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A New way to make f8 less toxic


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Wont go in details, we all know it. You go in dungeon, someone with 0 mech knowledge start cussing before u even start. You go in, he causes wipe, calls everyone noobs and leaves mid dungeon. So if we can get something like this implemented it can actually allow f8 to be less toxic. I call it the auto filter.

Will have 5 different rates added to our dungeon runs.

Dungeon Clears

Thumbs Up (+1 given to us by people i went to dungeon with)
Thumbs Down (-1 given to us when we leave the dungeon, one can have 5 dungeon clears and 20+ thumbs down for leaving constantly, however this does not apply if first boss is not killed aka no progress. Thumbs down only happens for the first abandon. When someone abandons team members has a chance to vote for quitting the run without getting a penalty.)

MVP(Person who gets most +1 becomes mvp like in BG, however u can give +1 to everyone here, so each person can use up to five +1)

-This system will be only at LFP, to avoid people farming +1 by recruit thru team runs.

-This system will record these stats where u can see it when u hover over the names of people at the recruitment tab or lfp, or when they enter the party (EternalPopcorn, 121 clears, 62 thumbs up, 15 thumbs down, 22 MVP etc)
-This system will start to effect your f8 use after you achieve 50 runs.


Here are the penalties one will have depending on the amount of thumbs down

Overall rate punishments
- If one person has quarter amount of thumbs down/dungeon clear rate( like, 25 abandons, 100 clears) that person will not be able to use LFP and only use recruitment tab next week.

- If one person has half amount of thumbs down/dungeon clear rate, that person will get a 1 week ban from using f8 next week. and will get 5 Thumbs down cleared from his stats after 1 week, another 1 week ban if that person is still over the %50 rate


These calculations will happen during maintenance, and whoever is over these rates will get these punishments. 


Weekly rate punishments(to avoid people spam leaving by trusting their low abandon rate)

- If one person leaves 25% of their overall runs for that week, they will get lfp button ban next week.

- If one person leaves 50% of their overall runs for that week, they will get a 1 week ban from f8 next week.


We will have frames added to our characters when we enter a dungeon
Bronze frame = 50+ Clears
Silver frame    =100+ Clears

Golden Frame = 250+ Clears


to easily see the experienced players. These frames will be shared between characters. 


We can have a good behaviour reward system for people keeping their dungeon abandon rate under 5% overall, under %15 for the week with small HMC or untradeable upgrade materials maybe.



I know this is not implementable here most lkiely, but still it would be amazing.

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Sounds way too complicated and gives too much power to jerks to abuse it.


If anything, we'd need an automatic system that penalizes people for going afk, leaving the group or disconnecting (repeatedly (on purpose)) before the last boss is dead. If they abandon too many groups they get blocked from the groupfinder for a few hours/days/whatever.

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I'm sorry as much as I am all for community and people being helpful and nice, generally speaking in order for this to happen the game has to be 2 or more of these things:

a) Really niche

b) Not f2p

c) More socially/team driven 


This is from my experience mind you. A games environment typically attracts its community. From my persepective a f2p, hypersexualized, combat motivated game all about your character becoming the best martial artist in all the realm, this typically is going to attract jerks. Because that's what they see. The people who are looking at the game as an artistic expression of martial arts mythology and a story of one persons path of revenge to redemption are going to be in the minority. Further compound the fact they do not have to make ANY financial committal to play the game and they can be the most toxic trolls they want to be, because in the end what have they lost? There are no consequences to their behavior. Nothing. They got to watch a person "take the game too seriously" and "white knight around like they are all that." NCSoft does not care in the long run, a f2p model means they aren't committed to development like a p2p is, so they can be much more free and loose with what they do because in the end "you have no right to complain when it's free."


This got more ranty than i  originally wanted.




TL;DR version: No amount of facebook like/dislike mechanics are going to "make people be nice." You wont have gotten rid of the people you dislike, you will instead give them the tools to further abuse a system "for the lulz." The best way to quality control your game play is to make friends.

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It is never acceptable for a game to punish people for leaving groups when there is no votekick option. As long as the game continues to group me with people on my block list, afks, bots, and grossly undergeared people who refuse to communicate, I will continue to need the option to leave.


I don't mean to sound harsh, but if you think dungeon leavers are the ones hurting this game, I'm not sure what game you've been playing. In my experience, it's the trolls who refuse to leave that have destroyed F8.

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I'm sorry but no... Way too harsh punishments especially for a game that has too many people afking. Players that continuously screw up the mechanics and result in multiple wipes, keep in mind that not many people have enough time to stay on and are just trying to get the dailies done. A game like bns with bad optimization shouldn't even be thinking of punishing players for disconnects to begin with and sometimes I leave a dungeon if I'm lagging too much or having ping spikes since I know I won't be able to contribute to the party. Another thing is that players should never be given that much power over someone else in a f2p game, this system can be easily abused and that wouldn't be fair.

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9 hours ago, Unya said:

I don't mean to sound harsh, but if you think dungeon leavers are the ones hurting this game, I'm not sure what game you've been playing. In my experience, it's the trolls who refuse to leave that have destroyed F8.

The trolls are bad, that's true, but people bailing on the group, for whatever reason, are bad too. Often enough whole groups disband after a wipe or just randomly, cos 1 person leaves and you can't find a replacement fast enough.

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