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Celestial Path patch


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Hi, I would like to talk about the upcoming Celestial Path patch.

First of all, thank you for providing the patch notes earlier, it is nice to be able to see the upcoming changes in advance and have a better chance to prepare for the patch.


Soul Arena



Small event , that you can do quickly, no need to spend to long to participate in the event.

Some people enjoy the special title and character frame.



The event rewards do not make sense

As seen in the patch notes, you need 150 Fearless Tokens for the "Gilded Triangular Obsidian/Garnet". Even if you get rank 1 rewards for the whole event duration( 4 weeks) , you will only get 120 Fearless Tokens, so unless we get additional Tokens from another source ,not mentioned in the patch notes, like the daily quest or daily login, it is not even possible to buy the rewards listed.

It is also weird, that this is the first event in a long time, where Sacred Vials and Pet Packs are not in the reward list.


The dynamic quest is useless in our region, other regions had Fusion Stones in the dynamic quest, making the event dungeon a place to farm this otherwise limited resource.


And the biggest con of them all is the gold reward.
Yes, we do need more gold and have asked for more gold sources multiple times, so it seems a bit counter intuitive for me to dislike a new gold source,

BUT the problems I have with the reward are:


a) it only rewards the top 20 players, and even if I myself do not have a problem to get an appropriate rank to benefit from this reward, I think that this change is not a good one.

We have more than 280 players ( the amount of players of all classes that get gold) and it seems weird to me to only rewards such a small part of the community, this change seems to further alienate newer/casual players.


b) the amount is to low to make a difference.

The gold earned in the whole event may seem nice, but even for top ranks, it is not enough to help with the gold issues this game has. ( R1:30k, R2:22,5k,R3:15k)

Rank 11-20 only get 3k gold during the event. Most people know, that this is no solution, not even a bandaid-fix,


The gold issue is already being discussed in this https://forums.bladeandsoul.com/topic/253283-low-gold-income-on-euna-server/) topic so I wont go into detail here, but this honestly seems like an insult, after gold changes were announced for this patch in the producers letter.



Raider's Fortune Event


The event concept is nice, but I find it a bit questionable that the raids that are included are Scarlet Conservatory and The Steelbreaker.

Scarlet Conservatory and its loot are irrelevant for every player.

Every player, be it veteran or new player, gets better gear from Soul Boost and has no need for the gear, so why double the loot in old content?

The Steelbreaker raid is still relevant for new players who completed Soul Boost to get more materials to further upgrade their weapon, so this is beneficial to at least new players.

I do not understand why the dynamic loot is not doubled in the Twisted Serpents Den raid. Many more players would benefit from this, than the Scarlet Conservatory loot. It would also help all new players who are transitioning from the end of Soul Boost gear to better endgame gear.



Charmed Life Event


While this event sounds nice in theory and is a way to help the players gain more XP, it shows a lack of understanding about the game from the publisher. Spending any amount of gold and materials on crafting XP Charm, even with a discount, is a waste.

Just by killing mobs in demonsbane dungeons, players can gain a lot of XP, depending on their stage of course. And even newer players can profit from this XP gain. Not to mention veterans who gain millions of XP from high stages.


Koldrak's Return


Double loot from Koldrak, can be nice, but nothing major. The additional Scales are only useful to buy more Garnets, which can be gained from Soul Boost for free,but hey free stuff is free stuff, even if it is not needed by most of the comunity.


Baleful Bounty Event


Same sentiment as the Koldrak "event". Free is free so no complaining about that, but nobody will be thankful for 4 insignia chests after 4 weeks, when we get 10-20+ each day from Sanctum of the Masters.


Celestial Basin Renewal


Another weird thing in this patch. So the area is reworked, new peaches added, mob hp readjusted, only for there to be no use in farming there? The merchant offers a pitifully low amount of bound materials that no one in their right mind would farm using peaches, since other sources are way less time intensive. XP Charms, that again, are useless,since you can farm more XP by killing mobs. And to top it all of the daily gives us 5gold. Nice now all our gold problems are gone.

This area seems dead on arrival in our region, since I see no point for any kind of player to spend their time farming peaches.

I do have to say, that the patchnotes may not be complete, since only the merchant and daily are mentioned, and other regions have useful loot in the boss drops, which are not mentioned in the patch notes. So it is possible that we get a use out of this area ( namely, HM master scrolls and even pet pouches that contain pets needed for AP achievements).



Final Thoughts


The way this patch is presented makes it seem lackluster, atleast from a veteran players perspective.

