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You thought Gaben was the only one, but NCSoft can´t either.
Instead let´s give every class over the course of the next 1,5year their 3rd spec and let everyone suffer, who aims to earn their share in BG or mash together half finished 3rd specs that actually acts as a debuff for the whole party´s DPS.
The speed at which bugs are resolved by the playerbase through mods or addons exceeds paid programmers in NC headquaters. Let alone the the amount of bugs that haven´t been fixed since release, the programmers of NCSoft aren´t even capable to find a coherence between premium windwalking effects and bg crash back then and repeatedly claimed that they couldn´t find any problem with the client throught tests.
And now these very programmers should code UE4? Lazy people unable to find or fix bugs? People that don´t talk our language or play this game, NCWest that never finds solutions for our feedback and lastly NCSoft management that is disconnected from reality, what is going on their servers.
I don´t know how a company like this could reach the international level, creating games that are no games anymore.

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I'll guess its not a problem of incompetent developers, its more a problem of NC-Soft dosn't give a ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ about the community or the problems with bugs, as long as F10 works.

It took nearly 1,5 years to fix the "Stuck in Combat" Bug. Well it isnt realy fixed, nut it took Them 1.5 years to vome to the idea "we can let the players use the protals even when they are still in combat". Well this work around could have been published withhin a month after the first complains about the "Stuck in Combat" Bug.


Also NC-Soft doesn't give a ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ about the friends list. Well it never worked properly but now more and more player have the problem that it doenst work overall. You dont see your friends online cause you have 0/0 friends, your friends doesnt see you online and the game is nearly impossible to play when you have this bug and you are not in a clan.
Some players are affected by this bug over 10and more month, i by myself are affected for now 8 month and support keep telling us "We know about the problem and working on a solution but cant tell when it will be solved"

It might be a problem with the database, a name with an uncommon character, a not correct escaped entry or something like that. At least nothing you cant solve in over 10 month.

A ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ they do, honestly over 10 month? Not even a small compensation for affected players, nothing then empty promises...

Thats the best example how much NC-Soft cares about their players and that they just give a ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ about when players leave as long as the cash from trove and rng-boxes keeps flowing.


Anyway, you are possible right that the coders are incompetent when i look at some mechanics.

Example: transfering Items from the your chest (where Login rewards, bought items and Daily Dash items are stored) to your inventory.

Instead of transfering the selected amount they transfer item by item. So when you transfer 30 Items it will be 30 times 1 item. WTF realy?
That means 60 times updating the database, 2 database updates per item, 1 for the chest and 1 for the inventory instead of transfering the selected amount and only need 2 database updates.

And you have to do it this way to keep redundancy so no items get lost when you for example crash during the transfer.

First thing you learn when coding, keep database updates at a minimum, cause they can produce high loads at large databases.

So yeah, when you dont have a high server load, create it by yourself. [/irony]


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8 hours ago, Merlin DE said:

Also NC-Soft doesn't give a ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤

Sad ly it´s not only ncsoft who doesnt give a ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤. It´s also the playerbase. Just look at the people, most in this forum and game are numb or close their eyes from anything that critiszes ncsoft. They prefer to jump at the throat of a person, who brings up scripts for fishing, which is more fun for them. As long as they can ridicule someone.
They don´t want to understand that any kind of script always leads to abuse. Not that their script is taken from them and "I dare you to say my class is overpowered, even if it is, not taht they nerf it", something like this. Most here just want to be the op class, without giving up anything, better to get some more and talk anything else bad, just self-centered people unable to support or think for themselves. That´s all we have here and one of the reasons bns will fail.

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Hi all,


First of all, we are always thankful for constructive feedback, and we are never going to censor you, regardless of how negative the feedback is. It is ok for you, to be not particularly happy about the state of the game and it is always good to express your feedback and be vocal about issues. Vulgar language, however, is not tolerated. Usually, we try to be very lenient when it comes to the usage of particular words when feedback can be seen as otherwise valid, but this thread has gone a bit too far, please watch your language.

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14 hours ago, Ren36 said:

Sad ly it´s not only ncsoft who doesnt give a ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤. It´s also the playerbase. Just look at the people, most in this forum and game are numb or close their eyes from anything that critiszes ncsoft. They prefer to jump at the throat of a person, who brings up scripts for fishing, which is more fun for them. As long as they can ridicule someone.
They don´t want to understand that any kind of script always leads to abuse. Not that their script is taken from them and "I dare you to say my class is overpowered, even if it is, not taht they nerf it", something like this. Most here just want to be the op class, without giving up anything, better to get some more and talk anything else bad, just self-centered people unable to support or think for themselves. That´s all we have here and one of the reasons bns will fail.

