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Fall Trove 2022


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More 3 star crits than ever before, or maybe i was just lucky this time around?


A lot of things are still very overpriced, and a lot of useless things are still there


But still a huge step up from the 2021 and before troves ofc, You have done a decent Job at this.

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I'm curious why they decided to add things like a single honing oil for 25g or a single scarlet bloom for 3g when easy dungeons are already dropping soul shields 2 tiers higher than what you'd use that bloom for.

Genuinely confused.

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15 hours ago, kLaii said:

I'm curious why they decided to add things like a single honing oil for 25g or a single scarlet bloom for 3g when easy dungeons are already dropping soul shields 2 tiers higher than what you'd use that bloom for.

Genuinely confused.

I think they're still trying to feel out what items are useful to NA/EU and while it's improved there's still some oddities.

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This is the best trove in prob ever! The amount of 3* Crits has been amazing. I used to get so bummed out spending way too much on keys hoping that would be the time I would finally get a 3* crit only to never get one, and eventually giving up as the rng was just horrid.


Now though it’s actually worth getting keys the items are pretty good too although over priced on some parts. 

i feel scales are over estimated in worth and you won’t see anyone buying one for 100g+. Hongmoon scrolls as well I found this time were terribly overpriced going for the current market price, which didn’t really offer any benefit to buying em from trove.

Although we are now finally getting more gold so who knows by next trove how much the market has changed. 

All in all really happy with this turn out and can’t wait to see what the next trove has in stock for us :3



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Just wanted to leave some feedback on Fall Trove 2022, it was easily the best trove I've ever experienced in the 3+ years I've been playing the game. The 3* and 2* crits felt fair and rewarding. And it was definitely a great change of pace for troving and made me enjoy doing it. Please keep it up 🙂

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On 10/23/2022 at 9:09 AM, KaisaMain said:

Just wanted to leave some feedback on Fall Trove 2022, it was easily the best trove I've ever experienced in the 3+ years I've been playing the game. The 3* and 2* crits felt fair and rewarding. And it was definitely a great change of pace for troving and made me enjoy doing it. Please keep it up 🙂


Good for You, i've used 75 keys and got no 3* at all.

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Hi the 2nd day of the Trove i Buy 300 keys and was really good , rarely i get 1* and every 10 or 15 keys i get a 3*  really good 

BUT, today i buy again 200 keys and was bad always 1 star, rarely 2 stars and only get one time a 3 star for a horse ... (WTF?) they change the % in the last mantainement? (delete the equipment guide and roll back the % for trove???)

sorry but feel like that @Green Storm

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@Green Storm


I'm going to have to second the guy above me. I buy trove keys with hard earned HM coins and I'm a long time player (since launch). Ever since the "crit meter" was implemented it said it guaranteed a 3-star crit once you hit it (I might be wrong on this but considering I've ALWAYS gotten a 3-star on a crit my experience comes into play here).


I had hit it the other day after the maint and it gave me a measly 2-star crit. I have NEVER gotten a 2-star crit from the crit meter EVER and I'm questioning if something got messed up since the last maint that screwed up the priorities.


This shouldn't be a thing. Crit meter should be a guaranteed 3-star seeing as it can take a maximum of 40 keys to reach it in the first place and that alone is already nearly $50.


It felt like I just wasted my keys to get the same basic 2-star I was getting 20 times before already.

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2 hours ago, Clannadx said:

Hi the 2nd day of the Trove i Buy 300 keys and was really good , rarely i get 1* and every 10 or 15 keys i get a 3*  really good 

BUT, today i buy again 200 keys and was bad always 1 star, rarely 2 stars and only get one time a 3 star for a horse ... (WTF?) they change the % in the last mantainement? (delete the equipment guide and roll back the % for trove???)

sorry but feel like that @Green Storm

They don't change the odds like that and I'm not seeing any problems, still getting quite a few 2 stars.

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The amount of Ethereal Vials in a crit should be the same or higher than Pet Packs in the same roll.

Or is it time to release an accountbound Ethereal Vial variation ?


(in the market ethereal vials are cheaper than pet pods)

But you need insane amounts of them to do anything worthwhile, so most people are ignoring those upgrades (thus ignoring ethereal vials)

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15 hours ago, luzt said:

The amount of Ethereal Vials in a crit should be the same or higher than Pet Packs in the same roll.

"The amount of tradeable items in a crit should be the same or higher than non tradable items in the same roll."
Yea sure...

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My honest opinion on Trove is that you should get rid of it and do Fortune's Favor instead of it. It's a lot more consumer friendly (had its issues but Trove is worse), since you know what you're paying for and know what you get at the end of the board. Less rng is always good for west. Never liked Trove because it's a lottery and I rather just be able to see what I'm going to end up with, though I do agree with everyone that it was improved this time around.


Some highlights of improvements are the dyad square obsidian/garnet in the 2 stars. Those really help to prep for the new dyad tier although I feel it's way too expensive to achieve so I am debating if I will continue upgrading that particular dyad. At least it's not unironic heptagonals crits anymore. But also on a negative note, you should get rid of the 5 octagonal obsidians in one of the 2 stars too. You cannot even obtain octagonal obsidians anymore because it's such an old tier of gem and also, if you gonna put 5 obsidians, why not put 6 of them so at least people can make 2 whole triangle obsidians? Putting only 5 seems like trolling the player imo.


I don't understand why the cherry blossom nameplate/chatbox can't be mailed with outfit stamps. It's a cosmetic so I feel it should be mailable.


Lastly, the amount of sacred vials and sterling crystals need to be adjusted to fit the new mythical system. As a reminder, you have made it upgrading a +13 to +14 Zealous heart cost 37 BOUND STERLING SCALE CRYSTAL AND 35 REGULAR STERLING CRYSTAL PER RNG TRY. This is what you guys decided to put in the game (it's insane Blizzard level terrible monetization imo). I think it would be priority to change that amount. You only get 1 single vial/sterling per 2 star crit of vial or sterling and this is just not really acceptable imo. Also, Korea BnS has confirmed that you lose 5 stages of your alternate equipment like the soul once the new tier comes out. Imagine you put spend the down payment of a Lamborghini to +20 your soul and then you lose 5 levels anyway next tier. Bruh. Also, if it's such a issue that 1% of player$$$$ get the strongest soul the next tier if the developers let them keep the +20 and the devs decided they have to knock them down a peg, then maybe this isn't a good system?


This is really insanity and I think the mythical system should be looked into for these equipment, since probably 99% of the playerbase cannot partake in upgrading these but hey, to keep on topic... If you are a masochist and want to keep upgrading such a thing, there should be more quantity given of these two materials in Trove. (But really, just delete Trove imo)


Edit: Reminder that you cannot even farm sterlings in the game. They're not on the loot tables and can only get them during events.



Edited by Zombie King
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25 minutes ago, Zombie King said:

As a reminder, you have made it upgrading a +13 to +14 Zealous heart cost 37 BOUND STERLING SCALE CRYSTAL AND 35 REGULAR STERLING CRYSTAL PER RNG TRY.

That's incorrect. It's one or the other, NOT both. That's a selection menu in your screenshot. Not much of an improvement mind you, using unbound gives you a whopping 5% more success chance and fills the pity meter more, but I felt this correction was needed.

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