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P2W Is okay and game is still fun!


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That's great and thanks for sharing your experience ^^ And yes i do know about Last Chaos but didn't get too
far as i was too young and found it too confusing at the time. But did try to return at some point and try it
out but still wasn't sure about where to begin even. And instead during that time i was playing "Shaiya"
also p2w game on a whole different lvl from bns even. Could buy almost anything you could desire with money.
And that's also one of the games i played for a really long time and had lots of fun. Even if i can't have
fun there anymore that's fine now it's time for bns xD. Making new characters lvling them up while being
on "Ultimate Mode" and when i died i lost all my progress items and everything. But i still continued to make
more characters on that said mode and repeating the process just because it was still fun for me at least.
Then years later returned to that game got to endgame(lvl) had some gear close to endgame and then i moved on
cause it wasn't fun at that point anymore.

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@ Kazh Ruzara
That's honestly a lovely story ^^ Glad for you all being able to stay together despite the difference.
I guess i still have lots to learn about that myself. Since i'm not so good with spiders and other such creatures.

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I've played wow for over 15 years and i can clearly say i can achieve more by playing at BnS than WoW


I can farm every material for progression without any timegate and only doing activities i like in Bns while im forced to do 1 Raid run per week at WoW.

And WoW has monthly subscription while BnS F2P with in game shop purchases.

On top of that you can buy ingame gold at WoW and with that you can buy pretty much everything, Raid/arena/dungeon carries can be bought as well which can gear you easily to top, so WoW can be considered a P2W too.


As long as its not like those mobile games where im forced to pay money to access some content or abilities i dont define a game P2W and in BnS i know i can achieve everything by playing so i dont mind if some pople like to pay money to skip some Farm/Grind , in the end i play this game for that progression, reaching to top is not my desire, im happy with the way it is right now.


-All of those are my personal toughts-

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@ Reinmei
Thank you for sharing your experience. It's truly wonderful reading these awesome experiences you and others
have shared already. And that's the thing each mmo offers something different in the end. All of them are
awesome. And there are plenty of choices around for us to pick from and find something that suits our taste.

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I think they key distinction here is whether you consider this game a competition or not.  I for one do.  I used to like to PVP, where clearly it is a competition.  But in all honesty, the dps rivalry is what fuels the entire game.  If everyone was happy with where they are at, there would never be a need for new items.  If you want to do top tier dungeons, then people won't even take you if your gear isnt at a certain level.  So this is a matter of exclusion if you can't keep up.


BNS has always been a grindy game, and some people actually enjoy that.  But when a person spends hundreds of hours to obtain what someone else contains in one minute with a swipe, how is that not unfair?  I suppose you can call it jealousy, but I wonder if you apply that philosophy to every other area of life.  Should everyone just get what they want immediately because they have the money for it?


The reality is, if the game is fun people will play it because its fun.  There are a myriad of ways a company can make money short of giving player advantages over others thru swiping.

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The thing with people that swipe, honestly...is most of them suck. I've been in parties with incredibly powerful whales...and yet I've been able to keep up with them in damage output. My main is a Lightning BD, I sustain about 10-11m DPS at 2.7k AP. Was in a party with a BM, 3.2k AP...and he could only sustain 15m. While he was outdoing me, I've seen weaker BMs do waaaaaaay more. In comparison to the power differences, if we had equal AP I probably would have surpassed his damage.


Just because you swipe doesn't make you a god. Those that swipe tend to learn the game slower, which is a key factor to it all. Playing the game, even with its grind is a far better teacher in my opinion then relying on a credit card.

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@ Tufa
I see. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. And about the question if everyone should get what they want
with money. I can't say because it's their choice to spend or not. If someone who can and wants to spend money
it's their choice to do it that's all there is to it. If it's not acceptable to someone else that's not the
spenders issue but more like the one who thinks it's an issue. And i honestly wish there was anything fair to
begin with but as i can see that's not the case.

