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The future is now?


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So after giving B&S some time ive come to the conclusion..
Here we are at the end of 2019 and still do not have content including the following:
-Manable Ships/Ship battling
-indepth Trade system
-open world map/load free zones
-Strong Blade and Soul Marketing that would bring a larger player base

As I understand, Blade and Soul brings it's own elements to the table, and that is nice but I feel like this game can breech any level the Devs would wish to conqueror. There's so many idea, so many updates that this particular game could under go that would quickly raise this game on all charts. 

I will conclude by saying, if there is any way the devs could assemble to the drawling board, it would be nice to have the world as open as one could imagine, Beautiful mounts to help us explore, ships to build; sail; transport goods and even battle, a trade system that would involve delivering precious goods all across dangerous lands and inbetween - that will turn a profitable income, and at the very least a Strong Blade and Soul Marketing that would yield a much larger player base.

I say none of this because I am inconsiderate or ungrateful, I respect each and every person who has worked on this project past, present and future... but could you imagine a sandbox with these beautiful graphics, player models and combat??? One could only dream lol

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You may think all thoose things would improve BNS and give us a bigger playerbase but i dont think this is the case.


1. Mounts people. People wouldnt mind them but they are not needed cause we can sprint unlike most other mmo.

2. indepth Trade. System i am not sure what you mean but our current trading system is simple and fast why change it ?

3. Load free zones. we already have very few loading screens but sure there are some which are simply not needed if the game where a bit better optimized.

4. What do you think they should do ? they use google adds and thats it.


I think they should bring BNS to Steam this will give BNS thousands of new players and since BNS Buddy exist most of thoose will not use steam anyway so their profits can mostly be keept for themselve.


More Players = More potential customers = more buying customers = more money = more possible investement = no investement i mean its still NCsoft but hey more players.

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1 hour ago, vice5815 said:

Here we are at the end of 2019 and still do not have content including the following:
-Manable Ships/Ship battling
-indepth Trade system
-open world map/load free zones
-Strong Blade and Soul Marketing that would bring a larger player base

Mounts - BnS does not have an open world like many other games, so having mounts is essentially useless. Tho i did see somewhere devs talking about adding mounts at some point. Probably Another p2w stat boost.

Ship Battling - If you want that go play Sea of Thieves, that has no place in the style of game B&S is.

Trade system - Whats there to change? We have direct sales, direct Trades, even a bid system.....i do not see an y reason to change anything of those.

Open World - As much as i would like that too, it will never work in BnS simply because of all the different zones, it would basically be a redo of the entire game.

BnS isnt a game like many other mmos, its..."special" and doesnt appeal to everyone. And if you see how many people complain about it no wonder it is what it is.


1 hour ago, vice5815 said:

As I understand, Blade and Soul brings it's own elements to the table, and that is nice but I feel like this game can breech any level the Devs would wish to conqueror. There's so many idea, so many updates that this particular game could under go that would quickly raise this game on all charts. 

I will conclude by saying, if there is any way the devs could assemble to the drawling board, it would be nice to have the world as open as one could imagine, Beautiful mounts to help us explore, ships to build; sail; transport goods and even battle, a trade system that would involve delivering precious goods all across dangerous lands and inbetween - that will turn a profitable income, and at the very least a Strong Blade and Soul Marketing that would yield a much larger player base.

The issue is everyone is trying to turn bns into every other game by asking for housing, ship battles, mounts etc....if that is something you want there are plenty games out there that offer that. BnS is good for what it is, for the unique combat and for actually following its own style.  Many of the suggestions simply do not fit in this type of game.

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vor 2 Stunden schrieb vice5815:

So after giving B&S some time ive come to the conclusion..
Here we are at the end of 2019 and still do not have content including the following:

Since we can windstride to every place nessesary mounts are not very usefull anyway. Also people going F8 doing dailys and thats it, no one realy roams the open world anymore so mounts would just be a waste of diskspace and preformance.
Also even if they would introduce them, they would be an F10 exclusive item like pets


vor 2 Stunden schrieb vice5815:

-Manable Ships/Ship battling

BnS is an martirial arts mmo, what you want with battleships?


vor 2 Stunden schrieb vice5815:

-indepth Trade system

you can use F5 or even the f-chat for trading, maybe you should make some specific sugesstions what they should change / add


vor 2 Stunden schrieb vice5815:

-open world map/load free zones

Time where people roam the open world are long past, you can walk from viridian cost to every other region and wont meet anyone, ok maybe one or two players who are leveling an alt but thats it, sad but true since all fieldbosses are removed or their drops are not even worth the time to kill them


vor 2 Stunden schrieb vice5815:

-Strong Blade and Soul Marketing that would bring a larger player base

NC-Soft completly ruined their reputation and credibility. Every streamer went on a rampage about the BS NC-soft did in the last few month, messing around and lying straight in the face of their playerbase. Even the best marketing wouldnt help anymore as long as NC-Soft continues ignoring the playerbase and keep messing around with the last players left.

Even if they would publish UE 4 in January 2020 it wouldnt change much. Some old players will check the game, some new players might join the game but at the very latest they will leave when they realise they cant realy progress in a reasonable amount of time without selling their hous, car, kidney and firstborn to nc-soft and will stuck forever at average gear no one will take them to the higher raids like TT / ET and overall the upcomming new one, while the community also try to rip them off like 100+ gold for a VT-Run, yada, yada, yada...






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Mounts to do what? Travel from one load screen to the next?

Ships, never heard anything about ships, never heard anyone wanting ships? Seeing how ships are handled in BDO I'd rather them not even touch that thought.

Trade system like what the one in BDO where there are literally like 20 kinds of "meat" and everything else to fill up your inventory?

Yep an open map would be nice.

Blade and Soul marketing? They do that, they run almost every event and patch to "market" to the 10% whale and super whale population, which they think will keep their one server afloat, no one told them that MMOs die without new players. 


You see new exciting stuff, I see Koreans with money signs in their eyes waiting to monetize all this. 

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