Actually you are just now putting yourself into the pile. Just because the feedback or opinion of others is not the same as yours doesnt mean they close their eyes. they simply have a different view on things than you. does that give you the right to insult them or saying they dont give a xxxx ? no it doesnt.


To give you a perfect example about the fishing script, no one "jumped to his throat", people are simply expressing their own view on it in a discussion, a script made just to fish, cannot be abused for anything else than what it is intended for.


Anyway, the same as you are voicing your frustrations and opinions on the forum, the same others can do aswel and leave feedback, you should respect their views and opinions the same way as they respect yours.

Also just to point it out saying "NC isnt doing anything" is also not completely true, most things they have no influence on, they can report issues to the developers and its the developers that need to fix it, they are not part of ncsoft but an external company, so all ncsoft can do is pass things along, provide feedback, or "wishes", in the end its what the devs decide that gets fixed, changed and goes in.


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10 hours ago, Baskerville said:


9 hours ago, Grimoir said:

Also just to point it out saying "NC isnt doing anything" is also not completely true, most things they have no influence on, they can report issues to the developers and its the developers that need to fix it, they are not part of ncsoft but an external company, so all ncsoft can do is pass things along, provide feedback, or "wishes", in the end its what the devs decide that gets fixed, changed and goes in.


Sugarcoating the state of the game after all these years and several server merges is not the right time.

And you Grimoir, looking at the amount of your posts, have an answer for everything, right?  If you take away programming, what is the function of NCWest? Increase the playerbase through non-eixstent advertisement? Forwarding feedback for non-existent bug fixes? Providing stable servers, that do not require emergency take downs or ping boosters to play their game? Allowing 3rd party programs to make their games playable and add QoL created by their playerbase?
If you are interested, look through my history and you´ll see that I praise NC, when they do something right, but we´re tired. And most of the tired ones left.
There is no progress, only regress.


Edited by Ren36
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This will be my last post, I just wanna say that it´s funny how you both have no answer for anything.
BnS RU was introduced much later, but they already implement feedback from the community.
And the reason why these forums ended up with so much negative threads lately is due NCWest never listening to feedback of the people, who formerly posted constructive posts.  Back then my first thread involved errors, bug fixes andthe  installation process where i compiled various ways to fix them during the alpha to get more people to play it and enjoy the game together, but if you see the mismanagement over the years and what is left of everything. Proving several suggestions over and over again what could have been done, but was never used, just to see ncsofts or ncwests last attempts to be these very suggestions from gamers that play their game and argueing that NCWest could do nothing cuz it´s just a publisher and be led by the nose by the russian publishers - i can onlý take this as a joke.

On 4.7.2019 at 1:25 PM, Baskerville said:
On 4.7.2019 at 2:27 PM, Grimoir said:




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21 minutes ago, Snowyamur said:

You do realize that working as a freelance game programmer for modifying games is different when working as an employed game programmer for a particular game industry, right?

Freelance programmers have more freedom to do what they want within acceptable guidelines of the game they are modifying without fear of losing their job. They don't have to listen to higher-up executives nor producers, and they are in charge of the pace they wish to develop at. Most importantly, they can develop whatever they want, and make what they envision to be.

You realize that the bug i brought up was consistently tested "within the acceptable guidelines of the game" by said programmers, who came to the conclusion that they found no cause for it and was later on fixed by their playerbase? What is there to lose if NCSoft himself tasks their programmers to find the cause? They literally had to listen to the higher-ups to find it.

26 minutes ago, Snowyamur said:

Employed programmers sign a contract that makes it where they are obligated to follow the procedures and processes set forth by the company. They are led by higher-ups and producers on what they can/ can't do, and they lack the freedom to develop what they believe is good for game because it must be approved first. Essentially, they are not in charge of their own project, but are actually in charge of projects handed out to them by their producers.

They are obliged to follow the procedures, but not to code instable and flawed codes. They have test servers in korea for a reason.  I already mentioned the mismanagement of ncsoft itself, but taking out the programmers is not right. As a whole, ncsoft including their programmers are at fault.


34 minutes ago, Snowyamur said:

Also, and ironically, the only person who's attacking anyone's throat in this thread is you.
The amount of cursing you did in this thread is more than the cursing I deal with when moderating an online game server for Garry's Mod, and the people in that game are MUCH WORSE than the people here, so you just broke a record for being the greatest ranter here who can't prove a point in a civil manner.

