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Today I tried logging in only to find my Password has been changed. My friend tells me that he saw me log in earlier today and I said that's not possible because I was at work.

So, I reset my password, and got on. My 6 digit PIN was also changed. Had to reset and change that too. Once I finally got on, ALL my gold, and tradable items were gone. 


All the hard earned items + gold gone just like that...I've already submitted a ticket to NCSoft. I tried calling but their phone services are terrible. I like most people have spent lots of money buying the Master pack for this game and I've enjoyed it a lot, but when stuff like this happens it really pushes me away from the game.


I'm really not sure how my account was hacked. I never go to any unsafe websites and my email/password is pretty strong. This is the first time I've ever been hacked actually. My account shows that someone has logged in from a different IP address than my usual, and I can provide this information to the GM. I'd appreciate it if a GM can escalate this issue. 



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some people had things disappear out of their inventories after yesterdays patch


but that still wouldn't explain your friend seeing your character logged in

idk i'd say maybe you visited a shady site and got keylogged but even in that case idk how they'd get your 6 digit PIN...

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Sorry to hear about that, Nemesis.


It's possible that your account was easy to figure out.

Out of sheer paranoia, make sure to make a password that's not easily obtainable where they can search your information via google, and/or make sure to have on your 2-step verification.


It's an extra step of it being a hassle, but this helps protect you in the long run.


Regardless, I hope you can be compensated in some shape or form.

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39 minutes ago, Killian said:

I really wish they would implement an optional phone login verification, only optional cause some people would whine about it but I'd rather be extra safe than sorry.

They have a 2 Step verification system. If you have an Android or Iphone make sure to make use of this.

@OP sorry to hear that it happened to you. Hopefully this will be resolved!

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I wish people would stop assuming everything going wrong with a persons account HAS to be them being a shady person and either buying/selling gold. It's very stupid to assume that with little to no information provided, they guy didn't ask for a guilt trip or anything, they're a concerned player whether guilty or innocent you are not the judge.


Anyways, hope NCSoft can backtrack and check your mail/trade history and see where your stuff went to.

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20 minutes ago, Lunaus said:

I wish people would stop assuming everything going wrong with a persons account HAS to be them being a shady person and either buying/selling gold. It's very stupid to assume that with little to no information provided, they guy didn't ask for a guilt trip or anything, they're a concerned player whether guilty or innocent you are not the judge.


Anyways, hope NCSoft can backtrack and check your mail/trade history and see where your stuff went to.

This Exactly. Yes hopefully NCSoft can do a rollback or something on my account too...


11 minutes ago, Dowra said:

You should be concerned about your Email being compromised. Im pretty sure you need to get a code from your email to even get on from a new IP.  Make sure you change that as well~

Yep I just changed all my passwords and added google authentication to it.



It's better to be safe then sorry guys, get the 2 step verification if you haven't already.

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  • 4 weeks later...

The same thing happened to me today. All my gold gone on both characters and emptied my vault too. This really pisses me off as i worked hard to grind all those stuff. I wish they would up their security. This is so frustrating. Even with google authentication, they still managed to hack my account

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Key logger only logs the keyboard keys.  It cannot log the PIN numbers, since you are using the mouse to click on the numbers. 


Is it possible that someone somehow knows your information and use them to reset your account access to get in.

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*cricket* the authenticator! The hacker got into my account by using one. I'm just extremely annoyed... I lost everything that was valuable and lost 1 weeks worth of game time. And all I get is my account back... I bought a founders pack and that might not be as much as some of you, but I still spent money on this game... [I lost a week worth of time because they locked my account to investigate, but thats it...]

Now you guys might say "oh you got keylogged", I have two blade and soul accounts. My other is still fine! I made that account to play with my other friends who decided they were finished and started playing warhammer instead. But low and behold the one server my friends are still on was the one that got hacked... 2 of my characters put together might not even make 2 silvers back. This is just fustrating...

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42 minutes ago, triplethreat said:

Simple solution...don't goto gold selling sites.  Yea, yea, yea...I know, you didn't go there. They just simply magically got your account info. This is the same old story no matter what game it is.

I'd love to see you make a thread about you being hacked.

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