I understand that not every patch can contain content for every type of player, but this patch seems like a filler-patch. Nothing to do ingame, after your Soul Area run for the day/week. No adjustments to the issues mentioned for months( gold, skill bugs), so no real motivation to spend time ingame.


A question I have for Greenstorm, would be why we have this "empty patch"?. I know that you most likely won´t/can´t answer that, but it would be nice to know. Since the other regions have a new update every month for quite some time now, so we will lag behind even more if our update schedules do not align. And we as the players suffer because of that,since we only get skill fixes every few months.Players have to play with bugy bracelets and badges, or animation locks for months, even if those issues where fixed long ago in the KR version.

More on this topic can be seen and discussed in this topic:


Even gold fixes that where applied in other versions a lot quicker ( Kaebi Village, or the gold chest in the daily challenge) take longer to reach us. And with no motivation to play and nothing meaningful to do ingame, more and more players will "take a break" this patch and it remains to be seen how many of them will come back once we do get content again.


I would like to ask the community what they think about the things I mentioned here. Do you agree? Disagree?


Best regards, Guerkchen

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As much as it pains me to say this, I don't see any point in playing during this patch.

Celestial Basin is dead even before its arrival:
A single mob in Aerodrome Stage 71 gives you 300k exp, the dummy room contains 21 of those, so just pulling the whole dummy room and bursting it with debuff damage gives you 6.3m in like 30-40 seconds. An equivalent stage for the 2m exp charm would be stage 53, as long as you can't farm those peaches required for the 2m exp charm within 30-40 seconds it's not worth farming at all.
Even Primewald, a map added 1.5 years ago gives you more materials on average compared to Celestial Basin. A new map giving you less materials than 1,5 year old content isn't really worth even visiting.
In Korea you could get the Pet Collections or Hongmoon Master Scrolls, but here in EU/NA we are not going to get anything worth farming there.

Gold "changes":
I don't see any reason why the cutoff is at top 20? And even then 11-20 only get 500 gold, that's not even 1 upgrade try of the accessories? While having less players compared to KR (and this won't get any better with these kind of patches) it's not this dead yet, that top 3 is easily reachable for players. And let's be real, the rewards aside from the top 3 are pretty pathetic. If you fear alt characters in top 100 think about that this dungeon is a SOLO dungeon, you couldn't simply get your alt carried. If your alt is good enough for top 100 (which is not as free as people think without any possibility of getting carried) you'd deserve your 500 gold imo.
This is far from the fix we needed, it's more of a spit in the face for players outside of the top 3.

Nice to have I guess, but it still requires 1.5 months of this event (spoiler it's only 1 month) to get 1 triangular garnet. While nice to have, I wouldn't call this any incentive to play the game.

Emperor dynamic:
In KR they could farm the dynamic from b4, the fusion stones. Here we have ... 1 Large Fortune Potion. So once again no incentive to play. You do your ranking run and then ... what?

Charmed Life event:
Same as with Celestial Basin, the mats required to craft the 7m exp are not worth if you could just do the same amount of exp in Aerodrome Stage 71 within seconds. I don't see anyone even doing this event.

I'll most likely do my ranking run/refresh and else fully skip this month again. There is currently no incentive to play, alts got completely worthless since the ranking rewards got nerfed into the ground as well. Poharan was nice and chill for a month but not enough to farm a second month in a row. There is still no real farmable gold income, so nothing really to do.

What I really don't understand is why we always get the watered down/nerfed patches from Korea? If we would just get the patches from Korea 1:1 the game would have way more content, way more to do and way better balance (2nd month of bugged SF bracelet, irrelevant 3rd spec gunner (they got fixes 1 week after release which takes multiple months to arrive in EU since we got the full on bugged/weak release patch), 3rd month of bugged grab (not applying debuff dmg on big targets) from FM/BD/DES/SUM/WL/SF, still no PvP balance patches, so bgs will continue to be fully dead aside from games where people literally start up 12 clients of their own). But no, we require more fusion stones, more synthesis stones, don't get the options to farm fusion stones, don't get the options to farm gold, don't get bug fixes and get even nerfed loot tables (Poharan can drop hexa gems and square pet gems in KR, here max penta and triangular) or nerfed transmute windows (KR doesn't require challenger tokens to transmuate grand psyches btw).
I would be really happy if they'd just streamline their development for EU/KR and just bring everything KR gets 1:1, easier to bring fixes KR is getting weekly as well f.e.

But well see you in one month to check if we actually get new content worth playing I guess....