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22 minutes ago, LynMasterRace said:

The thing with people that swipe, honestly...is most of them suck. I've been in parties with incredibly powerful whales...and yet I've been able to keep up with them in damage output. My main is a Lightning BD, I sustain about 10-11m DPS at 2.7k AP. Was in a party with a BM, 3.2k AP...and he could only sustain 15m. While he was outdoing me, I've seen weaker BMs do waaaaaaay more. In comparison to the power differences, if we had equal AP I probably would have surpassed his damage.


Just because you swipe doesn't make you a god. Those that swipe tend to learn the game slower, which is a key factor to it all. Playing the game, even with its grind is a far better teacher in my opinion then relying on a credit card.


just as a reminder, AP alone is quite meaningless, unless it comes to show off.

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On 9/7/2021 at 1:22 AM, Daliah said:

Well i found the answer thanks to you Killifishy.

There are simply too many expectations from people.
Like removing p2w and the game would be "successful" and filled with people and so on.
And now the part where all of it fails. Just because 1 or all players have expectations from those that are in
control of direction the game goes doesn't mean that anything will actually change the way you want.
Even if it's the better path long term or w/e you wanna add as reason. It's like telling someone
what to do and expecting that they will listen just because you think it's right or better or more fun.
But it's their own choice to listen and do it or completely ignore all of it. 

there are other examples where there is no p2w content and games being extremely popular hence generating huge amount of revenue to developers... Example: "LoL"  (I know is a MOBA and not a RPG) but if they (ncsoft) had focused in other elements rather than "pay for progress" they could still make even more money by having more people in their servers 24/7 making small purchases other than 20-100 whales and few F2P players to pray on... heck I'd rather have a "season pass format" with locked content vs a P2W format, I bet it would generate more income for them if the masses were buying them... but sadly the masses have migrated to other games.

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Okay i'm starting to understand everything a bit better now. Some part of the players just find it better
to complain about how things could and maybe would be better because (insert proof/reasons). 
Instead of having fun in bns or anything else simply for what it offers right now.

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2 hours ago, Daliah said:

Okay i'm starting to understand everything a bit better now. Some part of the players just find it better
to complain about how things could and maybe would be better because (insert proof/reasons). 
Instead of having fun in bns or anything else simply for what it offers right now.

Seems like you have made your way to online game business yesterday my friend. People hating on excessive p2w model relates to the majority of any community. Make your analysis. Proof is your best friend Google. Check out the fundamentals like the eps and revenue. It's drastically lower in fact it's on a new all time low! The huge downfall that continues for Ncsoft in KSE is quite self-explainatory which is the p2w invention (more supplies) and lastly check out how active and big the playerbase of other less grindy/p2w games are and compare it with bns. Begging for demand through providing more supplies doesn't always pan out well did you knew? Thus, what gives you the right to complain about them? And what gives them the reason for not mentioning it if Feedbacks are always appreciated? Just cope with it like we're coping with your complaints too.

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@ Lunashiro
Honestly i do agree with you and everyone. I have no rights to complain to begin with. Since i'm not in
such a position nor will i ever be for various reasons. So with that out of the way. I guess i shouldn't
speak/write what's on my mind. Simply because of that right? Well that's fine with me ^^

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31 minutes ago, Daliah said:

@ Lunashiro
Honestly i do agree with you and everyone. I have no rights to complain to begin with. Since i'm not in
such a position nor will i ever be for various reasons. So with that out of the way. I guess i shouldn't
speak/write what's on my mind. Simply because of that right? Well that's fine with me ^^


You are here freely to speak whatever topic you have up your mind but based on your logic you shouldn't complain it is your complex. 

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36 minutes ago, Daliah said:

@ Lunashiro
That's true i guess. And no matter if i stay silent or speak up that won't change anything to begin with.
And complaining about others complaining leads to "No rights" but the first to complain have them ^^


Well, jokes on you it's a site for topic regarding to the game, regardless of what matter to a certain extent. The rights for people to compain of how excessively pay2win the game is what you put in your own brain to question from the beginning but does this really matter for you so much? With that being said, you're not analogous at all for conflating the title of the topic to another of your strawmanning arguments, more like you're arguing over nothingness, then have fun i guess xD


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