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Requesting Daily Challenge New List


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Hi, I want to request daily challenge (DC) new list to be shared at least 2 days before patch (today).

Because the last time you guys changed the DC, it was a surprise without any announcement many days before and it SCREWED UP my Wednesday busy day because Wednesday is reset day and busy with weeklies+raid (and I AM NOT JOBLESS AND LIFELESS) and I always prepare my daily challenge on all characters before Wednesday so that I can just claim it on Wednesday.
If I don't do that, I don't have enough time as the playing time is cut a lot by the long maintenance and I am not living at NA.


This time I don't know if you will put it in the patch notes, but I wish to know it as early as possible so that I can prepare AND PLAN.

I am sure it will help other players to plan as well.

Can you at least do this to help us? And you change the DC list some more, removing the easy ones and make our lives tougher (It is so annoying)

Edited by prietess
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you realy expect any kind of usefull early cummunications from the side of NC-Soft. Well we all hoping for this since game was released, but it never happend because they simply dont care.

See removment of Badge excange announced just 16 hours befor it occoured, or many many importent informations just left out in the past.

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33 minutes ago, Cyan said:

You'll find the list available tomorrow in the patch notes.


I was waiting till streaming and hoped you guys will mention it clearly in the stream (but you only showed us the challenge screen and scrolling fast without giving details on what day it is/mentioning in details that Celestial Basin is removed, no solo dungeons, etc)


Can you guys do better in terms of informing players early? NO BODY LIKES SURPRISES.

I will take a very harsh example, when you guys REMOVED the option to exchange Legendary Mystic Badge from Mushin's Tower NPC.

YOU INFORMED US 1 DAY PRIOR to the patch day, didn't mention in the stream, causing me unable to prepare enough materials to make my soul badge (I had one piece but missing the other one).

Please understand that we have our daily lives... And do you think you only have players from NA whereby the maintenance timing match normal people life so nicely?

Most of us can only play in our evening time after class/work.....and you have players from Europe and Asia and Oceania whose playing time is cut 4 hours by maintenance (left with at most 2 hours to play on Wednesday) and that's why we prepare early for Wednesday so that we don't miss. Can you please understand?


Important things like changes in Daily challenge, removing some important features are supposed to be communicated MUCH EARLIER so that players CAN PREPARE AND PLAN.

That is the purpose of stream but YET........ Not to mention you guys always forget this and that in the stream.

I still remember how you guys forgot to mention the change in the Daily challenge in the stream when Warped Citadel came out (I watched every single stream without skip), then suddenly announced it so late and I had no time to prepare for Wednesday busy day.

Edited by prietess
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they dont care about EU ......  any other mmo posts the patch notes way ahead, here on bns < 24 hour before the actuall patch, wich is to ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ing late


you ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ the f2p people with this patch, you  increase the amount of dungeons you have to do for daily challenge AND you removed the daily in celestial basin


as with every big patch, we will most likely have extended maint ( + extra extended for EU only )


how the ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ are we suppose to do DC on patch day ( on multiple alt .... cause the game is so p2w you cant play 1 char ...  )


if we knew right now what the new dailys now, we could atleast prepare for it and do them today and keep the quests


and i do hope that you guys know by now that in EU your maintenance starts in the middle of the ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ing day, at 13:00 ....

Edited by Javice
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Jesus, guys. You'll survive not being "prepared" for one day. How can you say you have outside lives when you're crying about not knowing the Daily Challenge list when they inform us like, 18 hours before the maintenance even starts?

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3 hours ago, Viblo said:

Jesus, guys. You'll survive not being "prepared" for one day. How can you say you have outside lives when you're crying about not knowing the Daily Challenge list when they inform us like, 18 hours before the maintenance even starts?

Now is already near time to sleep for people living in Asia (some are already sleeping, 00am), they upload the patch notes at around 2am+ when most of us are sleeping. Then in the morning we go to work and come back after maintenance start, any time to play?


One more thing, are you saying that I don't have outside life since i have time to complain about the lack of common sense from the GM to inform players early (need to take into account all regions of players)?

Man, if you see me "VERY" active in game during my day time (people work to earn living), then you can probably suspect me having no life.....

Maybe you are one of those living in NA who can never understand the feeling of people living in Asia/Oceania/EU playing this game and having to keep up with you all. Some ungrateful..... lalala....

Edited by prietess
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