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Pvp tier list? New Player

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I'm a pvp main in every game I play and just wondering what tier the tier list is. I made a fm and got it to like level 15 but I've been reading online that its bad now so wondering if that's bs or if I should swap gunslinger or warlock. I like ranged classes

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Fm is very strong, the top tier PvP class would be sin/destroyer/fm in my opinion, blade dancer and warlock are strong but not top tier this season, bm and kfm are average (I don't know about summoner, I would say strong like warlock/bd) and I don't know about gunner).


soul fighter can be strong or trash depend of how u play but it's true with almost every class except bd and sum which are really easy to play xD

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For new player easiest learn is probably summoner. Warlock is imo strongest class in game and pretty easy too if you know basics. FM is really strong too, but it is less ping friendly than other ranged classes. Gunner is strong too. Pretty much every ranged class is good. If you wanna play melee, sin is easily strongest followed by destroyer and bd. SF can be pretty strong too after changes, I actually have no idea how much recent changes impact them in pvp.  In general skill matter more than the class. 

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22 hours ago, Suna said:

For new player easiest learn is probably summoner. Warlock is imo strongest class in game and pretty easy too if you know basics. FM is really strong too, but it is less ping friendly than other ranged classes. Gunner is strong too. Pretty much every ranged class is good. If you wanna play melee, sin is easily strongest followed by destroyer and bd. SF can be pretty strong too after changes, I actually have no idea how much recent changes impact them in pvp.  In general skill matter more than the class. 


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Top list:



2.Blade Dancer

3.Kungfu Master



6.Blade Master

7.Soul Fighter


9.Force Master



I dont know about open pvp but thats for arena.I dont why people say gunner or force masters are strong or even to op xDD what a joke


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10 hours ago, Surakel said:

Top list:



2.Blade Dancer

3.Kungfu Master



6.Blade Master

7.Soul Fighter


9.Force Master



I dont know about open pvp but thats for arena.I dont why people say gunner or force masters are strong or even to op xDD what a joke


This is so wrong. Have you seen any high rated FM play? Wallbanging people 40%-0 with their escape available is not what a weak class does.

Gunners have indeed been nerfed quite hard and are not that strong anymore (higher CD on hooks recharge and skystone, tab F no longer pierces defense). 


Also, BD was already mid tier and has been nerfed even further (maelstrom and phantom grip nerfs), SF has been buffed a lot in arena after the skill rework (even less ground game needed, way more V uptime), SUM got an indirect buff with the projectile speed normalization and it's pretty strong atm and DES also got buffed (really good burst on execute in shadow). 

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Overal for 1v1+3v3 combined i'd say..




FM is garbage, doesn't have anything that other classes cant do better.
If you still getting wallbanged by FM's you should just uninstall, its so easy to dodge their grabs now.
And that one time u fail to dodge, u can just use escape.

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Am 25.5.2018 um 23:27 schrieb SkFy:

Overal for 1v1+3v3 combined i'd say..




FM is garbage, doesn't have anything that other classes cant do better.
If you still getting wallbanged by FM's you should just uninstall, its so easy to dodge their grabs now.
And that one time u fail to dodge, u can just use escape.

ehm i dont think u know anything about fm then tbh lol. its still really strong, i'd say upper mid tier but not top tier.

Thats my 1v1 tier list:

TOP tier:




MID tier:





LOW tier:



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17 hours ago, zlAntrax said:

ehm i dont think u know anything about fm then tbh lol. its still really strong, i'd say upper mid tier but not top tier.

Thats my 1v1 tier list:

TOP tier:




MID tier:





LOW tier:



1on1 i could accept mid tier.. but in 3v3?
All other classes are just more usable in 3v3, KFM/SF/BD get relatively easy to hit/use ults.
Sum easy air with extend, and a lot of heals for the group.
And you don't seem to do too well in 3v3 either atm -.- even with 2 other high ranks with you.

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nah fm is still good in tags if you make it work well in your team. you just have to know how to use it properly. FM is more of a support role in 3v3 and u have great burstdmg/aerial/wallbang potential. FM is still in a very good spot just practice and work on your mistakes.

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1 minute ago, zlAntrax said:

nah fm is still good in tags if you make it work well in your team. you just have to know how to use it properly. FM is more of a support role in 3v3 and u have great burstdmg/aerial/wallbang potential. FM is still in a very good spot just practice and work on your mistakes.

Funny, wish i recorded the matches i played against u this week.

And i play with randoms, not a premade.

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6 minutes ago, zlAntrax said:

"Funny, wish i recorded the matches i played against u this week.

And i play with randoms, not a premade."

man you cant go "fm is still bad because i did well vs you in tags" xd

well didn't seem like u can wallbang much.. and we both know how you are without walls -.-'

Anyway, sure if you get a wallbang in can still be nice, but then compare our air combo etc compared to others, or our ult etc..
Really wouldnt say fm is even mid tier for 3v3.

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1 minute ago, zlAntrax said:

"well didn't seem like u can wallbang much.. and we both know how you are without walls -.-'" thats the end of the conversation u just showed that you have zero clue about the game

Funny, want me to remind you with the video of our last duel?
And good luck using grab now, its so damn easy to dodge.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Two FM pros fighting in a newbie help thread >.>


back on original topic:


Balance shifts regular with skill patches in this game, so chances are high that by the time you got really good in a class, the meta will already have changed (unless you queue 24/7 like Antrax to get good fast).


If you really like PvP a lot, and ranged are your favourite classes, I would recommend practicing two classes, e.g. GUN and WL. This will help you in the long run, as you understand you opponents better if you play their class too, and you have more choices when the meta shifts.


The current pro tournaments also favour this, as players get free choice of class even between rounds of the same team vs team match.

Latest KR regionals had players bring out 3 different classes in one match, for example.

Oh and currently I would say DES is way up in all modes, and WL has a definite problem with both DES and Gunner, so you can hardly call it top tier. SIN seems to always be good as long as the player is good, that might be how the class is designed.


I think everyone has always been afraid of FMs in the pro scence, but no-one except Yoon seems to have made it work since the early days. But Antrax might change that, will watch him with interest in regionals (soon^TM). :D


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