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Join the NEW servers. . .


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If you don't want to wait 5 hours to play, just join a new server a get started, cause you're wasting time you could be leveling instead of waiting.


I understand that some of you have friends or guilds in the queue servers, but sometimes you won't always get it your way, soon you will be able to play with your friends & you will make friends in the new servers


just a little advice to the people whining about queues



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You're not "abandoning" them, I hope you would want to actually play this game, besides you will make new friends and you will still be with your friends some day or something, but if you want to wait 9 hours to play then be my guest.

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10 hours ago, Aimscoes said:

They said before that the new servers are already almost full. 

It's so sad to even think about, but the gold spammer/bots to player ratio right now is prolly something like 5+ to 1. There filling up quick, but with the wrong accounts!


I've also noticed that the player base on the new servers seem to be pretty chill for the most. I think it's cause everyone on them is just happy to be in the game and not stuck in a queue lol

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