why you would think cosmetic items are.  

There are many reasons why Archeage failed, and I doubt RNG boxes were the part of the problem, assuming that it doesn't contain top gear.  I'm fine with boxes, it helps companies massively, the boxes and market on CS GO is probably profiting  valve massively

The RNG boxes are casino type where instead of just selling the item, you try to have people to gamble to make more money.


It is not P2W yet because the game contents are still at least 4 years behind, once legendary weapon out, now that is one OP expensive like +15 on other games.

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In my personal opinion. The only reason it is going downhill in certain areas of the game, is because of people already playing before and bringing that knowledge over to where players who haven't, stand no chance. I am speaking of both PvE and PvP. See, there is an elitist attitude that i plaguing the game currently. You have people using that ever lovely two word phrase "Git Gud" when someone makes even the smallest complaint and they don't do more than that. If you want a good opponent or you want someone to play with that is equal and or better than you. Then train the people. Use a bit of that gathered knowledge and help people out.


Rants aside, I am having a blast with the game. Going down hill? How so, transformation stones? How is that downhill exactly? It lets people progress faster, but what benefit is there aside from helping you out in a much strongest aspect or, of course what you're likely referring to. Absolutely wrecking you in PvP because of the gear difference. That is the only harm I can see from this. I dunno, maybe I am blind? I just think that some soulstones and trans stones aren't exactly pay to win and it is RNG lottery luck in anycase.


I came from the game known as "Skyforge." The developers straight PROMISED no P2W. They got a huge flow of players to come into their game. Their first week two first two weeks were very successful until people found out one thing? The game was indeed pay two win. It had multiple pay to win things attatched, but not until higher prestige level and it got worse as time went on. Skill were locked behind 60-100 dollar events. Bag increases were locked behind currency and the game was kind enough to use up all of your bag space quite quickly. There was no bank and the PvP in the game was a absolute joke, yet everyone did it. 


In anycase, that's my words, take em how you like, but I don't think a RNG box is going to cause the downfall of a game that was anticipated so greatly. I honestly wasn't even going to play it and I am glad I gave it a shot.

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lol at the people still in denial that it will be p2w eventually. Every other version is. This isn't going to be any different. They already started on that path.


They're only lying to you so they can get your money, and once they have it, they'll do what they were always planning to do. The problem is all of you constantly falling for it.

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1 minute ago, Hongmoon said:

lol at the people still in denial that it will be p2w eventually. Every other version is. This isn't going to be any different. They already started on that path.


They're only lying to you so they can get your money, and once they have it, they'll do what they were always planning to do. The problem is all of you constantly falling for it.

The fact that you'll be able to buy gold for NCoin has been there for years. The fact that you will never be able to buy stats or get any advantage in the arena is, too.

Do what you will with that information.

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I don't have a problem with RNG boxes. However, I do have a problem if their going to allow people to trade NC coins for gold in game because that would just inflate the economy at this point. If this happens, then new players could not afford to upgrade their weapons and eventually quit the game. I prefer that NC takes the route of allowing premium members to grind for gold and have more perks compared to someone that is playing non-premium. Yeah, some might quit, but eventually when they have the cash, they will come back to play more. The money botter problems would be solved if the devs implemented a higher level cap or make region chat premium only. Maybe create a separate chat channel for premium members instead of everyone talking. I honestly do not think creating a separate chat tab for premium would be considered p2w, but rather a perk for players that support the game. Finally, reward players for ranking up in PVP and reward players for clearing insanely hard dungeons. This would make the game fun to play and have a long life value. The problem bns has is that unlike league of legends, bns does not constantly have new skins every month or insane game changing patches.



I have played Tera and what really killed it was sometimes there was no content at all or it just got too boring. There should be something challenging for players and something new for this region in bns. NA has money to give, it is just the developers need to pump out new content every month. If you want money like how League made 1.6 Billion dollars in last year, make more content and interact with players. I really love developers continuing to build their game like Riot games as it brings a fresh new feel every time you touch the game. As well as be transparent with updates. I see an e-sports potential, and it is up to the marketing team (Julianne) to make it as productive as possible.

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I see a lot of why do you care it's not stats and that type of thing. Some people do not play for stats, some of us like outfits. Now if I can't get one because it never drops off a boss for me that's alright I can keep trying. If I never get one because it comes with a year subscription and I don't want to commit to the game that long yet that's alright also it's a set price. If I don't get one because no matter how much I spend RNG decides I can't have it, well that's not alright.

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6 minutes ago, Mekusa said:

I see a lot of why do you care it's not stats and that type of thing. Some people do not play for stats, some of us like outfits. Now if I can't get one because it never drops off a boss for me that's alright I can keep trying. If I never get one because it comes with a year subscription and I don't want to commit to the game that long yet that's alright also it's a set price. If I don't get one because no matter how much I spend RNG decides I can't have it, well that's not alright.

That's the thing, though, isn't it? In a game where "winning" has nothing to do with gear stats or anything there like, what exactly is p2w? I think p2w is no longer an applicable criticism for some games... I'd personally would call them: Pay 2 fully enjoy... or maybe even pay 2 sate OCD. ;)

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Just now, WarBaby2 said:

That's the thing, though, isn't it? In a game where "winning" has nothing to with gear stats or anything there like, what exactly is p2w? I think p2w i no longer an applicable criticism for some games... I'd personally would call them: Pay 2 fully enjoy... or maybe even pay 2 sate OCD. ;)

I never and have never said it was P2W. Check my posts any time that question is asked if the boxes are I say no.

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2 minutes ago, Mekusa said:

I never and have never said it was P2W. Check my posts any time that question is asked if the boxes are I say no.

Not accusing you of anything, I was just contemplating the term "p2w" in general... jeez, you youngsters are always SO defensive. ;)

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