Edited by FriendlyFox
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Would indeed be nice to hear the reasoning/logic behind making some of these changes.


It just feels so Tone deaf towards what the game actually needs or how much gold is required to progress.


1 hour ago, FriendlyFox said:

A single mob in Aerodrome Stage 71 gives you 300k exp, the dummy room contains 21 of those, so just pulling the whole dummy room and bursting it with debuff damage gives you 6.3m in like 30-40 seconds. An equivalent stage for the 2m exp charm would be stage 53, as long as you can't farm those peaches required for the 2m exp charm within 30-40 seconds it's not worth farming at all.


Worst part about that is that all the HM 40's just used a bot, Noone did it manually.

Makes me very sad.

Edited by Uldrum
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32 minutes ago, Uldrum said:

Worst part about that is that all the HM 40's just used a bot, Noone did it manually.

Makes me very sad.

I know for a fact that the first 2 people on HM 40 in EU did it fully manually. They were streaming how they do it in discord as well.
You group the dummies together(20-30 seconds), burst them with debuff damage(6-8 seconds), die to grudge/healing totems (6-8 seconds), press 4, walk out and directly back in (12 seconds).
No need to run back or exit back to the server lobby or anything.
You can easily farm manually up to 380m exp per hour like that on stage 71 making Celestial Basin look like a joke compared to it (which it is). But yeah that's not really the main topic I feel like it would be detrimental for this thread if we drift too far from the patch, exp farm is a different topic to begin with.

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29 minutes ago, FriendlyFox said:

They were streaming how they do it in discord as well.

I thought the person who did that still got banned for botting tho?

Was a video posted by the "tungmath" channel 5 months ago.


So i dono how safe it is to do it manually any way



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The Soul Arena event in a nutshell...

Oh You're a whale? Well good for you! You get to be even more whale and here's free gold that you probably don't need!!
Oh you're not whale? Well f*** you, you get nothing. But here's a banner that legit everyone and their mothers has and doesn't make you unique at all!

Have fun!


They need to stop giving us useless stuff in these events!!

No fusion stones from dynamic and instead 5 large fortune potions... When was the last time people used fortune potions? Hate to say it buy 30k hp is legit less then 5% hp for most people now which already makes them completely useless. 

1 free obisidan or garnet, but only if you're top 20 even after 8 weeks of the event. 

Top 20-100 get 15 fearless tokens. the event is 8 weeks. 15*8 = 120. Not enough for most people to get 1 garnet or obsidian.

They Pysche's aren't worth it because you legit get the same ones in soul boost.

Meaning the only thing worthwhile from the event for 90% of the playbase is enhancement stones.


And then there's the Basin "Upgrade"
Why do you think we need moonstones or soulstones CRYSTALS???
Moonstone, Elysians, Soul stones, Scared Crystals are basically now dead content...

People have 2-5+ stacks of all of these now...

2m EXP Charms, Yeah these are worthless... you can easily farm AD or Sub for better EXP per hour then trying to farm an hour to get 2m from basin.

Hollows Glove and bracelet.... Once again, this is dead content which you can easily get from soul boost. Not worth it to farm these.

Dead Soul Badges and Mystic badges too.

Seems like it's a the exact same as it is currently, with the mobs having more HP.  Doesn't sound like a revamp imo.

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3 hours ago, DarkAngel72 said:

The Soul Arena event in a nutshell...

Oh You're a whale? Well good for you! You get to be even more whale and here's free gold that you probably don't need!!
Oh you're not whale? Well f*** you, you get nothing. But here's a banner that legit everyone and their mothers has and doesn't make you unique at all!

Have fun!

Not every one who has high gear is "whale"


You should not diminish the accomplishments of players who have played this game for years by calling them whale.

Every one can have this gear if they just take the time to get it.. and yes that time is years not weeks or months.

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Does anyone know: are our current Celestial Peaches going to roll over and still be usable to buy from the merchant after patch or do I need to spend them all now. I'm aware there's not much of use to buy either way, but I'd rather get something rather than nothing. Since peaches are a non-inventory item I wasn't sure whether they'd get the "antiqued" treatment.

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11 minutes ago, Unya said:

Does anyone know: are our current Celestial Peaches going to roll over and still be usable to buy from the merchant after patch or do I need to spend them all now. I'm aware there's not much of use to buy either way, but I'd rather get something rather than nothing. Since peaches are a non-inventory item I wasn't sure whether they'd get the "antiqued" treatment.

According to the information given by the RU-version of the game, the current peaches will be useless, so better spend them now.