Critic isn´t a bad thing, it shows concern in a different way and after 3 years of mismanagement or lack of awareness and pointing flaws out by the community, just to keep the status quo is what you prefer as a Mod. Sugarcoating words for the sake of not hurting someone when something is clearly wrong with every side and their lack of interest to resolve it is what we missed for many years.
You also don´t mention the publisher ncwest and only refer to the programmers, but when compared to the russian counterpart they pale in comparison.
Feedback and problems are resolved faster on the russian server even though they are "only" publisher themselves.
And efforts that are now taken due to a decrease in revenue/money by NCsoft are caused by a decrease in players and could have been done by the community itself if they hadn´t continued give away money, when the state of the game was clearly going downhill.
Threads that are about the game itself and point out bugs didn´t even receive replies from ncwest until recently. And the things that a publisher should provide aren´t even taken serious looking at the emergency take downs. Even streams contained wrong information or weren´t mentioned at all aka cold storage and HM resets being removed. What is there to praise in a civil manner, when a game is reduced to 1 server?
You wanna stay civil after everything has been taken? Where were you when they weren´t civil?

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Well i already quit the game let alone for this funny zynical statement

Am 4.7.2019 um 13:25 schrieb Baskerville:

First of all, we are always thankful for constructive feedback, and we are never going to censor you, regardless of how negative the feedback is.

most people on my friendslist are already banned for hillarious reasons, because they criticised to much. Even in Fraction-Chat they complain about how NC-Soft handels criticism and banning for ridicoulous reasons. When i last logged in (about sunday afternoon) there was a big discussion about this theme at the red fraction chat where many people complained. Kim Jong Un-squad was one of the friendly things they called the forum team ;)
And NO @PhoenixMitra thats not discussing moderation, thats a fact that should give you something to think about, at least when you see there are only 10-20 people left who are active. (after this post one less)

So Yeah, istead of listening to the community make them silenced who cares about a decrreasing playerbase?

Normaly i wouldnt post anymore here cause its just useless, you could also talk to the wall next to you and for sure thats more productive.
Anyway im posting cause somehow @Ren36 is deffinetly right with some of his statements.

Im not a game coder even i made some mods for UE3 and 4 (mostly UE 4 for Ark Survival) but im a semi professional php-coder who formaly was involved in many phpbb2 and 3 modifications.


One of the first things you learn, be as economical as possible when it comes to database access. 
I will give you an example how the Coders waste a lot of ressorces.

You all know the chest where items you bought and items from daily dash are stored.

1. you can only take a max of 30 items at once

2. every item is transfered one by one


Imagin you will transfer 30 experience charms from this chest to your inventory. now you need to update the database at least 2 times, one database entry for the chest and one for your inventory but you took 30 xp-charms, so this happens 30 times in a row means you at least 60 times update the database for 1 stack of 30 items.

And you have to do it this way cause else you risk to loos items when you crash while transfering items.

This could be much more effective by transfering the selectet amount at once and not one by one.
imagin the load when only 100 people are transfering items from their chests to their inventories.
Thats only one example how the coders add shitty code that waste a lot of ressources and causing a high load on the server

Even if this was meant as a timesink you could have solved it much more serverfriendly by just adding a timer who block you from doing other things for a specific amount of time


So yeah Ren36 is right. You might be a professional, hired coder, the producer want you to code a function, it is still up to you, wether you code a clean gentle on preformance code or just dont care about the preformance...


And now good bye, maybe ill check back when NC-Soft finaly was able to fix the friendslist bug that i now have to deal with for more then 10 month. Realy nice when you dont see your frinds and neither they can see you...

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12 hours ago, Snowyamur said:

What bug are you talking about? The last few posts you made were about hating on NCSOFT for not listening to the community and the programmers for being incompetent. There was nothing about a bug from what you typed. And do you have proof of NCSOFT's development team having "consistently tested" their code, or proof that the playerbase fixed this bug you're talking about? Stop making stuff up, dude.

Yes, programmers must do a good job with their work, otherwise they wouldn't have been employed in the first place. I'm not completely removing programmers from the equation of the problem, but I'm saying that the "blame all programmers for being lazy" argument really needs to stop. It's an overused and unsupported argument because most of the time, it's the executive decisions of the company that result in a game being so poorly-designed and distributed to the public.

Programmers and game designers can only do so much within what they're allowed to do, and most of the time, they have to follow what their higher-up producers tell or assign them to do.


It started off in 2015 when people asked if ncwest could add the function to disable the wind walk effects.
Back then it was considered a QoL, but it already displayed the intend of the playerbase to increase the performance of BnS even just a little, aestetic and a relation to crashes. In the end it was never investigated though and multiple threads followed afterwards.

https://forums.bladeandsoul.com/topic/142979-will-there-be-an-option-to-hide-wind-walking-premium-effect/?tab=comments#comment-1446911 (crashes)
https://forums.bladeandsoul.com/topic/233570-premium-windwalk-effect-disable-option/?tab=comments#comment-1994983 (aestetic)
https://forums.bladeandsoul.com/topic/234497-i-came-to-understand-you-cant-fix-6v6-crashes-and-runtime-errors/ (6v6 crashes 2017)
https://forums.bladeandsoul.com/topic/238383-bg-6vs6-crashing/ (6v6 crashes 2018)
https://forums.bladeandsoul.com/topic/237802-crashing-and-disconnecting-in-6v6/ (official statement from ncsoft that they work with the development team on it)
Even though we got the confirmation from NCSoft that they were already working on it point, they weren´t able to reproduce the crash and ultimately gave up.

https://prnt.sc/l0wnyt (Elusive)

Instead they changed the way we lose rating in BG, which still took them more than 1,5years.

