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Awakened Ascension Stones from Scarlet Conservatory


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It seems like most raids are yet to see any Awakened Ascension Stones drops from Scarlet Empress in the Scarlet Conservatory raid. Since the Ascension and Radiance Stones are locked behind a daily lockout system (Cold Storage and Heaven's Mandate), could we see some substantial increases for the chance of receiving Awakened Ascension Stones from Scarlet Empress - or better yet, other PvE content as well? I understand you might want to keep this as what you like to call a "long-term upgrade" by limiting the supply, but it really just feels like a bunch of pay-to-win since you added the Ascension/Radiance Stones to the Hongmoon Store. It's such a smack in the face to people like me who F2P'd by grinding enough to have gear for the latest content like ET1-3 only to be cucked by daily lockouts from dungeons like Heaven's Mandate and Cold Storage. That sort of thing is completely out of my control unless I charge NCoin.


Please make Ascension Stones and Radiance Stones more accessible. The entire Unity system was such a good idea that you ruined entirely -- but at least try to salvage it.

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Probably they will never drop, same as the costumes, I havent seen one yet.

Unity system is the most trash thing right now, rng wall, or paywall. You can farm CS/HM every day for a month and get zero progress with your stones, it's depressing. It got a tiny bit better with last patch, since 8 purples can easily make a legendary, but they didnt apply this to blues, yesterday I fused 7 blues 4 times, got zero purples, thanks, great, best system ever. 

I still don't know how they though this was a good idea, it's the most p2w !@!$!% system atm. You can't even make progress.
But some way, they keep going, now in KR with ancient unity stones, the stones are OP, the bonuses are OP, exclusive for whales.

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Are you seriously naive enough to expect this game to hand you whale-milking designated gear that easily? You should know anything like this will have a drop rate of something like 0.1%, and any "buff" associated with it to get them good PR image will be like 0.11%.

Edited by PetPuggi
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5 hours ago, Grimoir said:

out of 10 ET3 boss clears i saw the costume drop 4 times.

And out of my own 10x Scarlet Empress clears, we've gotten a grand total of zero cosmetic drops. Something tells me your raid is the exception - not the majority.

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6 hours ago, Viblo said:

And out of my own 10x Scarlet Empress clears, we've gotten a grand total of zero cosmetic drops. Something tells me your raid is the exception - not the majority.

i mean rng is rng still, but wondering about the costume box droprate tho. Since we dont need the gala drops as we can buy it after 10 clears.

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56 minutes ago, RyVerseLy said:

My raid cleared the 3rd boss 7x and we haven't seen a costume or an awakened ascension stone chest, but I don't even expect to drop one of these ascension stone chests within 100 runs xD 

Yeah, exactly. I can sort of live with that sort of drop rate from event chests where there's guaranteed currency involved, but in this case, the drop rate for both cosmetics and Awakened Ascension Stones need some huge adjustment.

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