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4 hours ago, DarkAngel72 said:


They need to stop giving us useless stuff in these events!!

No fusion stones from dynamic and instead 5 large fortune potions... When was the last time people used fortune potions? Hate to say it buy 30k hp is legit less then 5% hp for most people now which already makes them completely useless. 

1 free obisidan or garnet, but only if you're top 20 even after 8 weeks of the event. 

Top 20-100 get 15 fearless tokens. the event is 8 weeks. 15*8 = 120. Not enough for most people to get 1 garnet or obsidian.

They Pysche's aren't worth it because you legit get the same ones in soul boost.

Meaning the only thing worthwhile from the event for 90% of the playbase is enhancement stones.

It is even worse than that,since the event duration is not 8 weeks,but only 4 weeks (4/13/2022-5/11/2022) so nobody can get the garnet or obsidian...

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I have no words that others have not already spoken, but...holy crap. This update may be the worst seen yet, and speaks volumes of the disconnect between NA/EU/RU (RU is included as it is functionally identical to our version) and KR and to a lesser extent CN. Worst of all, it seems that no one at NCSoft is willing to address that these rewards are beyond worthless...or gated behind the power of whales or the truly determined.


Guess this event cycle is gonna be a lot of raid logging and that's it for me.

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On 4/9/2022 at 7:26 AM, dampfgurke said:

Soul Arena



Small event , that you can do quickly, no need to spend to long to participate in the event.

Some people enjoy the special title and character frame.



The event rewards do not make sense

As seen in the patch notes, you need 150 Fearless Tokens for the "Gilded Triangular Obsidian/Garnet". Even if you get rank 1 rewards for the whole event duration( 4 weeks) , you will only get 120 Fearless Tokens, so unless we get additional Tokens from another source ,not mentioned in the patch notes, like the daily quest or daily login, it is not even possible to buy the rewards listed.

It is also weird, that this is the first event in a long time, where Sacred Vials and Pet Packs are not in the reward list.


We forgot to add in the Patch Notes that the Inner Strength dynamic quest also rewards 15 Fearless Tokens per day, so it means that it is possible to get the Gilded Triangular Obsidian/Garnet during the event. We're sorry about that error!

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2 minutes ago, lillvargen said:

not much, just do mechanics, I think the current soul boost gear is more than enough


I doubt.


I've seen 1 person recruiting for an Hard Mode dungeon, and he required 3.1k AP.

With my gear (some Soul Boost, some from Demonsbane), I am WAYYYYYYYY too far from 3.1k AP. Or 3k AP... Or 2.9k ...


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4 hours ago, lillvargen said:

you can also get obsidians by doing hm dungeons

I've done quite a few runs and only saw one drop. The drop rate is not that great.


4 hours ago, Cupidstar said:


I doubt.


I've seen 1 person recruiting for an Hard Mode dungeon, and he required 3.1k AP.

With my gear (some Soul Boost, some from Demonsbane), I am WAYYYYYYYY too far from 3.1k AP. Or 3k AP... Or 2.9k ...


Just because someone is recruiting at X AP does not mean you need X. People were doing Hard Modes with 2.5k or less, which is fairly close to what a completed Soul Boost should give you. At that point knowledge on how the dungeon works is needed more then power.

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24 minutes ago, Miindy said:

i hope so much there will be good content soon and we can all play together with our mates 😢

What's stopping you from doing that right now?


I'm doing Dailies & Multi's with my mates every single day 😄

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9 minutes ago, Uldrum said:

What's stopping you from doing that right now?


I'm doing Dailies & Multi's with my mates every single day 😄

They all dont want to play because they farmed this content so much and waiting for new stuff 😞 im doing everything alone right now

hope you are enjoying playing with your friends ❤️

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42 minutes ago, Miindy said:

They all dont want to play because they farmed this content so much and waiting for new stuff 😞 im doing everything alone right now

hope you are enjoying playing with your friends ❤️

There is not reason to wait tho.. Poh farm gives you so much gold (from salvaging gems), why would you say not to that?


Also.. are they not missing out on like a lot of materials by taking "Breaks" ? Imo it's better to farm PoH like crazy when every one is hyped and in farm mode, than to have to go back and do it later, I'm probably at 1500 runs at this point and i still don't have perfect stats in all the SS's.


Furthermore, We already know what is coming from just looking at what KR has gotten over time, What specific content are they waiting for?


Because it is all "Farm this content for several hundred if not thousand runs to get perfect stats" content.

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