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What is the standard AP?


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If you want to have no problems finding ground you need atleast 1.7K.

If you want to run everything with premates id say 1.4K.


With less than 1.6K you will not be accepted in most groups just LFP (expect for Dreamsong Theater cause this needs dmg or mech).

Edited by ImoutoMaster
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People above are right.

AP that will be accepted to take part in dungeons will be around 1.7k.

With a little bit less you would still find parties, but there is a risk you will be kicked from the party.

I wouldn't recommend to go above Dreamsong Theather with less than 1.6kk.

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For AP, you're going to need to get closer to 1.6k AP or higher (depending on class) if you want to run anything above The Shadowmoor (DST especially). Anything below? You'll likely have enough party members to help you clear... Sandstorm Temple possibly being a bit annoying with a lower-geared party.


For the most part, so long as you're not running DST, BC, RT, CC, H0, etc... you ought to be okay at around 1.4k AP (which isn't overly hard to get to), but beware of elitism...

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21 hours ago, SilverFoxR said:

For AP, you're going to need to get closer to 1.6k AP or higher (depending on class) if you want to run anything above The Shadowmoor (DST especially). Anything below? You'll likely have enough party members to help you clear... Sandstorm Temple possibly being a bit annoying with a lower-geared party.


For the most part, so long as you're not running DST, BC, RT, CC, H0, etc... you ought to be okay at around 1.4k AP (which isn't overly hard to get to), but beware of elitism...

From my experience, nobody in EU goes ballistic when I join up to WC, excluding DST bursts, with this kind of character:





Edited by MassiveEgo
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vor 7 Stunden schrieb MassiveEgo:

From my experience, nobody in EU goes ballistic when I join up to WC, excluding DST bursts, with this kind of character:

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It depends if you go LFP of course no one will mind since people there are either low in the first place and cant manage to get a premade group or thoose are people who dont care in the first place cause they have enough DPS to do it solo.


What we are discussing here in this Topic is how much AP you need to be able to run anything with Premades you can find in the F8 Search. If you include LFP of course you can run anything with 1.2K expect for DST.

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vor 10 Stunden schrieb MassiveEgo:

I wasn't talking about lfp though.

Than it may be cause of your gems. Tri and Quad just like fused Quad are usually worn by people who play for a longer time which means 1. more DPS cause of knowledge and 2. Knowledge of mechs even tho they dont exist anymore.


You have to keep in mind how long it will take for a new player to get tri or quad gems. They will probably stay at Hexagonal for a long time cause there is no way of farming gems ingame expect for Reallife money and gems are the biggest AP Increase currently.

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Unless you're mastercard, I'd expect you to have a sufficient burst for DST with a class that's renown for a broken burst to begin with... considering that I can do 25% of boss HP before enrage on my wheelchair neglected class, while playing an even more neglected spec. And Besides, obtaining and upping a Hong bracelet implies you like your alt enough to play it on a semi-regular basis, and probably know how to press buttons efficiently enough. Even if you do half of my miserable dps within 12 seconds, on average it should still be just enough to clear, as long as the rest of the party is in mid to high TTs. However, if I saw a party of 5 low-VT alts, I'd casually leave. Context matters.

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