"You no longer lose 20 Rating for disconnecting from a 6v6 Battleground. Instead, disconnecting from a 6v6 Battleground now counts as a loss and you will lose Rating as if you lost; however, if you reconnect you are no longer subject to the automatic loss."

Just for a programmer from their playerbase to find a solution for the bg crashes, which was later on integrated into bns buddy.

And do not forget the quest log bug, which still causes fps stutter if it´s not disabled in the settings and many others.

Now then, what disproves what I said, that the programmer´s of ncsoft are incompetent?

13 hours ago, Snowyamur said:

You don't know for sure if South Korea has test servers; quit assuming stuff you can't state as hard fact. Granted, I'd be worried if they didn't, so I'll assume they do, but you act like you know everything NCSOFT has, when you don't.

Tbh I struggled quiet a bit what to say after I read this part, because you give me more questions than answers and preach about providing facts that can be easily checked. Especially since you take the side of programmers I expected this to be common sense for you, to first test a patch before it´s applied to the main server.

13 hours ago, Snowyamur said:

You're saying I don't mention NCWest? Why should I? NCWest has little control over what definitively goes in the game; most of the decisions come from NCSOFT HQ based in South Korea. Most of NCWest's responsibility is to help maintain the game here in the NA, but people keep accusing NCWest for everything, when they aren't at fault for everything. Besides, there are people on this Forums anyway continuing to blame NCWest and attack, so I don't need to do anything about that.

What is with your obsession with the RU sector for NCSOFT? What they do is their own business, as it remains connected with the central company, and I'm pretty sure that if what they're doing is good, NCSOFT would find it practical to make NCWest do the same. Throughout this entire argument, you've only been comparing NCWest with the RU sector for NCSOFT over what one does and the other doesn't, which to me strays away from the point that the greatest issue facing the Blade & Soul community right now is NCSOFT's engagement with its community.

RU literally shows what else a publisher can do instead of staying passive and actively reverts changes, if they receive feedback from the community and I leave it up to you to find the souce.

13 hours ago, Snowyamur said:

Stop whining about why NCWest can't do this nor that; post a solution, and maybe then the developers, designers, and possibly the engagement staff would listen.


Just to give an example of some:


And if you care enough look up my history. I didn´t only create topics, I also posted suggestions in other threads, but at one point you grow tired, because their are no changes where it counts. Recolouring trove keys to match the seasons are much more important than to invest this time to fix something. Realizing that these kinds of things are actually what keeps your money flowing is what a publisher should aim for. Cuz when the fishes leave their will be no whales left.




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2 hours ago, Ren36 said:

And if you care enough look up my history. I didn´t only create topics, I also posted suggestions in other threads, but at one point you grow tired, because their are no changes where it counts. Recolouring trove keys to match the seasons are much more important than to invest this time to fix something. Realizing that these kinds of things are actually what keeps your money flowing is what a publisher should aim for. Cuz when the fishes leave their will be no whales left.

To be honest, i think they hold back on any fixes / optimizations that arent really game breaking due to the work on UE4, and fix it there else its basically double effort.

Also you list crashes and issues, but you need to keep in mind not all players have them.


The players can suggest anything they want, but ultimately its the developers who have the end say in what happens and what doesnt, and the developers are not afiliated with ncsoft so they cannot dictate to them what they want, all they can do is ask and pass along player feedback.

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23 hours ago, Grimoir said:

To be honest, i think they hold back on any fixes / optimizations that arent really game breaking due to the work on UE4, and fix it there else its basically double effort.

Also you list crashes and issues, but you need to keep in mind not all players have them.

The players can suggest anything they want, but ultimately its the developers who have the end say in what happens and what doesnt, and the developers are not afiliated with ncsoft so they cannot dictate to them what they want, all they can do is ask and pass along player feedback.

Even if the engine changes, it will be the same people that operate it.
Not treating a wound and watching their players count bleed out speaks volumes, since it didn´t affect their initial revenue or hard numbers and thus the players that could afford to go the short cuts and that system to play this game.
If they didn´t act with UE3, you can forget it with UE4. And now with the vacant spots on the previous servers that equal the amount of opinions for this game, maybe you tell me if they were content with the developer and if this double work would have been beneficial instead, especially since most problems surfaced before UE4 was even announced.

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